Chapter 974: Consider It An Honor, Kid (Part 4)

As Namgung Myung observed the situation, a bewildered expression crossed his face.

'What did he say?'

Who was challenging whom here?

His pupils shook significantly as he stared at the back of a man who stood before everyone.

Of course, he acknowledged that this was a presence beyond the typical martial artist he was familiar with. He conceded that much.

Not just Namgung Myung, but among the current strong figures, nobody would regard Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword as an ordinary martial artist. If there were still people who thought that way within this community, they were nothing more than ignorant fools who didn't understand how the world worked or jealous individuals envious of someone's shining reputation.

Even Namgung Dowi, who was considered among the first in the current generation of swordsmen and held the qualifications to lead the Namgung family, paled in comparison to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword just because the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was the subject of comparison. That was a fact.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was an existence on a different level.


Namgung Myung's gaze extended beyond that back and landed on the Black Dragon King.

'Doesn't it depend on that other person, too?'

Everything in the world was relative. The fame and abilities of Namgung Dowi paled significantly in front of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, or even more so, the fame of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword faded away in front of the name of the Black Dragon King.

It was only natural.

What the title "Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword" encompassed was the respect for society he had demonstrated and expectations of where his sword would reach in the future. To put it differently, it was a compliment for the path he was walking.

But it wasn't the same for the Black Dragon King.

He hadn't received any respect from the world, yet he had managed to build a reputation that the entire world acknowledged through his abilities alone.

Namgung Myung glared at the Black Dragon King with eyes blazing with rage.

Furthermore, even Namgung Hwang, the head of Nangung Clan and Namgung Myung's own family, couldn't gain the upper hand in the battle against the Black Dragon King. No, didn't he ultimately lose his life to the Black Dragon King's tricks?

Although Namgung Myung despised the Black Dragon King more than anyone else, there was no denying that the Black Dragon King was a powerful figure recognized throughout the world.


How was it possible that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was confronting the likes of the Black Dragon King?

'This is madness.'

No matter how many times he thought about it, he could only envision Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword being torn to shreds and killed beneath the Black Dragon King's blade.

'But why is no one stopping him? Why!'

Even though Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, a mere third-grade disciple, was challenging the Black Dragon King alone, there was no one from the Mount Hua Sect trying to intervene.

They simply lowered their swors and silently stood guard behind him.


Namgung Myung assessed the situation with his utmost common sense. The Mount Hua Sect was undeniably strong and full of solidarity, but they still lacked an understanding of the Black Dragon King's power.

A true master was never an ordinary existence. It wasn't strange at all for the Mount Hua Sect, who had previously lost their previous generation, to not fully comprehend the Black Dragon King's strength.

But if that were the case...

Namgung Myung turned his gaze to the Tang Gunak.

'Why is the head of the Tang family remaining silent?'

If there was someone who should've stepped forward to face the Black Dragon King, it was obviously the head of the Tang family. Of course, the Poison King's reputation was slightly inferior to the great name of the Black Dragon King, but even so, wasn't he the head of the Tang family? At the very least, they were on the same playing level.

However, despite the fact that Tang Gunak should have clearly sensed Namgung Myung's gaze, he stood there with an emotionless face, simply watching the confrontation between Chung Myung and the Black Dragon King.

Namgung Myung became increasingly perplexed.

Did they really intend to pit Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword against the Black Dragon King?


Such a thing must not happen.

That martial artist was certainly going to become a symbol of the community in the future. Was it acceptable to allow such an individual to die in such a meaningless confrontation against such a reckless person?

At the very least, Namgung Myung didn't have the conscience to watch the person who had staked their life for them die in vain.


Namgung Myung bit his lip and tried to step forward. He couldn't possibly be a match for the Black Dragon King, but at the very least, if he didn't retreat and fought, perhaps he could somehow reverse the situation of this chaotic battlefield.

But it was at that very moment.


Someone grasped his shoulder.

"S-So, Sogaju?"

Namgung Myung was taken aback when he turned around, and he realized that Namgung Dowi had come to his senses, holding onto his shoulder. Namgung Dowi opened his lips without a trace of color on his lips.

"That's not possible."


"Just watch."

Namgung Myung was surprised. Namgung Dowi turned to look at the scene again, this time with greater concentration.

He covered his mouth, coughed up blood, and wiped the bloodstain on his lips with his sleeve. His sharp eyes were fixed on Chung Myung.

Namgung Myung stared at him with a blank expression, his eyes filled with unwavering trust. It was only when he turned his gaze around that he saw the same expression in everyone's eyes.

'They're not just standing by....'

Everyone, including Namgung Dowi, was the same. There was not a trace of doubt in their eyes. Everyone was looking at him with full trust.

The disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, the Tang Family, and even Tang Gunak, they all shared the same gaze of unwavering trust.

'What on earth...'

What had they seen in Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?

What had they seen to believe so unconditionally in their leader? And that too, against the Black Dragon King.

"...Is Dojang going to defeat the Black Dragon King?"


The answer was so unbelievable that Namgung Myung's lips trembled.

"Have you seen Dojang's martial arts?"

"...Not exactly."

"But how..."

Namgung Dowi faintly smiled.

"They're watching, aren't they?"

He was referring to the Five Swords, the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect.

Even though he had only been on a short journey with them, he could fully sense how much they cared for each other, how they were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other.

And yet, they were looking at Chung Myung without a hint of hesitation.

How could he doubt them under these circumstances?

'Could I become like that too?'

Namgung Dowi fixed his gaze firmly on the back that stood before everyone. Could he, like Chung Myung, lead people with just his presence, even without a sword in his hand?

He slowly clenched his fist and gazed at Chung Myung's back as if he wanted to engrave it in his memory.

The wind from the Yangtze River passed between Chung Myung and the Black Dragon King.

The scene around them had transformed quite strangely.

Those standing behind the Black Dragon King had all maintained a considerable distance from him, even though no orders were given. They had naturally stepped back, creating a distinct separation.

However, the situation was different where Chung Myung stood. Those behind him had not moved a single step backward from their initial positions. It was as if they were prepared to fight alongside him, watching the Black Dragon King from behind.

The Black Dragon King tightly gripped his sword.

'I don't like it.'

The sight of a young lad, no more than a novice, daring to challenge him scratched at his pride. What was more, the gazes of those standing behind the young man were equally disagreeable.

Did they genuinely believe that this young one could be his opponent?


His feelings were secondary. The Black Dragon King understood how important the flow of the battle was. The young swordsmen of the Mount Hua Sect were stronger than he had initially thought, and the Tang Family had always been a troublesome opponent.

If they got carried away and started gaining momentum, even if he wiped them out, the damage to Su Lo Chae would increase significantly. To minimize the damage, he needed to completely break their morale.

He had to demonstrate how strong he was in front of them and crush their will to fight.

'Just killing him won't be enough.'

A malicious aura filled the Black Dragon King's eyes. He would tear that insolent lad to pieces to show everyone who he really was. Not just to those present, but also to Jang Ilso, who was watching from a distant ship.

"How dare you stand before me? You'll regret it in hell..."

It was at that moment.

The sight of Chung Myung, who had his sword pointed at him, momentarily disappeared from the Black Dragon King's vision.


Instinctively, the Black Dragon King withdrew his inner strength and raised his sword to protect his neck. It was a reflexive action developed through countless practical experiences, something akin to instinct.

And that single action saved the Black Dragon King's life.


Like a ghost, Chung Myung's sword appeared out of nowhere, and the Black Dragon King's sword just barely managed to block it.

Ka-gak! Ka-ga-ga-gak! Ka-gak!

A horrifying sound rang out as the thin sword pushed against the bulky scimitar.


The Black Dragon King's eyes trembled. If his reaction had been a moment later, that black sword would surely have pierced his throat. However, the danger wasn't what drenched the Black Dragon King's body in sweat right now.

'What is this guy?'

Even as he forcefully pushed against the sword, preparing to rip off the Black Dragon King's head, Chung Myung's expression was enigmatic, bordering on sinister.

His gaze resembled a predator stalking its prey, sending a shiver down the Black Dragon King's spine.


The incredible power behind the sword forced the Black Dragon King's sword to be repelled. The intense pain that twisted his wrist triggered a beastly roar from the Black Dragon King.


Instinctively, he gathered his inner strength and pushed his sword forward with all his might.

However, in that very instant, the Black Dragon King witnessed it all. When he pushed the sword, or more precisely, just before he pushed it, as if he knew exactly when, Chung Myung moved hiw sword to the side. It was as if time had slowed down, and everything was observed with utmost precision.

As the Black Dragon King exerted all of his strength to push the sword, it passed through empty air because the sword no longer existed.

Chung Myung, who had given away his power so effortlessly, was now making his way to the other side of the Black Dragon King. His eyes, sharp as ever but even more chillingly empty, sent a shiver down the Black Dragon King's spine.


It was a remarkable technique that did not match his enormous physique, and it was executed with astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, he had crossed more than a dozen yards, and thick beads of sweat dripped from his face as he moved.

The Black Dragon King stood still, raising his hand and looking at his left hand in a daze. It was covered in white sand.

During the push, his hand that touched the ground was the one responsible. The sweat that was now collected on his hand was full of disgrace.

With a stunned look, the Black Dragon King patted his left side. His jet-black robes and iron armor armor were now split evenly as if it had always been that way. The gap was enough to fit a finger in.

With his head raised, the Black Dragon King's sight fell upon the man who had lowered his sword.

Before the Black Dragon King could fully grasp the horror and terror emanating from that posture, Chung Myung slowly turned to look at him.

"You're out of luck."

A cold voice pierced the silence. But even more chilling than his voice was Chung Myung's gaze as he stared back at the Black Dragon King.

"You could have died without suffering."

The drop of sweat from the Black Dragon King's chin fell onto the pool of blood below.


The faint sound spread across Plum Blossom Island, shrouded in a deep silence.