Chapter 931: It May Have Already Begun (Part 1)

"Anyways, so!"

Chung Myung spoke in an extremely confident tone.

"Right now, we don't need to pay attention to Shaolin. Those guys are probably too busy dealing with the Yangtze River to have any spare time. And even if they manage to handle the Yangtze River, they won't have any additional resources available. As long as the Evil Tyrant Alliance is alive and well, they can't do anything."

Yoon Jong turned his head to glance at Baek Cheon.

"What's he doing?"

"Hmm. To put it simply..."

Baek Cheon smiled and answered.

"He got so angry that he shouted without thinking, but when he looked back, he feels like he made some mistakes. But he won't admit he was wrong even if he dies, so he's trying desperately to spin the situation positively."

"As expected, you're very concise."

In times like these, the words of an authority figure (?) can be helpful.

"No, I'm not spinning anything; the situation is really like that!"


"No, I'm not trying to persuade you!"

"Okay... Okay, I understand."

"Wow, I'm going crazy! You! Beggar uncle! Say something!"


Hong Dae Kwang, who had been chewing on dried rations in a corner all along, quickly swallowed what was in his mouth and spoke.

"Well... It might seem a bit impure in intention, but anyway, what Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword says isn't entirely wrong."


Hyun Jong, who seemed to have aged three years during this time, looked back at Hong Dae Kwang. By the way his ears perked up, it seemed that he had decided Hong Dae Kwang's words were worth listening to.

Seeing this, Chung Myung muttered, 'My words are worse than those of beggar!' but, of course, they were filtered out of Hyun Jong's ears.

"Is it not just talk?"

"Hahaha, Sect Leader, you're a character."

Hong Dae Kwang laughed brightly and replied, "One can only lie when the situation is predictable. Who would have ever imagined Sect Leader and the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would slap the Shaolin leader in the face like that? It's a situation I've never even thought about in my life, so I can't even think about making it up. Ha ha ha ha ha."


Simultaneously, Hyun Jong and Chung Myung both coughed. The other disciples of the Mount Hua Sect nodded in agreement with Hong Dae Kwang's words.

"It is indeed a rare situation."

"Yeah, it's quite rare."

"It's unprecedented, isn't it?"


"Too noisy!"

The oldest and youngest members of the sect were on the same side of the argument and pressuring the others, but it wasn't strange for the Mount Hua Sect.

"So, to sum it up..."

Hyun Jong asked Chung Myung with a solemn tone.

"For now, due to the incident at Yangtze River and the presence of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, Shaolin is unable to do anything, is that right?"


Chung Myung shrugged.

"There's no need to bring up various reasons. If the situation were so relaxed, would this heavy-assed aristocrat have come running all the way to Shaanxi"

"...The request for our help wasn't a lie."

"In a way, that's true. Regardless, right now, there's nothing they can do, even if they hold grudges or whatever. I'm sure they'll be busy with the fight happening at Yangtze River."

Chung Myung laughed heartily.

"So, we just have to watch them fight while eating pancakes."


Hyun Jong nodded heavily.

The fact that Shaolin was half-enemy now wasn't very reassuring. However, the good thing was that the likelihood of an immediate problem was low.

But after one worry was resolved, another that had been temporarily put on hold raised its head.

"Chung Myung."


"Is there no way to prevent a war?"


Chung Myung gave Hyun Jong a slightly strange look. Hyun Jong seemed to know what Chung Myung was about to say, so he shook his head first.

"I'm not saying that we should take the lead. I'm just asking out of curiosity."

"I see. So what?"

Chung Myung seemed to think hard, fell silent for a moment, and then nodded.

"Depending on how the battle at Yangtze River plays out, there may be a difference between an all-out war and a localized conflict. But for now, there's no way to stop the battle at the Yangtze River."

"...Is it not possible for Namgung Sect to withdraw now, as you said? Isn't it possible for Bangjang to persuade the Namgung Sect Leader?"

"Sect Leader."


"Do you know why a madman is called a madman?"

Chung Myung chuckled and was about to elaborate, but Hyun Jong took one glance at Chung Myung and nodded.

"Hmm, I see."

"You do?"

"It means that we can't communicate with each other."


"Yes, yes, I see what you mean."

"How do you understand when I haven't even explained anything yet?"

"Cough. Well... let's say it's because... you know without being told."

Chung Myung nodded with a worried look.

"In the first place, if Shaolin's sect leader had the charisma to control the Namgung sect leader, this situation wouldn't have occurred.

Jo Gol then brought up a question out of curiosity.

"Is this happening because Shaolin's sect leader isn't good enough? Or is it because Namgung's sect leader is too uncontrollable?"

"Hmmm. That's a difficult question... It's probably half and half. No, no. Let's say the baldhead's shortcomings are greater."

It wasn't because he had any ill feelings towards Shaolin's sect leader, but he imagined what would have happened if the person in charge of this situation had been Cheon Mun instead of Beopjeong.

It was obvious.

Of course, he would have coaxed him with a phrase like, 'Hehehe. Esteemed Lord, please come this way for a moment,' and then, with beautiful words and profound understanding, he would've dragged him away.

Certainly, his true nature was more like hellish nagging and blatant threats, but either way, he would have obtained what they wanted. In the past, when issues arose, Cheon Mun often resolved them by engaging in gentle conversations with the parties involved. Strangely, on each of those occasions, Chung Myung was seated next to him.

He kept poking people who seem to be bored to death, making them irritated...

Oh, wait a minute. This...


Whether it was Namgung Hwang or Namgung Wang ["King", a pun], in front of Beopjeong, they would be a crazy dog, but in front of Cheon Mun, they would have been an obedient dog. After all, everything in the world was relative.

So, from Chung Myung's perspective, there is no way not to hold Beopjeong responsible for this situation. Being incompetent was not a crime, but being in a position of responsibility while being incompetent was indeed a sin.

"So, ultimately, there will be a war."

"Yes. The probability is high."

"So, for now..."

Hyun Jong made a subtle expression.

"Even though our relationship with the Shaolin has deteriorated, wouldn't it still be better if the Righteous Sects gain the upper hand? If the Evil Tyrant Alliance takes the lead, the suffering that those living by the Yangtze River would endure would be too great."

"Um... but that..."

"Huh? Do you have a different opinion?"

"No, it's not that I have a different opinion... it's just that..."

Chung Myung scratched his cheek with his finger.

"There's nothing wrong with what the Sect leader says, but I just don't think it's going to happen."

"Why do you think that way? Isn't it Namgung Sect who's leading the charge right now? They've sharpened their swords for the past three years and have triumphed over Su Lo Chae in one go, so shouldn't this momentum continue for a while?"

"It would have been so if the Namgung Family had stopped in Gangbuk. But now those crazy people took a boat and went to the island, right?"


"It means fighting in enemy territory. I know because I've experienced mountain warfare, naval warfare, and aerial warfare, after all."

"When did you...?"

Before Jogol tried to argue, Baekcheon calmly responded.

"No, when you think about it, it's not entirely untrue. That bastard has fought against mountain bandits in the mountains, crushed pirates on the water, and fought with the Lord of Jangilso in the air after he fell off the cliff."

"...I see."

Ha, these bastards really didn't know anything.

What did he do a hundred years ago?

He was well versed in mountain warfare, water warfare, aerial warfare, underground warfare, and...huh?

"Well, fighting against those who have honed their skills in aquatic battles can be more challenging than you might think."

"But when we fought on the Yangtze River, that part wasn't really a problem, was it?"

"Because those guys didn't have much intention to fight in the water."

"I see."

Hyun Jong seemed to have a somewhat understanding or at least pretended to. However, explaining this subtle difference in words was challenging for Chung Myung. It wasn't that important, anyway.

"You'll understand when you see it. Well, I don't have any particular ill feelings toward the Namgung Sect, so if they're going to win, it might be better..."

Yoon Jong whispered softly to Baekcheon.

"A guy who claims he has no ill feelings and intentionally provoked the Sogaja's [?] leader, how rotten must his character be?"

"Well, just let him be. He's Chung Myung."

These guys?

Chung Myung shot an intense glare with the Five Swords.

"Ugh. Anyway, the problem is... actually, the issue isn't whether a war breaks out or not."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?"

"The problem is the method of the war. If Namgung Sect just loses on the front lines, it's not a big deal, but..."

Chung Myung's expression grew subtle.

"If it doesn't simply end with the Namgung Sect losing, it'll become serious."


"No, maybe..."

A twisted smile formed on Chung Myung's lips.

"It may have already begun. The Black Dragon King isn't the type to be leisurely."

* * *

Deep darkness had descended upon the Yangtze River. 


A man stood by the riverside, gazing at the middle of the vast river, where bright lights shone as if a row of large flower boats were floating. 

The place was known as Plum Blossom Island, a beautiful name for a tragic place. 

The Plum Blossom Island occupied by the Namgung Clan was illuminated like daylight, perhaps in preparation for a possible sneak attack. 

"What a fool." 

On the other side of the river stood a man with a large build. 

The Black Dragon King laughed heartily as he looked at Plum Blossom Island. 

"Sword Emperor Namgung Hwang. He may have skills, but he is a painfully simple and foolish man to lead a noble family. He dared to confront me on the Yangtze River." 

In the previous Yangtze River Disaster, he couldn't do anything because he had to face people other than Namgung Hwang. 

In a situation where the Namgung Family, Shaolin, Wudang, and Qing Cheng, as well as Mount Hua and Nokrim pushing in, even if he were the Dragon King, it would be impossible to completely block them. 

However, only the Namgung Family had trespassed the Yangtze River. 

"It seems that their past experiences have made them arrogant." 

It was a joyful occasion, but on the other hand, it felt bad, as it was no different from underestimating them. 

However, this dirty feeling would become much more enjoyable when their blood dyed the Yangtze River red. 

"I need to show them just how frightening the river is. Let's begin." 

"Yes! Black Dragon King!" 

As the words of the Black Dragon King fell, a group of figures hidden in the darkness behind him emerged. 

"Let them know the fear of things that don't touch the ground." 

Hearing his command, the water dwellers silently submerged into the river. 

"What a foolish man." 

The Black Dragon King wiped his long beard. 

"If Namgung Hwang is like that, it's a piece of cake. Now... Ryeonju, I guess you'll have to pay a fairly high price, won't you?" 

His gloomy laughter reverberated across the quiet Yangtze River.