Chapter 1000: Just Leave It Be (Part 5)

"Why the family ledger suddenly...?"


"Oh, of course, the family head now has the right and obligation to check the family ledger as they have become the family head. But why so suddenly...?"

Namgung Myung cast a suspicious gaze at Namgung Dowi. Namgung Dowi, on the other hand, had a lifeless expression and simply muttered.

"Just... "


"Don't ask... just tell me. Just... "


What on earth could have happened to the young master who had glint in his eyes when he left his lodging in the morning and returned with eyes like someone who had lost all of his property in a gamble?

Namgung Myung, who gazed at Namgung Dowi with a doubtful look, said with concern.

"Then I will hand over the organized ledger."


"...Why do you keep doing this?"

"Isn't our Namgung family wealthy?"


Namgung Myung said, somewhat bewildered.

"You mean this? It is said that there are as many great merchants in this world as there are clouds, and crowds of people are rolling around until their feet are kicked, but no matter how wealthy they are, they cannot compare to the wealth that our Namgung family possesses."

It was a statement filled with pride.

It was natural. As far as Namgung Myung knew, in this world, only the Shaolin could rival the Namgung family in wealth, and this was a fact that no matter how much the Taoist or Tang family, who chose Wudang, disagreed with them, they could not deny it.

But Namgung Dowi, who gazed at Namgung Myung with an odd expression in his eyes, began to chew on his fingernails.

"Rich... We're rich... We're rich."



Had this guy gone crazy?


Namgung Dowi, who had been biting his fingernails, finally shivered and opened his trembling lips.

"Where can I receive the ledger?"

"If it's a copy, the head treasurer should have it."

"... Yes, then."

Watching Namgung Dowi, who was walking unsteadily out, Namgung Myung was surrounded by an unknown anxiety. It was because he could vaguely hear the sound of muttering, "He's good. He's good. He has to do well. Please let him do well."

"What the...?"

Namgung Myung still did not know the exact nature of the disaster that was looming over the Namgung family.

* * *

Chung Myung's eyes widened like lanterns. His mouth involuntarily dropped open, and the hand holding the ledger trembled as if it had been bitten by a cold wind.

"...I-is this...?"


"Is this everything?"

Namgung Dowi nodded hesitantly.

"The list of Namgung family's assets."

"...Oh my god."

Chung Myung's head turned involuntarily. Even if Heavenly Demon appeared right in front of him, he wouldn't be so surprised.

Chung Myung alternately glanced at Namgung Dowi and the ledger, and then with half-closed eyes, he expressed his thoughts without any hesitation.

"I was wondering why people in the world starve even though they work so hard, but these bastards had all the money. You thieving bastards."


"Huh... What is this...hehehe."

Chung Myung looked at the ledger again with a look of disgust on his face.

To be clear, Mount Hua Sect was by no means a penniless sect now. Although it may not have been so a few years ago, they can now be said to be one of the richest sects in the world.

In terms of accumulated assets, they might not be able to compete with the central plain's giants, but if we only consider income, they could now easily slap others with money.

In terms of income alone, it can be claimed that they have surpassed the former prosperous Mount Hua of a hundred years ago. However...

"What... insane. Really insane."

Chung Myung looked at the ledger with a face that was full of amazement.

Perhaps surprised that Chung Myung's reaction was so strong, Baek Cheon slowly approached.

"How much money do they have to react like this?"


Chung Myung handed the account book to Baek Cheon without saying a word.

Baek Cheon passed a few pages of the account book and casually commented.

"Well, there could be a lot of money, it's Namgung's family, but it's a bit... to say that in front of the lord..."

At that moment, Yoon Jong witnessed a sight he had never seen before. Baek Cheon's eyes gradually widened, and he jumped forward.

"This... what's this...?"

Clack! Clack clack clack clack!

Baek Cheon's touch as he handed over the account book began to become rough.

With an expression that didn't match his neat face at all, Baek Cheon suddenly stopped. Then he raised his head and stared blankly at Namgung Dowi. But even that was brief, and the dumbfounded expression quickly turned into a sharp glare. Namgung Dowi was taken aback.

"Why, why are you doing this?"

"You rich bastard..."


Namgung Dowi was so dumbfounded that he suspected his ears. Did those words really come out of Baek Cheon's mouth?

That's when Chung Myung let out a roar.

"You have so much money, why are you carrying a sword, you crazy b*stard!"

"Why are you...?"

"There are rich people! Seriously rich!"

Chung Myung's voice was filled with bitterness.

"Damn it. There's a limit to how unfair the world is! Some are born orphans, but they end up worse than beggars in the end! Some are born as Namgung's sons!"

"That's right!"

"Sasuk is from the Southern Edge Sect!"

"Compared to Namgung, Southern Edge is worse than beggars!"

"Ah, that's right."

"Damn rich b*stards."

"Damn landlord kids."

Jo Gol turned his gaze after watching that scene. For some reason, it seemed like a red energy was overflowing behind Chung Myung and Baek Cheon. It felt like a glimpse of a sickle and a hammer...

"Good Lord... I thought I was rich."

Chung Myung muttered with a dazed face. Now he could be sure. The darn brainwashing by the Evil Sect had narrowed his world. No matter how much he boasted about making money, he was nothing more than a wandering monk who would be satisfied with food and drink as long as he had them.

Human greed(?) had surpassed the imagination of Chung Myung, who lived in a clean and frugal environment.

"But wait. So Shaolin and Wudang guys have money that's pretty close to this, right?"

Chung Myung grinded his teeth.

"But these guys say they want us to contribute to the military funds? I have to dig up their graves and chase them down."

"...What are you talking about? Since a while ago?"


Chung Myung scratched his throat as if he had swallowed burning charcoal. Yoo Iseol, curious about the reaction that seemed to be foaming over at any moment, quietly approached Chung Myung and took the account book.



"Kyaak! Sago! Why did you collapse!"

Tang Soso rushed over in panic as Yoo Iseol fell backward.

Watching the scene, Chung Myung clicked his tongue.

"That's right. Street beggars should faint when they see this amount."

"She's not an orphan!"

"It's all the same."

"No, seriously, how much money is making them react like this?"

Tang Soso held the account book and examined it.


Then, with a somewhat flustered expression, she handed the account book to Jo Gol. Jo Gol also read it briefly and said.

"...It's just an ordinary account book, isn't it?"

"Shouldn't the Namgung Family have this much?"

The reactions of the two made Baek Cheon and Chung Myung's eyes began to grow bloodshot. Yoo Iseol, who was lying on the ground, raised her head and reached for the sword at her waist.

"Dirty landlord bastards."

"They're the children of rich families!"

"Settle down!"

The three who were orphans, runaways, and born in poverty glared at the three who were born with silver spoons in their mouths.

"Come on, just a moment! Even if you don't know about the others, Sasuk is different!"

"That's right! Sasuk's family is well off! It's just that he worked hard and came out like that!"

Jo Gol believed that this attack would definitely work. However, when Baek Cheon's response came, Jo Gol gave up on the counterattack quite cleanly.

"At birth, my brother was Jin Geumryong."


"I'll admit that."

"Excuse me for interrupting, Sasuk. I apologize."

In an atmosphere that could spark a revolutionary fire at any moment, Yoon Jong quickly intervened.

"Now is not the time for us to fight each other, Chung Myung."

"Ugh, ugh."

Chung Myung forced his neck to twist.


His stomach twisted, and his insides turned over. But anyway, this account book was now in his hands.


Chung Myung looked at the account book and Namgung Dowi alternately, then he opened his lips with great difficulty.

"I... I can do it."


"...I... I can... do... this..."

At that moment, Chung Myung realized.

There was something deep within him, a 'conscience,' that he didn't even know existed.

Tears flowed from Chung Myung's eyes.

"I can't get any richer..."

Of course, his labor was so precious that it couldn't be exchanged for even gold. The problem was that the Namgung Family's wealth was so great that it could be used to wipe the floor with gold.

Even though Chung Myung, who evaluated himself highly, had tried his best to overvalue himself, he couldn't amass such a large sum.

'Sahyung! Sect Leader Sahyung! Today, I finally understand what a conscience is, Sahyung!'

- Is that conscience? You crazy person!

Oh, please, keep quiet!

Chung Myung took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Well... if you could... give me a chance, then how... how can I...?"

"Yes? Give you a chance?"

When Namgung Dowi asked with a puzzled expression, Chung Myung, hunching his shoulders, spoke in a low voice.

"Well, then, I'll do... work..."

Years later, Jo Gol would recall this scene like this:

It was like watching the sun in the sky shrivel up, or seeing the Dongjung River run dry, a sight where Chung Myung, the top martial artist, had been crushed by nothing other than money.

At that moment, Namgung Dowi lifted his head.

"It's not that, Dojang. The money is too little."


"Dojang saved our lives. And now, aren't we family with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"


"I'll give you five shares of the wealth. Use it for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's military funds."


The account book slipped from Chung Myung's hand.

Trembling as if he had seen a ghost, Chung Myung stammered.

"Five shares? Five... shares?"


Namgung Dowi nodded firmly.

"If you divide it reasonably, it should be enough. Dojang's share, Mount Hua's share, and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's share."

"Y-you're really giving me five shares? Just like that?"

"Of course."

Namgung Dowi lightly patted his chest. "

"No matter how valuable property is, it cannot compare to the grace of saving one's life. Please understand that we can't just offer you so little."

Chung Myung rushed to him, clasping his hands.

"Th-thank you! Thank you!"

"Dojang! Why are you doing this? It's nothing."

Tears streamed down Chung Myung's eyes. "It's not a big deal to you."

Thank goodness.

He's a fool, so it's a relief.

Huh? Isn't being good a sign of being a fool? That's what makes you a fool.



"I will... I will use all my resources! I will do whatever it takes to make the people in Namgung's group act like people! I will do my best!"



"T-thank you."

At that moment, Jo Gol, who had been silently observing, whispered to Yoon Jong.

"Sahyung, the situation is a bit strange. When you think about it, isn't he just buying a beating with money?"

"Shh. Be quiet."


On that day, the Namgung Family became friends with Mount Hua.

True friendship that sprung from the heart...


Hello. It's Bigak (the author).

Return of the Mount Hua Sect has reached its 1,000th episode. It's the first time I've written 1,000 episodes without a break.

I think it was possible thanks to the many readers who sent their support. I would like to express my gratitude once again here.

There are still many shortcomings, but I do my best every day. I will strive to make it a story with no regrets until the end.

Thank you.

P.S. I've started to have some physical problems, and it may become difficult to continue the daily pace as it is now. I ask for your understanding in this matter, and I will do my best to stick to the publishing schedule as much as possible.