Chapter 919: Turns Out There Is That One Crazy Guy (Part 5)


A white aura swirled at the tip of the sword. The tightly compressed energy erupted instantly, sweeping forward.


Namgung Hwang, who had rushed forward, struck down the enemies in a single blow, his voice roaring.

"Black Dragon King!"

A voice that sounded like a lion's roar.

This voice immediately shattered the enemy's formation and boosted the morale of his allies.

"Where are you, Black Dragon King? Are you scared and running away? Come out now! I'll have a match with you that we haven't finished!"


Namgung Hwang's foot hit the ground, shaking the battlefield.

"That monster!"

The terrifying force of Namgung Hwang's sword had left even Yodal, a martial chieftain of the Yangtze River Su Lo Chae, with a deathly pale face.

Namgung Sect, known for pursuing the path of the saber in an unorthodox manner, was famous. However, Namgung Hwang's sword was different, even by Namgung Sect's standards, reaching an uncanny level.

It was as if his sword wasn't a saber but something entirely unique.

"It would have been smoother if it were the Peng Family!"

While he had seen this sword before, it felt completely different from the last time.

The reason could be that Namgung Hwang's martial level had improved significantly over the past three years, or perhaps it was because Yodal had yet to reach the level to understand it.


"Black Dragon, aaaaaah!"

"Curse you!"

As he watched the destroyed Jeongak [palace?] fly into pieces, Yodal finally yelled in despair.

"Retreat! We must retreat!"



Yodal nodded forcefully. There was no time to hesitate. If they delayed any longer, his head might be severed.

"Raise the ships! Get on board..."

However, Yodal's eyes widened at once.

If the full power of Su Lo Chae had gathered here, Yodal would not have chosen to retreat. No matter how formidable the Namgung Sect was, Su Lo Chae also held a prominent place among the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

In a skirmish among elite fighters, it might've been difficult to beat the Namgung Sect, but in an all-out battle, Su Lo Chae would overpower the Namgung Sect. However, their current forces were insufficient.

The Black Dragon King had been attacking the supply ships on the Yantze River to increase the logistics flow to Plum Blossom Island. In other words, there were more enemy ships on the Yantze River than usual.

Naturally, the number of Su Lo Chae warriors defending this place was limited.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately! Get on the ships! Withdraw to the island!" Yodal urged impatiently.

"These damn Namgung Sect guys!"

If he gave the order to evacuate, the Black Dragon King would undoubtedly not let him off easily. Since it was a well-established fact that he hadn't obeyed his command.

"Nevertheless, it's better than dying."

At this moment, the immediate threat was more terrifying than the wrath of the Black Dragon King, who was far away. Namgung Hwang's sword was more fearsome than anything else in front of their eyes.


Even at this moment, several Su Lo Chae warriors were being sliced through by Namgung Hwang's sword, their bodies flying apart.

"Retreat! Quickly!" Following his command, the Su Lo Chae warriors scrambled back.

Actually, even before he issued the order, they were all thinking of escaping somehow. Namgung Hwang's martial prowess was truly overwhelming, and the warriors who had gathered here were not at a level where they could contend.

"How can these righteous sect members move so quickly?"

The reason the Black Dragon King decided to vacate this position, despite knowing that their forces were insufficient, was that he thought it would take at least ten more days for the faction members, who barely moved even after shouting themselves hoarse, to respond properly.

But could anyone have imagined that the Namgung Sect would suddenly appear at this time?

"Master Hobub!" Yodal shouted.

"Understood!" Yodal nodded firmly. There was no time to dawdle. Any further delay and his head might be sent flying.

"Raise the ships! Get aboard..."

However, Yodal's eyes were suddenly wide open.

Through a large passage, different from the one used by Namgung Hwang, a group of white-clad warriors was surging forward. They were Changgung Sword Corps, and leading the way was a young warrior swinging his sword. At a glance, it was evident he possessed a formidable presence.

"Abandon the ships! Damn it, leave the ships behind! Just dive in! Swim to the island!" 

There was no time for leisurely launching the ships. Those who had the foresight to raise the ships earlier managed to board them, but among the vessels moored at the docks, only two had managed to set off towards the shore.

The Su Lo Chae warriors sensed that they didn't have time to board the ships and immediately leaped into the Yangtze River.

"Get out of the way!"

"Don't hold onto me, you brat! Get out!"

"You bastards!"

Chaos. Whether a civilian or a soldier, they act similarly. They prioritize their lives when they still have orders in their minds and something to protect. But the moment that control disappears, only a handful of cowards who value their lives remain.

The Su Lo Chae warriors tugged and pushed their colleagues, leaping into the Yangtze River. They stumbled over each other in their rush, and many of them swung their long spears reflexively.


"This son of a bitch stabbed me?"

Rather than sensibly retreating in an orderly manner, those who had already managed to escape from the water's edge hindered the situation, trying to get ahead, causing further delays. And Namgung Sect's sword coldly pierced the backs of these people.


"Run! The Namgung Sect is coming!"

Splash! Splash!

The Su Lo Chae warriors who jumped into the water expertly swam toward Plum Blossom Island, not looking back. It was a fast and efficient movement. But those who had to face Namgung Sect's sword before even reaching the water screamed and collapsed without strength, left behind.



When Namgung Hwang's foot touched the shore, the Su Lo Chae warriors were divided into two groups: those who had dived into the water and bolted away like arrows and those who had fallen lifeless, unable to reach the water's edge.

Namgung Hwang's eyes were filled with anger.

"To these cowardly idiots!"

A complete victory.

It was a landslide victory beyond contention. However, this fact did not bring any satisfaction to Namgung Hwang. The loathing he felt towards himself for getting angry with such amateurs only intensified.


Namgung Hwang's eyes turned toward two ships at the bow.

"Get out of the way!"

Pushing aside the Chunggang warriors guarding his side, Namgung Hwang powerfully lifted his sword above his head.


Once again, a dense white energy swirled around his sword. A one-foot thick aura of sword energy concentrated around the blade.

"No, no!"

"Jump off! Run awaaaay!"

The Su Lo Chae warriors on the ships saw this spectacle and went into panic, shouting and leaping overboard. They had already witnessed what happens when the white aura gathers on that sword.


Namgung Hwang, who had strongly stomped the shore, immediately swung his sword downwards. The released energy shot out like a cannon, in a straight line toward the ships.


The sword's power smashed the wooden structure of the ships like they were made of paper. The parts of the ships that directly came into contact with the sword energy turned into powder, and even the areas untouched by the blade couldn't withstand its force and shattered into pieces.


In an instant, one of the ships exploded completely, scattering across the surface of the Yangtze River. The sight of this devastation left the Su Lo Chae warriors and even the Chunggang Sword Corps shocked.

Namgung Hwang's gaze then shifted to the remaining ship. However, the observant Su Lo Chae warriors had already made a desperate escape, leaping into the Yangtze River.


Understanding that it was futile to destroy that ship, Namgung Hwang sheathed his sword.

The vast Yangtze River was filled with Su Lo Chae warriors swimming frantically towards Plum Blossom Island Island. 

"...Damn it. That Black Dragon King!"

By this point, Namgung Hwang had to acknowledge the reality. There was no Black Dragon King here. The Black Dragon King might be cunning, but he was not one to shy away from a fight. If he had been here, he would have already blocked Namgung Hwang's path.

"Lord, it's a complete victory."

"...Complete victory?"

Namgung Hwang looked back.

In response to his orders, the previously scattered merchants within the warehouse had gathered, shouting cheers from behind. It meant that every last one of the invading pirates had been either killed or driven away.


However, Namgung Hwang was not satisfied with just this.

"What kind of complete victory is this?"


"When has winning been about regaining something that should naturally be ours? Victory is a word that's used when you make something that belongs to others into yours! You can't call it victory just because you've defeated thieves who trespassed into your home!"

Namgung Myung lowered his head in response to those words.

"To think I've been keeping my head down for three years, fearing these pathetic pirates invaders..."

Namgung Hwang's eyes burned with a fierce determination.

This kind of victory wouldn't compensate for all the time they had lost. There was no Black Dragon King here, no elite Black Dragon Clan. These amateurs were not worth the anger, even if they killed a thousand of them.

"Prepare the boats!"

"My lord?"

"Over there!"

Namgung Hwang's chin pointed towards the island in the center of the Yangtze River.

"Is that place in Gangbuk or Gangnam?"


Namgung Myung hesitated to answer, but Namgung Dowi, who stood nearby, spoke up.

"That place isn't exactly Gangbuk, but it's not Gangnam either. It's literally an island."


Namgung Hwang exclaimed in a deep voice.

"No matter how accidentally established the treaty was, a treaty is a treaty. Namgung won't set foot in Gangnam until the stipulated time has passed. This means that I will absolutely uphold the words I've spoken!"

"Yes, my lord."

"But that place is not Gangnam!"

Namgung Hwang's eyes shot flames.

"Prepare the boats. I can't stand by any longer, seeing those filthy Evil sect scum daring to occupy that place and target Gangbuk. I'll personally land on the island and tear those pirate bastards to pieces!"

"My lord, that's too dangerous. Please reconsider," Namgung Myung pleaded urgently.

"As you can see, that's an island. To approach that place, you need to go through the waterway."


"In other words, entering the island could mean becoming isolated. Our allies' support would be difficult, and the enemy's attacks would be in a favorable position."

"Who doesn't know that?"


Namgung Hwang turned to Namgung Myung with intense eyes.

"Plum Blossom Island has been protecting that land for three whole years, a place that can be attacked at any time due to the treaty."

"Th-that is..."

"Do you mean to say that our Namgung Clan can't do what Moun Hua Sect did?"

"No, that's not what I meant. But..."

"Then prepare."

"My lord, please. Let me explain once more..."

Namgung Myung attempted to dissuade him again, but Namgung Hwang pursed his lips with an impatient expression.

"I'm not so foolish as not to know what you're thinking. I'm not recklessly charging in without knowing what's ahead."


"Don't you understand? Right now, there's no Black Dragon King on that island. And there's no Black Dragon Clan. It means they're defenseless. If we don't act now, taking that island will become ten times more difficult."

"That's true, but..."

"If you miss an opportunity, you'll need several times more effort later. Now is the time to move!"

Namgung Myung bit his lip and nodded. Namgung Hwang's words were not entirely incorrect.

"Understood, my lord!"

"Prepare the boats! We will claim that island!"


Namgung Hwang's fervent eyes were fixed on Plum Blossom Island.

"Black Dragon King, I will tighten your noose. It's me, Namgung Hwang!"

A triumphant smile broke out across his face.