Chapter 918: Turns Out There Is That One Crazy Guy (Part 3)

As the soldiers of Su Lo Chae, wielding their polearms, clashed with the Changgung Sword Corps, they shouted in triumph.

"People who begged for their lives from the enemy and then have the audacity to show their faces again! It seems these righteous sects have no sense of shame!"

"If I were them, I'd have bitten my own tongue and died!"

The Su Lo Chae soldiers taunted and ridiculed the Changgung Sword Corps while confronting the Changgung Sword Corps. Despite their unwavering determination to stand their ground, the Changgung Sword Corps couldn't help but blush upon hearing these words.

Vivid memories were still fresh in their minds. The moment when they had survived on this very river, the moment they had begged the vile Evil Sect members for their lives.

"Defend your positions!"

Just when the disgrace was about to override the power in their swords, a loud voice erupted from behind.

Namgung Sect's Vice Commander, Namgung Dowi, was dashing forward with his characteristic iron sword in hand.

"It's a shameful thing to make mistakes. But it's even more disgraceful not to rectify those mistakes when you're imprisoned by them! Don't be ashamed of standing here; be grateful that you can stand here!"

These words reignited the sharp glares of the Changgung Sword Corps. How could they forget that humiliation, the misery of bending their resolve to survive?

For the past three years, the Changgung Sword Corps had wielded their swords solely for this moment. To make amends for their disgrace and to rebuild Namgung Sect's determination!


At that moment, a sinister glaive known as an Unwol-do was hurtling toward Namgung Dowi's face. His thick eyebrows twisted momentarily.


He expertly swung his sword, sending the Unwol-do flying and then striking the body of the Su Lo Chae soldier who had wielded it.


The face of the Su Lo Chae soldier contorted in shock as Namgung Dowi's blade forced its way through his body.

Even as blood gushed like rain, Namgung Dowi did not flinch, and he shouted without hesitation.

"I'll lead the way! Changgung Sword Corps, follow me!"


Namgung Dowi swiftly charged forward.

In his resolute expression, there was no trace of the hesitation that he had once known.

"I am a mere human," he thought. He had believed that he would eventually reach that place, and even if he might lag behind the talents of someone like Chung Myung, he was confident in his own dedication and perseverance. He believed that as long as he worked harder and remained diligent throughout his life, he would eventually reach that place.


"It's a laughable notion."

Now he understood how foolish that idea had been.

"Strength alone won't get you there."

If Namgung Dowi had been as strong as Chung Myung, could he have stood against the Jang Ilso and everyone else, even if it meant risking his life?

Even that was impossible to answer. Namgung Dowi couldn't answer it. In fact, it was a disgraceful truth. He was a disgrace to Namgung Sect's resolve, which existed to preserve their spirit.

"Someone like that can't be strong because they are strong. They are strong because they are who they are."

Failing in the martial world could be forgiven, but failure as a human was unforgivable. Whether you were strong or weak, you only had one life. It had nothing to do with whether you could lay down your life for a cause or not.

That day, Namgung Dowi realized how foolish he had been as a human.

"I won't say be the strongest!"

These words were addressed not only to the person protecting his back but also to himself.

"It's fine to lose with your sword, but never lose with your spirit! We are Namgung Dowi, disciples of Heaven's Friend Namgung!"


The Changgung Sword Corps charged at the Su Lo Chae warriors with determination. The sharp swords swiftly began to claim the lives of the enemy, more decisively than ever before.

At the forefront, Namgung Dowi's sword shone even more brilliantly than anyone else's.


The corners of Master Beopjeong's lips trembled. In his gaze directed towards Master Beopgye, there was a mixture of astonishment and anger.

"...Is that really true?"

"Yes, Master! We've received word that Namgung Hwang, the current leader of Namgung Sect, has led the Changgung Sword Corps and rushed to Gugang."

Jaogae [the Beggar's Sect elder] briefly glanced at the door. The messenger who had conveyed this information to Master Beopgye stood hesitatingly just outside the door. But when their eyes met, the messenger vigorously nodded.

It was all true.

"Namgung Hwang... Namgung Hwang..."

Muttered Jaogae softly. His expression wasn't one of amusement but rather one of disappointment.

"If it's that nobleman's disposition... Yes, it's possible."

Namgung Hwang, who could be considered among the top martial artists in the world, was already boiling with rage due to the humiliation he suffered during the Yangtze River Disaster three years ago.

Now, the news that the Evil Tyrant Alliance had crossed the Yangtze River and entered the Gangbuk region reached his ears...

Jaogae let out a deep sigh.

This was clearly a blunder in intelligence. Information, on its own, was meaningless. It held significance only when you could anticipate future events based on that information.

They should have foreseen that such an event could occur since the Evil Tyrant Alliance had crossed the Yangtze River, but they only realized it belatedly upon hearing that Namgung Hwang was on the move.

"No, no... In such a dire situation, how many people in the world could have anticipated such a thing?"

They were dealing with situations all over the world, so the response to each situation had to be delayed.

It was a reasonable explanation rather than an excuse. While offering his excuses to soothe his troubled mind, Jaogae heard Beopjeong's voice, filled with anger.

"What was Namgung's Sect Leader thinking? To Gugang? Namgung Sect, alone, facing the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"

Beopjeong looked at Beopgye with an expression that conveyed disbelief. He certainly knew that shouting wouldn't change the situation, but he was in a situation where he couldn't stand the development that had started to run wild without any control.

"He's out of his mind."

Where did he think this was? Could a single martial clan make a move independently against the combined might of two sects?

Gugang, or rather, Plum Blossom Island, was a veritable powder keg. The eyes of all martial sects were focused there, and the almighty powers of the world gathered there.

It might be difficult to understand why such an insignificant place had suddenly become this important, but it was an undeniable fact that it had turned into a critical point where the honor and interests of the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Righteous Sects collided.

However, Namgung Sect had attacked the place without any prior consultation or agreement. If, because of this, a full-scale battle broke out between the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Righteous Sects, how did they plan to handle the consequences?

"What was Namgung Gaju thinking? What in the world!" Beopjeong's hand, holding prayer beads, made a sharp sound as he rubbed against them. It felt like everything in the world was slipping out of his control, running wild.

"If the entire world falls into chaos because of this, Namgung Sect will have to bear the blame for all the sins! How can the head of a noble family, the leader of the Five Great Families, act so recklessly!"

An angry voice burst forth one after the other, but no one dared to speak hastily. Only Jaogae couldn't help but let out a sigh inwardly.

Reckless? Yes, perhaps that was right.

But at least in Kangho, such actions were not considered reckless.

"Courageous," he thought.

Wasn't facing evil and fighting against it without consideration for self-interest or ulterior motives the very definition of courage? Namgung Sect was the one who had done what those who bore the name of justice emphasized so much. If they now blamed him, it would essentially be an admission that everything they had emphasized so far was just an empty façade.

Jaogae, who couldn't bear to listen to Beopjeong's censure any longer, spoke up.


Beopjeong looked at Jaogae, unable to remove the anger from his face.

"It's true that Namgung Sect has caused something unexpected, but blaming him for it now is pointless. What's important is what we do from this point on."

He paused, giving Beopjeong a moment to compose himself. And then, he asked with an unwavering voice.

"Now, what will you do?"

It was a piercing question that cut to the heart of the matter.

"Namgung Sect has opened the gates. Now we have to choose. Whether to help them and strike Su Lo Chae, or declare Namgung Sect's actions reckless and withdraw."

Beopjeong closed his eyes.

If he thought logically, it was obviously right to support Namgung Sect. But what if, after they supported him, the Evil Tyrant Alliance came rushing to the Yangtze River?

"From then on, it's a full-scale battle."

Once a full-scale battle broke out, they wouldn't be able to stop it with their power alone. Whether they won or lost, they would suffer massive losses.


Beopjeong hesitated to respond, so Beopgye spoke first.

"Could all of this be a plan by Jang Ilso?"

"A plan, you say?"

"Yes, a plan. Three years ago, didn't everyone rush to the Yangtze River along with the Su Lo Chae's movement?"

Jaogae subtly furrowed his brows without even realizing it, but he quickly wiped his expression clean, as if to say, "When has that ever happened?"

He wanted to say many things, but he had to hold back. This was Shaolin, and the person sitting in front of him was the leader and elders of Shaolin.

"The probability of that happening is not high."

"Why? If it's Jang Ilso..."

"To explain, it's a long story... But now is not the time to waste time with such talk. In any case, the high probability is that all that's happening now is due to the Black Dragon King's arbitrary actions."

A wry laugh escaped from Beopjeong's lips at that moment.

"Arbitrary actions..."

It was absurd.

"These two impulsive individuals are turning the situation into a nightmare."

The Black Dragon King and the Wudang Sect leader. It's undeniable that they were both remarkable figures with a solid position in their respective factions. However, their influence was not powerful enough to shake the situation in the Central Plains.

But strangely, the reckless actions of these two individuals have led to both factions being dragged into an unwanted war at the same time.

"Is this what war is meant to be like?"

At least, it was not what Beopjeong had in mind. He thought of a war as leaders pitting their troops fiercely against each other.

But the way the world was turning now was entirely different from what he knew. All the pieces on the board were moving of their own accord, and it was impossible to figure out how to lead these people into a full-scale battle.

"I don't understand the reason for hesitation."

At that moment, Peng Yeop spoke with a furrowed brow.

"Although I don't like that arrogant Namgung Sect Leader's reckless actions, now that the situation has unfolded, all we can do is support him."

But Jonglihyung disagreed with that thought.

"Peng-gaju, I think you need to remain a bit more composed. If we rush to the Yangtze River now, not only Su Lo Chae but other factions of the Evil Tyrant Alliance will also have to move. That will make it truly irreversible."

"But if we just stand by, and the Evil Tyrant Alliance makes the first move, it will be too late to support Namgung Saegye."

"No, it's not. But it's not about being hasty."

"How can this not be about being hasty?"

As the two argued, Beopjeong's face darkened.

Logically, it was a priority to support Namgung Sect immediately and drive Su Lo Chae out. If the Peng Family and Kunlun were to help, it wouldn't be such a difficult task. But what if the Evil Tyrant Alliance marched north, and a full-scale battle erupted?

Could the factions here really handle the Evil Tyrant Alliance led by Jang Ilso? It felt inadequate.

If both the Righteous Sects and the Five Great Families supported Shaolin and acted together, there would be no hesitation. However, as it stood, it was difficult to confront the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

Even if they somehow achieved victory, they would have to watch out for those opportunistic factions that had been lurking in the background, waiting for a chance.

Beopjeong, lost in thought, chewed on his lips. Why was he hesitating?

Shame was his burden, but death was the burden of others. As a Buddhist, he should naturally choose shame, shouldn't he?

"In any case..."

Finally, when he spoke, all eyes were fixed on him. His words carried the weight of conviction.

"Even if we rush to Yangtze River right now, it will likely be too late. By then, Namgung and Su Lo Chae will have already settled their dispute."


"In that case, we will have to prepare for what comes afterward."

Beopjeong slowly rose from his seat.

"Give me less than a day."

"Less than a day?"

Jaogae looked at Beopjeong in disbelief. What could a mere day change in a situation like this?

"Yes, less than a day is enough."

"Excuse me, but what do you intend to do, Leader?"

"...I will go to the Shaanxi."

"Shaanxi? You don't mean..."

Everyone's eyes widened. Beopjeong nodded with determination.


His eyes were unwavering.

"We must meet the Leader of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and with Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."