Chapter 1050: I Was Insane Too (Part 5)

The Disciples of Law, who had lost all reason, rushed forward like injured beasts. Chung Myung turned into a meteor and streaked towards them.


The disciple closed his eyes swung his sword down. From the tip of his sword, obscure magic rose like clouds.


The sword howled like a vengeful spirit. Just listening to it made the bones tremble, and it was a horrifying sound as if the sword itself cried in place of the grudge harbored by the enemy.

However, Chung Myung's face did not show a trace of agitation. He faced the enemy's flying sword without emotion as if all the words he had been throwing around a moment ago were lies.


The clash of swords in the air created an explosion, and black magic and red sword energy scattered in all directions.

Grgrgrgrak! Grgrgrgrgrgrak!

The swords pushed against each other. Chung Myung's sword, aimed at the enemy's neck, moved like a snake, ready to cut the throat at the slightest opening.


The disciple radiated a deadly force and pushed his rapier toward Chung Myung. At that moment, Chung Myung did not resist the surging force but tilted his sword and let go of the rapier.


The rapier grazed the edge of the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, causing sparks to fly.

The moment the rapier touched the sword, Chung Myung, who had twisted his wrist and bounced the rapier away at an incredible speed, swung the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword. A short distance where shoulders almost touched each other. Within that distance, dozens of split sword shadows poured onto the enemy's body.

Thud! Thud!

The swords dug into the enemy's body without mercy. However, the enemy's body, hard as steel, easily blocked the sword strikes of the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, leaving only superficial wounds.

"It's useless!"

The disciple raised his left hand. Demonic energy enveloped his hand, creating a grotesque shape. The magic that grew long from his fingertips resembled the claws of a beast or a devil.


The enemy's hand tore through the air, flying towards Chung Myung. At that moment, Chung Myung also lifted his left hand naturally.

His fingertips shook as if splitting apart, and dozens of sword shadows rose, creating a red wall between Chung Myung and the enemy.

It was the pride of Mount Hua, the Plum Blossom Scattering Hand (梅花散手), and specifically the Red Flower Wall (紅花究壁).

The long-grown nails of the enemy clawed against the perfect wall of sword shadows.


Confusion flashed in the disciple's eyes for an instant. He tried to pierce through the wall in an instant, but it wasn't easy. The moment he deeply slashed the wall, instead of a solid feeling, an endlessly soft and pliable energy surrounded his hand.

The resisting force, pushing away as he scratched, menacingly filled the space again, as if it mocked him, just as it did when he tried to pass through.

It was an extreme flexibility (柔功) that enveloped even the sharpness of demonic energy.

Unable to hide his confusion, the disciple of law, in an attempt to swing his sword again. Suddenly, the energy wall that filled his field of vision suddenly broke, and the sword flew toward him at an incredible speed.


In an instant, faced with an attack that seemed to pierce the center of his neck, the disciple panicked and twisted his body.


The blade of the sword grazed his right neck, leaving a vivid mark.


A sharp pain surged.

But there was no time to groan for long. The sword that passed past his neck suddenly stood still in the air, as if time had stopped, and then changed direction with fierce momentum towards the disciple's head.

For a moment, the disciple opened his mouth wide in shock and swung his hand forcefully.


The hand wrapped in magic and the sword surrounded by red energy collided. The enemy immediately thrusted the rapier with his right hand wildly. Chung Myung's body seemed as if it would be pierced in an instant.

But at that moment, Chung Myung slightly pulled back the sword and thrust it toward the enemy's neck like a snake. They both aimed for each other's vital points. Faced with an unavoidable situation, the enemy gritted his teeth and exerted strength in the hand holding the sword.


And at that moment, he saw it. A demonic smile flashed across Chung Myung's face.

For a moment, an indescribable sense of horror passed through the enemy's mind.

A demonic practitioner never fears the enemy. A demonic practitioner never fears death. But he was still human. The choice to pierce through the opponent's chest, not any other part, was difficult to make in the face of an unavoidable situation.

In the end, the survival instinct inherent in human nature transcended the momentary hatred for the nonbeliever.

Reflexively, the enemy twisted the sword, countering Chung Myung's sword that charged towards him.

But at that moment!


With the sound as if a butterfly were fiercely flapping its wings, Chung Myung's sword fluttered. It was as if he already knew that the disciple wouldn't be able to extend his rapier until the end and would aim for his sword.

The violently swung sword of the disciple passed through the space where the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword had existed, and at the same time, Chung Myung's sword energy, transformed into thousands of plum blossom petals pierced through the disciple's entire body.

Crack! Crack!

The disciple belatedly swung his arms around as if he were having a seizure.

However, it was impossible to block all the sword energies flying like thousands of dancing flames. Red wounds began to appear all over his body.

But what shocked the disciple was not the flashy swordsmanship. It was the horror he felt towards the human called Chung Myung.


The aura emitted by Chung Myung was not only intense but also freezing, to the point that it made his whole body numb.

Practitioners, including the disciple, were demons. Beasts abandoned on harsh land. To learn martial arts, they had no choice but to become each other's opponents. That's why they were accustomed to hatred, accustomed to killing, accustomed to evil, more than anyone else in the world.

But right now, the brutality that this righteous sect brat was spewing out was making him tense.

'The hell...?'

Even if a person were made out of blood, it was questionable whether they would be able to emit such extreme murderous intent and malice. How could a bastard from a righteous sect who had lived in peace his entire life emit such force?

"This, this guy...!"

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

As if determined not to leave a single part of his body untouched, the sword energy relentlessly surged, sweeping through his entire being.

Pain, so intense that his hair seemed to turn white. But even in that pain, the disciple's consciousness did not break. It wasn't because of hatred for the enemy.

It was because of those cold eyes.

Beyond the flamboyant plum blossom sword energy, the cold eyes of Chung Myung peeked out intermittently, holding his reason like glue.

It was clear. In just a moment, if he let his guard down, that guy's sword would undoubtedly cut through his throat.

Deep in his chest, a clear emotion took root. Even if he tried to deny it, he couldn't. This was clearly... fear.

'Am I feeling the fear that I would feel in front of the bishop from this guy in the middle of nowhere? Me?'

It was at that moment when the disciple's face contorted miserably.

The two disciples of law who had rushed forward during the momentary skirmish reached them. Passing by the disciple, they immediately rushed towards Chung Myung, swinging their arms wrapped in magic.


The disciple's eyes widened.


Stop, he wanted to shout, but Chung Myung's movements were faster than his thoughts.


Chung Myung stomped on the ground and rushed towards the hand aiming for his head. Chung Myung's body completely penetrated the chest of the disciple, whose distant hand passed right above his head.


Chung Myung's shoulder mercilessly collided with the chest of the disciple. The moment his shoulder, imbued with rotational force, hit the disciple's chest, the middle of the disciple's chest caved in. Like a waterfall, blood poured out of his mouth.

However, Chung Myung's attack had just begun. Before the disciple's body, which had been struck, could be thrown back, Chung Myung's body rotated like a spinning top. The Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword quickly slashed the flying disciple.


The chest was sliced with a thud. It was such a serious wound that it not only cut through the muscles but exposed the bones as well. The disciple was thrown backward without even being able to scream.


Another disciple, who had witnessed a fellow practitioner being tragically defeated in an instant, had madness emanating from his eyes. The sight of him drawing both hands towards Chung Myung was madness itself.


Demonic energy emitting an eerie sound split the air and rushed towards Chung Myung. Dozens of disorganized black lines seemed to tear Chung Myung to shreds and leave nothing behind.

At that moment, Chung Myung thrust the sword into the pouring energy.

Parararalak! Parararalak!

The trembling tip of Chung Myung's sword gradually intensified its vibrations, soon becoming a large wave that pushed the flying demonic energy aside. Soon, a large space opened up through the mesh of energy.


The disciple had no time to be astonished. Chung Myung immediately flew into the opened space. The terrified disciple tried to quickly pull his body backward, but at that moment, Chung Myung released a piercing thrust.


The moment his eyes caught something faintly gleaming, Chung Myung's sword was already right in front of his throat. It was an unbelievable speed, even to see it with the eyes.

However, the disciple was no easy opponent either. At that moment, he quickly twisted his body, avoiding Chung Myung's thrust.


Chung Myung's sword energy grazed the disciple's neck skin very thinly. Even in that short second, it was an astonishing move that would make one shiver. The disciple's eyes trembled and he tried to throw his body backward again.


However, Chung Myung, who had parried the sword, quickly folded his arm and launched an onslaught with a speed faster than the sword he had stabbed.

Reaching out with a speed that rendered the term "flash" meaningless, he grabbed the head of the disciple.


Gripping the head with fingers that seemed capable of piercing through, Chung Myung pulled the disciple towards him.

In the disciple's eyes, Chung Myung's cruel smile was clearly visible. Understanding what the demon was about to do, an undeniable terror appeared on the disciple's face.

"Ah, no...."


The blade that had been evaded earlier reached the disciple's neck who was being pulled towards Chung Myung. Without hesitation, Chung Myung fiercely rotated his body.


A truly exhilarating yet gruesome sound echoed.


The fallen disciple's neck, as if being driven into the ground, spurted blood profusely.

The enemy, with a somewhat dazed expression, lowered his gaze. The blood spurting from the decapitated disciple's body was splashing onto his clothes, warming them.

Finally, he looked up as if possessed and saw it clearly.

The figure of Chung Myung with the severed head in his left hand and his sword hanging down.


Chung Myung tossed the head he was holding at the disciple's feet.

"If you already look like that, it's troublesome."


"Because this is just the beginning."

The madness reflected in his eyes was more intense than that of the demonic practitioners. Charging again toward the enemy, Chung Myung was smiling like a devil.