Chapter 924: Seriously, This Guy Has No Shame (Part 4)

The renowned Beopjeong lowered his head. His gesture left even the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, who were watching, dumbfounded.

'Shaolin's leader...'

To our Sect Leader.

Perhaps this was a scene that should one feel proud. The incident where Mount Hua faced the risk of losing everything, including the building, happened just a few years ago. For Hyun Jong, who was nothing more than the leader of a third-rate faction about to fall into ruin, to rise to the position of receiving the Shaolin leader's bow in just a few years was an extraordinary achievement. However, no one here felt any pride. They were simply astonished and amazed by this unbelievable situation.

"Please don't do this, Bangjang. I don't know what to do."


Beopjeong firmly held Hyun Jong's hand as he tried to raise him.

"I won't deny the fact that Shaolin was at fault in the matter. Even though our power was lacking, even if Mount Hua was closed, we should have dealt with the Evil Sect members flocking to Shaanxi."


"Please forgive us for not being able to do so."

"...How can you even consider this a mistake?"

A faint groan came from Hyun Young's lips.

Shaolin and Mount Hua had harbored ill feelings toward each other for a long time. The decisive blow was the incident that came out of Beopjeong's mouth. Until then, it could have been brushed aside as a difference of opinion, but there was a clear malice in this incident.

If Shaolin had considered Mount Hua as an ally, this incident would have never occurred. But Beopjeong brought up this matter first, lowering his head. If the head of Shaolin showed such humility, Hyun Jong had no choice but to respond. If Hyun Jong raised his status here, those who heard about this without understanding the circumstances would certainly blame Hyun Jong.

"It's scary."

The words were simple. The logic was straightforward.

But getting the leader of Shaolin, who ruled the northern regions, to bow down to someone... Even just bowing down was not an easy task. Even if it was difficult to simply bow, was it possible for him to lie down on the ground like that?

It was an unexpected blow. Even if the one who received it was not the mild-mannered Hyun Jong, there would be no easy way to respond.

"Mount Hua does not blame Shaolin. We know that Shaolin has been working tirelessly for the stability of Hannam. How can we blame Shaolin?"


"However... it's sad and regrettable that there are those who have been sacrificed by the malicious Evil Sect members."

Hyun Jong let out a deep sigh. "Please don't do this, Bangjang. I can't bear it."

Beopjeong nodded his head and took his seat again. Only then did Hyun Jong release his grip on Beopjeong's hand and return to his original position.

At that moment, Un Am entered the room with a teacup in hand. "Sect Leader."


Hyun Jong accepted the teacup that Un Am was offering, as if he was relieved that things were going well. "The order is a bit mixed up, but I will serve you tea."

"Is there a more significant occasion than the tea offered by the Maengju of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? I should be grateful for this."

"...Thank you for thinking that way."

Hyun Jong, with a slightly softened expression, began to pour tea into the cup. It was a comforting feeling to have the familiar teacup in his hand.

"Here you go."

"Thank you, Maengju-nim."

Beopjeong took a sip of the tea that Hyun Jong had offered, and then he smiled.

"Mount Hua's plum blossom tea is indeed exceptional. It seems to have qualities superior to any tea I've ever had."

"It's simply a result of drying the plum blossom fruits scattered on the mountain because we couldn't find tea as good as those from other places. How can it compare to the precious teas around the world?"

"If it has its unique characteristics, how can it be lacking compared to precious teas?"

The atmosphere loosened up a bit. However, the observant individuals still knew that Beopjeong continued to lead the situation with the upper hand.

'Indeed, the leader of Shaolin...'

Without imposing his presence, status, or verbally asserting dominance, Beopjeong had everyone in the room's attention focused on him.


"Please speak, Bangjang."

"As I mentioned before, the situation in the Yangtze River is not favorable."


Hyun Jong didn't ask any more questions; he had already heard it from Chung Myung.

'What should I do in this situation?'

The situation was straightforward. Currently, only the factions that followed Shaolin wouldn't be able to prevent the Evil Tyrant Alliance from advancing northward. Moreover, the factions located in Sichuan and the northern part of the Central Plains didn't particularly want to shed blood in areas that weren't their territories.

If the Evil Tyrant Alliance was genuinely strong enough to be untouchable, they could have been forced to unite on the surface. However, the issue lay in the fact that the current Evil Tyrant Alliance members weren't all strong enough for them to stake their lives.

Hyun Jong himself had no qualms about fighting alongside Shaolin, and facing the Evil Tyrant Alliance was something that had to be done.

But there was always a sacrifice involved in everything. If others aren't willing to step forward, was there any reason for Mount Hua Sect to step up?

Unless it was for the common people.


As Hyun Jong's pondering continued, Beopjeong spoke again.

"It's not for the sake of the Righteous Sects. Please consider the suffering that will befall the common people if war breaks out, Maengju-nim..."

"Common people?"

At that moment, a cynical voice was heard. Beopjeong opened his eyes again. He also knew that the moment had come and that what he said was genuine.

"Yes, the common people."

"Ah, indeed. Shaolin is truly different. You even know how to bow your head for the common people. Frankly, it surprised me."

Chung Myung chuckled, looking at Beopjeong with a sly smile. However, everyone in the room, including Beopjeong, knew that the laughter was far from genuine.


As if on cue, Chung Myung's laughter turned increasingly disdainful.

"I find it a bit amusing to believe those words at face value. Do you really think the situation is as simple as it sounds?"

"What do you mean?"

"In my view, it seems like you're the one wishing for a war, isn't it?"

"Chung Myung!"

Baek Cheon was startled by Chung Myung's statement. It was a declaration that clearly crossed the line, even for him.

The gentle expression that Beopjeong had maintained was gradually hardened.

"Why do you think that way, Chung Myung?"

"It's simple. How can we make sure the common people don't suffer?"

"...By stopping the Evil Tyrant Alliance."


Chung Myung shook his head.

"What needs to be stopped is not the Evil Tyrant Alliance but the war itself. After all, the Evil Tyrant Alliance's presence doesn't necessarily bring suffering to the common people, at least not in Gangbuk."


"If you don't plan on pushing into Gangnam, the best way to protect the common people is to avoid starting the war in the first place. But it seems you, Beopjeong, only think about fighting, isn't that right?"

"And what do you mean by asking me what should be done when they want the war themselves?"

"Surely, Shaolin's leader is not ignorant of this, am I right?"

Chung Myung's laughter became more pronounced. "If you really wanted to prevent the war, you should have run to the Yangtze River. And at least kicked out Namgung Hwang even if you couldn't drag Namgung Sect out of Plum Blossom Island."


"If Namgung Sect is satisfied with recapturing Gangbuk and doesn't move into Plum Blossom Island, then you won't be the one with a knife to your throat. Su Lo Chae brought shame on themselves, but if Plum Blossom Island is returned to them, they won't start a war on their own."

Beopjeong looked at Chung Myung with a dumbfounded face.

"Well, I understand. If it turns out that way, Shaolin will take all kinds of insults. Giving up the land Namgung Sect recovered with great effort, making Shaolin look like they're afraid of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, calling Shaolin's leader a coward..."



Chung Myung paused for a moment and shrugged his shoulders.

"Instead of Shaolin taking the insults, it will save people. Why? You didn't even consider it, did you?"

Beopjeong couldn't bring himself to respond. Clearly, this method was not considered. In fact, it wasn't even present in his mind.

Chung Myung gave the reason for that.

"Of course, you didn't think about it. Because, in your head, Shaolin comes before anything else in the world. It's not like you've considered a situation where Shaolin takes insults for the sake of correcting Namgung Sect's mistakes. And making Shaolin look like they're afraid of the Evil Tyrant Alliance wasn't something you could tolerate."

"I was just..."

"No, well... I'm not here to criticize you. Of course, it could have happened that way. Honestly, it's a very unpleasant situation. It must be unfair for you. It's not your mistake. I fully understand. However..."

A cold gaze fell upon Beopjeong.

After a while, Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

"Then, at least don't pretend to care about people, the common people, or all the people. You hypocrite."

Beopjeong eventually closed its eyes tightly.

However, he couldn't block out that voice that was seeping through his open ears.