Chapter 5 Cleaning up the zombies

  After resting for a while, she got up and prepared to strike while the iron was hot.

  Considering that she would continue to live in this house, Nanxing was not prepared to destroy its windows and doors.

  There are several large warehouses next to the house. The doors are wide open. There should be no zombies inside.

  She planned to go there and search to see if there were any resources available. She had given up hope on food and the like. She only thought that there would be some straw, wooden tools and the like inside.

  Dragging her body with heavy steps, Nan Xing came to the first warehouse, which was filled with hay.

  The warehouse was very large, so she didn't search it carefully. After a cursory glance, she headed towards the second warehouse.

  After checking the warehouses one by one, apart from hay and empty wooden boxes, Nan Xing only found some agricultural tools, hoes and sickles.

  She also carefully forked the hay with a steel fork to make sure there were no zombies hidden inside, then she lay down in the haystack and thought quietly.

  All she could use now were hay, wooden boxes, farm tools, and the big stone she brought from the forest.

  How can she get rid of the zombies while ensuring her own safety to the greatest extent possible.

  Hay, wooden boxes, stones, farm


  Nan Xing suddenly had an idea and stood up immediately.

  She first came to the warehouse with wooden boxes, temporarily cleared out all the things in the space, and temporarily placed them by the door for easy access when the time comes.

  After filling the box with space, Nanxing took the hoe and went to the field. The soil here was softer.

  She placed the boxes and the hoe on the ground and continued to move the boxes. After going back and forth several times, the ground was filled with rectangular wooden boxes.

  Pull out the hay from the nearby haystack and place it on the bottom and sides of the box.

  Nanxing began to diligently dig out the earth and pack it into boxes, transport it to the front of the room, and lay it out and pile it high.

  After going back and forth several times, Nanxing was so tired that she was sweating profusely and had to take off her jacket and sleeveless skirt.

  She didn't dare to take off her shoes, fearing that her feet would be broken by a hoe.

  In this way, after using the space to go back and forth several times, Nanxing piled up a small wall of more than two meters of boxes around the house, leaving a very narrow passage in the middle.

  She could pass by turning sideways, but the people on this farm probably couldn't. The zombies she had just killed were all very strong.

  In this way, she can quickly escape from the box wall after opening the door, and then use the gap to attack the zombies.

  For this reason, she was so tired that she could hardly move. She was also thirsty and hungry, mainly thirsty.

  She felt that she would die of thirst if she could no longer drink water.

  Because she was afraid that the box would be pushed down by zombies, Nanxing specially surrounded the box several times and tamped it very tightly to ensure quality and quantity.

  Nan Xing glanced at the time, it was already 5:31 pm.

  Unknowingly, she had spent so much time and had to speed up to search the house as early as possible.

  Putting all the farm tools next to the wall, Nan Xing came to the back door of the house, looked around a bit, and after making sure that a zombie wouldn't jump out of the fence behind the house at any time, dhe knocked on the back door very hard.

  "Bang bang bang——!!!"

  "Roar——!!" The zombie's voice came from far away. Nan Xing held the steel fork and listened carefully. There might be four or five footsteps.

  She couldn't help but wrap her jacket tightly, there might be more zombies.

  Nan Xing quickly tiptoed back to the front door and quickly took this opportunity to open the door.

  Standing in front of the door and looking through the blinds, there were indeed no zombies at the front door.

  Carefully taking out the large bunch of keys, Nanxing compared the keys and inserted the one that was more likely.

  She was lucky enough to find the right one.

  But at the same time, she also discovered that the door was not locked at all and opened with a twist.

  Without any time to think, Nanxing pushed the door open and retreated quickly.

  "Roar——!!" There were eight zombies in total. The two elders, two elders and the fourth child discovered Nan Xing's figure and traces, and quickly moved towards her.

  Nanxing squeezed into the gap and retreated quickly. She made a mistake. She didn't expect that there were still little zombies.

  Fortunately, she still had a backup plan.

  Quickly evacuating to the edge of the outer wall, Nanxing made a ladder with an empty box in a section of the box wall so that she could climb up the box wall.

  While climbing, Nanxing collected empty boxes into the space.



  Nanxing gasped. Because they were empty boxes, their bearing capacity was not that good and there were many gaps.

  In a panic, Nan Xing stepped on the air, hit the gap, and cracked a box.

  The wood scratched Nan Xing's ankle, and bright red blood flowed out.

  The smell of blood stimulated the zombies even more. Nan Xing gritted her teeth, pressed the steel fork against the wooden box, and quickly pulled her feet out of the wooden box.

  The intense pain made Nan Xing's tears fall. She didn't know if a wooden thorn had penetrated into the wound, but it was too late to think about it now.

  Before the zombies arrived, Nan Xing endured the pain and climbed up the wall of the box.

  The two adults, two old men, and a small zombie were unable to squeeze through the gap. One was stuck in the gap, and the others were surrounding the edge of the gap.

  Nan Xing ignored the wounds and quickly came to the mouth of the gap, smashed down the huge boulder in the space, and killed several zombies on the edge of the gap in one fell swoop, making them lose the power to resist.

  Then she raised the steel fork again. The zombie in the gap was roaring at her with his mouth wide open. She aimed it at his mouth and lowered the steel fork heavily.

  One after another, the zombies quickly died again.

  Nan Xing put away the steel fork and sat on the box, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

  It's tiring and scary.

  After calming down, Nan Xing first killed the three little zombies outside and then dealt with her own foot injury.

  It was still uncertain whether there were medical supplies in the room, so Nanxing could only use the resources at hand to deal with it briefly.

  She took out the strong alcohol condom and three band-aids. There was a long wound and it was still bleeding.

  Nan Xing first took out a condom, tore it open and stretched it, then tied it tightly in a loop just above the wound to stop the bleeding.

  Then she unscrewed the lid of the kettle tremblingly. She knew that the disinfection effect of strong alcohol was not very good, but she decided to use it now and process it again if other medical supplies were found in the house.

  The strong drink poured down on Nan Xing, which made Nan Xing feel heart-wrenching pain, but she did not dare to scream loudly, and only dared to sob quietly.

  There might be a lot of zombies hiding in the surrounding forests, and the wilderness was empty, and she was afraid that her screams would be too loud.

  After half a pot of strong wine was poured down, Nan Xing was already covered in sweat.

  Fortunately, there was no wood thorn left in the wound, so she didn't have to treat herself more cruelly.

  Cut out a piece of parachute, wipe the surface with spirits, put a band-aid on the most serious part of the ankle, then use the wiped piece of parachute to tie the wound first, then build a staircase with a box containing soil, Nan Xing was limping down the box wall.