Chapter 139: The Man Who Slacks Off.


Baki of Sunagakure Village came to the battlefield with Body Flicker Jutsu, staring at Gaara and said, "What are you doing, the battle has already started, why don't you use that?"


Sasuke, Karin and others were surprised, and couldn't help but watch Baki vigilantly. Hinata, however, slightly squinted her eyes and went straight to Kisame, who had just absorbed the Water Release.

She believes Naruto can solve this!

"Because, Shukaku doesn't want to come out, it's a tailed beast after all, you call it out and it just comes out, doesn't it care about face? Hmm, that's what Shukaku said." Gaara said.

"Huh, Shukaku doesn't come out?"

Baki frowned, his mentality exploded, he never thought that Shukaku could actually not come out, he stared at Gaara and continued to ask, "Wait, is it because you didn't use the Feigning Sleep Technique, so Shukaku didn't come out?"

Gaara glanced at Naruto, he was embarrassed to say directly that it was because One Tail was afraid of being beaten by Nine Tails, so he didn't come out to fight.


Naruto instantly came to Baki's side, put one hand on his shoulder and asked with a smile, "Uncle, what do you mean?"

Supplement: Because of his not tall enough height, Naruto was floating in mid-air with wind elemental power, asking with a smile with one hand on Baki's shoulder.

"Nani? Such a fast speed!"

Baki was shocked to see Naruto, but soon recovered, disdainfully said, "Don't you see it yet? This is aimed at Konohagakure..."


Naruto clenched his hand in the void, and a silver spear appeared in his hand. He swung his hand at an extremely fast speed, and blood and skulls danced in front of Naruto. He looked indifferently at the fallen Baki and said, "Since you are an enemy, please die."

Gaara looked at Baki's body, his mood was a bit complicated, but more nervous. He knew very well that he couldn't beat Naruto at all. If he really fought, he would probably die.

Naruto took a step forward and instantly came to Gaara's face, saying, "Come on, let's find a place to chat leisurely, just as if we are holding each other's Jinchuriki, how about it?"

Gaara was silent for a while, and said, "Of course there is no problem, it's not good to fight and kill, I hate people who like to fight and kill the most."


Inside Konohagakure Village

Deidara and Sasori were dumbfounded as they watched the Konohagakure ninjas, Sunagakure ninjas, and Otogakure ninjas fighting each other, as well as the inexplicably appearing summoning beast, the giant snake. They felt this was different from the plan.

"Brother Sasori, the situation seems a bit complicated now, who should we fight?" Deidara asked with a frown and a puzzled look.

Their original target was to hold back the Chunin and Jonin of Konohagakure and Sunagakure. But now they haven't done anything yet, and the middle-level ninjas of Konohagakure are already fighting with the middle-level ninjas of Sunagakure. In other words, their mission has been completed without them having to do anything.

"Our goal is to hold them back, but it's too troublesome to fight with Sunagakure and Konohagakure at the same time. It takes a long time and a lot of money to repair the puppets if they get damaged, and your explosive clay is also limited, so it's better to save some for now and make a big move when we leave."

Sasori paused for a moment, then summarized, "We don't do anything for now, just watch them fight. Whichever side is at a disadvantage, we'll help a little bit. Yes, just like slacking off. When they've fought enough, we'll kill all the people on both sides. That way, we can perfectly complete the mission."


As soon as he heard about making a big move when leaving, Deidara immediately got excited. He carefully observed the situation and said, "Brother Sasori, it seems that the Konohagakure ninjas are at a disadvantage now. The destructive power of the Sunagakure ninjas, Otogakure ninjas, and those giant snakes is pretty good. The Konohagakure ninjas have to ensure the safety of the general public while fighting, so they are quite passive now."

"Yes, then let's help the Konohagakure ninjas. Remember, our mission is to hold these people back. The methods and means are not important. You don't have to try your best to help. Just let the injuries of these people expand as quickly as possible." Sasori added.


Deidara touched a piece of clay with one hand, and after chewing it in his mouth, he turned the clay into a bomb, pinching it into little white spiders. These white spiders stealthily crawled towards a tall man with orange hair, and a look of excitement gradually appeared on Deidara's face.

You're the first one!


And that seemingly average-strength tall man with orange hair is actually Jugo. He's not really weak, he's just simply slacking off. When he killed the Fourth Kazekage, he had no scruples because he didn't know the Fourth Kazekage, and he only knew that he had to kill that guy because of the Konohagakure collapse plan, so he had no psychological pressure.


The current battlefield is Konohagakure Village, the village where Naruto taught him, so Jugo has concerns. Naturally, he would be hesitant to fight Konohagakure ninjas in Konohagakure, not showing his true strength, just hiding among the Otogakure ninjas and quietly slacking off.

The rest of the things, he doesn't need to do anymore...


Jugo, who was slacking off, suddenly felt something wrong behind him, quickly turned his head, and saw many white little spiders crawling towards him at a fast speed. He could feel that the chakra contained in those white little spiders was very unstable, as if they could explode at any time.


Jugo clenched his hand in the air at a very fast speed, absorbing a large amount of grass elemental force, and turned the just absorbed force into rapidly growing vines at a very fast speed, tightly entwining those white little spiders.


With a sharp snort, the white little spiders entwined by the vines exploded all at once, and Jugo was also retreated a few steps by the aftermath of the explosion.

He activated his perception to look in the direction of the technique, which was Deidara's side, and said to himself in his heart, "Those two guys in black and red cloud robes, are they Akatsuki? If they are Akatsuki, then they are enemies of Lord Orochimaru, enemies that must be eradicated!"

Unlike the ninjas of Konohagakure, Jugo knows about Akatsuki, because Orochimaru was once chased by people from Akatsuki for a period of time, and Kimimaro naturally knew about this, and he told Jugo about it.

Kimimaro, who regards Orochimaru as a belief, naturally won't have any good feelings for Akatsuki, so his way of narration will have some embellishments, which also leads to Jugo being very hostile to the people of Akatsuki.


"Brother Sasori, um, it seems we've been discovered by that guy?" Deidara said with an awkward smile.

"You idiot, can't you not shout when you release Ninjutsu? Our position was exposed by your voice."

"Ah, that's the soul of art, the soul of explosion! How can I give up!"

"Shut up, that guy is coming."



(I only got three night orchids, all crooked, how do you want me to be rational? I didn't get any in the sea cucumber pond, ah ah ah, I'm so painful!!)

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