Chapter 3

**Writer's pov**

"That's the end of today's class." Prof Martin said and walked out.


Everyone rushed out to cafeteria already feeling famished.

Damien stepped into the cafeteria and most girls gushed loudly staring at his face and built body.

👥 Who's he?

👥Is he new?

👥Damn! He's so hot!

👥 So perfect

👥 He's seducing me without even trying.

👥 Please f**k me

👥Look at those muscles!

👥Is this guy a human being?

👥So damn cute!

👥Take me for a night please

Damien walked to the counter without paying any attention to the girls screams.

After grabbing his lunch, he searched around for an empty seat. Girls waved at him, gesturing him to come and seat with them but he looked away and finally, he found an empty seat at the far-end.

He strode gently to the place when someone grabbed his arm. He looked down to whosoever grabbed his hand and a smirk landed on his lips.

"Can't believe you also attend these school?" He pulled an empty chair out and plopped down.

"Where did you suppose I attend? Pluto college? Jerk!" The guy who grabbed his arm scoffed.

"You guys know each other?" Another guy seated beside the guy who grabbed Damien's arm questioned with an arch brow.

"Of course! Who won't know the jerk who sent me out of my former school?"

"Hey! Don't clown me, a'ight. You left on your own accord Blake, cuz you couldn't bear the fact that I ruled the girls." Damien smirked vauntingly, munching the muffins in front of him.

Blake scoffed. "You ruled the girls? Or the girl ruled yah d**k?"

"Nah! I ruled them cuz they loved my d**k. Do yah wanna deny that?"

"He ruled the girls?" The guy seated beside Blake questioned feeling lost in their conversation.

"I didn't leave cuz you ruled, I left cuz of.." he paused. "nevermind! Yah here in Silverlake college, Did you mom get you transferred again? Cuz of f**king?" Blake asked mockingly.

"It's not my fault that once a girl sees me, she wanna f**k. Is that my fault? Of course not." He simpered haughtily.

"Not all girls."

"Uh huh?"

"Girls in these school ain't so slutty like the girls in Middletown college."

"I don't think so. I think that all girls are the same. As long as they got p*ssy and not d**ks..they want me." Damien smirked vauntingly.

"So full of himself." Blake sneered

"Anyway am Wilson, even if you don't ask. Actually I don't think all girls in these school are sluts." Wilson commented shaking his head slowly.

"Seriously?" Damien rolled his eyes and took another bite of his muffins.

"Yeah. Like take for an instance of er..erm..."

"Erm what?" Blake smirked grew more wider.

"Erm..." Will looked around and he caught of glimpse of Elena. "Yes! Elena! She doesn't have time for anything call boys not to talk of d**ks."

"Elena? She, right?" He pointed at her.


"That's because she hasn't met me. I make every p*ssy wet without even trying. Hey! Am Damien! The Greek god of s*x."

"I don't think so." Blake smirked staring at Elena as he nodded thoughtfully. "Let's make a bet." Blake said causing all gaze to fall in him.

"A bet?" Damien mumbled to himself. "Hmmm. I love the sound of that. Let's play a game."

"So what happened?" Amy asked Jessy as they sat in the cafeteria eating lunch.

Amy and Jessica are friends.

"What do you mean what happened?" Jessy raised her gaze from her food to Amy's face.

"Why aren't you live?"

"Oh! That? I erm...was live just a fifteen minutes ago."

"Seriously? You were live fifteen minutes ago? Are you kidding me? When did the almighty Jessy start going live ago? What happened? Tell me the truth, i know something's wrong with you."

"Nothing's wrong with me."

"Uh huh. I don't believe that." Amy shook her head giving Jessy a 'i know yah hiding something' look.

"Okay! I'mma tell you. So would you kindly stop giving me those creepy eyes" Jessy surrendered pushing the plate in front of her away.

"Sure. Now speak, am all ears" Amy grinned.

"Okay. I..I..erm..I was turned down."

"Wait? What!" Amy yelled and Jessy dabbed her hand on Amy's lips.

"Stop shouting. Everyone staring at us."

"Oops! My bad." Amy raised her hands up in a surrender. "Who the f**k will ever turn down the almighty Jessy, the eyes and ears of Silverlake college..are you kidding me? Tell me his stupid name."

"Damien." Jessy whispered and Amy's eyes widened.

"Wait! Damien? As in Damien. Damien, the new student? Or is there any other Damien that I don't know?"

"Yeah! Damien, the new student."

"F**k!!!" Amy yelled again with her eyes dilated, causing everyone to look at them.

"Will you stop calling attention?" Jessy rolled her eyes at the way her friend was acting.

"Sorry, but what the actual f***k! You asked the new student out? You crazy??"

"Nah! Not like that. I asked to be his friend and he totally turned me down..gosh! My heart aches." Jessy hit her chest as if she's in pain.

"What did you expected? The guy just came to our school today and you just.."

"Are you tryna cheer me up or condemn me? My heart is really broken right now." Jessy pouted.

"Oh..okay. I will try not to condemn you even though you deserve it."

Jessy sighed softly.

"Ohkay. Sorry! Sorry for being turned down by the school's new student. But think about it, maybe he turned you down cuz he wanted to understand these know, he just came today."

"Hmm...I never thought of that. Yah right. Maybe he just needed time to be able to..yes! Yah f**king right, baby!" Jessy grinned and hit the table.

Again, people looked at them.

"Just look at the person who asked me not to call attention. Yah doing a very good job not calling any attention, darling." Amy said sarcastically.

"Oh sorry. I just felt too excited. Wait..he should be here, in the cafeteria." Jessy grinned and looked around. "Wow! I found him.."

Amy also looked around. "But why's he seated with Blake, yah ex-crush?"

"I..I don't know." Jessy stuttered.

"Damn!" Amy tapped Jessy's hand.

Jessy glared at her friend "What?"

"Look!" She said and Jessy followed her line of direction.

"Damn" Jessy muttered.

"Are you seeing what am seeing?"

"Yeah! Definitely! Isn't that Monica! Drooling all over Damien."

"Hm." Amy nodded. "But why's she staring at the guy seated beside her boyfriend, Blake. Isn't that wrong?"

"Blake and Monica are no longer together." Jessy murmured

"Wait! Are you kidding me?" Amy eyes widened. "They broke up? When? How? Why didn't you tell me?" Amy asked plastering Jessy with questions.

Jessy shrugged. "I..I forget. And I didn't really think you would have so much in interest someone else's relationship."

"Seriously?" Amy questioned glaring at her dear friend.

"Yeah! Have you forgotten so soon. When Meggie and Fredrick broke up and I told you but you said why would you care about someone else's relationship. You remember now?"

"Yeah, but this's different. Why wouldn't I care about my bestie's ex-crush relationship? Uh? Don't you know how happy I would have felt if you had told me that they weren't together anyhow."

"Oh. I didn't think of it like that." Jessy shrugged shaking her head thoughtfully.

"So how did they ended it?" Amy asked with curiosity laced in her eyes.

"Look, that doesn't matter. It's the past and I don't even like Blake again. I prefer Damien."

"Damien." Amy repeated staring at her friend like she was drunk.

"Yeah. I think it's love at first sight." Jessy chuckled staring at the ceiling.

"Love at first sight?" Amy scoffed, shaking her head as she stared at her friend "Does that still even exist?"

"Yeah! It does. And I can feel...." she smiled.

"Hmmm. I smell another heartbreak coming closer to you."

"What? Why would you say that?" Jessy frowned

"Look! This was exactly the same thing that happened with Blake. You fell for him and Monica also did and you guys battled but Monica took the guy at last. I think that's what gonna happen again."

"Never!" Jessy yelled hitting her first on the table. " I'm gonna fight for what's mine."

"And what your's?"

"Damien! He's mine and no one can never take him away from me, especially Monica."

"I pray God help you."

"Don't worry. This time I'll win."

"Good luck on that." Amy grinned and took a spoonful of her Mac and cheese.

"Let's go."

"Go where?"

"Have you forgotten so soon that we're suppose to be at training room by now?" Jessy asked.

"Oh. I'll come and join you. Lemmy quickly finish this food."

"Finish what? Get on your f**king feet."

"See am not leaving this place without...ouch" Amy yelped as Jessy pinched her shoulder.

"Stand up." Jessy pinched her again.

"Okay...Ouch...I said okay...Ouch..stop"


"Mrs Diana asked me to tell you all that she has reschedule the test from next week to tomorrow." Prof Drinkwater said all the students started groaning

👥What the hell

👥Oh God!

👥 That's so unfair!

👥I haven't even started studying

"That's enough." He said and everywhere became silent as a graveyard. "Now back to our class, We're doing partner work."

'Shit!' i cussed inwardly.

The whole class groaned again.

👥Oh god!

👥I hate school!

👥This is torture.

"Be quiet the lot of you!" He thundered and everyone clamped their mouth shut.

"I'll be grouping you guys into three for speedy results. You'll have to study and do research about the topic given to you. Okay class, listen up."

I sighed softly listening to the names.

"Jenna, Steve and Moses-jewelries. Amy, Wilson and Jazz-drama. Hope, Irish and Scott- decorative metal. Jessy, Blake and Monica-artwork...."

I closed my eyes waiting for my name to be called.