Chapter 926: It Is My Role (Part 1)

It felt like a cold blade touching his neck, made of unwavering determination. The sensation conveyed a single fact.

"This isn't just a simple threat."

In reality, such a thing should've been impossible. Logically, it didn't make sense. But at this moment, Beopjeong's senses were clearly telling him something different.

If he were to give the wrong answer here, Chung Myung could actually come forward and slice his throat.

'Why are you going this far?'

Chung Myung's profound, deep-rooted fury, was something that Beopjeong could not understand. What did Mount Hua have to gain by defeating Shaolin?


Confusion mixed with disdain spilled from Beopjeong's mouth. He was unaware that his voice wavered at the end with a tinge of fear.


In his disdain, his suffocating emotions became apparent. To resolve the situation they were in now, the cooperation of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was absolutely essential.

However, if Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, the center of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, took such a stern stance, it would become increasingly difficult to pull them into the fold.

To begin with, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was a difficult person to predict. He never engaged in deals that resulted in losses, and threats had no sway over him. What could you possibly say to someone who attempted to threaten the Leader of the Shaolin Sect?

The only weakness the Mount Hua Sect had was...


Beopjeong's gaze left Cheongmyung and turned toward Hyun Jong.

Hyun Jong, with a dark expression, met Beopjeong's gaze. Chung Myung briefly stiffened at the sound of the name 'Maenju-nim,' and Beopjeong didn't miss this reaction.


Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword didn't care for anyone's opinion in the world, with the only exception of Hyun Jong, who was a respected elder within the Mount Hua Sect. Beopjeong may not have understood why this respect existed, whether it was because he was a respected figure in the sect or for some other reason. But in any case, the reason wasn't important.

The conclusion was that if you conquered Hyun Jong, it could be difficult even for Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword to oppose it.

"What do you think, Maenju-nim? Do you agree with Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?""

"Bangjang, I..."

"Do not say that your disciple's will is your will, Maenju-nim. It is nothing more than evasion, as you know."

Beopjeong continued to speak quickly as if he intended not to give Hyun Jong time to think.

"And do not forget, I am appealing not to Mount Hua Sect's Sect Leader but to the leader of the entire Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Even if Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword can represent Mount Hua's intentions, it does not represent the intentions of the entire Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Do you firmly believe that the other sects within the Heavenly Comrade Alliance will necessarily align their intentions with those of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?"


There was a seriousness in Hyun Jong's expression.

What was pressing on his shoulders right now was not the content of Beop Jeong's words, but rather the tone of his voice. It was a tone completely different from the beginning. It was filled with a clear determination to press Hyun Jong.

"A leader of a sect must sometimes make decisions that may seem arbitrary for the sake of the sect's future. Even though it may seem frustrating and disadvantageous right now, I believe you are able to understand that in the end, it may be for the good of the sect."


Chung Myung's face contorted.

He looked like he wanted to strangle Beop Jeong's neck right now, but unlike a little while ago, his mouth did not open carelessly.

Beop Jeong, who was silently scrutinizing the situation, smiled inwardly. Clearly, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword never challenged Hyun Jong's authority. Hyun Jong was the only person who could suppress this unmanageable thing.

And Hyun Jong was, in fact, a weak person.

Although it may be so for Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, it was not difficult for Beop Jeong to persuade Hyun Jong.

"When I first took the position of being the Sect Leader of Shaolin..."

He spoke calmly, gradually regaining his composure.

"The first thing I felt was weight."

Hyun Jong slightly lowered his head. This was something that any leader of a sect could not help but relate to.

"My responsibility was not to be taken lightly, and decisions I made alone would have the potential to change the fate of Shaolin, even possibly the fate of the world. People who haven't been in that position can't even guess."


"Was it not the same for you, Maenju-nim?"


Beop Jeong smiled faintly.

"I, too, have had moments where I wanted to set everything aside and live as I pleased. Every time that happened, what kept me grounded were those two words: Shao Lin."


"As the Sect Leader of Shaolin, I must listen to my disciples' words. However, there are also times when, because I am the Sect Leader of Shaolin, I must choose not to heed their words. Moving according to my mood is surprisingly not that difficult. What is truly challenging is suppressing what I desire and considering the future of the sect."

A composed yet forceful voice enveloped Hyun Jong. Confirming that Hyun Jong's expression had grown heavier, Beop Jeong slowly drove in the wedge.

"I am not asking for assistance unconditionally. Shaolin is a sect that does not forget grace. If Maenju-nim lends us his help as the leader of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, Shaolin will surely repay that grace. I promise not only the return of the Mount Hua sect to the Ten Great Sect, of course, but also authority that we have never granted to any other sect."


The prayer beads Beop Jeong was holding grated roughly. The sound made those concentrating flinch. Once again, Beop Jeong controlled the atmosphere, offering a gentle smile.

"If it goes that way, the Mount Hua Sect regaining its past glory will be nothing but a predetermined outcome. Anyone can see it. However, a true leader must be able to see beyond those individuals and envision the future of the sect, right?"


At that moment, a small clenching noise reached Beop Jeong's ears. It might have been the sound of someone gripping something tightly, holding back their anger. But Beop Jeong, with unyielding patience, kept his gaze away from that person.

He had to completely exclude Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword at this moment to deal with Hyun Jong.


At that moment, Hyun Jong spoke.

"What difference will it make if Mount Hua returns to the Ten Great Sects now?"

"Many things will change."

Beop Jeong looked at Hyun Jong with a calm gaze, as if saying he wanted to inform him of reality.

"Surely the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is formidable right now. Therefore, it may seem that the name of the Ten Great Sects feels insignificant. However, Maenju-nim, do you think throughout the long history of the martial world, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had been the only influential power?"

At Beop Jeong's words, Hyun Jong's expression changed slightly.

Beop Jeong did not miss the opportunity and tightened his reins.

"Some sects that once rivaled the Ten Great Sects in reputation and sometimes displayed even more power no longer exist. What do you think happened to those sects?"

Inside the sleeves, Hyun Jong's fist clenched silently. He knew very well that Beop Jeong's words were not incorrect.

"Undoubtedly, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is a formidable entity. But even you, Maenju-nim, must be aware that a new external sect cannot maintain an alliance for long years. The moment that alliance breaks, Mount Hua will have to face the reality of the Ten Great Sects, who hold grudges against it, as well as the Five Great Families. And at that time, it certainly will not be the same relationship as you have now, except for the Sichuan Tang Family. In other words..."

At that moment, Beop Jeong's gaze returned to Chung Myung for the first time after facing Hyun Jong. It was as if to say that this message was not meant for Hyun Jong alone.

"When Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword can no longer protect Mount Hua, it means that Mount Hua will have to face a terrible reality that is incomparable to the past. Sect Leader, do you truly believe that by turning the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families into enemies, the Mount Hua Sect can continue to exist?"


Chung Myung's face twisted, and Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly.

These words precisely pierced his concerns.

Mount Hua had expanded its influence with great vigor. Hyun Jong knew that it was only possible because of the existence of Chung Myung. Therefore, Chung Myung was an endlessly gracious and precious being to him.

But where there is light, there is also darkness.

Mount Hua had constructed an extremely close relationship with the Sichuan Tang family, the Outer Sects, and Nokrim, but its relationship with the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families, which represented the existing order of the powerful, deteriorated significantly.

If the Heavenly Comrade Alliance could continue to grow in its current momentum, it wouldn't be a problem. But what if Chung Myung was no longer a part of Mount Hua?

Even if Chung Myung doesn't suffer harm during the war against the Evil Tyrant Alliance, what about the future of Mount Hua after Chung Myung ascends to heaven?

Can it truly withstand the pressure from the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families?

Probably not.

Mount Hua had already transcended the limits of what it could achieve as a martial arts sect. Demanding the same from the ones who would continue Mount Hua in the future was nothing more than violence in the name of expectation.

Hyun Jong was burdened with an indescribable heaviness.

If he could witness all of this while he was alive, he wouldn't have to worry. But how much of his life was left?

Right now, he could make a choice, but the cost of that choice would have to be borne entirely by those who remained.

Was it really the right thing to saddle future generations with this immense burden for momentary satisfaction? Could one easily make a choice that would make the giants who had supported the country for centuries bear ill feelings toward Mount Hua?

Beopjeong looked at the contemplative Hyun Jong and said, "I hope you consider deeply what the true path to supporting Mount Hua is. Sir Maen... No, Sect Leader!"

It was the final nail.

A long silence followed. Everyone was simply waiting for Hyun Jong's response.

Hyun Jong, who had been contemplating with his eyes closed for a long time, slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Mount Hua's disciples who were looking at him.

The expressions on their faces were diverse.

Some were gazing at him earnestly, some were sending him unwavering trust. Some showed dissatisfaction with the idea of listening to such words, and some were deep in thought.

In the midst of all these thoughts, in the midst of all these intentions, the role of one bearing the name Sect Leader was to find the right path.

For a long time, he had entrusted numerous choices to them. He knew that he was too inadequate to make choices on his own. However, at this moment, Hyun Jong felt it intuitively. This is a choice that has been entirely given to him.

Delaying this was nothing more than passing the responsibility to his young disciples. It was a lonely battle, a form of asceticism where you walk alone on an eternal night road without being able to see three inches in front of you. However, Hyun Jong knew one star that would illuminate that darkness more brightly than anything else in the sky.


Hyun Jong, who had put an end to his doubts, spoke to Beopjeong.

"Bangjang, I clearly understand the intentions you wish to convey."

"If you..."

"If we clearly confront Shaolin now, the Mount Hua of later generations may have to endure a time of suffering. Perhaps they will have to go through a great crisis and the Mount Hua that has barely survived will disappear forever."

Beopjeong nodded emphatically, feeling content inside. Hyun Jong seemed to have clearly understood his meaning.

"In that case, isn't the choice that must be made as the leader of one sect too clear?"

"Yes, Bangjang. It's exceedingly clear."

Hyun Jong looked at Beopjeong with a composed expression. At that moment, Beopjeong unknowingly bowed his head. It was because an unapproachable aura that was hard to grasp came from Hyun Jong, who had always been gentle and kind to everyone.

"When a disciple of the main sect visited Yunnan in the past, there was an interesting story."


However, what came out of Hyun Jong's mouth was a random story. Beopjeong furrowed his brow.

'What is all of a sudden...,'

"The disciple of the main sect, who had carried the plum blossom sword and sold it to buy food to help those in dire straits in Yunnan, confessed the fact to me. No one had revealed that fact, but the disciple admitted it to me and begged for forgiveness."

Then, everyone's gazes turned to Yoon Jong. Yoon Jong's face turned red in an instant. Hyun Jong also looked at Yoon Jong once and then smiled softly.

"The Beast Palace Lord told me what happened back then. I will now tell you what the disciple said to the Beast Palace Lord."

Here is the translation of the provided text:


"If the glory of Mount Hua can make the lives of people in the world more comfortable, then all the disciples of Mount Hua can proudly boast of that glory. However, if glory remains merely in Mount Hua, Mount Hua will become a sect that can be replaced by any other sect at any time."

Beopjeong's face hardened. On the other hand, Hyun Jong's face was smooth, as if he had shaken off all doubts.

"Bangjang, for Mount Hua, the most important thing is not leaving an illusion. If Mount Hua cannot convey its intentions to the later generations, no matter how great the glory it enjoys, it will be just a sect with the name Mount Hua."


"If we compromise righteousness and choose survival, Mount Hua will no longer be Mount Hua. I would rather witness its end than watch Mount Hua change like that. That..."

A fierce light shone in Hyun Jong's eyes. Even Beopjeong found it hard to meet his gaze.

"Despite being utterly inadequate, it is my role as the Sect Leader of Mount Hua to carry it out."

A subdued but unwavering voice, filled with conviction that could not be denied, reached Beopjeong's ears.

"Please go back, Bangjang. Mount Hua will not yield to your request. If you had truly intended convince Mount Hua, you should have brought sincerity instead of logic."

This declaration came from Hyun Jong, the Sect leader of the Mount Hua Sect.