Chapter 68: Breaking Defense

But, so what!

Konohagakure needs my leadership, Konohagakure needs a solid root. Even if it's risky, I have to try to control the Jinchuriki with the Outer Path. This is my responsibility as a root, and it's my duty. For the future of Konohagakure, the power of the Nine-Tails must be firmly controlled by me.

For a more distant future, for a more stable peace in Konohagakure, my action is justified. Even if it triggers the worst result, it's just detonating the explosive that could have exploded in advance. That's a problem with the Jinchuriki itself, not a problem I caused.

Only someone like me who thinks deeply and has a long-term vision is worthy of becoming the Hokage of Konohagakure!

Sarutobi Hiruzen is old, he's not the ninja hero he used to be, he always has problems at critical moments. If he had listened to my advice from the beginning and let me brainwash and control the Jinchuriki from a young age, this situation would definitely not happen now.

Sure enough, only I can guide Konohagakure and lead it on the right path. In order to make Konohagakure better, it's necessary to launch the Konohagakure Collapse Plan, kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, and brainwash and control the Jinchuriki with the Kotoamatsukami.

Danzo lowered his head slightly, holding his cane with one hand and slowly walking towards the root. He thought to himself: Orochimaru has had contact with the Jinchuriki. According to his information, that Jinchuriki is a person who only has small cleverness but lacks great wisdom. As long as I show a little favor, the implementation of the plan behind will be much simpler.

The situation with Orochimaru and Anbu is slightly different, and the description of Naruto is different. But Danzo knows in his heart that Orochimaru really needs his financial aid and his power, and he will definitely not betray him.

So, Danzo believes more in Orochimaru's low evaluation of Naruto.


Konohagakure, Ninja Shop

"Welcome... to."

The shopkeeper sat on the side reading a newspaper. When he saw someone coming in, he didn't look carefully, but just said casually: "Pick whatever you like, there are no defective products in my shop."

"What's the price?" Naruto asked.

"It's marked." The shopkeeper said.

The Ninja Shop doesn't look particularly big, but the things inside are very complete. All kinds of flashy ninja tools are available, but these weapons don't satisfy Naruto.

Shuriken, Kunai, steel wire, giant Shuriken, Wind Demon Shuriken, smoke bomb, chakra dagger, the most pleasing to the eye is nothing more than a ninja sword...

As a person from the Moon Glass, Naruto doesn't like these weapons. Although swords are within his acceptance range, he prefers spears, especially those with a high energy conduction rate, which can be used for close combat elemental enchantment and can also be used as a magic weapon for bombing.

It's best to be made by Morax!

"Do you have spears in the shop?" Naruto asked.

"A spear? What is that?" The shopkeeper slowly put down the newspaper, asking in confusion.

"It's a type of long weapon, ideally about one meter seventy-eight long, composed of a shaft and a blade." Naruto thought for a moment and explained.

"1.78 Meter long?"

The shopkeeper's expression became even more puzzled. He carefully sized up Naruto and said, "I won't say whether a spear exists or not, but even if it does, can you, a little dwarf who is not even one meter use a weapon that is about 1.78 Meter long?"


Naruto coughed, feeling a great psychological trauma. Even though the shopkeeper meant no harm, his words hurt more than those with malicious intent. This might be the most severe psychological trauma he had ever received.

I'm still young, I can still grow, my height will definitely exceed one meter six in the future! Definitely! Ahhh!



One day, after Naruto in the world of Teyvat helped a family exorcise a curse, many villagers came to thank him. Among them, a little girl kept calling him brother, brother.

Children all like to call it that way~

Naruto, who was over four hundred years old, was very happy to hear this and liked this title very much. So he asked, "You speak so nicely, but why do you call me brother instead of uncle? Is it because brother sounds better? Or is it taught by your mom and dad?"

"No, it's not like that, because, because dad and uncle are so.... (gestures) tall, but brother is only so.... (gestures) tall, so you must be a brother, not an uncle!"

In an instant, Naruto was stunned, dumbfounded

The lifespan of a sage is very long. After growing to one meter six, he didn't grow much anymore. Although he could grow one millimeter every ten years, this growth rate made him a bit hard to accept. In the end, he was only a little over 1.7 meter.

I'm not short, I can still grow!!

I... I'm taller than Morax!


"Don't worry about it so much, I just ask if you can customize this kind of weapon here." Naruto took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Oh, you're buying it for your elders at home, so you want to customize it, right?" The shopkeeper suddenly realized.

Home... elders...

I don't have elders at home! I'm an orphan!

My heart hurts...

This guy is simply the enemy of my life!

"Can't I use it myself?" Naruto said.

"Well, according to your description, that weapon is a head taller than you. It's good enough if you can use this kind of thing proficiently. It's impossible to hide the weapon in actual combat, and the strategic value is very low. You're wasting money." The shopkeeper said very considerately.

"I just need to go straight up, why do I need to hide?" Naruto retorted.

"Sigh, you kid, you don't understand ninjas."

The shopkeeper crossed his arms and frowned.

Sorry, I'm a cultivator, sorry, it's my fault that I don't understand ninjas!

"I just ask if you can do it, and to what extent." Naruto said simply and clearly.

"No, this is a ninja shop, not a blacksmith shop, how can I customize it for you." The shopkeeper thought for a moment and then said.

Actually, he could customize it here, but he didn't want to waste Naruto's money, so he told a little white lie.

'You can't do it, bu wasting my time for so long?'

Naruto was very upset in his heart. Even though this guy had no malice and even a lot of goodwill, he still made him very uncomfortable. Critical hits, explosive damage, increased damage, reduced resistance, and even breaking defense almost broke his mentality.

The output of this mouth escape is just like the second life of the Raiden Shogun!


Although he was very uncomfortable, Naruto was at least able to distinguish right from wrong. He wouldn't do anything because of this little thing, but it was precisely because he wouldn't do anything that he felt more and more uncomfortable.

After leaving the ninja shop, Naruto pondered in his heart. Although he didn't know what the best way to buy a spear was, it didn't mean he had no plan. He still had a way to contact Orochimaru and could entrust Orochimaru to forge weapons through his channels.


If it's Orochimaru, the after-sales service must be very good. He will need me a lot in the future and will definitely take my commission seriously.

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