Chapter 47: On the Road

Five hours later...

"You guys take a break. We've already come a long way. If we don't rest now, we might be in trouble if we encounter a sudden attack."

Kakashi stopped and looked at the three of them with steady breaths.

(I never expected that the one who consumed the most energy halfway through would be me. Are all kids these days this physically strong? We've been running for five hours on all kinds of strange terrains. Are all Genin monsters now?)

"Well, let's rest for a while then. I'm a bit tired too, right? Sasuke." Naruto looked at Sasuke next to him and gave him a look.

"Hmph, it's indeed a wise choice to take the initiative to rest when you have enough energy." Sasuke crossed his arms and said proudly.

He even emphasized that he still had energy, showing off his strength. This is the pride of the Uchiha clan.

"Then let's take a short break."

Hinata also agreed, still thinking about how to take the initiative, but there were still some problems with her physical actions.

"Okay, let's rest here for a while and eat some portable food to replenish our consumption." Kakashi smiled and took out a sealing scroll from behind him.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata can all directly absorb elemental power to replenish their consumption, and they can rely on elemental power to nourish their bodies to a certain extent without relying on food. But Kakashi is different. He is just an ordinary ninja. Running for five hours without eating is already close to his limit. His legs are already a bit soft now.

He never expected that among the four of them, the first one who couldn't hold on would be him. If Naruto and the others didn't give him any face and let him continue to run, maybe after running for a few more hours, Kakashi would really make a fool of himself.

"Sasuke, create some fire. I'll go get some wild rabbit," Naruto said with a smile.

"Hurry back, and I'll make the fire quickly," Sasuke also said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem."

"Wait, we're not in the outskirts of Konoha now. We're already far from Konoha. It's not safe to make a fire and hunt in this place." Kakashi said seriously.

In the original plan, he thought these kids didn't have much stamina. They could only run continuously for an hour at most and then rest for ten or even twenty minutes. If they didn't rest well, they could only run for half an hour the second time, and they might even run slower. There could be all kinds of problems on the road...

So, in his estimation, it would be good to have three hours of pure travel time in a day. There might also be various influences, such as twisting an ankle, someone falling behind and having to go back to find them, legs being sore and unable to run the next day, or someone not being able to stand it and having to stop forcibly.

Taking into account all kinds of messy influences, it would probably take seven days to get there. But what Kakashi never expected was that these three little guys had so much stamina. They ran for a full five hours without slowing down. Now they have already run almost half of the total distance. If they maintain this speed, they are expected to reach their destination in the afternoon.

This generation of Genin is really outrageous!

"It's okay, my perception range is very large. If anyone has malicious intentions towards us, I will sense it at the first moment." Naruto said without looking back.


He disappeared

Kakashi savored the words "perception" and "malice". He couldn't help but think of a predecessor who was also from the Uzumaki clan and was also a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki - Uzumaki Kushina. She also had the ability to perceive good and evil, and it was very strong.

Thinking about Naruto's past situation, Kakashi felt scared while also feeling heartfelt admiration. Did this kid persist in such a situation for so many years with the ability to perceive good and evil? If it were him, he might not be able to hold on.

Naruto is not easy either...


After Sasuke found firewood, he directly made seals and gently blew at the pile of firewood. The fire ignited immediately. He smiled and said self-satisfactorily: "I told you, I will light fires very quickly. Naruto, how long will it take you to hunt?"


Naruto's figure appeared again in an instant, his left hand holding the ears of three rabbits, and his right hand holding a large wild boar. These animals didn't have any obvious signs of injury, but they were already dead.

"Hmm, you're quite fast."

Sasuke was slightly surprised, but still unconvinced in his heart. While thinking that he could surpass this guy sooner or later, he praised him.

"Wow, Naruto, you're amazing!"

Hinata said.

Kakashi on the side frowned and muttered to himself: Even with the Flying Thunder God and perception abilities, this speed is too outrageous, right? Did he put marks near the positions of those animals in advance? Otherwise, catching three rabbits and a wild boar in two minutes, is this really something that Flying Thunder God can do? Could it be that they just happened to gather together?


Naruto's prey is already dead, but there are no obvious wounds on their bodies. What method does he have to kill them so accurately in such a short time? If the target is replaced by a person, can he kill them casually?

It seems that Naruto's strength is much stronger than I imagined. Even without using the tailed beast transformation, he is still a very difficult opponent.

"Kakashi-sensei, would you like to eat some?"

Naruto came to the stream and took out a small knife to process the ingredients while asking Kakashi.

"Thanks, I don't like dry food either."

Kakashi smiled and agreed. He looked at Naruto's proficient dissection technique and couldn't help asking: "Have you often done these things before? It seems very familiar."

"Of course, the people of Konoha won't sell me food. If I don't hunt for food myself, I will starve to death in Konoha sooner or later." Naruto said with the most relaxed tone and the most indifferent smile.

Kakashi suddenly felt guilty. He actually knew Naruto's identity, but due to his Anbu identity and always carrying out tasks on weekdays, he was also immersed in various shadows such as losing his teacher, losing his father, losing his best friend, and killing Rin by himself...

Being hit so many times, it's a miracle that he can continue to live. It's understandable that he didn't actively find Naruto and take care of him. After all, Kakashi himself was already miserable enough. Where else would he have so much energy to care about others? Living coldly and strongly is not easy.

"Don't worry, everything will get better."

Kakashi lowered his head slightly and said softly.


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