Money Changes People

The silence between them grew louder than the buzz from the bulbs around them. 


They both looked at a night gecko eating a moth close to a bulb. It was mesmerizing to look at but they were also not happy with how the other acted.


"I think we grew apart," he said with a heavy sigh. 


"We didn't grow apart. You changed. We had plans."


"To never be poor again my love," he said with a smile. 


"Sometimes I wish we were poor," scoffed the woman. "That way I would have my husband back who always complained about how the government treated the masses and how the people are suffering. Instead I have a rich, healthy man who does not care about the people around him. 


"He's only fixed on one thing and that is to make more money, get more power and step on people's heads while attaining more and more power. What about the plans we made?