Chapter 923: Seriously, This Guy Has No Shame (Part 3)

An awkward atmosphere permeated the room. To be more precise, the current atmosphere wasn't awkward but rather chilly.

"That crazy guy..."

Of course, in the past, Chung Myung didn't exactly show much courtesy to Beopjeong. However, back then, the relationship between Shaolin and the Mount Hua Sect wasn't as bad as it was now.

Baek Cheon bit his lip.

"And the gap was extreme back then."

A tiger wouldn't pick a fight with a barking puppy. It would ignore it for a while, but if it crossed the line, the tiger would bite it to death. Conversely, that also meant the puppy had opportunities to provoke the tiger.

But now?

Would Beopjeong still see Chung Myung as a barking puppy?

Baek Cheon thought not. No matter how much Beopjeong was the leader of the Shaolin and an unparalleled presence in the martial world, it was impossible to treat Chung Myung of the Mount Hua Sect so lightly.

The current position of Chung Myung was enough to irritate even the Shaolin's leader.

So the atmosphere had to be tense.

However, whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, the one who reacted to those words wasn't Beopjeong, but Beopgye, who followed into the room.

"Look here, Master."

With a cold gaze, Beopgye looked at Chung Myung and spoke.

"There should be a minimum of courtesy when addressing an elder. Don't they teach that in the Mount Hua Sect?"

Under normal circumstances, Beopgye would never stop at this level. Since he was the chief examiner of the Shaolin's regulations department, he was the one who embodied the rules of Shaolin.

But now, the reason Beopgye had so carefully chosen his words was clear. He understood why the leader had come to this place, which is why he decided to keep his words within these limits.

However, Chung Myung's response completely nullified his efforts.


Chung Myung smiled sarcastically.

"Oh, I love courtesy. I really do."

Then he looked at Beopgye with a grin.

"But perhaps because this monk lives only in the mountains, he only knows one thing and doesn't know the other."

"…What do you mean I don't know?"

"To show respect to the superior is the most basic courtesy. But isn't there another basic one when you're in Kang Ho?"

"… What is that?"

Chung Myung stared intently at the uninvited guests, his lips twisting.

"It's about being polite to people who are disappointed."


Beopgye's mouth involuntarily closed.

"Isn't that so?"

Chung Myung's mischievous smile pierced Beopgye's eyes. He felt a momentary surge of anger, but even if he were Beopgye, he couldn't afford to let his anger out here.

Partly because Beopjeong was right in front of him, but...

'Mount Hua...'

The name suppressed Beopgye to the point where he couldn't easily get upset. Without realizing it, the weight of the Mount Hua Sect had become just as heavy inside him.

Between his anger and that weight, didn't know what to do. In his perplexity, Beopgye heard a calm voice in his ear.

"It's true, indeed. Dojang, or should I say, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. Just as you say, it's the way for a thirsty person to dig a well."

"W-Way... Master."

Beopjeong laughed gently. The laughter slightly eased the tense atmosphere.

"I was worried that meeting you after so many years might have changed your personality, but it seems like you haven't changed at all."

"It's said to be the beginning of a downfall when people change. By the way, it seems like you've changed quite a bit."


Beopjeong opened his mouth half-open in astonishment.

What on earth should he respond with?

"But this guy!"

Fortunately, Beopjeong had someone he could call an ally. If you could call him an ally.

Hyun Jong, who was about to lose his temper, yelled.

"He is the Sect Leader Shaolin! Can't you show some respect!"

"But how can I be more polite than this, Sect Leader?"

But Chung Myung responded as if it were strange. Hyun Jong flinched.

"…Have you shown respect?"



"Of course!"

Chung Myung replied, tapping his chest.

"Even though he's the leader of Shaolin, I greet and converse with him. If not, oh my, this place would be a sea of blood right now. Everyone would have died, everyone! Come to think of it, someone mentioned a little while ago that it's time for someone to die."

"No one said such a thing! Just leave!"

"Oh, how strange. It seemed like someone did."

"You want to die, don't you?"


Chung Myung sighed in disappointment, got up from his seat, and slowly walked toward the back, all the while not forgetting to glance at Beopjeong. It was as if he wanted to provoke a fight with him right now.


Beopjeong sighed to calm his indescribable emotions.

How could Chung Myung, who could casually argue with the leader of Shaolin, listen so well to Hyun Jong?

Hyun Jong said with an unapologetic expression, "I'm sorry, Bangjang. I took him as my disciple but couldn't teach him..."

"No, why are you apologizing...!"

"Can't you be quiet?"

When Hyun Jong stared at him with a face as if he might throw his staff at any moment, Chung Myung shrank back, trembling. He muttered something while leaning against the wall with his head in his hands, but Hyun Jong desperately ignored his voice.

'Sending Beopjeong away is embarrassing, but keeping him will drive me crazy.'

"Sect leader."

At that moment, Beopjeong opened his mouth with a big smile.

"I envy you. How secure you must feel with such great disciples on Mount Hwasan."

"They're just troublemakers. I have to make them into accomplished Taoists one way or another before I die."

Though he said that, there was unmistakable pride on Hyun Jong's face. At least in this moment, Beopjeong couldn't help but envy him.

"Please, have a seat."


As Beopjeong sat down in the center, those who had entered the room gathered around him.

Hyun Jong silently watched the two of them. Just with Beopjeong and Beopgye sitting in front, an inexplicable weight seemed to press on his shoulders. It felt like this room was entirely filled with the presence of these two.

'The head of Shaolin.'

Did one need to have sufficient strength to know the size of one's opponent? Only now, after going through various events, did Hyun Jong realize how remarkable Beopjeong was, running the huge Shaolin sect smoothly without any mishaps. He understood how much weight Beopjeong was carrying.


Hyunjong cleared his throat as if trying to brush away Beopjeong's presence.

"You must have had a hard journey coming all this way."

"No need for such words."

Beopjeong smiled and spoke.

"Although it felt distant, it didn't take much time to get here. If I had known earlier, I would have visited more often."

"It makes me feel embarrassed that you came so far ahead of me, making me feel ashamed for not coming often."

"It seems like you're blaming me for not visiting often when Sect Leader is one of the busiest people in the world. I've made such a mistake."


Beopjeong gestured as if he had committed a breach of etiquette, lightly touching the back of his head. Chung Myung was about to exclaim something like, "That's right!" when Baek Cheon's hand, already poised to intervene, quickly sealed his mouth.

Thanks to that, Beopjeong went on with words he had intended to say.

"I should called you 'Maengju' [title for leader of Heavenly Comrade Alliance] instead of "Sect Leader." I apologize for my breach of etiquette. Please forgive me."

"No, there's no need for forgiveness. 'Sect Leader' is enough."

"I can't allow that. Every person should have a title that corresponds to their position."

Upon hearing this, Hyun Young, who was standing beside them, narrowed his eyes subtly.

'Is he...'

The insistence on calling him 'Maengju' and not merely referring to him as the Sect Leader of the Mount Hua Sect implied that this visit was not limited to Mount Hua alone. In other words, it signified his intention not to deal with Hyun Jong, the sect leader of the Mount Hua Sect, but with Hyun Jong, the leader of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.


Hyunjong, as if understanding his intention, cleared his throat again.

"Having Bangjang in front of me makes the behavior cautious. If I ask questions, it feels like we're rushing, but if I engage in conversation, it seems like I'm stealing time."

"Hahaha. I've come to visit, but you say you're taking up my time?"


Hyun Jong sighed and looked at Beopjeong.

"If it's not rude, may I ask for the reason for your visit to the Mount Hua Sect?"

Beopjeong displayed a subtle expression.

"Frankly speaking..."

Then, he hesitated a bit before speaking.

"I did think that the relationship between Shaolin and the Mount Hua Sect isn't as good as it used to be. There have been various incidents, and there were times when there were differences in status."

Hyun Jong waited anxiously for Beopjeong's next words.

"But... I didn't know it would come to the point where I couldn't even get a cup of tea. The plum tea you gave me last time was excellent."


Hyunjong's face turned red. He realized that Shaolin's sect leader had come as a guest, yet he had gone straight to the main topic without even offering a cup of tea. Normally, he would never make such a mistake, but the sudden visit of the Shaolin faction leader had clearly unsettled him.

"I made a mistake. Un Am, go and fetch some tea quickly!"


Un Am, perhaps realizing his mistake as well, promptly stood up and rushed out.

"I apologize, Bangjang. I'm inexperienced, and..."

"No, no, there's no need to apologize. I was just wondering if you no longer thought of me the way you used to."

"Of course not. That's not the case at all."

"Then, that's a relief. Hahaha."

Chung Myung, who had been observing the situation, couldn't help but grin.

"That little snake of a mind!"

With just a few light words, Beopjeong had instantly taken control of the atmosphere in the room and completely seized the initiative in the situation.

In addition, when referring to the past, he had used the title 'Sect Leader,' and when discussing the present, he used the title 'Maengju-nim,' implying that the difference in treatment was due to a change in status. Regardless of personal feelings, one could not deny his ability to achieve what he wants with just a few words. In such a way did this man manage to reach the position of Shaolin's leader."

"Tea... soon..."


Beopjeong gently interrupted.

"While tea is good, there's something more important."


"Have you heard about the incident at the Yangtze River? It's about the Namgung Family capturing the Plum Blossom Island just yesterday."

"Yes, I've heard."


Beopjeong briefly glanced behind him. The beggar he had seen on his way here was not visible.

"The situation is not flowing as favorably as expected, Maengju-nim."

"Yes, I gathered as much from what I heard."

"The reason I came here is one, Maengju-nim. I ask for your support."

At that moment, Beopjeong knelt deeply in front of Hyun Jong, as if begging.

"W-what is this?"

Hyun Jong, who had been deep in thought, stood up in shock. He was utterly bewildered. How could a leader of Shaolin prostrate himself like this?

But as Hyun Jong attempted to lift Beopjeong, Chung Myung couldn't contain a hollow laugh. 


The old snake was now wrapping its long tail around Hyun Jong's neck. 

'So this is how it goes, huh?'

A gleam of blue light radiated from Chung Myung's eyes.