Chapter 927: It Is My Role (Part 2)


"Sect Leader."

Baek Cheon unconsciously clenched his fist.

It was the words he had desperately wanted to hear.

But it was also the words he couldn't bring himself to hope for. Beopjeong's words were sharp enough to pierce even the eardrums of those listening nearby.

Baek Cheon had no choice but to ponder, if he had been in that position, what would he have answered instead? Could he have made the daring choice to confront Shaolin and follow righteousness?

Of course, as the eldest disciple of Mount Hua, Baek Cheon could do it. But could the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, Baek Cheon, make that choice?

Realizing how difficult that choice was, Baek Cheon couldn't help but look at Hyun Jong with admiration in his eyes.

Others in the room felt the same. In the eyes of Mount Hua's disciples, looking at Hyun Jong, there was only trust and pride. Even in the face of Shaolin's Beopjeong, he stood firm in his principles and Mount Hua's justice.

Beopjeong and Beopgye of Shaolin, however, couldn't join in the fervor of the moment. Beopjeong's face expressed bewilderment.


Facing rejection was nothing new, but meeting someone who declared that they would take a different path was a first in his life. Even the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families may have rejected his proposal, but they couldn't bear to see him face to face, only sending in a letter from afar and walking away.

But Hyun Jong... with what kind of confidence did he make such a statement in front of Beopjeong, the leader of the thousand-year-old Shaolin?

"Maenju... No, Sect Leader."

Beopjeong swallowed hard as if struggling to continue his words.

"Is this... Is this truly the will of Mount Hua? Is it really?"

His words were filled with frustration and anger. Beopjeong knew that if he were to remain human, these memories would cloud his future judgment. Leaving a negative memory with the leader of the Thousand-Year Shaolin was a heavy burden for Hyun Jong as well.

However, Hyun Jong merely gazed at Beopjeong with a calm look. No matter how strong the wind may blow, the plum tree, deeply rooted in the earth, would never waver.


Beopjeong opened his mouth slightly, then closed it again. It seemed challenging to control his emotions even with his deep cultivation.

"Do you think I made all these proposals for the sake of Shaolin's glory?"


"Though our paths may differ, all of this was for the benefit of the people. Even so, is Mount Hua determined to reject Shaolin's hand?"

Chung Myung's eyes grew fierce. The moment he was about to speak, Baek Cheon grabbed his wrist, as if urging him to trust Hyun Jong.

"A path for the people..."

Hyun Jong nodded slowly.

"Mount Hua does not doubt Shaolin's words. No matter how the method may be, we do not doubt that what you desire, Bangjang, is peace."

"Then why are you refusing?"

Hyun Jong smiled wryly.

"Bangjang, should there be only one path?"


"Mount Hua also exists to benefit the people. No matter what we do, we strive not to erase the two characters, 'coexistence,' from our hearts."



Hyun Jong's voice became firm.

"Having the same intention doesn't mean having the same path. Shaolin can follow its path, and Mount Hua can follow its path to achieve the same goal."


"Do you think that the only way to achieve peace in the world is by joining forces with Shaolin, Master? Isn't that your arrogance?"

Beopjeong's face contorted. More than any other words he had heard so far, the term "arrogance" infuriated him.

"It's not Shaolin that's arrogant; it's Mount Hua!"

"This bastard..."

When the impatient Chung Myung spoke out, the Five Swords grabbed his clothes from all directions.


Although Chung Myung felt angry, he knew that violence should not be used here, so he grabbed his own thigh in frustration.

After a brief silence, Beopjeong took a deep breath, as if he thought his words had gone too far. However, while he may have regained his composure, his gaze remained fierce.

"It seems further conversation is meaningless."

"I apologize, Bangjang."

"I respect Sect Leader's choice. However..."

Beopjeong's eyes were fixed on Hyun Jong.

"There's one thing you must remember. Every choice comes with a price."

His words were explicit enough to change the expressions of some disciples.

But Hyun Jong simply nodded calmly.

"If there's a price to pay, then we must pay it."

"You could have chosen not to pay the price if Sect Leader In had been a bit wiser."

Hyun Jong looked Beopjeong in the eyes without a word, as if pressing him.

"Surely if I had been a bit wiser, I wouldn't have refused your proposal, Master."

"Then how...!"

"Isn't compromise supposed to be like this?"


"Wise people usually consider their interests. But those who wish to be compromise must follow the path of their hearts, not their interests."

Beopjeong fell silent.

"That is the path of Mount Hua as I see it."

Beopjeong closed his mouth. The prayer beads in his hand spun rapidly through his fingers. After a long silence, he slowly opened his eyes.


A faint smile played on his lips.

"It seems like Shaolin doesn't pursue compromise, at least that's how it sounds."

"That's not the meaning."

"...I understand Mount Hua's intentions well enough."

Beopjeong rose from his seat.

There was no reason to stay here any longer, as being here only added to the shame. There was no longer a reason to engage with these individuals, who couldn't be seen as allies. 

"I enjoyed the tea, Sect Leader."


"Goodbye is fine. Then."

Beopjeong surveyed the people in the room, and the last person his gaze fell upon was none other than Chung Myung.

"You seem satisfied with how things have turned out, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

"It seems like Master Beopjeong isn't satisfied with how things turned out."

Chung Myung chuckled and added, "Isn't life always like that?"

"Good words."

Beopjeong nodded with a stern face.

"But now, it's not Shaolin but Mount Hua that has to learn the hardships. You'll have to face the wind that Shaolin has been shielding you from."

"Ah, that's right. But it seems your shoulders are a bit narrow. You can't even stop the Evil Sect bastards from pouring in."

Beopjeong clenched his lips.

He had so much to say, but adding more words to the situation would only make it more of a joke. It wasn't just a failed negotiation; it was a resounding defeat. This was the first time he had staked everything and taken a radical approach, only to fail to achieve his goal.

'No, that's not it.'

To be precise, it was the second time. The first time his intentions were turned away was at the Thousand-Year Murim Competition.

'I should have known back then.'

That Mount Hua might one day stand in Shaolin's way.

"Amida Buddha."

Ignoring Chung Myung's slight disdain, Beopjeong turned away and spoke.

"All right."

And without leaving any trace of regret, he walked out. Beopjeong paid no attention to others and didn't even exchange a common greeting.


The moment the door closed tightly, the tension that had been building in the bodies of Mount Hua's disciples suddenly dissipated.


"I thought I was going to suffocate..."

".... That was terrifying."

Beopjeong was Beopjeong. The direct pressure exerted by the head of Shaolin was something they couldn't bear. Nevertheless, no one showed any weakness and endured it to the end.

"Hyun Jong... Are you okay?"


In response to Hyun Young's worried words, Hyun Jong sighed.

"I'm not sure if my decision was right. But Hyun Young, do we not already know too well that sometimes being lured by an easy path could bring us greater harm?"


"I don't know. Maybe it's because of my pride that I burdened you all with this heavy load."

"What's so great about Shaolin? They're just a bunch of baldies living together."

Nevertheless, Chung Myung laughed and spoke to Hyun Jong, who still seemed worried,.

"There couldn't have been a more perfect answer, Sect Leader."

"That's right."

"We believe that the Sect Leader's words were correct!"

Finally, a smile appeared at the corner of Hyun Jong's mouth.

'These kids...'

With them around, he couldn't choose the easy path without thinking. While it's true that clear water at the top keeps the water below clean, sometimes exceptionally clear water from below purifies the water above.


At that moment, Hyun Jong's gaze turned toward the door.

He let out a low sigh when he saw someone quietly following Beopjeong out of the room.

"How can he act like that? How dare he treat the Head of the sect like that!"

Beopkye's face flushed with anger.

If Beopjeong wasn't there, he would have exploded several times more. When he looked at it, what he saw was not an attitude toward Shaolin's leader. It was a lack of even the minimum respect for Shaolin, which had maintained the peace of the country and mediated many martial arts sects for hundreds of years.

Normally, even Beopjeong, who might have rebuked such an attitude, said nothing this time. He just closed his lips tightly and walked toward the mountain gate with large strides.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword... Hyun Jong."

A heated voice flowed from Beopjeong's mouth.

Was there any other time in his life that he had experienced such disgrace? His insides boiled, and he was burned as if he had swallowed hot charcoal.

'Since when has Shaolin received such treatment? I've been working so hard for the sake of the world, yet how is it that everyone is only thinking about me?'

Suddenly, Beopjeong unconsciously bit his lips tightly.

"Amida Buddha...."

He clenched his fist, unable to contain the surging anger.

"Nonetheless, I believed that there would be some limit to the Mount Hua Sect. It seems I was wrong."


"Let's go back to Shaolin."

Just because the Heavenly Comrade Alliance refused to help Shaolin didn't mean he couldn't deal with the Evil Tyrant Alliance. He just wanted to minimize the damage. If that didn't work, he had to make it clear.

Shaolin hasn't been quiet because it lacks strength, but why it has been called Thousand-Year Shaolin and has never lost its place as the martial arts leader of the North for hundreds of years! The Evil Sects and the Righteous Sects that have forgotten justice!

At that moment, Beopjeong's foot came to a sudden stop.


"Yes, Leader!"

"Bring Hye Yeon with you! We can no longer leave a disciple of Shaolin in a place like this."

"Oh, I understand."

Just as Beopgye was about to turn urgently, a calm voice reached their ears from behind. Beopjeong and Beopgye turned around.

Hye Yeon stood behind them, wearing an incongruous Mount Hua uniform.

"You arrived just in time. Prepare for the journey! We will go to Shaolin together. No, there's no need to prepare! Let's leave right away."


Hye Yeon lowered his hands and raised his head. His clear, large eyes remained as calm as a tranquil lake.

"I'm not going."

"What did you say?"

Beopjeong asked in disbelief, doubting his ears.

"I said I'm not going."


Beopgye's eyes turned as cold as ice, and soon his storm-like anger was unleashed on Hye Yeon.