Chapter 8

Deep within a cave located near a river is where many mystical beings come to rest. It was located in a region filled with typical normal humans that have no business meddling with areas such as this. That is why this sanctuary has served its purpose for over 300 years. Furthermore, due to the region completely lacking the capacity to withhold the power of these beings, only a sole water deity stood guard in this region, and this lake is where she resided. 

A random day 300 years ago is when mythical beings around the world heard the news that a deity opened its home to everyone from the realm of Gods, Deities, and Spirits. To this day, the deity has never shown herself or told anyone the reason for this sudden change. With her being known as cold and closed from the realm of Deities.

The only thing they know is that deep within this cave lies a gigantic blue crystal embroidered completely with chains and talismans. This crystal served as both a main light source of the cave and also as a repository for the vast power all the heavenly beings brought into this cave. 

Back to the present, this cave that is usually filled with high-ranking beings is now filled by only the low ranks who took the opportunity of the high ranks being busy in each of their own territory to see this sanctuary for themselves. It was always silent when those high-rank beings were in the cave as they all came to simply rest. But the group who simply came to the cave out of curiosity were all unusually noisy. 

One particular person among them was a rookie spirit who just transcended onto the heavenly realm a few years ago, with him were also rookies who wandered around the cave. As they have yet to achieve their very own forms they all had no choice but to use their own two feet to get around.

"Seriously, how could those people keep this all to themselves?" One said in complete awe at the beauty that this cave emitted. 

Before even entering the cave all the rookies who came together to pay the cave a visit decided to all keep quiet in respect for the deity who welcomed them in. So hearing one of them making random comments caused a number of them to glare at him.

The rookie noticed the glares he got, and instead of simply quieting down he decided to tattle on even more, "What? it's not like I'm making a ruckus."

As he kept on going, the majority of the people from the group decided to go their own way not wanting to risk offending a supreme deity because of some stupid rookie. 

"The hell? why are they all so uptight." He mumbled, 

Three people from the group including the rookie stayed as they themselves did not understand such a silly rule to not even talk. 

"You know how old-fashioned some people from the heavenly realm are." A girl from the group said she herself came a bit later than the rookie from earlier so she can agree with what the rookie had to say.

Another one of them followed with, "No, shit. They need to relax a bit." 

With the three all being on the same page they ventured onwards deeper into the cave all of them having a comment on every little thing about the cave. 

A few hours had already passed since they started walking when they finally reached the main feature of this sacred cave. The pool. 

It glistened due to the immense shine the crystal reflected onto the water. Making the pool seem even more mystical than normal. If the chains and talismans that covered the crystal were not there it would've made the view even more breathtaking. 

"What a magnificent crystal, I can feel just how much energy it has." The girl said.

Despite the three of them being quiet, only one thought was in unison in their minds. "With just a tiny bit of that crystal, I can achieve years worth of power."

They all looked at one another as the three of them nodded in agreement. Without even thinking twice about the possible consequences of their actions they all placed a spell beneath them that gave them the ability to fly for a few minutes. These few minutes were more than enough to reach the crystal.