Chapter 1056: Your Voice Won't Reach Him (Part 1)

He wanted to ask. To those who always spouted the obvious that one should do their best against any enemy, he wanted to show them the current situation and ask.

Do you really have the confidence that your will won't break even after seeing that?

Namgung Dowi stared, captivated, at the swirling demonic energy, red plum blossoms, and rising blue flames.

'Is this really a fight between humans?'

Rather than a scene of two people clashing with strength, it seemed more fitting to describe it as a scene from mythology.

As the heir of the Namgung Family, he could understand. He had heard it countless times from his father since he was a child. Martial arts were largely the same from beginning to end, but once they exceeded a certain level, they would transform into something completely different.

However... Now Namgung Dowi could be certain. Even the Sword Emperor, who had spoken those words to him, wouldn't react much differently after witnessing this scene.


The sound of energies colliding and exploding relentlessly assaulted the eardrums. If he hadn't protected his ears with internal energy, they would have undoubtedly torn apart.

Since he used the sword of the Namgung family, he was confident that in terms of 'power', it would be second to none of the martial arts in the world. But the pride he had carried throughout his life shattered into pieces in an instant in front of the scene he was witnessing now.

And above all, what tormented Namgung Dowi the most was...

'How can they just rush in there?'

It was the actions of Chung Myung and Jang Ilso, who had recklessly jumped into the storm of intense and dreadful magic. Since reaching the pavilion, the agony that had continued to follow him was also troublesome.

Was that something anyone could do just because they were strong? Absolutely not. The desire for survival is something everyone, whether strong or weak, possesses. It's an instinct born with them. So, just looking at it, it makes your legs go weak, and your knees buckle. Running into that hell with your own feet requires something beyond strength.

It was precisely that moment.


The magic that had been raging relentlessly, growing endlessly in size, began to crumble as it was engulfed by the red flowers and blue flames. Then, for an instant, it disappeared.


And Namgung Dowi saw it.

Chung Myung charging towards Danjagang at a speed that seemed impossible to process.


The sword, swung from bottom to top, collided with Danjagang's hand.

Ka-gak! Ka-ga-gak!

A harsh sound echoed incessantly, and fragments of demonic and sword energy scattered in all directions like sparks.

Danjagang's face contorted. The moment he tried to grasp the sword that Chung Myung had touched with his palm, Chung Myung's sword slipped back as if it were an illusion. Then, dozens of sword shadows poured down on Danjagang's entire body.

Danjagang's hand was also not far behind and split into dozens of pieces.

Shaking only the tip of the sword to create change and swinging the sword directly. There was no need to think about which one was easier. Yet, Danjagang's hand easily followed the changes created by Chung Myung.

But even that was only for a moment.


The split end of Chung Myung's sword trembled as if it were about to fall apart, and then it split into thousands of petals, covering Danjagang.

Danjagang's eyes were filled with astonishment.


It couldn't be blocked. Something pouring down like that would be unstoppable no matter who came. Especially if it was a person's hand.

Danjagang pulled back the hand he had extended and released a powerful energy. At the same time, the demonic energy emanating from his body vigorously crushed and knocked away the petals that were swirling around.

'They're not individually strong!'

Danjagang added more internal energy to the magic.


But then, a white sword flashed through the rotating demonic energy.


It was an unexpected attack that even the great Danjagang couldn't help but be startled by. Desperately raising his hand, he barely managed to block it. But that was it.


Danjagang gradually pushed backward in that state.

Chung Myung didn't give him a chance to catch his breath. When Danjagang reflexively shot out energy, Chung Myung lowered his flat body to avoid it like a swallow and flew straight up just above the ground. And he stuck to Danjagang.



The demonic energy that Danjagang had burst open at once shot forcefully towards Chung Myung again. It was an attack filled with the certainty that someone rushing in at that speed couldn't avoid it.

But then, Chung Myung threw the Dark Plum Sword to the ground.

The sword that seemed to bend as if it would break in an instant straightened with elasticity, and using that recoil, Chung Myung soared high into the air.


Danjagang's demonic energy ruthlessly crushed the sodden ground. Before the echoes of that loud noise could fade away, dozens of sword energies emitted from the tip of Chung Myung's sword.

Red sword energies, like blood, flew towards Danjagang at a furious speed, as if to shatter his body in an instant.


A disdainful light flickered in Danjagang's eyes.

To think such a predictable attack would work...

But then, a massive shockwave erupted behind him.


Hastily turning around, he saw ten golden bracelets flying towards him at a terrifying speed.


The upturned ground soared high into the air, and the forcibly raised earth poured down like an avalanche moments later.


The bracelets, now returned to Jang Ilso, made a clear sound as they settled back onto his wrists.


Jang Ilso made a snorting sound, seemingly amused. However, his eyes were dark and sunken.

"At this point, you're wondering what on earth my body is made of?"

Amidst the falling debris, Danjagang revealed himself. Despite being engulfed in such a massive explosion, not a single wound could be seen.

But his gaze had distinctly changed from when the battle began.

'Is this the Central Plain?'

Danjagang's gaze was fixed in one direction.

'Especially that swordsman.'

Chung Myung, catching his breath, observed him with rough breathing. In Danjagang's mind, the image of the sword that Chung Myung had displayed just before was still vivid.

To those who did not understand the essence of the Unholy Arts, it might have seemed like a mere rapid succession of attacks. However, within that, there was an incredible mastery of ascension.

From strength to change, change to illusion, followed by pleasure.

In the brief time it took to catch a single breath, he unleashed four different skills.

It's not difficult for someone wielding the Quick Sword to send out dozens of Quick Swords. However, for someone wielding the Quick Sword to momentarily unfold the Strong Sword, and then create numerous transformations again, was nearly an impossible feat.

No, in the first place, the majority of swordsmen spent their entire lives honing only one technique, never reaching the extremes of its essence. However, that swordsman effortlessly achieved the impossible.

The bewilderment felt when the opponent's sword changes in an instant is something that those who have not experienced it cannot even imagine.

And... Danjagang's gaze now turned towards Jang Ilso.

The venomous gaze resembling a poisonous snake and the boundless energy kept pricking at Danjagang's nerves. Just facing it felt like having a razor-sharp dagger aimed at the back. A profound and intense aura, unlike anything experienced in demonic arts, solidified people beyond the boundaries of martial arts.

If one were to contemplate the meaning of the word 'threatening,' that man's presence was more unsettling to Danjagang than that swordsman. If there was even a slight opening, the fangs of that poisonous snake would undoubtedly exploit it.

The only commonality between the two extremes was one thing.


By observing the unfolded sword and sensing the opponent's openings, one could immediately tell. Both of these individuals were intensely familiar with combat to an extreme degree...


In that moment, Chung Myung became a literal flash of light, rushing towards Danjagang. Not missing the brief moment when Danjagang's gaze shifted to Jang Ilso, Chung Myung charged.


Chung Myung's sword, bathed in a sunset-like glow, descended towards Danjagang's head.

'A predictable move!'

Danjagang extended a hand covered in magic to catch the flying sword. However, in that instant...


With a sound resembling the crackling of flames, Chung Myung's sword blurred. Then, it pierced through Danjagang's hand.



Chung Myung's sword regained its form above Danjagang's head. It then twisted like a serpent, seemingly aiming for Danjagang's neck.

Danjagang urgently twisted his neck to avoid the sword.


It wasn't some demonic technique. Instead, when Danjagang attempted to block the sword, he momentarily bent the blade with his hands, evading the strike. The process was so fast and seamlessly connected that it seemed as if the sword had disappeared.

Easy to describe in words, but practically impossible swordsmanship. This was not in the realm of skill; it bordered on the divine.


The sword that narrowly grazed Danjagang's neck seemed to stop in mid-air, as if its previous strike was a lie, then smoothly sliced horizontally as if were going to cut off Danjagang's neck.

Stab, stop, cut.

Although these movements should clearly be divided into three, the entire process was as rapid and natural as if it were one from the beginning. Was there a better textbook to explain the combination of processes aimed at the opponent, forming a feast?


At that moment, Danjagang caught the flying sword aiming at his throat. He seemed to clearly understand that letting Chung Myung run wild would not do him any good. His dry fist began to squeeze the sword tightly, preventing it from moving.


Holding the sword firmly, Danjagang exerted all his strength and pulled it towards him. It was the intent to deliver a powerful blow directly to Chung Myung's face.

However, Chung Myung simply let go of the sword in mid-air. Danjagang's body, which had exerted the strength conscious of the opponent's resistance, wavered for a moment.

"No way!"

At that moment, a sinister voice came from behind. Jang Ilso's red mantle fluttered like a flag.


Jang Ilso's consecutive strikes poured down on Danjagang's back like a torrent, and in mid-air, Chung Myung's consecutive kicks, turning over his body, poured down like a waterfall towards Danjagang's head.


Sensing that it was impossible to withstand with one hand, Danjagang threw away the sword he was holding and spread both hands. The rising demonic energy, like thick smoke, blocked Jang Ilso's fist and Chung Myung's kick.


Chung Myung, who had unleashed more than a dozen consecutive kicks in an instant, sharply descended. When Danjagang pulled up his inner strength for a moment!


Suddenly releasing the strength from the descending leg, Chung Myung, stepping on the demonic energy, leaped into the air, catching the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword floating in the air.


Twisting his body, Chung Myung soared into the air and shot toward Danjagang like a hawk descending towards prey. A gaze full of vitality flashed.

Then, the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword came down fiercely from above.


The tip of the sword touched the ground. A breath-taking silence flowed.

And Danjagang's eyes shook momentarily, becoming significantly wider.


One of Danjagang's shoulders split open and blood spurted out like a fountain.