Chapter 1068: Want to Try Killing Me? (Part 3)

Trust was truly a pleasant resonance of words. There was nothing that gave strength to each other like the trust formed between people.

However, in some relationships, trust was nothing more than a castle built with sand.

"='I knew it....'

Baek Cheon bit his lip tightly.

The person who should not be trusted the most in Kangho. The person one should never rely on. Who would dare to argue against the fact that it was Jang Ilso?

Even so, the reason he momentarily let down his guard was that of the intense battle where Jang Ilso showed his capabilities. The emotions of camaraderie formed in battles often helped overcome all conflicts, even if only momentarily.

But Jang Ilso was still Jang Ilso. That ominous snake was something one should never trust until the very end....



Baek Cheon drew his sword heavily.

The forces of Black Ghost Castle closing in, even conservatively, appeared to number over two hundred. If the Honggyeon, who were guarding Jang Ilso, joined forces, the number would increase even more.

Considering that these individuals were selected and trained in Black Ghost Castle and Myriad Man Manor, they were opponents that just ten or so Mount Hua disciples wouldn't be able to do anything about. However....

"We had to fight."

Baek Cheon's eyes gradually became cold. There was nothing surprising about a desperate situation. Was there any place on the battlefield they'd been through so far that wasn't hopeless?

'All we have to do is open a path.'

There was no reason to face them head-on. Somehow, they just needed to break through this encirclement and cross the Yangtze River. Of course, the distance from Hangzhou to the Yangtze River was horribly far, but that was something to think about later. For now, the priority was to escape from this place.

Baek Cheon's boiling gaze shifted towards Jang Ilso. Jang Il-so burst out laughing as he saw him glaring at him so fiercely.

"What a naughty child. To look at people like that."

Indeed, he was glaring at him provocatively, but his attention was entirely focused on Chung Myung.

Mount Hua's power was mostly preserved. Namgung Dowi, who led from the front, was almost exhausted, and Hye Yeon had also consumed a significant amount of internal energy. Nevertheless, they should have been able to keep up to some extent.

The biggest problem right now was none other than Chung Myung. Baek Cheon glanced at his back briefly.

'Can he keep up?'

Objectively speaking, it was unreasable. Even just looking at the external injuries, surviving was at a dragon's level. And considering Chung Myung's nature, he probably had more internal injuries than external ones.

But... Baek Cheon was convinced.

In the moment the battle began, Chung Myung would charge straight at Jang Ilso without looking back. That was Chung Myung's way.

However, this time, they had to find a way to stop Chung Myung from going wild, even if they had to use any means necessary.

Even if only so that they could survive and not cry when they saw Chung Myung's corpse .

In that case, there was no one else in this place who could take on Chung Myung's role other than Baek Cheon.

It was the moment when Baek Cheon's eyes became lively with determination.

Jang Ilso, who had been looking at the elites of Black Ghost Castle closing the distance with an odd gaze, slowly opened his mouth.

"Very... an excellently laid siege. Almost praiseworthy."

With a crooked smile, he fixed his gaze on a specific point.

"But... I don't recall ever giving such an order. Huh? Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold."

At those words, Baek Cheon unconsciously turned his gaze. Knowing that he should never take his eyes off Jang Ilso, his eyes instinctively followed the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

Amidst the elites of Black Ghost Castle, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold was walking, fluttering one empty sleeve. Unlike Chung Myung or Jang Ilso, who had become a mess due to the fierce battle, he remained spotless, without a single injury.

The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who drew Jang Ilso's attention away from him, opened his mouth without changing his expression. In an emotionless voice.

"Anything... being an excellent subordinate means reading the superior's intentions in advance and moving accordingly."


Jang Ilso let out an ambiguous laughter. It was difficult to tell whether it was a sound of approval or a sound of displeasure.

"They are dangerous."

The gaze of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold left Jang Ilso and focused on the disciples of Mount Hua. Faced with the gaze devoid of emotions, the disciples of Mount Hua unconsciously bit their lips.

"Ryeonjul must have felt it too, right? They are different from the lowlifes of the righteous sects who are just intoxicated with my power, merely occupying their positions. Someday, they will surely trip up your ankles."


"Before it's too late, we must eliminate them right here. Catch the tiger cub and kill it while it's young."

Hearing those words, Baek Cheon clenched his teeth. Jang Ilso nodded slowly, as if savoring those words.

"It's a reasonable statement. However..."

Jang Ilso's face, gazing at Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, began to show signs of mischief.

"I think it's a bit late to be babbling about that now, don't you?"

Baek Cheon felt something odd right at that moment.

There was no trace of the usual camaraderie that often accompanied the gaze between Jang Ilso, looking at Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, and the gaze of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, looking at Jang Ilso. Instead, it felt like the gaze of a beast looking at an intruder in its territory.

'Could it be?'

In that moment, Jang Ilso spoke again. The words that flowed from his mouth gave Baek Cheon certainty.

"It's not like you to deploy such an elaborate siege just to capture these guys. So... Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold."

An infinitely hostile and fierce light poured from Jang Ilso's eyes. It was eerie enough to freeze one's soul just by looking at it.

"Which side are you truly hunting here?"


"These guys? No, no. It can't be. That's ridiculous."

Jang Ilso laughed, revealing his intentions.

"It's me, of course."


"Isn't it?"

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold looked at Jang Ilso with an indifferent gaze. Jang Ilso, in response, spoke as if finding it amusing.

"It's a good opportunity to think about. Yes, a really good opportunity. I, who brought these few people here, am completely exhausted now."


"But... I never thought that the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, renowned throughout the world, would do something so foolish. Looks like the great judge who boasted so much is going to be completely destroyed by the hands of the Demonic Sect, right? Do you think someone like you can take my place once I'm gone? Seriously?"


Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold rebutted with a chilling tone after silently listening.

"Not befitting of a strategist."


"A place like that doesn't really matter. This Evil Tyrant Alliance was created out of necessity, after all. If you disappear, Gangnam will simply return to its original state."

Those words were like a perfect wedge. They made sure everyone present fully understood the situation. The encirclement prepared by the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold was not meant to capture the disciples of Mount Hua. His goal was none other than Jang Ilso.

"You're spouting nonsense."

Jang Ilso spoke slowly, looking at Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold with cold eyes.

"Do you think those righteous sects will leave Gangnam alone now that Evil Tyrant Alliance is gone?"

"You're delusional, Jang Ilso."

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold no longer referred to Jang Ilso as 'Reonju.'


"Their hatred is not directed at Evil Tyrant Alliance. It's directly at you and Myriad Man Manor."


"Even at this moment, do you think there would be any reason for those people who are so greedy for power to waste their energy on Gangnam without you? It's not because of you that they're not attacking Gangnam. It's because of you that there's a possibility that they will head to Gangnam."

It was a pretty painful point. Even Jang Ilso couldn't refute his words and ended up laughing.

"Moreover... Why should I care about that in the first place?"


A chilly smile spread across the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's face.

"Even if, by some chance, the day comes when the Evil Tyrant Alliance under Jang Ilso rules the world, it seems like there won't be a place for me there, right?"


"Isn't that so?"

Listening to the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's speculation, Jang Ilso flashed a sly smile. Unperturbed, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold met his gaze with a sinister demeanor.

"After the hunt, hunting dogs go into the pot. There's only one way for a hunting dog to survive."

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's voice echoed coldly across the desolate land.

"Either it bites the owner and escapes before the owner becomes suspicious... or it bites the owner's throat first."


"What do you think, Jang Ilso?"

This time, everyone's gaze focused on Jang Ilso. He scratched the back of his head in a somewhat exaggerated motion and licked his lips shortly.


Soon, his long eyes drew a line of defiance.

"At least, I thought I'd wait until Shaolin withdrew...."

"You don't underestimate your enemies. longer considering me an enemy was a fatal mistake."

The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold stared at Jang Ilso with lively eyes.

"If you wanted to turn me into your dog, you should have properly tightened the leash. Did you really think I would be like those puppies you've tamed so far?"

"...Harsh words."

"Regret in Kangho is always too late, no matter how quickly it comes. If you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. That's the law of the Evil Sect."

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold nodded towards Jang Ilso, Honggyeon, and Mount Hua.

"Kill them all. No need to capture Jang Ilso alive. Just kill him. Leave no room for regrets."


With a resolute spirit, the elites of Black Ghost Castle closed in at a pace no different from before. It was a careful approach. Their unwavering stance, without a hint of complacency, only heightened the pressure.


Jang Ilso licked his lips and glanced at Chung Myung.

"Given the situation, we have no choice but to join forces, right?"

Chung Myung responded with indifferent eyes.

"For all your boasting, you can't even guard one of your subordinates. Stupid bastard."

"When a person falls into a pit, you should help them, not spit and trample on them for fun. You really have a bad personality, don't you?"

Hearing the criticism of his bad personality from the Evil Sect, Chung Myung raised his head proudly, gripping his sword.

Despite showing off, the situation was dire now. Both Jang Ilso and he were merely standing here.

However, Chung Myung's gaze turned towards the disciples of Mount Hua. Just like Tang Bo had done for him in the past, they were guarding him now. No, maybe not only now but every time he fought.

Chung Myung turned his gaze to the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold. Suppressing the emotions that had momentarily welled up in his chest, Chung Myung addressed him with a cold voice.

"Maybe it's because you're an Evil Sect kid, but you still don't seem to know. Well, I guess I'll have to make you understand."

Chung Myung revealed his sharp teeth.

"No one who turned against Mount Hua has survived unscathed."

At that moment, the disciples of Mount Hua, with their swords drawn, simultaneously released their sword energy.