Chapter 920: Turns Out There Is That One Crazy Guy (Part 5)

As the Namgung Sect boarded the docked ship and headed towards Plum Blossom Island, the merchants cheered and rejoiced as if they were about to leap with joy at the sight.

"Namgung Sect!"

"Damn those filthy pirates! You thought you could rule the world, huh?"

Under the Black Dragon King's orders, the pirates had not harmed the local merchants. However, the resentment that they had held for decades was far from being relieved.

While the sight of the pirates being defeated was satisfying, there was another reason for their excitement. It was thanks to the Namgung Sect that the fear of consecutive defeats had disappeared.

In the past, the Evil Sect, whom they had not paid much attention to, had organized the Evil Tyrant Alliance and pushed the Righteous Sects into a pit of defeat, even pushing their way into Gangbuk.

The terror that Gangbuk might really fall into their hands someday. The fear that they might have to live their whole lives under the pirates' watch was instantly relieved with this single victory.

"That's right! The Righteous Sects couldn't possibly endure!"

"Ha! This guy is so old! The Namgung family is part of the Five Great Families!"

"Ah! Isn't that it!"

The hearts of the people watching Namgung Sect's advance towards Plum Blossom Island swelled. The sight of the pirates being exterminated in an instant and the appearance of the faction protecting them was exactly what they had longed for over the past three years.

Although Namgung Sect had also provided the shameful cause of the tragic incident, at least the feeling of resentment no longer lingered in the hearts of those present.

"But... Is it okay to go all the way there? It's still an island."

"Nonsense! Do you think Namgung Sect doesn't know what you're thinking? They have everything planned!"

"Right. That must be it, huh?"

The eyes of the merchants swelled with hope as they watched the ship advance confidently.

"Full speed ahead!"

Namgung Hwang, standing on the deck, shouted in a booming voice.

"Don't give the enemies a chance to regroup. Take advantage of their vulnerable state and swiftly crush them while they're like drowning rats!"

"Yes, my lord!"

At that moment, Namgung Myung, who was scanning the surroundings with a worried expression, spoke urgently.

"The enemies are pirates! It could be dangerous to proceed cautiously! Please slow down the speed, my lord!"

Namgung Hwang glanced at Namgung Myung with an irked expression.

"Do we really need to be so cautious of these insignificant pirates?"

"If you slow down your guard due to their insignificance, we might make a mistake. Is it difficult to be cautious of them? Or is it more difficult to restore Namgung Sect's honor, which might fall due to a momentary mistake?"

Namgung Hwang stared at Namgung Myung with anger rising within him for a moment. However, this time, Namgung Myung didn't back down easily. After staring at Namgung Myung for a while, Namgung Hwang slowly nodded.

"Slow down the speed! Proceed cautiously to avoid any damage to the ship. Be on guard against the surface of the water, Changgung Sword Corps! Some of you jump into the water and prevent the pirates from approaching the ship!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The Changgung Sword Corps acknowledged the order with a loud response. Some of them immediately leaped into the Yangtze River.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Namgung Myung bowed deeply. Watching his reaction, Namgung Hwang clicked his tongue.

"Changgung Commander!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Namgung Hwang nodded heavily and said, "Don't stop your words of advice."


"And don't bow your head casually. The Changgung Commander holds a position where you can offer frank advice to your lord. This is nothing to be grateful for!"

"I understand, my lord!"

Namgung Myung's face brightened significantly. Under these circumstances, he had no choice but to follow Namgung Hwang. Although he was more radical than anyone else, he was by no means a ruthless dictator.

Namgung Hwang would listen to anyone if their words were appropriate and reasonable. If there were any shortcomings, he would fill them, and if Namgung Dowi filled them, that was what a family and a clan meant, didn't it?

"My lord."

At that moment, Namgung Dowi spoke, scanning the front.

"There are cannons installed on the island. From what I've heard, this Plum Blossom Island... is armed with the white thunder cannons that were used by the Wall Power Sect in the past."

"White thunder cannons, you say."

Namgung Hwang snorted.

"It could be helpful in a war between pirates. But there's no way those cannons can reach the ship I'm guarding!"

He pointed sharply at the island while saying this.

"The only ones we should be cautious of are the Black Dragon King and the Black Dragon Clan. Without them on Plum Blossom Island, these pirates won't be able to stop Namgung Sect. And even if they are present, it will be the same!"

Namgung Hwang's true desire was not merely to reclaim Gangbuk. What he genuinely yearned for was to seize Plum Blossom Island entirely and hold a dagger at the enemy's throat, to reciprocate the emotions he had felt when he heard the news of the island's occupation.

"Only about a month remains until the end of the three-year deadline," he thought.

If the deadline passed, Namgung Sect would advance to Gangnam without looking back to eliminate the cunning Evil Sect.

"What's the situation?"

"The pirates are not moving."

"Under the river, there is no sign of anyone approaching."

"Hmph. Nevertheless, they seem to be quite stubborn bastards!"

Namgung Hwang grinned, curling the corner of his mouth.

Naval warfare? Certainly, aquatic skills mastered by the pirates could be effective in the water. However, even then, it's impossible to fully bridge the gap in skill levels. When individuals with the same level of skills confront each other in the water, the outcome is predictable. But it's impossible for the abilities of Changgung Sword Corps and the mediocre pirates to be equal. This fact was already proven three years ago.

The mention of "three years ago" flashed through Namgung Hwang's mind and his expression stiffened rapidly.

"Commander of Changgung!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Ensure the surroundings are thoroughly guarded! Pirates from afar could be preparing an ambush after we make a landing on Plum Blossom Island!"

"I will confirm, my lord!"

"After landing on Plum Blossom Island, some of you remain on the ship and await our return! In case of trouble, be ready to retreat immediately!"


The bitter wounds from three years ago had taught Namgung Hwang the word "caution." However, in other words, it meant that the scar inflicted on Namgung Hwang by Jang Ilso still caused him vivid pain to this day.

"Black Dragon King! Jang Ilso!"


Namgung Hwang clenched his teeth.

"Lead the Changgung Sword Corps and follow me! We'll storm them!"


Namgung Hwang took the lead and leaped into the water, making swift strides that seemed to be more solid ground than water. With his imposing physique and martial prowess that made his sword seem irrelevant, one could suspect he was running on solid land rather than water.

He continued to make the extraordinary scene of one master swordsman's influence on the battlefield evident to the extreme. Finally,


Leaping over the water's surface, Namgung Hwang landed on Plum Blossom Island as if cannonballs were falling to the ground. The pirates stood frozen in place, unable to flee or comprehend the ultimate master before them.

"Ah... Ah..."

Namgung Hwang gazed at the pirates with his sword at the ready, his eyes filled with a killing intent that could tear them apart in an instant, yet he did not make a move. Perhaps, it was a tactic to give the pirates a chance to prepare for resistance. Nevertheless, Namgung Hwang's action had an unmistakable effect.

The pirates were in shock, their will to resist faltering.

"I assure you."

Namgung Hwang's deep, rumbling voice echoed across Plum Blossom Island.

"After this moment, anyone who dares to set foot on this island and resist will not survive. This is my last mercy to all of you, who are nothing more than followers. Leave this island at once!"


The moment Changgung Sword Corps, who had leaped from the ship with Namgung Hwang, stepped foot on Plum Blossom Island, they lined up behind him, their majestic appearance overflowing.

"Namgung Dowi!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"The warning is over! Slay the enemy! Spare no one on this island except those who bear the name of Namgung!"


Namgung Dowi, wielding a danak sword, took the lead and charged forward. As the Changgung Sword Corps brandished their swords in unison and followed, the last remnants of reason among the pirates were shattered.

"Ugh, aaargh!"

"This is certain death!"

"Jump into the water!"

They began to flee without even thinking of resistance.

"Stop! You worthless dogs! Can't you stop right away? How can pirates with the skills of the Southern River Fleet turn their backs and flee? You pathetic wretches! Halt immediately!"

But despite the fierce scolding from Guryu Nogoe Yodal, his voice seemed unheard by the pirates. It was almost a given. No matter how great the Yangtze River Su Lo Chae's techniques might be, compared to Sword Emperor Namgung Hwang, Guryu Nogoe Yodal was nothing more than a firefly in the presence of the sun.

No pirate in their right mind would believe they could resist Namgung Hwang and challenge him. The only choice was to flee if they were not out of their minds.

"I... I..."

Yodal's eyes trembled as if in a severe earthquake. If this place was taken from him, the Black Dragon King would surely tear him apart. But if he held out here, he would be torn apart by Namgung Hwang's hands instead. A choice between a quick death and a slightly slower one was the only option.

It was only natural that he couldn't move easily. 

"Namgung Hwang! Namgung Hwaaaargh! Do you even know what you're doing!"

Yodal vented her anger to Namgung Hwang, unable to choose anything.

"The Black Dragon King will be furious! He will be greatly angered. Do you know what that means? Your actions will stain this Yangtze River with blood..."

At that moment, Namgung Hwang, who had leaped a long distance in a moment, swung his sword down on Yodal's head.


Yodal was sent flying, blood spraying.

Normally, even if his opponent was Namgung Hwang, he wouldn't have been shaken by a single strike like this. But since his spirit was already broken, he couldn't even defend herself properly.

"The Black Dragon King's anger?"

Namgung Hwang approached Yeodal, writhing on the ground, sharpening his sword.

"Before that, you should have considered dealing with my anger! I've been furious from three years ago until now."

"Grr... you wretched...!"

Bloodshot filled Yodal's eyes.

"The Marquis will definitely take your head. You've done things that must not..."

With a swift motion, the head of Yodal fell to the ground.

"Try speaking again, if you can," said Lord Namgung Hwang as he effortlessly raised his head and surveyed Plum Blossom Island.

"Hmph! Black Dragon King's anger? That's exactly what I wanted."

"Who our opponents are doesn't matter. From now on, even the mention of Namgung Sect's name will make the Evil Sect tremble."

That day, the Heaven's Friend Namgung Sect expelled the Su Lo Chae and completely occupied Plum Blossom Island.