Chapter 910: Taste Some Venom (Part 5)

"Are you leaving it behind?"

"Yes, that's right."

"You mean that? All of it?"

Elder Il's mouth gaped open.

Well, of course, leaving the building behind makes sense. You can't just dismantle and move it, and you can't destroy everything by leaving the island.


"Why are you leaving the boat? The boat! Do you have any idea how much that thing is worth?"

"Tsk tsk. Bandits getting greedy for a boat. You've been living by the water for a long time, and now you've developed a taste for piracy?"

"That's not the point! Just selling that could..."

"This guy. You need a market to sell it. Selling a boat isn't something that happens overnight."

Im Sobyeong unfurled a fan with a quick flick.

"And the most important thing isn't money, it's intention. Money, if you keep chasing after it, you might miss something really important."

Elder Il couldn't say a word and just pounded his chest.

The Nokrim King had always been a bit peculiar, but since meeting that Taoist from Mount Hua, it seemed to have become worse. He couldn't understand the things these two were involved in at all.

"So, what about Chulsoo?"

"It's mostly all settled. The gathered treasures were sent to Eunha Guild with an escort, and the people from Plum Blossom Island have all been relocated. The remaining folks have also left with their belongings, so it's just us now."

"I see. I see."

Im Sobyeong gently waved his fan. A light breeze tickled his cheek. He looked at Plum Blossom Island with a hint of regret in his eyes.

"It was a good place."

"It didn't suit my temperament. A true cricket should live off pine leaves! What business do us proud bandits have, delivering someone else's luggage and making money?"

"Despite that, you're dressed quite expensively. Did you buy new clothes?"

"Ahem... This is..."

Elder Il's face turned bright red.

With the substantial amount of money that Plum Blossom Island was bringing in, even the share that Nokrim were receiving amounted to a considerable profit. So, the elders had quite a lot of money in their pockets.

Elder Il twisted his body, but how could he hide his expensive silk clothing that covered his entire body?

"If Elder Il is going back into the mountains to be a bandit and make a living, I won't stop him, but..."

"Well, it's just talk. Just talk..."

"Tsk tsk. A bandit conducting business in silk clothes. Ancestors would foam at the mouth if they found out."


As the word "ancestors" was mentioned, a groaning sound escaped from Elder Il's mouth. Surely, if the former Nokrim King had seen this, he would have torn Elder Il to shreds, along with his clothes.

Im Sobyeong gazed across the river, his tongue clicking.

"Three years."

Over the past three years, Im Sobyeong and the bandits had gained a lot. For Im Sobyeong personally, it was a time to stabilize the once chaotic bandits. While money couldn't solve everything, it could handle most things.

Even those who had opposed Im Sobyeong becoming the Nokrim King had fallen silent when they saw the wealth that landed in his hands.

But compared to what the bandits had truly gained, wealth was nothing.

Above all, the biggest gain was that the common people were no longer afraid of the bandits. They transitioned their business, escorting people safely and collecting tolls instead of bothering travelers in the mountains. This change was effective and showed remarkable results. Additionally, the sight of them working hard for many people through Plum Blossom Island had an impact.

Yet, the most significant influence came from the Evil Sect.

The Evil Sect declared the unification of all the Evil Sects and took all of them under its control. At the same time, they absorbed the hatred of the people, taking it all in.

As Nokrim opposed the Evil Sect and supported the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, this led to a more favorable view of Nokrim from those who loathed the Evil Sect.

"Mount Hua's reputation played a significant role too. Anyway, having a Taoist like him was useful."


"No, nothing."

Im Sobyeong chuckled softly.

'This is how gambling works.'

When the leader of Nokrim decided to ally with Mount Hua Sect, who in their right mind would have seen him as anything other than insane? While the situation had silently played out, with strongholds being swept away by Daebyeolchae, no one had sincerely supported his decision. Though they might not have openly spoken out when his power had grown, nobody had truly approved of it.

But the gamble had been a resounding success.

"No, not yet. It's not over yet."

However, Im Sobyeong's eyes grew cold once more.

'At the very least, only after sweeping away the Evil Tyrant Alliance and plunging a knife into Jang Ilso's throat can we talk about success.'

As he briefly imagined that scene in his mind, he chuckled to himself.

"Well, that part isn't my concern."

"Why have you been muttering to yourself as if you've lost your mind for a while now?"


Out of nowhere, Im Sobyeong's brow creased with annoyance.

'I should take this opportunity to transform into a righteous sect member.'

He didn't expect his words to be taken seriously by even his close followers, knowing that a single word from the head of the family could be a death sentence. However, he couldn't fathom why the Nokrim had reached such a state despite the insane teachings of the Mount Hua Sect, given that even the Sect Leader's words didn't elicit any resistance.

His insides were seething.

Before he could voice his thoughts, Elder Il seriously inquired.

"More importantly, are you really pulling out like this?"

"Why are we revisiting this topic again when it's already over?"

"It's a shame, that's why it's a shame. It's not just about Plum Blossom Island..."

Elder Il's gaze turned backward. Large pavilions extended from the dock.

How much effort had they put into building this city?

But now, leaving everything behind and stepping away, it felt like cutting off an arm. However, Im Sobyeong waved his hand to dismiss the elder's regret.

"All right, let's prepare. The guests will be arriving soon."


"Yes, guests. Very special... um, it seems they are coming already."


Elder turned his head to see where Im Sobyeong's gaze was fixed.


Indeed, far in the distance, a black ship was revealing itself. At first, it looked rather small, but as it approached, its imposing presence became truly awe-inspiring.

"What... is that?"

A ship that appeared at least three times larger than the other ships flanking it. The sail depicted the image of a black dragon conquering the Yangtze River.

And Elder Li was one of the few who knew the true identity of this ship.

"Is it the Black Dragon Ship?!"

Elder asked, taken aback. Im Sobyeong nonchalantly fanned himself with a fan.

"Hmm, I didn't expect him to show up in person. Seems like the Black Dragon King has quite an interest."

The appearance of the ship and the Black Dragon flag on it meant that the Black Dragon King had personally arrived here. He came to claim this small island for himself.

Im Sobyeong chuckled.

"No... The Black Dragon King in person?"

Elder Li, utterly shocked, exclaimed. Im Sobyeong was unconventional for a king in that he moved around quite freely. But typically, those who were referred to as "kings" didn't move around so easily.

But had the Black Dragon King appeared here in person?

"They came here to take control of Plum Blossom Island while others haven't had a chance to act yet."

Elder Li, who couldn't grasp the situation immediately, squinted and stared at the approaching Black Dragon Ship. However, at that moment, Im Sobyeong had another thought.

'In just a day?'

A faint smile played on his lips.

Before leaving Mount Hua, Chung Myung had called him to confirm one thing. He wanted to know who would be the first to arrive and how long it would take.

'If the Black Dragon King arrived within a day, it would mean he didn't seek permission from the Evil Tyrant Alliance.'

It meant that a clear rift had started to form within their ranks, and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's plan had been more successful than expected. This was solid evidence.

"Hehehe, this is why I like Taoists."

Im Sobyeong chuckled.

For the past three years, Jang Ilso had held the reins of power over Kangho. No matter what anyone said, he was the head of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. Once upon a time, Shaolin, which had held sway over Kangho, couldn't withstand the Evil Tyrant Alliance's rapid advance and ultimately had to withdraw.

There hadn't been any major confrontations, but the fact that Kangho was swaying according to his intentions couldn't be denied by anyone.

However, when Mount Hua returned, the power of the Evil Tyrant Alliance began to waver. They defeated Kangho's evil sects without using a sword, shedding no blood and delivering strikes more powerful than any sword technique.

Im Sobyeong laughed as he came back to the present.

"Now let's go. We might be struck by lightning for staying here."

"Ah, no, Your Excellency. If the Black Dragon King takes over here..."

"There shouldn't be any problem."

Even with Elder Il's concerned tone, Im Sobyeong spoke confidently.

"It's only natural that the Black Dragon King would be the most outraged by us, who abandoned the mountain and are comfortably accumulating wealth with the common people."


"Furthermore, we may be willing to bow our heads to Mount Hua, but that arrogant guy has no intention of bowing to Jang Ilso. So, he'll try to gather wealth here in any way he can to strengthen the power of his sect."

"It sounds reasonable, but..."

"It'll be just like that."

Im Sobyeong chuckled meaningfully, covering his mouth with his fan.

"Who do you think felt the greatest fear as he watched Jang Il-so gather his strength?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's stop talking about it."

Im Sobyeong folded his fan with a snap and began to walk away on his own, his steps light.

"Your Excellency, please, let's go together!"

Elder Il quickly followed. While trying to ask more questions, Im Sobyeong just urged him on with a meaningful smile.

"Now, how will Shaolin react?"

There's nothing quite as entertaining as watching a good fight.


"We've arrived! Your Excellency, the Black Dragon King!"


Black Dragon King, who had led the way, gazed intensely at the small island before him.

"Who would have thought that something so insignificant would cause such a commotion?"

Even if the Jang Ilso hadn't openly obstructed him, it would have been swept away in no time. The Black Dragon King's plan to control the Yangtze River was completely ruined because of this one island.


"This must be what they mean by turning a crisis into an opportunity."

Previous hours seem less relevant now. He had confirmed with his own eyes that collecting proper tolls could be many times more profitable than randomly plundering goods.

Moreover, he was the leader of the Yangtze River Fortresses. Unlike others, he was in a position to control those traveling the Yangtze River decisively. If he set his mind to it, collecting several times the money that Mount Hua Sect made from their business in Plum Blossom Island wouldn't be very difficult.

"If that's the case... then we can build a power that surpasses those Black Ghost Castle money-grubbers. Then Jang Ilso will be nothing."

Black Dragon King muttered to himself.

Although the status of the Evil Sect had been growing day by day, Black Dragon King's power and influence had weakened since the past. Even the sect members regarded him as at least the equivalent of Jang Ilso's underlings.

Jang Ilso was the master of the Evil Sect, and he was merely a branch master, so in a sense, the words weren't entirely incorrect. However...

"That's not even funny."

Now he would show who the true leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance was.


Black Dragon King nodded his head heavily.

"Lay anchor and occupy it!"


The once-calm Yangtze River began to boil once more.