Chapter 909: Taste Some Venom (Part 4)

Righteous sects lead their disciples through discipline and values.

However, the Evil Sects are those who despise this insubstantial façade. The only thing that can motivate them is profit.

Of course, at this moment, Jang Ilso controls the Evil Tyrant Alliance with his overwhelming presence. However, there are certainly limits. If their supply of resources runs out, wouldn't it be human nature to rebel against even the Emperor?

"...Are they trying to sever our lifeline?"

Ho Gakmyung, who understood the situation, bit his lip slightly.

Back when they first considered giving the island now called Plum Blossom Island to the Mount Hua Sect, they didn't anticipate this situation. At most, they thought it would be a factor to use in creating a rift between the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

It was this insane and unpredictable Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword that had expanded relentlessly and brought it to this point.

"But, Lord, isn't this bizarre?"


"Yes. Plum Blossom Island only holds significance when the Yangtze River is blocked. If the 수로채 opened up the river, it would become meaningless, wouldn't it? This isn't a smart move."

"From a common-sense perspective, yes."

Jang Ilso smirked.

"Only if that Black Dragon bastard is thinking about unblocking the Yangtze River."


Ho Gakmyung tilted his head as if he couldn't understand.

"Isn't the Black Dragon King suffering from a financial shortage because of Plum Blossom Island? That's why they've requested multiple times for Plum Blossom Island to be attacked."

"That was when Plum Blossom Island belonged to someone else."

Jang Ilso's face contorted.

"The swordsmen and beggars disturbed a not-so-special island, redirecting the entire logistics of the Yangtze River to one place. Simply by transporting cargo, they earned an enormous sum of money through looting."

"That's... true."

Half of it was thanks to the Evil Tyrant Alliance's setup, but the fact that they expanded beyond their expectations was undoubtedly due to their abilities.

"What would you do if you were the Black Dragon King?"

Jang Ilso's mouth twisted upward.

"Would he try to eliminate Plum Blossom Island to go back to the way things were before? Or would he try to keep the current situation and consume Plum Blossom Island himself?"

Ho Gakmyung's eyes wavered.

"Of course it's more beneficial to take Plum Blossom Island. But the reason Plum Blossom Island was favored was because the ones running it were Mount Hua, right? If the Black Dragon King takes it over, who would trust them and entrust their cargo? It's like leaving fish to a cat."

"Who actually ran Plum Blossom Island?"

Ho Gakmyung fell silent. It was something he didn't want to answer, but just because that was the case, it didn't mean he wouldn't respond to Jang Ilso's question.


"People even allowed the bandits to carry their cargo."

Jang Ilso chuckled.

"Ordinary citizens might not know, but for merchants, water bandits and mountain bandits aren't far apart. Besides, what kind of people are these merchants? As long as safety is guaranteed, they'll trade not just with bandits but even with ghosts. If the Black Dragon King simply prohibits looting in Plum Blossom Island, soon enough, everyone will start using Plum Blossom Island again."


"Or you could appoint a suitable proxy. There will be doubts, of course, but aren't there other options?"

"Do you think the Black Dragon King would think that far?"

"Of course, that pig is lazy and full of greed. But he's not stupid."


"Especially when it comes to profit, he's quicker at calculating than anyone."

Jang Ilso clicked his tongue.

"If it were just that, I could manage somehow, but the problem is that it's not only the Black Dragon King who has his eye on Plum Blossom Island."


What Jang Ilso was trying to say, Ho Gakmyung could immediately understand.

"It's a huge problem. The Hao Sect [led by the Thousand-Faced Gentleman] and the Black Ghost Castle [led by the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold] are bound to move."


Ho Gakmyung nodded vigorously. The more he thought about it, the more painful it seemed.

For the past three years, Jang Ilso had put in a lot of effort to completely control the Evil Tyrant Alliance. However, the part that Jang Ilso had actually acquired excluded the Eighteen Yangtze River Fortresses, the Hao Clan, and the Black Ghost Castle.

The Evil Tyrant Alliance, led by the Myriad Man Manor, had indeed grown significantly in strength compared to the past. However, even with someone as capable as Jang Ilso, it wasn't easy to dismantle and absorb the influence of the Righteous Sects, who had established a robust system over several decades. So, ultimately, this situation was akin to a powder keg that would eventually explode within the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

"What if the pigs that have been waiting for a small opportunity to move start to act?"

"Indeed, it could lead to a major explosion."

"Tsk. That's why we've been moving cautiously until now."

Jang Ilso shook his head as if he wasn't pleased. If they had withdrawn from Plum Blossom Island slowly, they might have had time to prepare. However, Mount Hua Sect withdrew from the Yangtze River too abruptly. In a place where the balance is disrupted, conflicts for establishing a new balance occur. The massive gains Mount Hua made were sure to cause issues within the Evil Tyrant Alliance.


At that moment, Ho Gakmyung asked with a determined face.

"Thinking about it, couldn't this be an opportunity, Lord Lyeon?"

"An opportunity?"

"Yes. An opportunity."

He nodded with a heavy, resolute voice.

"We had to clean them up sooner or later. It was a burden to lead those who had their own agendas into a war. In hindsight, it seems like the right time."

"Tsk, Gakmyung, Gakmyung."

However, Jang Ilso shook his head firmly.

"You always seem to narrow your focus whenever the conversation turns to the Mount Hua Sect. It happened before too."

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you understand? Do you not realize what it means to occupy Plum Blossom Island?"

Jang Ilso pointed his finger at Plum Blossom Island.

"You see, getting hold of Plum Blossom Island means that the goods need to cross the river from the mainland."

When Jang Ilso's finger slowly moved from Plum Blossom Island to the opposite bank, Ho Gakmyung finally understood what he was trying to say.


"Occupying Plum Blossom Island inevitably means that we must occupy the riverbank on the other side. And this place..."

" Gangbuk."

Ho Gakmyung's face stiffened.

"What is there in this land?"

"A massive city. In just three years, it's grown to an unbelievable size."

"That's right. Do you think those piglets would simply covet only Plum Blossom Island?"

It's impossible.

Having conquered the island and the dock, would these determined individuals simply leave the city on the other side untouched? It's as if someone obsessed with strength is given the opportunity to learn unparalleled martial arts but chooses to stick with mediocre skills.

"Gaining control of Plum Blossom means expanding northwards along the river. Whether we like it or not, problems will arise. Problems I can't control!"


"Yet... the Heavenly Comrade Alliance has created this situation that we can't withdraw from or turn a blind eye to by has simply stepping back, as if they're telling the Righteous Sects and us to sort it out on our own."

Cold sweat started forming on Ho Gakmyung's forehead.

'How did this simple move lead to this point?'

At first, Ihe thought it was just a foolish move, giving up such a massive advantage with my his hands. But the fool wasn't Chung Myung; it was Ho Gakmyung right from the start.

It's not about what you give up that's important, but how much you gain in return for that sacrifice.

By relinquishing the substantial benefits offered by Plum Blossom Island, Mount Hua created a division within the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and that internal division created an opportunity for conflict between the Ten Great Sects and the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

What's even more agonizing is that they couldn't step back, even though they know they're walking into a situation where they might die.

"This is just...,"

He comprehended this excruciating move perfectly in his mind, but on the other hand, he was confused as if he didn't understand anything. It's just...

How could such a simple move lead to this point? A shiver ran down his spine.

"Interesting. Very interesting. Hahaha! It's been three years since I felt like this for the first time! It's really interesting! Hahaha!"

Jang Ilso laughed heartily as he clutched his sides. Then, he couldn't contain his laughter, covering his face, chuckling.

But in that moment, Ho Gakmyung saw it. Those chilling eyes, visible between his long, white fingers. That chilling gaze.


"Yes, Lord Ryeonju."

"Even great nations of the world have regrets. Should I just have gone and killed him at that time?"

Jang Ilso licked his crimson lips.

"It's all falling apart. The carefully laid plans have gone awry in an instant. It's bitter, truly bitter."

What bothered Jang Ilso the most was that he was being pulled into a game that he didn't set up himself.

This wasn't Jang Ilso's style. He wasn't the kind to drag others into his own game; he wasn't a dancer who danced on a stage set by someone else.

"...Do you really believe that the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword predicted and orchestrated all of this, three years ago?"

"That's unlikely."

Jang Ilso spoke with a severe tone.

"As long as we're dealing with humans, it's impossible. It's probably just a fortunate coincidence."

Ho Gakmyung nodded in agreement. His thoughts aligned with Jang Ilso's.


However, what followed was somewhat different from Ho Gakmyung's expectations.

"Even if we hadn't used Plum Blossom Island as a means, the outcome would have been the same."

"Yes? What do you mean?"

Jang Ilso chuckled softly.

"People who love to think of eye-catching tricks as the result of genius. They see it as an incredible idea that stems from having a broad perspective and quick mental agility to see what no one else can."

"...Isn't that the truth?"

"No, not at all."

Jang Ilso waved his hand. The accessories on his wrist jingled as they collided with each other.

"If you were truly outstanding, you wouldn't create a situation that requires elaborate and dangerous tricks in the first place."


"Stratagems are not the tools of the strong; they are the tools of the weak. It's about someone who can't win by conventional means, someone who agonizes and squeezes out a solution."

A sly smile appeared at the corner of Jang Ilso's mouth.

"It's sticky, a malicious intent. An odor of wanting to smear feces on my face in any way possible. Such a person, even in a different situation, would have found a way to drag me to hell."

"...Ha ha. Fucking bastard."

Jang Ilso's grip on his face tightened.


Ho Gakmyung's pale face squeezed out the words, a phrase he, as a military leader, never wanted to utter.

"What do you plan to do?"

Jang Ilso, upon hearing these words, sat back in his chair, leaning against the backrest. His expression was languid and yet, in a way, seemed filled with discontent. It was a face that resembled a child who had lost his favorite toy and also the face of someone burdened with an annoying task.

"Let's play for now."

He nodded slowly.

"When you're stuck in a swamp, if you resist clumsily thinking you'll get out, you only get drawn in deeper. Sometimes, it's a method to go along with what's happening first."

Jang Ilso's expression quickly regained composure.

"If it's reached our ears, the Black Dragon King must already be in motion, and Hao Sect can't possibly be slower than us in gathering information, so they must be on the move too. What's left is the Black Ghost Castle I suppose."

Jang Ilso, as if he had finished organizing his thoughts in his mind, waved his hand.

"This is a headache. Everyone, go and check it out."


As the attendants cautiously withdrew, Ho Gakmyung also rose from his seat. He knew that he was no longer needed by Jang Ilso.

Stepping aside to avoid disturbing Jang Ilso's contemplation, Ho Gakmyung left the room. Now, alone, Jang Ilso lightly tapped his desk.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

From Jang Ilso's figure, a chilling aura emanated as he uttered those words.

"Seems a bit excessive for a greeting after three years... I've taken quite a blow this time. I'm not sure what would be an appropriate way to return it..."

Tapping on the desk, Jang Ilso suddenly grabbed its edge.


And then, slowly, very slowly, his face relaxed.

A strange expression came to mind. It seemed like he was mocking, perhaps worrying, or maybe just taunting.

"You don't know. You still don't know. How far a person's malice can go. Hahaha! Hahahahahat! Ahahahahahahaha!"

The shadow on the horizon followed Jang Ilso's laughter, as if being sucked into a deeper and endless darkness.