Chapter 1055: I Was Insane Too (Part 10)


The tumultuous rock, unable to withstand the immense pressure, soared into the sky. Witnessing a rock larger than a person shooting up into the sky was not a common sight. However, an even more spectacular scene unfolded behind it.


At the moment when the storm of dark magic engulfed the rock, the sturdy rock instantly shattered into pieces, crumbling away.

The swirling black magic, or rather, demonic strength, was so powerful that it not only shattered the rock but also pulverized it into dust in an instant.

If a rock reacts like that, how would a human body fare? Jumping into that storm would be nothing short of suicidal. It's something a sane person would never choose.

But, unfortunately, in this place, there were not one but two individuals who were far from sane.


With a red robe fluttering, Jang Ilso charged forward, and a sinister energy emanated from his eyes. At that moment, a storm of dark magic poured down towards him like thousands of blades.


The sound of the demonic energy tearing through the air echoed like a mournful cry.


Jang Ilso's unique and powerful qi (獨門剛氣), the Murderous Azure Flame (蒼炎殺剛), unfolded with extreme intensity as blue flames rose fiercely from both hands.

The burning blue flames collided head-on with the oncoming demonic energy.


Demonic energy and killing power!

The clash of the extremes of demonic and evil energies caused the energy to explode in all directions.

Ka-ga-ga-gak! Ka-ga-ga-gak!

As hundreds of blades seemed to cut through his hands, Jang Ilso's face twisted with a sinister energy spreading across it.


Having forcefully landed on the ground again, he leaped forward even more, extending both hands. The blue flames emanating from his body like the devil's tongue wrapped around the flying demonic energy.


A spectacle where peerless swords clashed fiercely in the air. Jang Ilso's energy, refined to the utmost degree, twisted and broke even the powerful demonic energy of the Danjagang.

The distorted and flying demonic energy turned Jang Ilso's splendid robe into rags in an instant. [Hmmm...] However, Jang Ilso didn't even glance back, continuing to move forward.

His face, white with a smile, went beyond eerie, exuding a sense of profound malevolence.


Jang Ilso, who had pushed his hands into the demonic energy, spread out both arms at once, and the demonic river that swept him was torn away, creating a large gap in front of him.

It was really just a momentary gap. While tearing apart the demonic energy was undoubtedly a remarkable feat, the swirling demonic energy would fill that gap in an instant.

However, right behind Jang Ilso, someone did not miss that fleeting moment.


Chung Myung, who threw his body like a flash through the opening created by Jang Ilso, lifted his sword into the sky.


The fiercely flying demonic energy, each strand harder than any steel and sharper than any renowned sword, seemed like it would tear apart Chung Myung's fragile body.

However, even in that storm, Chung Myung's sword drew an endlessly smooth arc.

From top to bottom. What the tip of the sword drew was just a simple semicircle. Nothing special, nothing grand.

The red line that bloomed at the end of the reddened sky gracefully sliced through the storm of demonic energy.


The river of demonic energy, which seemed uncuttable, split like silk.

Through the torn and cut space, the eyes of Chung Myung and Danjagang momentarily met. Upon seeing Chung Myung's smile, a momentary anger flashed on Danjagang's face.

He had already anticipated that they would counter the demonic energy. They, too, were formidable experts, hard to find adversaries in this region.

But even if it were possible, the process shouldn't be this simple. His demonic energy was a grace bestowed by the heavens for the non-believers who had pursued the demonic path. A weapon meant to make them pay the price for their disbelief.

Yet, those unbelievers dare tarnish the grace bestowed by the Heavenly Demon?


The eyes of Danjagang emitted a crimson glow.

Even if there were doubts that should not exist within, he was still a being who devoted everything to the Heavenly Demon. He was not immoral enough to sit idly by and watch the divinity of the Heavenly Demon being damaged by dirty unbelievers!

"How dare you!"

He extended his hand.

The repulsion generated at the fingertips momentarily pushed Chung Myung and Jang Ilso, who were about to leap into the torn space, away.

"Tear them apart!"

At the same time, the rotating demonic energy began to churn violently, bursting out with a chilling resonance.


The accelerated demonic energy plowed through the ground, tearing through the air. The black storm instantly engulfed the momentarily stunned Chung Myung and Jang Ilso.

Danjagang clenched his fist tightly. A clear sensation was felt at his fingertips.

Did these mere individuals dare to mock him at this level?

But it was precisely at that moment.


Something fiercely rose.

At first, it just looked like red blood. If blood spurted from a shattered body, it would look exactly like this.

But soon, he soon realized that it wasn't human blood. It didn't scatter.

Beyond the twilight glow, a red-tinged brilliance, like petals of plum blossoms blown away by the wind somewhere, bloomed throughout the world.

Beyond the twilight glow, a brilliance, dyed entirely in red like blood, bloomed in the storm of black demonic energy as if a fantasy. The sight of the red brilliance scattering resembled a giant brush splattering across the empty space.

Even Danjagang momentarily lost his senses while witnessing the scene.


The plum blossoms that dye the entire mountain in red, as if scattered by a breeze from somewhere, painted the world entirely in red.

The sight seemed like a futile resistance. Fragile petals would only be torn and swept away by the rough storm, wouldn't they?


As if confirming that expectation was not wrong, the demonic energy quickly withered the blooming petals. Thousands of petals shattered and vanished.

But they bloomed again.

Individually, they were exceedingly frail. Merely negligible compared to the demonic energy filled with malice.

However, the petals gathered. As if acknowledging their own weakness, they gathered together and confronted the overwhelming onslaught coming their way.

Originally, wasn't the existence of martial arts created for the weak to resist the strong? In other words, wasn't the essence of martial arts about filling deficiencies and inadequacies?

Hundreds, thousands of petals simultaneously bloomed again, resisting the demonic energy. A massive wall composed of petals and a torrential black storm covering it. It was a spectacle that seemed like it shouldn't exist in the world.


The fierce storm struck the wall of petals. However, the petals, swaying as if about to be pushed away, twisted and distorted, persistently pushed back against the storm of demonic energy.

As the demonic energy began to shatter into pieces, Danjagang's face stiffened.

'Being pushed back?'

It was an incomprehensible situation.

Of course, he understood. The swordsmanship was extraordinary. It was the culmination of brilliant swordsmanship that made him completely revise his evaluation of that swordsman. Rather than being flashy, it was more appropriate to call it downright vicious.

However, no matter how great it was, it didn't make sense that his demonic energy could barely resist its force.

'Dispersing? My demonic energy?'

Danjagang's face twisted fiercely.

The moment it touched the red petals, the demonic energy he emitted seemed to melt like water poured onto fire. It wasn't a matter of being pushed back from power. It seemed like he was fighting a battle he could never win from the start.


That energy seemed to suppress the demonic energy. However, that too made no sense.

It was none other than Danjagang's demonic energy.

Of course, there must be a balance in the world. However, in the face of an overwhelming power gap, isn't even that balance meaningless?

Water is the opposite of fire. However, a huge flame can evaporate water.

However... his demonic energy couldn't exert its strength against such qi?

'What on earth?'

It was at that moment that doubt filled the questioning eyes of Danjagang.

At the center of the intense clash between the red and black energies, a streak of blue flames rose. Clearly, its form was that of fire, colder and sharper than the wind of the North Sea or the edge of a blade. The blue flame mercilessly engulfed Danjagang's demonic energy, which had been blocked by the petals.


A deafening sound, as if the collapse of heaven itself, erupted.

In the tremendous aftermath of the collision of massive energies, even Danjagang, the supreme bishop, took a step back.

The demonic energy throughout his body began to vibrate and boil. The pain, never felt since attaining the position of bishop, came rushing in.

The familiar yet unfamiliar sensation momentarily distracted Danjagang's attention. He missed the sight of two people.


Swiftly realizing his mistake, Danjagang quickly raised his demonic energy. However, before it could manifest, a white blade suddenly sprang out in front of his face.

Danjagang widened his eyes and reached out his hand like lightning. A thunderous metallic sound echoed as he blocked the flying sword.


The white sword edge dug into Danjagang's palm.

The burning eyes of Chung Myung, who thrust his sword down, and the eyes of Danjagang, not concealing his anger, clashed in mid-air.


The moment when Danjagang, filled with seething anger, was about to cut through Chung Myung, a golden meteor flew towards his face.


Danjagang's body was pushed back. Leaving a long trail on the ground, he didn't even glance at the two people and lowered his hand.


Blood flowed down his long-cut palm, dripping onto the ground. The faint scent of blood brushed against the tip of his nose. A sharp pain surged from his palm.

After gazing at his hand for a moment, Danjagang slowly raised his head and stared at the two people in front of him.

"Well, well. It seems the supreme bishop is flustered."

Jang Ilso smirked, wiping his lips with his sleeve. Red blood seeped into his pale, white skin.

A single drop of blood trickled down Chung Myung's lips.

"Why? It seems like there was no one in the Demonic Sect who could fight properly?"

Chung Myung sneered, revealing his teeth.

"But don't be too disappointed. You'll find out soon enough."

Chung Myung raised his sword, aiming it at the bishop's neck.

"Let me show you what it really means to fight with your life on the line."

Danjagang clenched his fist, as if grasping the wound in his hand. Once again, a fierce glint exploded from his eyes.


Roaring, Danjagang looked like a wounded beast, not much different from a creature with injuries.

"I'll tear you all to pieces!"


A strange madness flashed in Chung Myung's eyes as he saw the scene.

"Now... you look like a bishop I knew. Hahaha!" 

Gripping the sword in reverse, Chung Myung burst into a large laugh and shot towards Danjagang.