Chapter 2

**Writer's pov**

Mrs Lewis glared at Elena with rage in her eyes. "You're forty minutes late and you still had the audacity to enter my class wearing those stupid headset?" She scowled angrily.

Elena folded her arms and bowed her head looking intensely at the ground.

"I asked a question and I expect answers Miss."

Elena bit her lower lip, blinking like a person who couldn't hear a thing.

"Am I speaking to a dump person?" Mrs Lewis yelled.

Again, Elena's head remain bowed with her face emotionless.

"Seriously?" Mrs Lewis groaned and strode out of class.

The class started murmuring as Mrs Lewis left.

👥 Seriously?

👥We could have just finished the class peacefully if this witch didn't show up.

👥Yeah. But thanks to her, our class has been cut short.


👥So annoying.


Elena, who didn't seems bothered about their comments, plodded to her seat and picked her earpud before digging it into her ears.


I raised my head feeling my desk vibrating like someone was hitting it. A girl was standing in front of me blabbing somethings I couldn't even hear cuz of the music I was listening to.

I pulled a earpud from my ear and gave her a lazy look.

".....right now." She ended whatever she saying but I didn't even hear a word she just said, so I yawned.

"Seriously? So you weren't even listening." She groaned and glared at me.

I rested my back on my chair and folded my arms across my waist....when she's ready she'll speak.

She took in an heavy amount of air before forcing a smile. "Okay. Mrs chancellor asked me to tell you that she wanna see you, like right now." She smirked.

I unzipped my backpack and throw my earpud into it before lifting it off to my desk.

"Am so happy." She chuckled. "Actually I thought Mrs Lewis wasn't gonna report you but she did and I'm so glad sh..."

I stood on my feet and walked away not bothering to listen to her pieces of sh*t.


'ko. ko. ko' the door vibrated as I knocked on it.

"Come in." The voice of Mrs counselor squeaked out.

I pushed the door open and stepped in with folded arms. I didn't bother shutting the door.

"Elena!" She called my name and I lifted my gaze lazily to her. "Why are you being like this? Uh? This is the uptenth time a lecturer would come here to complain about your demeanor. What's your stress? Yeah. Yeah. I know you still feel sad about your dad but..." I narrowed my gaze at her and she zipped one talks about my dad except me.

"Okay. Okay. I won't talk about it but hey! You gotta change. This is the first day of the resumption and here you are causing troubles. What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked and as usual, I lowered my gaze and kept mute.

"Don't you speak? Can't you just try to defend yourself. Say something!" She yelled but I still remained mute.

It's not like i don't's just that i don't feel the need to speak. I just don't wanna talk in a place where daddy isn't there.

"Ah God! Speaking to you really stresses me out." She groaned massaging her jaw. "Anyway, let this be the last time something like this gonna happen, cuz if it does..I promise you, you won't go scout free. You may leave my office." She said.

I bowed slightly and turned to leave. "But seriously, have you lost the ability to speak? Or are you just dump?" Her voice came out as a whisper.

I pushed the door more wider, not bothering to reply her damn question and walked out, straight to my next class..biochem.


**Writer's pov**

A car drove into the school premises and Jessy stepped out, already making videos.

"Yo guys! Already in school meh. Second day of resumption...." Jessy's mouth dropped open as she stared at the gorgeous figure that just passed by her. "Oh my jeez! Are you seeing what am seeing?" She gasped loudly.

"Sh*t! This's a f**king angel in broad daylight! Who's he?"

"So we're gonna be observing the behavior of planaria, AKA flatworms..." Miss Meyer paused and raised her head up noticing the students attention weren't on her. "Am I missing something?" She asked with arched brow as everyone's attention was at something behind her.

'what's behind me?' she thought anxiously.

"Am I safe?" She giggled playfully even though her voice shivered a little with fear.

No one answered her but they all kept a fixed gaze on whatever was behind her.

Prepping herself, Miss Meyer turned around hesitantly, only to meet crystal blue eyes staring back at her. She tried to hold her jaw from dropping as she took in the image of the most gorgeous student standing in front of her.

The guy cleared his throat jolting everyone out of their daze including the lecturer.

"Sorry am I in biology class?" His voice sounded so husky and charming.

"Ye..yeah!" Miss Meyer stuttered slightly. "Wh..what's your name?"

"Damien." His cool voice swiveled the air and a loud thud could be heard from a girl who just collapsed from hearing his voice.


"Someone should attend to her" Miss Meyer said glancing at the girl who just fainted.

No one bother looking the way of the girl which just collapsed cuz all eyes were on Damien. "I don't think I have seen your face in my class before."

"Yeah! I just got transferred." He stated.

"Oh! Yah welcome. You may have your seat." She smiled and Damien plodded to an empty seat at the far end of the class.

👥 Seriously?

Some girls whispered glaring at the girl seated beside Damien.

👥 She must be happy



👥He can never look at her face. She's ugly, we all know that...

"Silent!!!!" Miss Meyer thundered as the students murmured among themselves.

The class became silence but that didn't stop the girls from throwing deadly glare at the girl seated beside Damien.

The girl seated beside Damien didn't seem bothered by their looks. She just fixed her gaze at Miss Meyer without battling an eyelid.

"Okay, let's continue with our discussion. As you all know planaria lives in marine, freshwater or terrestrial environment..."


Damien picked his textbooks and tried to leave the class when Jessy approached him.

"Hey Damien! My name's Jessica but most people call me Jessy. I'm the ears and eyes of this school...any info you wanna get, i have them all. So welcome to Silverlake college." She ended her speech with a grin.

"So?" Damien nudged his shoulder lightly.

"Erm I...I can be your tour, you know, around the school."

"Thank you but I don't need a tour." He said and started leaving.

"Wait!!!" Jessy shouted and Damien halted looking back at her. "Can I at least be your friend?" She smiled showing off her cute dimples.

"Thank you but I'm not in need of friends." He said and walked away.

"Sh*t!" Jessy groaned stumping her feet against the floor. "I can't believe I was just turned down. F**k!" She cussed staring at the direction Damien passed. "But don't worry pretty boy, I'm not the type of give up." She smiled and walked back to her seat, packing her stuff.


I walked briskly to my locker as I took out my schedule looking over my classes.











I scrunched up my nose, disliking every single one of my class, besides math and free period.

I began to walk closer to my locker, reading over my schedule one last time.


I jumped slightly at the bell before letting my ear adjust to the annoying sound...It's been several months since i have heard this annoying bell sound.

Taking off into a light jog, I turned the corner only to smash straight into a muscular wall.

I shrieked in fright, squinting my eyes shut as I waited for the impact of the ground to hit me.

I waited for impact of the fall but it never came. Two large arms snaked around my waist, steading me unto my feet. I shivered as little shock prickled up my spine, my cheek immediately flooding with warmth from the person's touch.

Gulping quietly, I hesitantly opened my eyes to see crystal blue eyes staring back at me.

I tried not to gasp as I took in the most gorgeous boy I have ever laid eyes on.

Taking in his features, everything about him was sharp. His jawline was chiseled to perfection. He had high cheekbones that defines his face, and little cute pink lips that looked soft to touch. His jet black hair fell to the side in a quiff. He was wearing a black v-neck that hugged his body perfectly. His muscular arms were on display, showing off his large biceps which looked to be the size of my head. He wore dark black jeans and black biker boots.

Basically he looked like a complete bad boy but there was no lying that this guy was ridiculously hot. He was breathtaking that it looked he had just come out of a Calvin Klein magazine.

His stormy blue eyes entranced me as they stared into mine with such intensely that I found myself struggling to breathe.

"Watch where you're going?" His deep voice was like velvet in my ears as he spoke.

My mouth opened and closed like a goldfish as I failed to come up with something to say to him.

He legitimately took my breath away.

I snapped out of my day dreaming, shaking my head in disbelief as I cowered back.

I bent down and picked my belongings from the floor, dusting myself off before pushing past him and marching off.

"No thank you?" I heard him yell but instead of turning, I added more speed to my feet...i need to escape...