Chapter 1069: Want to Try Killing Me? (Part 4)

The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold observed his subordinates narrowing the encirclement. His cold gaze slowly passed over them, beyond them, and landed on the disciples of the Hongyeon and Mount Hua who stood proudly.

His eyes finally reached Jang Ilso.

'Jang Ilso, you wouldn't dare insult me cowardly, would you?'

Piercing the opponent's weakness is the nature of the Evil Sect. Whether it's an enemy or an ally, it doesn't matter. It's not the one who stabs the back that's bad, but the one who allows the opening is foolish. That's the way of the Evil Sect.

Jang Ilso also knew this fact better than anyone and had used it to get this far. Even if he were to die in agony here, he would have no right to blame the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

The Great Master's gaze shifted downward. When he saw the empty flapping sleeve, his eyes sank with gloom.

If he hadn't lost this arm, he might have made a different choice at this moment. Though groveling under Jang Ilso's feet wasn't a pleasant sight, if there was something to gain, there was no reason not to do it.

Pride was not that important to him. He won't sell himself cheap, but if a reasonable price was offered, he might consider it.

However, everything changed the moment he lost this arm. Losing his arm meant he could no longer live as he did in the past.

If he were in Jang Ilso's position, how would he have dealt with a weakened Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold? Losing the majority of his strength, holding a position he couldn't defend, and unable to protect his position the chief of the Black Ghost Castle—how would he have handled it?

'There's nothing to think about.'

Approaching like an old snake, he would have whispered that if he followed only him, he would ensure the preservation of everything he had now. From the moment the weakened Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold pledged allegiance, he would gradually take everything he had.

And later, when the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold became useless, he would dispose of him appropriately.

The moment Jang Ilso left this place, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold had no other choice. He had to choose between dying now or handing over everything to Jang Ilso and waiting for a miserable death.

And the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold had no intention of hesitating between the two options. Contemplating between two losing choices was not his style.

What he chose was a third path. To eliminate Jang Ilso from this position and turn the whole situation upside down.

The death of Jang Ilso would turn the previously straightforward situation in Gangnam into chaos, and it would also throw the gradually uniting situation in Gangbuk against the adversary into confusion.

The only way for someone with relatively weak points to survive is to lead the world into chaos, isn't it?

'This is an opportunity that won't come again.'

It was a chance close to divine luck.

If the demonic practitioners they were facing had not stopped fighting and retreated upon the arrival of Danjagang, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold would have had no remaining forces to face Hongyeon and Mount Hua now.

And naturally, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold had no intention of missing that opportunity.

"Your misjudgment is fatal."

His cold gaze shifted towards Mount Hua and Hongyeon, standing proudly in front of Black Ghost Castle.

"You underestimated me too easily, Jang Ilso."

And his misjudgment would determine the fate of the typhoon Jang Ilso.

The encirclement was closing in.

'Not good.'

Baek Cheon's eyes darkened.

It would have been better if those troops ahead rushed at once. There would surely be openings in the chaos of the battle.

But now, except for the first ten in the front, the rest of them showed no intention of clashing blades with the enemy. 

It was clear. This was not a siege to kill; it was a siege to make sure no one escaped. Even if they had to endure increasing casualties for not being able to put all their forces into battle, there was a determination not to let a single rat escape.

It may have been too much for Jang Ilso and Chung Myung who were on the verge of collapsing, but from the beginning, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold was a person who didn't tolerate even a slight deviation in the affairs he commanded.

'Or perhaps their existence made the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold so cautious.'

Regardless of the cause, the result would be the same.

Baek Cheon subtly lowered one shoulder and bent his knee, as if he might spring to one side at any moment. However, the elite warriors who had been silently filing in behind him, led by Black Ghost Castle, skillfully tightened their formation towards the direction of his lowered shoulder.

'...They're like soldiers.'

This was not the skill of someone who had practiced one or two times. They had undoubtedly been professionally trained in such encirclement tactics, almost like practicing a hunt.

Baek Cheon instinctively licked his lips. There was no denying that this situation was critical. If we look at it with extreme calmness, everyone here is standing half a step away from the threshold of death.

Strangely, though, there was no fear.

"Sasuk. Should I go first?"

And it seemed like the Saji's felt the same way. Baek Cheon asked calmly while glancing at Jo Gol, who was ready to dash forward at any moment.

"Aren't you scared?"

"Are you scared?"

Jo Gol chuckled as if saying he would hear all kinds of nonsense.

"Do we need to see how strong those bastards are? Shouldn't we be only dealing with those bishop bastards from earlier?"

"… … ."

"I've seen people who charge at those bishops, who don't even seem human, as if they're nothing. If I'm scared of guys like them, wouldn't I be pathetic?"

Baek Cheon smirked. "True, I agree."

The disciples of other Mount Hua sects also raised their swords as if agreeing with those words. At that moment, Baek Cheon, in a calm voice, cut in.

"But going crazy is enough for those two. Don't lose your reason. What we need to do is not fight them but break through."


Everyone stiffened their expressions.

'Each one of them might not be a problem, but....'

The problem was their numbers and formation. At first glance, it may have seemed like they were just loosely enclosing them, but judging by their strange and slow movements, it was undoubtedly a formation of some sort. Dealing with them thoughtlessly might lead to significant trouble.


'It's not like I can just let them be because it looks unpleasant!'

Baek Cheon tightened his resolve, gripping the sword tightly and twisting it.

"All right! I'll charge in first and open the way!"

As Baek Cheon injected inner energy into his legs and prepared to leap forward, a cheerful voice suddenly came from behind.



Surprised by the unexpected voice from behind, Baek Cheon turned around.

"Hey, this is interesting."


Im Sobyeong unfolded the fan and playfully waved it in the air. Baek Cheon looked at him with a bewildered expression, but Im Sobyeong seemed completely indifferent.

"Just a moment, just a moment... for a very brief moment..."

He muttered to himself while carefully examining those who set up the encirclement. His eyes were akin to an eagle's gaze.

"Eight trigrams, reverse principles. And there's also some strange fantasy... No, is the Three Powers mixed in there?"

Baek Cheon blinked blankly for a moment.

At that instant, Im Sobyeong quickly folded the fan and brought it down.

"Tsk tsk tsk. An extravagant formation that doesn't suit them at all. These Evil Sect guys have no sense of style."


"Come on, look, them."

Im Sobyeong nodded towards the Black Ghost Castle.

"It's not the guys in front but the ones lingering behind who are the key. If you charge in a straight line, the guys in the front will fortify their defense and retreat, while the ones in the back will surround and attack you from both sides. At least attacks will come from all five directions. So, what will happen then?"


When Baek Cheon asked absentmindedly, Im Sobyeong furrowed his brows. His disdainful gaze seemed to say, 'Can't even understand something this simple?'. Feeling the contempt in his eyes, Baek Cheon lowered his head.

'No, who was supposed to teach me...?'

From what he learned in Mount Hua, there were only teachings like 'Hit them from the head when a fight breaks out' and 'People don't go down easily, so just charge in first.' What could one do with that?

"If you charge in, you'll be surrounded."

"Oh, I see."

It should have been said that straightforwardly from the beginning. Baek Cheon nodded with a clean face.

"It seems like Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold has studied Mount Hua and Myriad Man Manor quite a bit. Both Mount Hua and Myriad Man Manor are like boar-like sects, so when a fight breaks out, wouldn't they charge in without thinking first?"

"Well, I mean... it's not wrong to say that, but... you should also consider the perspective of those who are hearing those words from the mouth of the bandit leader..."

"It may seem like a hasty siege, but in reality, they have been preparing to respond appropriately. If someone from our side can't withstand impatience and charges in, they'll be surrounded one by one, and their heads will be cleanly cut off, and knives will stab deep into their stomachs. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Of course, there might be fools who, even after seeing that, blindly charge in and..."

Coincidentally, the shoulder of a man who was just about to rush in slumped. A strangely dry feeling crept into his throat and there was a sense of discomfort in his stomach."

"Indeed, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold. He's different from the Black Dragon King. He clearly understands what martial arts is. He might be the worst enemy for Mount Hua or Myriad Man Manor. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo."

Im Sobyeong's eyes twinkled. Somehow... now he seemed like a nerd who had just encountered his favorite subject. Of all places.

'This guy is really crazy too.'

Why do only such people gather around Mount Hua?



At that moment, Im Sobyeong struck his fan against his palm again.

"That's a story only for when I'm not around."

He laughed meaningfully and subtly pushed Baek Cheon forward.

"If they surround us from all directions, hold your ground right there. Even if they show an opening, never rush out. The moment anyone protrudes and goes out, even if there's a slight opening, they'll swarm out to surround them. If you try to save them one by one, you'll all be slaughtered."

Hearing this, Baek Cheon urgently shouted.

"Yoon Jong!"

"Yes, Sasuk!"

"Secure a leash for Jo Gol!"


"No, why am I..."

"Shut up and stay by my side!"


Baek Cheon glanced at Im Sobyeong and said.

"But does enduring improve the situation? The longer we drag it out, the more disadvantageous it is for us with fewer numbers, right?"

"Of course. However..."

Im Sobyeong glanced somewhere and smiled.

"I'll explain that later. For now, hold your ground as much as possible. You can do that much, right? Because you're Mount Hua."

At that moment, the elite troops of Black Ghost Castle, who had been pressing them from the front, began to rush towards Mount Hua, lowering their posture.


A big grin appeared on Baek Cheon's face.

"Of course!"


The moment Baek Cheon swung his sword, the disciples of Mount Hua who were guarding him simultaneously brandished their swords. The vivid red plum blossoms they created bloomed splendidly in front of the elite troops of Black Ghost Castle rushing towards them.