Chapter 932: It May Have Already Begun (Part 2)

"Keep a close watch, and report anything unusual!"


Namgung Myung nodded vigorously. Beside him, Namgung Dowi assessed the condition of those on guard with sharp eyes.

"Maintain the highest level of vigilance, don't overlook the slightest detail."


Namgung Myung nodded lightly and led Namgung Dowi as they moved to the next area.

"What are your thoughts, Sogaju?"

"Yes, Uncle."

Namgung Dowi turned and looked at the Plum Blossom island with a fresh perspective.

"It's fortunate that the island isn't too large. With this size, even if the water dwellers attack, there shouldn't be too much difficulty in defending it."

"I share the same thoughts."

The people currently guarding the Plum Blossom island were not just the Changgung Sword Corps. Other martial groups under Namgung Hwang's command had also joined one by one. At last, Namgung Sect's formidable power had gathered here in Plum Blossom Island.

With this level of power, there should be no shortage of resources to combat the strong currents and the aquatic attacks of the Yangtze River Su Lo Chae.

"The small size of the island is an advantage for us."

"The strength of the Su Lo Chae relies on fighting in the water, making it difficult for them to make use their advantages here, wouldn't you say?"


Namgung Myung smiled as if he found that answer satisfying.

His nephew, who would one day become Namgung Sect's successor, was truly suitable to be called a future leader. Not only did he excel in martial arts, but he also had an aptitude for reading the situation.

"To be an outstanding martial artist, you must put in effort and dedication. However, leading a sect requires more than that. You need to be bolder and have the foresight to see further."

"I always keep that in mind."


Namgung Myung nodded silently.

'I should express my gratitude to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.'

In the past, Namgung Dowi often displayed an arrogant attitude, which worried Namgung Myung. Due to the Namgung Sect's unique temperament and his father's presence, it was an unavoidable trait, but confidence and arrogance were never the same.

However, fortunately, after his defeat to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, he came to realize his shortcomings. Moreover, after experiencing the Yangtze River Disaster, he had become a completely different person.

If he continued accumulating experience in this manner, he might become a clan leader who could surpass Namgung Hwang.

"It won't be easy, though."

People like Namgung Hwang were not made through instruction. They needed an inherent disposition.

"Do you know why our leader has occupied this place?"

"Well, actually, I don't know, Uncle."

Namgung Dowi looked around with a somewhat anxious expression. The dark Yangtze River, covered in darkness, conveyed a sense of unease he couldn't comprehend.

"It's true that we hold deep resentment towards the Su Lo Chae, but I'm not entirely sure why we have to confront them alone. Didn't the Namgung Sect already make his intentions clear to the world?"

"You're right."

Namgung Myung nodded in silence.

"As long as we occupy this Plum Blossom Island, eventually, we'll only become a target. If we're not careful, we might have to face not only the Su Lo Chae but also the Evil Tyrant Alliance alone."

"That's my opinion too. No matter how I think about it, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits."

"That's right. It's the right way to think. However, it's the thought of common people like us."


Namgung Myung chuckled.

"Our leader probably shares the same thought. Yet, she chose this challenging path for a different reason."

"May I ask why?"

"If we withdraw from here, in the end, we will eventually submit to Shaolin."

At this unexpected answer, Namgung Dowi's face stiffened.

"The Five Great Families. It's indeed a hollow name. However, people in the world eventually think of the Five Great Families as something associated with the Ten Great Sects."

"Uncle, is that..."

"That's the reality. When the Su Lo Chae controls the waterways, do you think the people of Goopa would think about us? Or would they think about Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects?"

Namgung Dowi couldn't bring himself to answer. Or rather, there was no need to answer.

"That's why our leader has taken this risk. Currently, the Five Great Families' position isn't that strong. The fact that the other Righteous sects that used to be core supporters of the Five Great Families are distancing themselves tells us this."

"...I see."

"In times like these, if we appear to be following Shaolin's intentions, what will happen? We'll probably never break free from under the name of ten Great Sects."

Only now did Namgung Dowi nod his head.

In a sense, it's a good time. Word has spread even to these distant lands that, in response to Shaolin's call, both the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families have shown lukewarm reactions. Right now, Shaolin's and the Ten Great Sects' influence is lower than ever. So, if not now, when else would they attempt such a thing?

"For our leader, it's not about the Ten Great Sects or Shaolin, but about the Five Great Families and Namgung Sect's names becoming renowned. He is willing to accept some level of risk for that purpose."

"But that's not the only reason."

Namgung Myung, who had been urging forward, stopped in his tracks and looked back at Namgung Dowi. With a confident expression, Namgung Dowi said, "I'm sure there are other reasons, but Father is not someone who would take action for such reasons alone. I believe that justice exists in his heart."

A contented smile appeared on Namgung Myung's lips.

"You're stating the obvious. Of course, it's the first reason."

"If we do what we should do and not do what we shouldn't do, and consistently do what's expected of us, wouldn't our reputation naturally follow? Like... Mount Hua."

Namgung Myung nodded.

"Yes, that's how it should be."

Mount Hua.

A name that had disappeared even from his memory just a few years ago. But now, the reputation of the Mount Hua Sect had surpassed even the Namgung Sect, who was referred to as the leader of the Five Great Families.

Not with strength, but with determination, the Mount Hua Sect achieved what the Namgung Sect had longed for.

"They are great people."

"Yes, truly great. But we can do it too."

Namgung Myung patted Namgung Dowi's shoulder. The young man's youthful vigor occasionally rekindled even his cooling blood.

"Yes, we can."

Smiling, Namgung Myung was about to urge them forward again when his gaze suddenly turned toward the riverbank. Namgung Dowi also fixed his gaze, with a resolute expression, but all he saw was gentle ripples.



Namgung Myung's sword emerged like a glinting ray of light. Swiftly unleashed, the bright white sword energy pierced through the water's surface and plunged into the river below.


A water whirlpool formed, and...

A large object floated on the spot where the disturbance had subsided. Namgung Myung's face relaxed as he confirmed its identity.

"...Is it a carp?"

"It looks big enough to be a person. You can't be blamed for thinking otherwise, Uncle."

"You're right, indeed."

Namgung Myung shook his head, and the blood from the fish, illuminated by the flames, spread out in a crimson hue across the surface of the Yangtze River.

"We've wasted time. If we want to confirm the status of the remaining individuals and check our formation, we don't have much time. Let's go."

"Yes, Uncle."

Leading Namgung Dowi, Namgung Myung walked forward, then cast a glance back at the water once more.

"It seems ominous."

The water, whose depth was impossible to fathom, continued to irritate his senses.

"It won't last long."

He nodded and hastened his pace.

At that moment, beneath the dark surface of the Yangtze River, the heads of fish-like creatures or small, ball-like objects emerged one by one.

If someone with excellent vision, capable of penetrating the darkness, were to see these figures, they would recognize them as the heads of individuals covered in specially crafted clothing.

[It's the Su Lo Chae talking now]


"What about the enemy ships?"

"There are five of them, all moored at the southern dock."

"Five... "

The person addressed as the Captain nodded with a stern expression.

"Any injuries?"

"Nothing significant. But... it's the Namgung Family. I doubt they'll fail to notice our presence."

One of the leaders glanced at his injuries with a hardened face. His skin had torn open, and he was bleeding. If he hadn't refrained from slashing at the passing fish in a moment of cunning, the mission could have turned into a futile endeavor.

"Our opponent is the Namgung Sect. We can't afford even a moment of complacency."

"Yes, Captain."

"We'll finish this swiftly."


With a wave of his hand, the Captain gave some orders, and the others, understanding, nodded and dove back underwater. The Captain observed the silhouette of the Plum Blossom Island once more before descending into the water, following them.

Deeper and deeper.

They plunged endlessly into the dark river, where visibility was almost nonexistent. Even though they had keen senses, it would be impossible to detect their movements as they traversed the riverbed.

Large fish with movements more conspicuous than theirs swam overhead.

But they couldn't afford to be too relaxed. As they approached the island, the water became shallower, and the chances of their presence being detected increased significantly. This was the time not to let their guard down.

As they moved along the riverbed, they all simultaneously looked up.

Usually, docks were built at the point where the river met the land, where the water was deepest and the slope the steepest.

In the eyes of the group that raised their heads, what they saw was the bottom of a massive ship, exposed without their knowledge.

"They're not that foolish."

Several swordsmen of the Namgung Sect were inspecting the ship, swimming around it. This meant they understood the importance of the ship. But darkness was thicker beneath the water's surface. No matter how much they guarded against it, they couldn't possibly trace their movements in these waters.

The Captain sneered at the Namgung Sect's inspectors, unaware of his presence under their feet.

"The Namgung Family?"

They should have realized the significance of them being on an island in the middle of the river.

'Now is the time for them to pay the price.'

The Captain pointed toward the ship above with a hand signal.

At that moment, all his subordinates nodded and began ascending towards the surface. The bubbles they created rose to the surface like fireworks.

Their harpoons, held tightly in their hands, were imbued with a brilliant blue energy.


Then, the pointed tips of the harpoons extended, and with a swift motion, their sharp blades cut through the water.


Simultaneously, with a loud crash, they struck the bottom of the large ship.

The thick wooden hull of the ship twisted and cracked, and dark water rushed into the ship like a flood.

"What, what is this?"

"It's an attack! Damn it! It's a surprise attack!"

After the loud crash and the ship's lurching, Namgung Sect's inspectors, with faces pale in shock, yelled in alarm.

"Stop it! We have to protect the ship!"

The combination of screams, shouts, and chaos filled the night on Plum Blossom Island.

The fuse that had been extinguished for a long time was finally lit again.