Chapter 11

There was a sudden uproar that emerged in the heavenly realm. After a message came in regarding the 5th Region. Usually, they do not pay any mind to the final region as it is composed of normal humans, since heavenly beings are forbidden to interact with normal mortals, the 5th Region had always been left alone to handle their own mortal affairs. This day however was different.

It started with one another receiving the news of their beloved sanctuary no longer being capable of serving its purpose. This surprisingly was not the reason for the sudden uproar. It was the detail of the well-known crystal in the cave. 

Some unknowing individuals such as the low ranks in the realm all think it was stolen or went missing. The high-ranking beings on the other hand had no plans whatsoever to debunk to misinformation, as the reality of the situation would simply do more harm than good. 

The highest peak of the mountain ranges in the heavenly realm is where the sacred temple is located. The only purpose of this temple is to be used as a meeting place by the Three Supreme Deities. 

In the round table in the temple were three distinctive chairs all embroidered with unique patterns. The two seats were occupied yet the seat with ocean waves carved onto its design was empty. 

Han, the Deity of the wind, and Amomongo Deity of Soil were the only two of the three present. Ena the Supreme Deity of the water has been absent from such meetings for over 300 years.

"It seems as though she's decided to skip this meeting, yet again," Han mumbled. His arms crossed around his chest.

Amomongo shot him a glare, "You know her consequences."

"We all have our own matters to deal with, she must serve her duty as a deity."

Amomongo could not talk back from the statement as he himself knew it was the truth. Ena suddenly disappearing was truly a mystery and for her to only leave a small note of I will be back simply doesn't sit right with him.

"Since she has no plan to attend let us just start the meeting with the two of us." Han relaxed his posture, dignifying himself as an actual ruler. 

"You must already know what this meeting is about." 

Han simply brought his hand up to the side as a small opening surfaced out of thin air, he brought his arm into the small space and pulled out a single scroll. He rolled the scroll over towards Amomonga.

The scroll stated the exact details of the findings in the cave and the statements of the witnesses.

"As you may now know, the crystal was never lost or taken. Based on the investigations my vessels had done, the crystal was simply broken, or to be exact. Shattered. Not only that the very essence of power stored in that crystal is what had gone missing." 

Amomonga kept his eyes on the scroll reading it carefully while also taking in everything that Han had said. "Is it not easy to track down such immense power?"

"That's one of the main issues, we cannot. My vessels have yet to conclude research since there are still many mysteries surrounding that cave, for one is that despite the crystal going missing, Ena is still to make her move."

"It seems as though you and your people already have everything under control, since my power as a deity is more on military might, I will not be able to provide assistance for knowledge," Amomonga said.

"I wouldn't have suggested this meeting if I did not have any reason to have you see it." Han now slouched down back to his seat, staring directly at Amomonga. 

"You are not hiding anything right?" Han asked, breaking the sudden silence between the two of them. "Why would I do that?" Amomonga asked. 

"Well it's just that a few low-ranking beings were interviewed by the informants said that, one of your pupils separated from the initial group coming in with 2 more other people but they then saw your disciple and his friend with distressed faces, running. This time however the extra girl with them was nowhere to be found. All of this happened the very same day. Quite a coincidence isn't it."