Chapter 1049: I Was Insane Too (Part 4)

The first thing he noticed was a clear difference.

The demonic practitioners they had faced before were, in a way, beasts. Terrifying creatures that seemed to have just emerged from hell into the mortal world.

However, the ones revealed now felt distinctly different. If ordinary demonic practitioners wielded heavy bludgeons, they were like refined blades. A creepy anticipation had already pierced through his entire body.


"I know, Dojang!"

As soon as Baekcheon shouted, Hye Yeon kicked the ground and rose up. Like a thunderbolt, he unleashed a punch, pouring his cultivated power forward.

'Hundred-Step Divine Fist!'

Seeing this, Jo Gol clenched his fist.

It was one of the seventy-two martial arts that Shaolin boasted throughout the world, and the most famous fist technique among them! Especially the power of Hundred-Step Divine Fist displayed by Hye Yeon's hands - words couldn't do justice to its impact.

The thunderous power surged towards the Disciples of Law.

And at that moment.


The Disciples of Law descended their hands from the sky. As they did, a black line, darker than darkness itself, emerged, and the formidable power of Hye Yeon was instantly split in two.


Those who witnessed this sight momentarily doubted their eyes.

The power of Buddhism was its energy of destruction. Like Taoism's pure energy, it had the property of destroying evil things in the world. Nevertheless, the practitioners had cut off Hye Yeon's power very easily.

The implications of this sight were enormous.


Beyond the senses!

In an unbelievable turn of events, the demonic practitioners, who were losing strength as the Disciples of Law revealed themselves, began to rally their spirits madly.

Dreadful magic engulfed them like a storm.


"This, what is this!"

The Five Swords were embarrassed and shouted briefly.

At that moment, Jang Ilso extended his hand. As he did, the bracelet wrapped around his wrist rotated fiercely on its own and then advanced.


The bracelet, spinning at an incredible speed in front of Jang Ilso's face, turned into a beam of light and shot toward the Disciples of Law.

Golden light pierced the dark night sky. It was such an incredible move that even Mount Hua's disciples, who were clearly aware that Jang Ilso would eventually become their enemy, could not help but be momentarily amazed.


The bracelet, containing a terrifying power, precisely targeted the upper body of the Disciples of Law rushing from the front. Looking at the bracelet flying as if it could pierce through him, the enemy narrowed his two eyes. It was a face revealing cruelty.


The enemy, holding a thin blade, extended his arm forward. The tip of the sword and Jang Ilso's bracelet collided in mid-air, causing a massive explosion.


Simultaneously with the resounding explosion, golden energy and black magic erupted in all directions like fireworks.

At that moment, Baek Cheon saw it. The bracelet hanging at the end of the enemy's thin sword.


For a moment, his spine chilled. Just hitting the flying bracelet with that kind of force would be no ordinary feat. Especially with the thin sword of the enemy, protecting the sword from breaking even with that impact wouldn't be easy.

But the Disciples of Law didn't just strike away Jang Ilso's bracelet; they neutralized it and caught it afterward.

'The level is different.'

Some of those present had already experienced the Disciples of Law in the North Sea. However, the Disciples of Law they encountered then and the ones approaching now had the same position but did not allow for comparison in terms of skill.

'These guys are on another level.'

Baek Cheon unconsciously bit his lip. Meanwhile, the Disciples of Law, who had closed the distance, descended in front of the demonic practitioners.


Coming to a stop, they raised their heads, staring at Chung Myung and Jang Ilso's group. The number was exactly ten.

Behind them, the demonic practitioners gathered, holding their breath.

Just by looking at their appearance, it was clear.

More than the disciples of Mount Hua, more than the red-eyed hounds, the demonic practitioners were more afraid of the Disciples of Law.

'Are they afraid of allies?'

It seemed like an incomprehensible situation at first, but in the demonic sects, this was common sense.

The Disciples of Law managed and commanded the ordinary believers, commonly known as Majo (魔卒). However, they had a more significant mission: to hunt down apostates [a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle] within the sect and correct any violations of the teachings.

Therefore, it was only natural for the demonic practitioners to fear the Disciples of Law more than external enemies. The doctrine of the demonic sects was the word of the great Heavenly Demon. There was only one consequence for those who violated this gospel.

But one more thing was certain.

Despite their role in punishing the disciples, the demonic practitioners were also individuals aspiring for power. The fear they showed was proof of the strength possessed by these Disciples of Law.


The leading enemy scratched the ground with the thin sword in his hand.

"I acknowledge it."

A clear voice flowed out.

It was an ordinary voice, yet it evoked a deeper sense of alienation. After all, the sounds they had heard from the demonic practitioners since coming here were threats and howls. It was the first time he had heard such a calm voice.

The enemy, with cold, piercing eyes, observed the united forces of the Shaolin and Mount Hua in front of him.

"Among the filthy ordinary believers, there are some worth using."

Everyone's faces hardened upon hearing his words.

It was mockery disguised as acknowledgment, disrespect veiled as praise.

"But even if that's the case, nothing will change."

The enemy slowly lowered the mask covering half of his face. Rough skin and chapped lips were revealed. His eyes were gradually turning red.

"With the words of those who do not understand the subject and resist the sect, there is only one thing. Death."

The chapped lips trembled.

"But there's no need to be sorry. Your death won't be entirely worthless. Your death will convey things to the world. The fear of the sect, the greatness of the One, and your weakness."

"Ugh, seriously, shut your filthy mouth."

Chung Myung cut off the enemy's words.

The silent enemy glared fiercely at him. Chung Myung, unfazed, let out a cold, disdainful laugh.

"If you want to blabber so much, answer a question or two when asked."

The enemy's mouth twisted.

"Mixing words with unbelievers alone twists my stomach, but... The sect is inherently merciful. Speak, foolish one. What do you want to know?"

"Why did you come to the Central Plains?"


"A single bishop with this many demonic practitioners… It seems like an entire diocese is moving independently. You shouldn't have that kind of authority, right?"

The enemy's eyes shook significantly.

It was an unexpected question. Weren't they ordinary nonbelievers?

"You... who are you?"

How did an ordinary person like Chung Myung know about them?

Chung Myung let out a wry smile.

"Could it be that you're… apostates?"

At that moment, an immense aura erupted from the demonic practitioners. Not only the Disciples of Law but also the demonic practitioners guarding behind emitted magic and aura as much as they could muster.

Even the Honggyeon were visibly startled by the intensity of the force.

"Dare... dare!"

The composed enemy suddenly lost his composure, and his eyes turned white.

"To babble such nonsense! How dare you! A wretch like you! How dare!"

It was almost a scream.

No one around Chung Myung understood the sudden and violent reaction. Because no one knew what apostasy meant to the Demonic Cult.

"No, no."

Chung Myung casually spoke with a slurring voice.

"Scum like you wouldn't even have the ability to apostatize, right? If someone apostatized, it would be a big shot."

Chung Myung glanced at the enemy and asked.

"How about it? Did he apostatize?"

"Shut up, you dog!"

The enemy lost his reason and roared.

"How could the likes of you understand the deep thoughts of the bishop! You, a non-believer who can't even fathom the feelings with which he stepped on this filthy land!"


Chung Myung's eyes momentarily darkened.


It was confirmed. If the real demonic sect had moved, the bishop alone would not have set foot on the central land, leading only his diocese. That means this was the solo action of that bishop.

Having discovered this fact alone achieved an objective. If he could somehow deal with these guys, it meant that the demonic sect's invasion would temporarily halt.

But for that to happen...

"How amusing."

Chung Myung showed a cruel smile.

"It looks like the entire demonic sect is splitting apart. Well, good thinking. A wise choice. The Heavenly Demon died a hundred years ago, but these guys are still licking the soles of his feet, making jokes out of themselves."


Red veins began to bulge on the enemy's neck and face. He had completely let go of reason due to anger, and he glared at Chung Myung as if he could rush in and kill him at any moment.

The reason he couldn't rush out immediately was not that he judged he had to restrain his anger. Too much anger had even tied up his feet.

"Don't worry. Even if the worst-case scenario happens, I'll help you."

Chung Myung laughed, flicking his sword casually.

"Even if the Heavenly Demon comes back, there's no guarantee that his head won't be cut twice, right? Don't you think so?"

"No, ooooom!"

The enraged enemy charged forward without looking back.

His original plan was to tidy up the demonic practitioners who had lost their reason and surround them. There was no better strategy against a strong minority.

The demonic arts were fundamentally a martial art that stole people's reason. There was a drastic difference when rushing in like a beast and moving under someone's command.

If he had calmly managed those following him, dealing with these few wouldn't have been so difficult.

But now, caught up in Chung Myung's provocation, all the plans in his mind burned away, leaving only white ash.

"I will rip that mouth apart!"

The enemy himself had lost the most reason.

Like a dragon stabbed in the reverse scale [weak point], the enemy, violated in the inviolable territory of the Heavenly Demon, turned into a beast and rushed at Chung Myung. The demonic practitioners hiding behind also rushed forward like a black tidal wave, their eyes turned upside down.

It was a frenzy of madness without any trace of reason.

It was a sight that would frighten anyone, but Chung Myung, instead of being scared, smiled brightly.

A vibrant red aura enveloped his sword.

"That's why I like the Demonic Sect."


Chung Myung, who had forcefully planted himself on the ground, faced the charging enemy.

Fighting against an army is war.

However, dealing with a beast that has lost reason is just hunting.

Chung Myung's sword, which had hunted the Demonic Sect countless times, shone even more vividly in the darkness.