Chapter 138: Kisame.

"You and this guy are wearing the same clothes, are you from the same organization? Why did this guy die?" Sasuke stared at Kisame and asked.

"Who knows, maybe he was tired of living and wanted to find a way to die? Hehehe!" Kisame slowly unwrapped the bandage of Samehada, staring at Sasuke in front of him cautiously.

Itachi was bled, it was his doing. Kisame always knew that Itachi had a blood disease and would cough up blood, so he recently collected some of Itachi's blood-stained tissues, and then gave these blood to Hidan to use at a critical moment, just to avoid the possibility of him turning against them.

If they were not completely sure, how could the Akatsuki organization bring Itachi to Konohagakure? They are not naive fools, hoping that Itachi will only help them and not turn against them. That guy can even kill his own clan, let alone them.

And the original plan was that even if Itachi might turn against them, they could kill him without harm, but Itachi finally heard the angle say that he wanted to take Sasuke's heart, and stabbed the last Ten Fist Sword, creating a miracle of life, and took one away hard.

As for Izanagi, it is a state-type forbidden technique. You must seal and open the Izanagi state to avoid unfavorable states in the future. Itachi was directly cursed by Hidan to pierce his heart without knowing it, and there was no chance to open Izanagi.

Even if he opens it after being hit, he can only reverse the reality after the heart is pierced, and cannot change the reality that the heart has been pierced, and cannot reverse the status quo, so there is no need to use it at all, because if he uses it, he will die.

Itachi and these people have been calculating each other from the beginning, but because of the sudden activation of the Nirvana Jutsu and the abnormal state of Konohagakure, they were stunned for a while, and because of this stunned, they did not take action at the first time, so a big problem occurred.

But the most fundamental point is that Itachi does not know Hidan's ability, nor does he know that Kisame gave his blood to Hidan in advance. Just based on this one factor, Itachi's rebellion is doomed to death.


"Lightning Activation!"

Sasuke's body instantly lit up with purple lightning, his speed and strength greatly increased, and he punched at Kisame at high speed while shouting, "Don't answer my question with a question!"


Sasuke's fist collided with Samehada, and Kisame was instantly repelled, hitting the wall, and Samehada also twisted.

"What? You don't want to eat his chakra." Kisame frowned at his Samehada. This was the first time he saw Samehada say it didn't want to eat a certain kind of chakra. Before, it would at most complain about the chakra being too hot or too cold, but Sasuke's chakra, Samehada didn't want to eat at all.

Why? Is his chakra special?

Of course, Sasuke's purple lightning is special. It is a highly compressed lightning element force, a purely highly compressed natural energy, not chakra at all, and its intensity is particularly high. Samehada eating this thing is like an ordinary person biting a piece of iron.

"I'm telling you to answer my question!"

Sasuke's figure suddenly appeared behind Kisame, and he kicked at Kisame again.

Kisame could only use Samehada to block in a hurry, frowning at Sasuke. He and Sasuke are different. He is an honest person who needs to seal. Sasuke's speed is too fast, and he doesn't give him time to seal. He can only hold Samehada with both hands to guard against Sasuke's attack.

I wish I could do it without sealing!

And this time, Kisame only retreated a few steps, not too far.

"Damn it, my body..."

Sasuke fell to the ground, panting heavily. His fight with Gaara just now was too intense, causing the elemental force and chakra in his body to be almost consumed. Now he is on the verge of his limit, so his strength has weakened.

"Oh yeah oh yeah, it seems that your current state is not very good." Kisame laughed, quickly took the opportunity to seal with both hands, and shouted at the same time, "Water Release - Great Water Burst!"

"Damn it!"

Sasuke was weak and couldn't interrupt Kisame's technique at the first time, but he didn't want to retreat at this critical moment, and he was in a dilemma for a while.


A figure suddenly appeared next to Sasuke, holding Sasuke's waist with one hand, and the next moment it disappeared and appeared in the distance, putting Sasuke down.

"Damn Sasuke."

Naruto looked at Sasuke and said helplessly.

He understands Sasuke. This guy cares very much about why Itachi died. When he meets Kisame, he will naturally get angry. If he doesn't save him, Sasuke might directly eat all the damage from Kisame's big move. Whether he will die or not depends on the situation.

This guy is very stubborn now because he hasn't been beaten by anyone other than Naruto!

(Naruto doesn't know that he fought with Hinata, Hinata won't take the initiative to say, Sasuke also won't take the initiative to mention)

"Sasuke, are you okay?"

Karin rushed to Sasuke for the first time, exposed her arm and put it in front of Sasuke, and said, "Quickly bite me to recover some injuries and chakra, quickly!"

"Do you think I'm that kind of person!"

Sasuke knocked off Karin's hand with a slap, stared at Karin angrily and continued to yell, "Hurt the person I like, I absolutely can't do this! I won't be able to do it in the future!"

"Uh... what did you say?".

Karin looked at her hand that had been knocked off, savoring Sasuke's words just now, slightly dazed, and a wonderful blush quickly appeared on her face.

'He just said, the person he likes... right?'

"Tsk, it's nothing."

Sasuke turned his head, his eyes burning as he stared at the other side of the spectator stand, watching the massive Water Release directly flood the entire spectator stand, and said with a frown, "No, if we continue to let that guy go, the casualties of Konohagakure will be too great. Besides, I also want to know why Itachi died there."

"That guy should have been killed by me! How could he die in such a place? Why!"

Soon, a slightly weak figure rushed towards the massive Water Release, stretched out one hand into the water and said, "Hungry Ghost Realm!"

Kisame's just-released Water Release was absorbed at a very astonishing speed, and the water on the entire field quickly disappeared. The weak figure straightened up, turned his head to look at Naruto and others and said, "It's okay, I will protect Konohagakure. As for that guy, I will try to capture him alive."

"Damn it, there's even such a move!"

Sasuke looked at Hinata who released the Hungry Ghost Realm, clenched his teeth and punched the ground, deeply hating his own powerlessness. If his strength could be stronger, if the amount of chakra and elemental power was more than Gaara plus one tail, then he would not fall into this powerless state now.

Damn it! Damn it!!

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