Chapter 922: Seriously, This Guy Has No Shame (Part 2)

Beopjeong silently gazed at Mount Hua's Gate. This wasn't his first time seeing the gate with his own eyes. However, it felt even more unfamiliar now.

"Perhaps it's because my situation has changed since then."

Even if it was the same object, the circumstances had changed, so he had to look at it differently. The first time he visited Mount Hua, there was nothing to regret, and he was more curious about what Mount Hua's main mountain looked like.

But now...


Beopjeong recited a mantra to rid himself of the unpleasant feelings in his heart.

"If it's not me, who else will go to hell?"

It was a task for the people. It wasn't a situation where he could hesitate due to a sense of shame.



Beopjeong nodded at Beopgye's voice. He had no time to delay.

"Can we go in?"

Un Geom, who had rushed over upon hearing the commotion, froze and looked at Beopjeong. Then he nodded.

"This way, please. First, come this way."

"Thank you, Un Geom."

Un Geom guided Beopjeong with a face that barely concealed his bewilderment. However, it wasn't his fault. Anyone would be confused when the leader of the Shaolin suddenly appeared without notice. Furthermore, no one would be able to conceal their confusion in a situation where the leader of the Shaolin had come suddenly and without prior notice.

But at that moment, Beopjeong was looking at Un Geom for another reason.

"Was there such a person?"

A one-armed swordsman with no right arm.

His aura was unusual. Just feeling it was enough to recognize that he was a top-notch swordsman with extraordinary skills. The problem was that this person wasn't in Beopjeong's memory.

'So, he's grown this much in just three years?'

It seemed that this person wasn't very young. Normally, as one got older, it was difficult to make such rapid progress in martial arts. Besides, using an inferior left-hand sword for only three years to achieve such a remarkable development, did that mean he had progressed so far in such a short time?

Even though he had only seen one person, Beopjeong could immediately understand how much Mount Hua had changed over the past three years. If an old man like this had progressed so much, how much stronger would Mount Hua's disciples, who were still young, have become?

Beopjeong felt a heavy heart.


Of course, it would be considered a good thing if a sect like Mount Hua, which shared the same righteous doctrine, became stronger. However, Mount Hua was a sect that was currently sweeping the entire world like a typhoon. As this sect became stronger, the typhoon blowing through the world would inevitably become stronger as well.


Beopjeong shook his head. Now was not the time to think about this.

'My heart is filled with confusion.'

Despite his long years of meditation, he was shaken even by such a small thing. Even the mental stability he had pursued for so long seemed to be fading.

At that moment, Hyun Jong of Mount Hua, who was rushing towards him with fast steps, appeared.


Seeing Hyun Jong running faster than anyone else, Beopjeong was on the verge of laughing bitterly.

'He's so pure.'

In the past, Beopjeong wouldn't have found it strange that Hyun Jong was acting this way. If the Sect leader of a declining sect heard the news that the Shaolin leader had visited, would be natural for him to react that way.

But where was the Mount Hua that was declining? Perhaps it was once was, but it not anymore.

He was the leader of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the protector [? "패자"] of Shaanxi.

The Mount Hua Sect was a place where comparisons with its past had become meaningless. Today's Mount Hua Sect didn't need the pretense of being old.

However, Hyun Jong, the head of Mount Hua, had not changed from the past when Mount Hua was called a declining third-rate sect.

'No, it isn't that he hasn't changed.'

If your situation changes, your attitude will naturally change. Even though the situation had changed, maintaining the same attitude meant that he had become a deeper person than he was in the past.

To stay the same, you must change.

Wasn't it like saying that color is just an indication of emptiness and emptiness is just an indication of color?

"Sect Leader, how did you come all the way here...?"

Hyun Jong, who had run up to him at once, stared blankly at Beopjeong as if he couldn't continue speaking. Then, as if he had suddenly regained his senses, he bowed deeply.


Beopjeong's heart, which had been filled with worry, seemed to be somewhat relieved by this welcome. He knew that Hyun Jong behaved like this to everyone, regardless of his true feelings.

Beopjeong greeted Hyun Jong with a full-faced smile.

"You've welcomed me so warmly that I don't know where to put my body. I hope I haven't come to the wrong place."

"What are you saying? I am welcoming you as the representative of the Mount Hua Sect."

"Thank you, Sect Leader. I am truly grateful."

Facing Hyun Jong, Beopjeong slightly observed the area behind him.

'Is he not here?'

While there were many elder Mount Hua disciples with distinct faces, the person Beopjeong was most concerned about wasn't visible. Instead, Mount Hua's disciples who had rushed out upon hearing the commotion seemed puzzled and looked at Beopjeong.

"What's going on?"

"Shaolin's leader has come."

"The leader? Why is the leader here?"

Beopjeong had become accustomed to people looking at him in a strange way. From the moment he became Shaolin's leader, he couldn't avoid these kinds of stares.

However, he couldn't help but feel uneasy when he saw the faces of those sending these gazes.

'They are strong.'

Their faces still showed the signs of youth, but they were filled with a sharp and serious energy that differed from the young martial artists who had just completed their training. He had never felt such presence even from Namgung or Wudang.

Now, Beopjeong wasn't sure what to say when trying to express Mount Hua. Words like "unstoppable" or "invincible" seemed insufficient to describe the growth of these young inspectors. 

What further impressed Beopjeong was their behavior. Their attitudes reminded him of children playing in the street. 

Naive? Not really. 

In the Tao, this kind of behavior was often described as "pure." It meant not adhering to formalities, not excessively adhering to propriety, and being honest with one's emotions. It was the attitude that Taoists who tried to emulate nature should adopt. 

'Strength and purity.'

He felt like he could understand why the Mount Hua Sect threatened the Wudang Sect's position by just looking at them. However, he knew that it wasn't the whole story.

"I greet the leader."

"I greet the leader."

Beopjeong nodded his head silently as they bowed to him.

'Mount Hua's Five Swords.'

They had now become the representatives of Mount Hua, and although their name was still a subject of debate among later generations, they would undoubtedly become a name representing the world of swords in the future.

"Nice to meet you, Baek Cheon Dojang."

"Do you know my name?"

"How can you not know the renowned Mount Hua's Righteous Sword?"

"...It is an honor."

Baekcheon bowed his head with perfect poise.

He was indeed a fitting example of humility, a trait that suited him better than anyone else. Despite being the leader of a sect overflowing with talented individuals, at this moment, there was a subtle sense of admiration from Hyun Jong, enough to make it feel distinct.

"...Have you been diligent?"

After receiving Baek Cheon's greeting, Beopjeong turned his gaze to the person standing behind him, someone who had once been a source of pride for him. The person who, at one time, might have been able to become an existence like Baek Cheon to Hyun Jong.

He smiled slightly as he looked at Hye Yeon, who seemed to have mixed feelings.

"Have you learned a lot?"


Beopjeong, who had been staring at Hye Yeon's face, suddenly lowered his gaze and glanced at the black clothing he was wearing.

'Mount Hua's uniform.'

One could guess the situation even if they didn't know what had transpired. However, if there had been even the slightest hint of doubt or hesitation in Hye Yeon's heart, she would not have worn clothing from another sect, even if it was just a momentary formality.

"There's a lot to talk about between you and me, but now is not the time. Let's discuss it later."

"Yes, Leader."

Hye Yeon bowed silently, and then Hyun Jong awkwardly moved away while glancing at Hye Yeon.

"Bangjang. [Also means Sect Leader, I will keep romanization to prevent confusion] There were circumstances… It's my fault for not paying attention to everyone."

"There's no need for that, Sect Leader. I'm not blaming that child. I just have a lot to discuss with my long-absent disciple."

"If that's the case..."

When Hyun Jong nodded, Beopjeong smiled and turned his attention back to Hyun Jong.

"I've come here to discuss a matter that requires in-depth consideration, which is why I rushed here."

"I... I'm really sorry, Bangjang. Please come this way."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong quickly led Beopjeong to another location.

As Beopjeong walked through the somewhat noisy Mount Hua Sect, he carefully observed the atmosphere. In contrast to the quiet atmosphere of Shaolin, the Mount Hua Sect was bustling and full of vitality.

It was expected of a sect on the rise.

Before his thoughts could be organized, Hyun Jong and Beopjeong arrived in front of the Mount Hua Sect Leader's residence.

"This is the place. Please don't blame us for not being prepared to receive guests."

"How could an uninvited guest think that way? Just offering me a lukewarm glass of water would be enough, and I would be grateful."

"Please have it."

Following the guide, before entering the room, Beopjeong's gaze was drawn to a pair of shoes placed in front of the door.

They were a bit small for Hyun Jong to wear.

This indicated that there was someone in this room who didn't show their face despite the arrival of the leader of Shaolin. Beopjeong seemed to know who that person was, even without looking.


Beopjeong muttered softly to calm his heart so that others wouldn't hear. The one he had truly wanted to meet after rushing to the Mount Hua Sect was inside this room now.

As Beopjeong entered the room, the first thing that met his eyes was someone sitting with their back leaning against the corner of the room.

Chung Myung hadn't changed much. He was recognizable at first sight.

No, there was hardly any difference to find in what had changed. If one had to search for differences, he had grown a bit taller, appeared slightly sturdier, but overall, there was hardly any difference compared to the way he looked before.

Even his aura and the look in his eyes were the same.

Even after seeing Beopjeong enter, Chung Myung didn't show much of a reaction. He just gazed at Beopjeong with his round eyes.

The two of them looked at each other like that for a moment. Breaking the awkward silence, Beopjeong was the first to smile and speak.

"Have you been well, Dojang? No, I guess that name doesn't really suit you anymore."

His tone was very soft, as if speaking to a dear friend.

Chung Myung smiled warmly in response.

"Yes. Thanks to you, I've been very well."

"Is that so? I feel like I haven't done anything special."

"Oh, come on. How many things have you done for me?"

"Is that so?"


Chung Myung smiled warmly, but his eyes showed no sign of a smile.

"You wished me to be ruined to this extent, and you think I should be well, even if I feel wronged? Thanks to you, I've been very, very well."

As they entered the room, the Mount Hua Sect's disciples who were accompanying Beopjeong were taken aback.

"He... He...!"

"That crazy guy."

Seeing Chung Myung confronting Beopjeong head-on from the start, they were already worried about how tense this place would be.

Their backs started to sweat as they followed them.