Chapter 975: Consider It An Honor, Kid (Part 5)

The side where the sword had cut started throbbing, and then a terrible pain struck him.

The Black Dragon King was far from being a fool. His actions and harsh language were to some degree intentional. Unlike his outward appearance, his rationality primarily confronted reality with a cold gaze.

But at this moment, if it weren't for the agony in his side, he might have suspected that this situation was a dream.

'I couldn't see it.'

Neither his figure nor that sword.


It wasn't even funny.

The Black Dragon King had made up his mind to use all his strength. In a situation where so many were watching, he had to demonstrate an overwhelming presence to redirect the flow of the battlefield toward the Su Lo Chae. In a situation where a task was assigned, complacency was out of the question.

And yet, he had seen nothing. Nothing at all.


Cold sweat trickled down his back.

If that were the case, it meant that the swordsman's speed had truly exceeded the range he could perceive, but wasn't this just a youngster who barely entered adulthood?

'No way!'

It was impossible.

The Black Dragon King couldn't accept it easily because he was no fool.

In everything in the world, there must be limits.

A bear that can tear a tiger to shreds or an ox that can shatter rocks might exist. Such beasts might emerge once in a hundred years, or once in a thousand years.

However, an ox that soars through the sky has already transcended the category of the word "ox," hasn't it? People can imagine a bear that's strong, but not a flying bear that brings down lightning from the sky. It's common sense.

To accept Chung Myung's skills exactly as they were would be akin to asking someone to believe in the existence of an ox that soars through the sky while throwing lightning. It was no different.

Throb! Throb!

His instincts and reason begged him to retreat from his opponent.

But his rationality demanded that he should never reveal his weakness in this place.

In the fierce struggle between instinct and reason, the Black Dragon King couldn't find the right response.


Turning his sword back, Chung Myung approached the Black Dragon King.

The Black Dragon King flinched.

Black Dragon King desperately held his foot down, which was trying to move back without him even realizing it. The world-renown Black Dragon King retreating against such a youngster? Even if he tore Chung Myung into pieces, it would be a lifelong disgrace.

'What are you thinking!'

He gritted his teeth.

Whether the opponent was strong or weak, what difference did it make? He couldn't retreat anyway. The moment he retreated here, he would lose the qualification to be called the Black Dragon King. Su Lo Chae would be in chaos, and he would live his whole life in shame.

The Evil Sect could be wicked, but it should never be a laughingstock.


The Black Dragon King grasped his heart and struck the ground fiercely with his scimitar. He pointed it at Chung Myung while growling.


Forget everything.

What his strength was like in the past, and how he had become so strong in just three years, those things had no meaning in this fight. The only thing he should think about now was how to kill that guy!


When you don't understand the opponent's full power, the best thing you can do is defend. But the Black Dragon King rushed forward instead. He decided that he shouldn't get caught up in the opponent's flow.

The sight of him explosively rushing with the massive scimitar alone was intense enough to take the opponent's breath away. The lines drawn in the air by the bluish sword energy emanating from the end of the sword captivated everyone's gaze.

However, this momentum seemed to have no effect on Chung Myung. Even as he watched the Black Dragon King rushing fiercely, Chung Myung's eyes were no different from the beginning. There was no change even in his footsteps approaching.


The shockwaves shook the entire island. The Black Dragon King channeled all of his power into a thrust so powerful that blood spurted out from his cut waist and slammed down the curved sword with all his might.


At that sound, shivers ran down the spines of all those present.

That wasn't just momentum or strength. His inner strength was completely contained in that sword, not a single bit leaking out. So, what created that shockwave was solely the Black Dragon King's body.

A highly trained body with the elasticity of rubber was spinning fiercely, completely containing his strength in the sword. Just this process alone was causing a storm in his body.

The sword that contained all the strength and inner power of his body fell as if it would split heaven and earth in two. Even Baek Cheon, who was watching, clenched his fists and pulled the muscles in his entire body to withstand the tremendous strike. It was an enormous blow.


But at that moment, an expression of bewilderment appeared in the Black Dragon King's eyes. Although the sword seemed to fall as if it would carve Chung Myung's head into pieces, there was no reaction from him. There were no movements to evade or block. He simply looked at the sword falling from the Black Dragon King with indifferent eyes.

And that was the moment.

The sword that had been hanging low suddenly shot up like lightning, towards the sword that was falling towards Chung Myung's head.

The Black Dragon King reflexively amplified the amount of inner power pushing into the sword.


It was a sound that resounded from within the Black Dragon King, not from the outside. The impact of the collision between the two swords felt so dull that it was perfectly suited for the word "dull." But that was it. The strength in the sword held by Chung Myung was too weak to block his sword.

"That's it!"

He applied force to the sword with the power to slice Chung Myung from head to toe.

But, right at that moment.


The sword that had been deflected flew back like a flash of light and collided with the Black Dragon King's sword.

Kwung! Kwung! Kwung!

In the Black Dragon King's ears, large and heavy thumps resounded, not from the outside but from inside. The source of that rumbling was none other than the sword he was holding. His sword vibrated at an enormous speed, causing his body to reverberate like a huge drum.

"This, this is...!"

The Black Dragon King looked closely. It was just a small nail, but it wasn't something that could be dismissed as just a nail. The sword, which was only a short distance between the scimitar and Chung Myung, drew numerous trajectories, like a meteor shooting up from the ground to the sky. Like the ephemeral flashes of stars in the night sky, the swordsmanship drew fantastic trajectories, literally pounding on the Black Dragon King's sword.

The power contained in each sword was not something that could dare to be compared to the Black Dragon King's. However, before the energy from the first sword strike and collision could be fully dissipated, the second strike followed, and even before its force could be transmitted, the third sword flew towards the target.

This way, dozens of consecutive strikes continued.

As the force of those rapid strikes gathered at the center of the sword, everyone's mouths hung open wide.


The Black Dragon King's sword was deflected. A scimitar that reached the extreme. It wasn't any other blade, but the scimitar swung with all the Black Dragon King's might that collided with the thin sword, creating a surreal spectacle.

However, the one experiencing this shock the most was none other than the Black Dragon King himself. His eyes widened as if they were about to tear apart.


Before that shock could reach his head, the Black Dragon King slammed the ground. His instinct told him that being within striking distance of an opponent was dangerous once the sword went out of control.

However, his opponent was Chung Myung.

As he stepped back and hit the ground, Chung Myung was already sticking to him like a ghost.


Eventually, the thick pectoral muscle of the Black Dragon King was easily cut by Chung Myung's sword. The sensation of his chest being split was vivid.

But there was something even more chilling.

The twisted eye, the lifted corner of the mouth, and the newly revealed white teeth were more eerie. When the Black Dragon King saw this, it felt as if all the blood in his body was chilling.

Unable to bear it any longer, the Black Dragon King screamed as if he were convulsing.


The sword that had been deflected rushed again towards Chung Myung's head. But at that moment, Chung Myung's sword struck the Black Dragon King's wrist, which held the scimitar.


Steel-like muscles tore, sharp metal pierced bone. But a more profound coldness pierced the Black Dragon King's chest.



The Black Dragon King was still the Black Dragon King. He didn't care about the sword piercing his wrist. He wielded the scimitar as if he would cut Chung Myung into pieces, even if his wrist was severed.

But at that moment, the Black Dragon King realized.

In this world, there are definitely crazier individuals than himself.


Something prevented the scimitar from swinging halfway. Black Dragon King, after confirming the identity of what had stopped his scimitar, opened his eyes wide.

'A hand?'

With a superior swing, Chung Myung thrust the sword into Black Dragon King's wrist, while his left hand grasped Black Dragon King's scimitar as it was.

Naturally, his hand was split apart, and blood sprayed out like a fountain. However, Chung Myung's eyes, visible through the flowing blood, remained chillingly cold.


Without hesitation, the sword that had just come out of Black Dragon King's wrist shot out dozens of sword shadows.

Black Dragon King tried reflexively to pull out the long spear, but the hand, which stuck to the scimitar, did not let go easily, as if it were glued.

'This dog!'

Black Dragon King raised his inner strength and emitted a pulse. The hand holding the sword was torn out by the pulse.

However, Black Dragon King also had to pay the price.


A clear red line was engraved on his upper arm.


The sword shadow that dug into his thigh cut off all his muscles.


The sword that dug into his side pierced a small hole in his steel-like abs.

Intense pain spread throughout his body.

"Agh, agh!"

Once again, the appearance of the sword digging into his abdomen was clearly visible. Black Dragon King's eyes were bloodshot. He focused his inner strength on his abdomen and pushed his scimitar toward Chung Myung.

'If you don't have a sword!'

After seeing the scimitar flying toward his face, Chung Myung smiled strangely.

A moment later, something unimaginable to Black Dragon King happened.

Chung Myung let go of the sword stuck in Black Dragon King's abdomen.


Black Dragon King's mouth involuntarily gaped wide enough for his heart to jump into his throat.

Chung Myung reached out with his battered hand and caught the scimitar that Black Dragon King had sent flying. His slightly deformed hand was unable to withstand the pressure and tore apart, scattering flesh and blood. This sight was clearly visible.

However, in the next moment, what Black Dragon King saw was Chung Myung's knee flying towards his face.


Black Dragon King was sent flying, blood spurting out.

The moment he flew like a broken kite and landed on the sandbank, a dead silence fell over the entire island.


Black Dragon King, convulsing briefly, coughed up blood.

Trembling, he raised his upper body, and the still-embedded sword of Chung Myung was visible.

"...Crazy... a crazy bastard..."

Where in the world did someone like this exist?

Even the Evil Sect didn't fight like that. No matter how wicked someone was, they didn't throw their own body around like that.

He was, quite literally, a madman.

In his blurred vision due to the shock, he saw the scene of Chung Myung, his left hand torn to shreds, looking down at his own left hand without saying a word. He casually wiped the blood flowing down his hand as if it were a bother.


As Chung Myung finished speaking, a bright white sword flew towards him. He reached out and caught the flying sword and smiled faintly.


It was the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, which he had thrown to this island at the beginning. Jo Gol had brought it back. Chung Myung nodded as if he liked the feeling of it in his hand.

Having retrieved the sword, he shifted his gaze back to Black Dragon King.

Step, step.

With each step he took, the blood flowing from his left hand dripped onto the white sand. It was a grim spectacle in another sense.

"Get up."

Chung Myung's voice, colder than the northern wind, flowed from his lips.

"Don't be so dramatic just because you have a few holes in your body."

You know war? You guys?

A twisted smile curled at the corner of his mouth.

"Let me tell you. Not what the war that you guys are playing right now, but what real war is."

For a moment, those who saw the glint of madness in Chung Myung's eyes lowered their gaze without even knowing it.