Chapter 911: There's No Other Way (Part 1)

"Hey, it's the pirates!" 

"Su Lo Chae!" [Name of Black Dragon King's clan, I tried to avoid translating it until means "water channel", which is a horrible name if you ask me]

The huge ship demanded everyone's attention. The faces of those who saw the black, massive ship adjacent to Plum Blossom Island turned pale in an instant.

Of course, pirates were not known for wantonly killing or harming people, as far as anyone could tell. Just as bandits didn't descend from the mountains to raid villages, pirates didn't bother the people on land. It was a code they had adhered to for their survival.

However, no matter how you looked at it, pirates were still pirates. The sight of them occupying Plum Blossom Island, a place that had been freely accessible until now, was enough to instill fear in everyone.

"Is it really okay for this to happen?"

"Why is Mount Hua Sect allowing this? If we retreat like this, won't Plum Blossom Island fall into their hands?"

"Can we still do business?"

The reason these people, witnessing this spectacle, didn't run away immediately was simple: they were mostly merchants. Whether they were the ones using Plum Blossom Island or the ones who filled the adjacent city, most were merchants and, in turn, their customers.

The rest had gathered here to do business with these merchants. Running away would mean having to find another way to make a living. Abandoning their homes wasn't as easy as it might sound.

"Are they coming this way?"


Everyone's eyes widened at someone's shout. Indeed, the ship that had approached Plum Blossom Island was now slowly turning its bow towards the docks.

"What should we do? Should we run now?"

"What's the point of running? If we can't do business, we'll all starve to death, won't we? It's better to endure it and die."

"Would a living person have a spider web in their mouth? But I still have to eat to survive."

"I can't leave. You guys should go."

Those with a plan had already taken their goods out of the warehouse. Still, leaving this place wasn't as easy as it sounded, even if that was the case.

Shopkeepers from the north might be able to find another way to survive, but for those who made a living by trading with the south, Plum Blossom Island held everything they had.

"For now, let's listen to what they have to say. After all, pirates never touch people on land, right?"

"Damn it, do you believe those words? Have you forgotten the time when the village by the river was razed by pirates?"

"But that's..."

"The so-called principles of the Evil Sect are like earrings on your ears, or nose rings on your nose. How can something that changes as it pleases become a principle?""

"So what should we do then?"

While the townspeople were floundering, unable to find a solution, the massive black ship was gradually getting closer to the docks. Eventually, the ship reduced its speed and began to dock.


A moment of silence passed, as someone's dry swallowing sounded as loud as thunder. Doubt filled the air about whether they could escape in time. People dressed in blue uniforms swiftly jumped out from the towering black ship and swiftly ran to occupy the docks.

"Step back!"

"Move back now, or you'll lose your head!"

Frightened by the pirates' threats, the merchants quickly retreated.

"Oh, wait. I just have one thing to say..."

"This fool!"

However, amidst this, one merchant didn't back down and tried to speak. In an instant, a pirate lunged at him, ready to strike. Just before the pirate's spear could pierce the merchant's throat, a thunderous shout erupted.


A tremendous roar rang out. The pirate holding the spear froze in place. A man slowly revealed himself on the deck of the towering ship.

Black clothes, a long beard, and a massive figure.

Just by looking at his dark robe adorned with a golden dragon, anyone could guess who this man was.

"Huh, it's the Black Dragon King."

A glint shone in the Black Dragon King's fierce eyes. He naturally had a towering figure and an appearance that could intimidate anyone. When such a person displayed anger, a few observers lost their strength in their legs and sat down on the ground.

"I must have told them not to touch the people."

"Hm, it's the Black Dragon King. I was just..."

"This scoundrel!"

Thud! With a loud sound, the Black Dragon King, who had leaped from the ship, slowly approached the pirates. In one fell swoop, he grabbed one of them by the collar.


"Calm your head and come back to your senses."

The Black Dragon King tossed the pirate into the air with a single hand. The pirate soared through the air, screaming, and then plummeted into the middle of the Yangtze River. After the splashing sound, silence fell.

"Did he just...?"

"Is that human martial arts?"

The merchants, unable to believe what they had just witnessed, gaped in astonishment at the Black Dragon King.


The Black Dragon King scanned his surroundings. Fortunately, the ones he was glaring at were the pirates, not the merchants.

"I'll say it once more. Anyone who harms people in this place will pay a heavy price. Those who strike others will lose their arms, those who cut others will lose their necks. And those who kill will be left with a body that can neither die nor live, filling the bellies of the Yangtze River fish!"

"Yes! We will remember!"

Finally satisfied, the Black Dragon King nodded his head.

"From now on, Su Lo Chae will manage this place. Everything else will return to how it was!"

One of the timid merchants, pushed by the momentum, raised a trembling hand. His face was covered in cold sweat.

"What is it?"

"Hm, Black Dragon King, does that mean we can use Plum Blossom Island as we did before?"

"That's right!"

The Black Dragon King declared in a thunderous voice so that everyone could hear.

"In the name of the Black Dragon King, I declare that there will be no looting on Plum Blossom Island! We will protect you!"

"Then, what about the usage fee?"


The Black Dragon King furrowed his brow.

Unlike Im Sobyeong, who jumped at the mention of money with his eyes lit up, the Black Dragon King was still displeased with the idea of talking about money with his own mouth.

One of the pirates who sensed his inner thoughts quickly spoke up. "Black Dragon King has mentioned that the existing usage fee will be doubled. People have changed, so naturally, the money should change too!"

The merchants nodded as they swallowed their dry saliva. Doubling the fee was an acceptable amount. While there were some who had hidden complaints, they understood that grievances needed to be expressed in the right way. No one dared to negotiate with the Black Dragon King, especially over a few pennies.

Attempting to haggle sloppily could lead to a situation where one had to haggle for their life.


Black Dragon King gestured with his chin.

"This city is now within the territory of the Yangtze River Su Lo Chae. Anyone who stays here or conducts business must pay taxes to Su Lo Chae!"


The pirates rushed out to occupy the city.

Some people watched this scene and felt reassured that Su Lo Chae had guaranteed their safety. Others lamented the fact that the usage fee on Plum Blossom Island had doubled. Some even doubted whether they could trust Su Lo Chae's words.

However, surprisingly, not many of them understood that all of this signified the start of the northern expansion of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.


"Su Lo Chae has occupied the mouth."

The prayer beads, which were slowly spinning, suddenly stopped in my hand. The eyes of Beopjeong, which had been closed, opened thinly.

"...Did you say 'occupied'?"

"Yes, leader. To be precise, it's a new city that has appeared next to the mouth, but the country hasn't yet officially designated it..."

"People used to call that place Plum Blossom Island."

"Yes, that's correct, leader."

Beopgye quickly nodded, and Beopjeong bit his lips slightly.

"I heard that Nokrim withdrew from Plum Blossom Island just a day ago. But in just one day, Su Lo Chae has occupied Plum Blossom Island?"


"Mount Hua Sect... No, did Nokrim give a tip to the Evil Tyrant Alliance? Otherwise..."

"I don't know that part well. But considering the nature of Mount Hua Sect..."

"...You might be right."

Beopjeong closed his eyes.

It's said that when suspicion is aroused, everything becomes suspicious. Although everyone knew that there was a deal between the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the rest of the world, they still couldn't believe that the Mount Hua Sect would be involved.

"...How far has Su Lo Chae advanced?"

"They crossed the river..."

Beopgye spoke with a faint tone, and Beopjeong's face froze coldly.

"So they've crossed north of the river?"

"It seems so, leader."

"...And it's not a temporary crossing; they've declared it as their own territory."

Beopjeong's eyes darkened momentarily.

"Beopjeong. Doesn't this mean that the Evil Tyrant Alliance has declared a northern expansion, right?"


Beopjeong answered firmly as he shook his head.

"It's not the Evil Tyrant Alliance. It must be Su Lo Chae acting independently."


As Beopgye intended to ask about the reason behind Beopjeong's unwavering confidence, he soon closed his mouth. There was a reason for Beopjeong to speak with such certainty.

"But to others, it might not seem any different, right?"

Beopjeong didn't respond to this question either. Beopgye knew that Beopjeong was right.

Since Su Lo Chae was affiliated with the Evil Tyrant Alliance, this action would be perceived as the alliance's expansion into the north. Moreover, the northern territory was not subject to the treaty that had been restraining the Ten Great Sects in the southern lands. 

"How utterly foolish..."

Beopjeong muttered with exasperation.

Why didn't they know?

Until now, the Ten Great Sects had been subject to criticism for their involvement in the Yangtze River Disaster. In light of this, those who had been watching over the Ten Great Sects were demanding an answer to their involvement in the current situation. 

Did you really refrain from crossing the Yangtze River to uphold the treaty, or was it because you were afraid of the Evil Tyrant Alliance? That was the demand for an answer.

And there was no way that the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families could avoid responding.

"This is an inevitable situation."

It didn't matter what their intentions were. In order for them to proudly claim to be the righteous sects who defended the balance against the Evil Tyrant Alliance, they had to exact retribution on those who had crossed into the northern territory.

"But will this retribution truly end as mere retribution?"

If a full-scale conflict with Su Lo Chae broke out, the Evil Tyrant Alliance would eventually have to act as well. In that case, the flames would spread uncontrollably.

"You're such an utterly foolish person... Calling for reinforcements with such a trivial ambition. This false peace is better than a war."

From Beopjeong's pondering, the name of a person suddenly flowed out.

"...Chung Myung."

"W-What, leader?"

"Haha. Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword... Mount Hua!"


The prayer beads in his hand split with a crackling sound.

Beopjeong knew.

That all of this had originated from the movement of Mount Hua.

But Beopjeong also knew that the Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects couldn't criticize the Heavenly Comrade Alliance for this act for the past three years. It was all due to their efforts in defending Plum Blossom Island that had stabilized the northern region.


"Get in touch with the Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects. Tell them to gather at Shaolin immediately."

"But one of the sects is in Bongmun..."

"All the sects."

"But, Leader..."

"Did I not say all my sects?"

As Beopjeong's voice grew louder, Beopgye quickly nodded.

"I will make it happen."



After Beopgye hurriedly left, Beopjeong looked down at his hand. The broken prayer beads, their golden shine utterly depleted, lay before him.


A bitter, helpless laughter escaped his lips.

"There's no other way. Haha. Hahahahahaha!"

The loud laughter echoed coldly through the darkened Shaolin.