Chapter 1001: All of a Sudden (Part 1)

"Sir, Elder!"

In an urgent voice, the Wudang's elder Song Hwa (松和) asked with a pale face.

"What's the situation?"

"We're falling behind! We can't even catch their ankles!"

"Th-this... "

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

'Why does it have to be this place?'

He could sense it. As if a single mountain separated this place from there. It was as if his entire body was being pierced with thousands of needles, and the thick magic energy was strangling his breathing.

"Sir, Elder! We need a plan...!"

Song Hwa's fingertips trembled.

A plan? Of course, they needed a plan. After all, the person in charge here is Song Hwa.

But what kind of plan could there be?

They've thrown in all the forces available here. Thirty elite disciples from Wudang's main sect had already been brought in to prepare for any unexpected situations.

Each of them were the elite among elites of the Taeguk sword, capable of wielding the Yang and Yin swords, the pride of the Wudang Sect. But even they couldn't stop the enemy's advance, and were just helplessly shedding blood.

But what kind of solution could there be beyond that?

"If this place falls, our rear will be completely exposed! Elder!"

"I know!"

Song Hwa raised his voice nervously.

The place they were guarding was the rearmost area of the attackers. If this place collapsed, the escape route for those who entered the Great Mountain would be cut off. In that case, it'd be too clear what would happen.

They had to block it at all costs, even if it meant staking their lives, no, even more than their lives.


"What can we possibly do?"

Sweat began to pour down Song Hwa's face like rain.

The thing approaching from across the way was not someone one could stop with such resolve.

"What do you expect me to do to stop the bishop!"

As if getting angry, Song Hwa clenched the handle of his sword.

Originally, he hadn't even considered the possibility of the bishop coming to this place. If he had even thought about such a possibility, he wouldn't have ordered the rear defense with fewer than fifty people.

At that moment.


A tremendous force surged from beyond the mountain. The moment Song Hwa felt the overwhelming energy, he unconsciously stepped back five paces. But there was no need to blush his face because the other disciples around him were the same.


It was a disaster. The beings who served the Heavenly Demon closest, even though they were afraid to speak of them.

"How can there be dozens of them...?"

If the Heavenly Demon was something humans couldn't handle with their own strength, these bishops were a real threat, digging their nails into their necks.

The whirlpool of black magic swept like a blade. A suppressed groan escaped from Song Hwa's mouth.

"Request reinforcements!"


"Hurry, request reinforcements now! Tell them there's a bishop here! We can't hold out here by ourselves any longer! Immediately!"

"We've already requested reinforcements! But..."

Song Hwa knew what was coming next without hearing the following words.

The main force with the power to face the bishop was no longer left behind. Where could they find any riffraff ready to confront the bishop and join the battle?


At that moment, Song Hwa's eyes clearly saw the appearance of the Wudang disciples who were being torn apart.

Crushed, exactly as it sounds.

Swept away by the whirlwind of black magic, the Wudang disciples left no trace and were shattered into fragments scattered all over the dark mountain.


Song Hwa's jaw began to tremble involuntarily.

Even if they tried to endure it, how could they possibly endure it? What could humans do when facing demons that are not human?



Words he should have never spoken came out of Song Hwa's mouth. He instantly covered his mouth with both hands.

It was an absolutely impossible situation. If this place was breached, they couldn't even imagine how massive the damage would be. If they hesitated to shed blood, they would have to repay every drop of spared blood with thousands of drops.

He knew. He knew it!



He shuddered due to a sudden urge to vomit. If they stayed here, they would die. Furthermore, everyone would die.

This was a death sentence.

If they could change something with their lives, they would gladly give up their lives. But what could they possibly change with their lives?

Even with the lives of those who were dying! Even with the lives of those about to die! Even with the lives of those who were still alive! They couldn't stop that demon's advance for a single moment!

Why should they continue such meaningless sacrifices?


In that instant, another life was lost in vain.


Amidst the surging whirlpool of black magic, it was clearly advancing towards their location. It was slow but an unmistakable death was approaching.

Song Hwa's eyes were filled with fear.

Even though he was a Wudang elder, his name meant nothing before the bishop. Perhaps that demon couldn't even sense the difference between him and the disciples he was currently facing.


His hand holding the sword trembled involuntarily. He tried to draw his sword, but for some reason, his Songmungogeom didn't come out of its scabbard as if it were glued there.



Song Hwa bit his lip with bloodshot eyes and, after hesitating for a moment, uttered the words again.


And then, that was the moment.

"Elder! Elder!"

From behind, a joyous shout could be heard. When Song Hwa turned around, he saw someone rushing towards them with full force.

"What... what is it?"

"They've come! He has arrived!"

"He... he has?!"

No names were mentioned, and they hadn't even heard a nickname. But Song Hwa immediately knew who "he" was. There was no other like him. Among the group facing the bishop, there was only one person who could bring hope.

"Gosh. He's terrifying every time I see him."

Song Hwa turned his head fiercely.

A man had suddenly crouched next to him and was looking across the mountain. Disheveled hair, black robes, and a white embroidered emerald-green cloth draped over them...

Setting aside all these details, it wasn't difficult to guess who he was from the immense presence that choked the breath out of anyone without any effort.

"Ah, Dark Lord..."

Dark Lord Tang Bo. The reaper from the Tang Family who sometimes brought even greater fear than the heretics themselves. He smiled coldly, gazing toward the bishop.

"Are you in charge here?"

When Dark Lord asked without turning his head, Song Hwa's trembling body jerked. But after a moment, Song Hwa nodded vehemently.

"Yes, Dark Lord!"

"Release the kids."


When Song Hwa blankly asked, Tang Bo furrowed his brow.

"Never mind. Even if I tried to save a stupid one like you, you wouldn't get it."

"What... what's this about?"

And at that moment, a sound behind them... Thud.

The sound of footsteps from behind made Song Hwa's heart drop.

Dark Lord Tang Bo, of course, was an unrivaled grandmaster that Song Hwa couldn't hope to understand. Wasn't Tang Bo the highest-level expert among the Tang Family's grandmasters in the 100 years?

However, when the adversary was the bishop, not even a name as prestigious as the Dark Lord's could shine. Just the arrival of the Dark Lord would not have colored his disciples with hope.

In other words...

Song Hwa turned his trembling gaze and stared blankly at the approaching figure.

Black robe. A crimson plum blossom pattern etched on the chest.

His hair was tied tightly at the back, but it hung down untidily. However, it wasn't his disheveled appearance that seized Song Hwa's attention.

It was his eyes.

It was the icy gaze seen between the fallen bangs.

Song Hwa unconsciously murmured.

"Plum... Blossom Sword Saint."

That's right. Only this person could be their hope. Faced with the demonic bishop, the only name they could shout was this one.

Thud. Thud.

Plum Blossom Sword Saint Chung Myung stood before him and finally opened his mouth.

"What's the situation?"

At the chilling voice, Song Hwa snapped back to attention and quickly replied.

"W-w-we're trying to delay the bishop, but it's not enough with our current strength. Plum Blossom Sword Saint!"

From Tang Bo's mouth came the sound of the wind whistling.

"Delay? What the hell are you talking about?"


At that moment, Plum Blossom Sword Saint Chung Myung grabbed Song Hwa by the collar and pulled him close.

Song Hwa stiffened in place, unable to even scream.



"Are you an elder of the Wudang Sect?"

Song Hwa nodded his head quickly.


"But what are you doing here?"


Chung Myung's two eyes emitted a sinister aura.

"Why are you just watching from the rear when your disciples are dying over there? You dog-like bastard."


Song Hwa remained frozen, unable to make a sound. He felt like an angry beast was biting into his throat. Even the slightest movement might have allowed those sharp fangs to pierce his veins and choke off his breath. Fear constricted his throat.

"If we don't have a plan, then step up and fight with me. You think it's a waste to risk your life, so you let your disciples become targets while you watch from behind?"

"I... I..."

"You're a damn fool!"


Chung Myung struck Song Hwa's jaw.

Song Hwa, with a scream, couldn't lift his head and trembled faintly. Chung Myung treated him like a worm and turned around to walk ahead.

Tang Bo clicked his tongue.

"I think you survived thanks to those kids. If they weren't dangerous, it wouldn't have ended like this."


Mocking Song Hwa, Tang Bo rushed after Chung Myung.

"Ah, hyung! Let's go together. Why the rush?"

Plum Blossom Sword Saint and the Dark Lord.

The two of them advanced without hesitation towards the raging magical energy. It seemed like the magical energy had sensed their presence and became even more violent. However, despite the spectacle, the two of them didn't hesitate and even gave a crooked smile.


"They seem to have brought about twenty."

"So, you're alone."

"...That's right."


Chung Myung slowly drew his Plum Blossom Sword. Tension spread throughout his body, sending shivers down his spine. The bishop's power was intense enough to send warning signals even to his physical form.

"...Is he a celestial assassin?"

"Or a mad spirit?"

"Doesn't matter. He's going to die anyway."

Chung Myung, extending his sword downward, spoke in a low voice.

"When we killed that guy last time, didn't you lose consciousness for a whole week?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It was just one week!"

"That's what I'm talking about. If you get distracted this time, you might get yourself killed. So, don't interfere and stay behind."

"Remember when you almost lost your arm, and I fixed it for you? It seems you've conveniently forgotten that. I'm worried you might accidentally lose your head this time."

Chung Myung chuckled. As they drew closer to their target, the grip on his Plum Blossom Sword tightened.

"Well, there's no other choice."

Chung Myung revealed his intent.

"First, let's cut that guy's throat and then continue our conversation."

Tang Bo, pulling a dagger from his sleeve, nodded cheerfully.

"I agree."

Both of them simultaneously struck the ground, and two streaks of black and blue meteor-like energy pierced into the storm of magical energy.

That day, another bishop met his end at the edge of the mountain.