Chapter 67: Inflation → Deflation

Not long after, Naruto returned to the team. Kakashi, seeing Naruto's return, knew in his heart that he had fully mastered the power of the Nine-Tails. In these few days, he could feel that somewhere in the east of the Land of Waves, there seemed to be a huge explosion, which was very loud and did not last long.

Was it Naruto using the Nine-Tails?

"Hey, Naruto, what did you go to do?"

Sasuke asked with his hands in his pockets.

"Ah, I went to do something important."

Naruto answered.

Although he was still smiling on his face, he was very dissatisfied with Sasuke's questioning attitude. This guy was too arrogant, it was okay to pretend with others.

Pretend with me?

Don't even think about who you learned your skills from!

"Important things? Hmph, what's more important than the mission? If it weren't for me, Uncle Tazuna might have been killed. Do you know how serious this is?" Sasuke continued.

"Uh, Aren't you there to ensure that the mission runs smoothly??"

"Heh, can you say that? If you do something wrong, you should admit it! Understand?"

Sasuke snorted disdainfully, looking down at Naruto and shouted again.

"Are you blaming me?"


Ten minutes later, Sasuke was beaten up and lay on the ground with a dazed look, staring blankly at the sky above his head. His elemental power was completely exhausted, and his chakra was almost gone, but he still couldn't hit Naruto... even once.

Why can't I see his movements, don't I have the Sharingan? Why is his speed and strength so much stronger than mine, don't I have the Lightning Release: Body Flicker?

Why? Why?

The gap between us has not only not narrowed, but it seems to have grown a lot. How strong is this guy now? His easy-going attitude makes me unable to see his limit. How can there be such a genius in this world who is so much stronger than me?

Am I... am I... too weak?

Kakashi, who was standing by, looked at Sasuke's miserable state and didn't feel surprised at all. Naruto, this guy, had mastered the full power of the Nine-Tails, and also had the Flying Thunder God Technique. Sasuke had no chance of winning.

Just... why is Naruto's teleportation so arbitrary? I remember that the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God wasn't so powerful, right? Many times, he teleported to places without the Flying Thunder God mark, and he just teleported there inexplicably, which was really strange!

Could it be... Naruto improved the Flying Thunder God, and he can teleport without the Flying Thunder God mark? If that's the case, then his current strength...

'Ah, I feel so comfortable all over.'

Naruto stretched lazily, glanced at Sasuke who was lying on the ground, and saw that his eyes had changed. From the initial arrogance, they became clear, and in the clarity, there was a little self-doubt. He had gradually found the brain he had lost due to inflation.

Ah, my head is so itchy...

Is this what thinking feels like?

"Naruto, is your Flying Thunder God Technique a bit different from the Fourth Hokage's?" Kakashi finally couldn't help but ask.

"Different? Maybe, I don't know the Flying Thunder God, I'm just a bit faster." Naruto said with a smile on his face.

You don't know the Flying Thunder God?

Kakashi didn't believe it at all. In his view, surpassing the perception ability of the Sharingan with pure speed was much harder than the Flying Thunder God Technique. If Naruto's speed was really that fast, and it wasn't due to the acceleration of the Lightning Armor, it would be too outrageous. Even the Swift Release wouldn't be that fast.

"If you don't want to say it, that's fine, but I hope you can use that power well." Kakashi finally sighed.

"Yeah, I got it." Naruto replied.


Kakashi was somewhat helpless. He was very clear in his heart that with his own strength, he absolutely couldn't beat Naruto when he was going all out. This guy seemed very gentle and friendly on the surface, without Sasuke's arrogance, but in fact, his pride was not inferior to Sasuke's, and even surpassed it.

As for other people's words, Naruto was more of a kind of "I will listen carefully", but if he felt it was wrong, he would still follow his own way after listening, and he would not be influenced by others at a deeper level. This was much more difficult to deal with than Sasuke's surface arrogance.


The mission in the Land of Waves was successfully completed, and the members of Team 7 returned to the village. After receiving the reward in the Hokage's office, they disbanded directly. Naruto went to the training ground for daily practice, Sasuke, who had been beaten by Naruto not long ago, went straight home to contemplate life, contemplating whether he had the possibility of defeating Naruto.

So far, he hadn't thought of it, and the more he thought about it, the more desperate he became. He didn't even know how to work hard, and he didn't know what the meaning of his efforts was. It seemed that everything was in vain.

Hinata went to practice with Naruto, while Kakashi stayed to continue reporting.

"...During the mission phase, that's how it was."

Kakashi said.

"Is that so? Naruto has now mastered the full Tailed Beast transformation, I really don't know if it's good news or bad news... It's a bit of a headache." The Third Hokage took a puff of his cigarette and said.

"It should be considered good news, at least from my point of view, that's how it is." Kakashi said.

"Is that so?" The Third Hokage was stunned for a moment, then laughed and looked out the window.

Actually, Kakashi felt a bit guilty towards Naruto. As the disciple of Naruto's father, he didn't give him any warmth during Naruto's childhood. This was his mistake, and there was no denying it.

During the time he had been in contact with Naruto, he could clearly feel that many of Naruto's characteristics were very similar to those of Namikaze Minato. Although the core was slightly different, it still allowed Kakashi to inadvertently recall the once Namikaze Minato.

So, when it came to the mission report, he would also mix in a little bit of his own goods, say some good things about Naruto, and make his situation a little better.

That's all he could do.


Root Base

"What? The Jinchuriki has actually mastered the full Tailed Beast transformation, now the Jinchuriki's impact on the stability of the village has become greater, once there is a problem, it will inevitably cause a devastating blow to the village, for the sake of the village, I must firmly grasp the power of the Nine-Tails in my hands." Danzo solemnly muttered to himself.

Now he was a bit panicked in his heart, he couldn't be sure if his Kotoamatsukami could control Naruto without being detected by the Nine-Tails. A perfect Jinchuriki was formed by the cooperation of the Tailed Beast and the Jinchuriki. If Danzo wanted to make a move on Naruto, he had to consider the influence of the Nine-Tails.


According to the data on the surface, ordinary Genjutsu is ineffective against Jinchuriki, and the Mangekyou Sharingan can't directly control Jinchuriki or Tailed Beasts. Only after the binding relationship between Jinchuriki and Tailed Beasts is dissolved, can the Mangekyou Sharingan control the Nine-Tails. This is what he realized during the disaster of the Night of the Nine-Tails.

Can Shisui's Kotoamatsukami really rewrite Naruto's will? If I fail...

The cost is too great!

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