Chapter 1070: Want to Try Killing Me? (Part 5)  


Red petals scattered in all directions. 

At first glance, it might seem like a beautiful scene. The red petals soaring high into the sky, buoyed by the wind, resembled the warm scenery of Peach Blossom Garden in the immortal realm. 

However, for those who knew the truth, there was no sight more threatening than this. 

Anyone with even a slight understanding of martial arts would be horrified to realize that each fluttering petal carried a murderous intent, a manifestation of lethal energy. 

However, those who knew martial arts a little more deeply would focus on other aspects.

The gaze of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold turned cold. 

'Mount Hua....' 

Scattering such an intense aura was undoubtedly extraordinary. However, what was even more challenging was manipulating such lethal energy precisely as one desired. 

Think about it. 

The people currently releasing the energy were no less than five in number. 

All five were dispersing unpredictable and eerie energies, but despite the chaotic dance in the air, there is no collision or conflict among them. 

Logically, the energies emitted should collide and cause chaos. However, the disciples of Mount Hua perfectly coordinated their energies as if it were thrown by a single person. 

It was a sight that perfectly demonstrated how thoroughly they had synchronized with each other. 

Yet, those facing these energies were no slouches either. 


The elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle roared, rushing fearlessly into the waves of petals approaching them. 


Swish! Swish! 

The sounds of energies and blades clashing and the chilling sound of flesh being cut rang out simultaneously. Knowing that it was impossible to block all the energies, they chose to protect their heads and upper bodies as much as possible, ignoring the other parts. 

It was a ruthless decision to sacrifice their own lives to get closer to the enemy. 

In a typical battlefield, it would be an absurd and foolish act. However, in a situation where they held overwhelming superiority in power and could end everything with a single battle, this seemingly foolish decision transformed into a perfect judgment. 


They gritted their teeth against the pain of the cutting energies piercing their limbs. 


However, ultimately, they succeeded in penetrating the onslaught of sword energy with just this simple technique. Mount Hua's swordsmanship may be flashy and mesmerizing, but the power concentrated in one place is weak. They accurately targeted this weakness.

Baek Cheon's face stiffened.

'No hesitation at all?'

It wasn't unusual for one or two people to make such a choice. Instinctively or rationally, there might be a few who possess the ability to instantly identify the weaknesses in the opponent's swordsmanship.

But the fact that all of them, rushing into the battlefield without even exchanging glances, made the same move, meant only one thing.

They had clearly prepared to study and counter Mount Hua's swordsmanship.

For Baek Cheon, and for the disciples of Mount Hua, this was an experience that could only happen for the first time.

Mount Hua's swordsmanship differs from the conventional sects. It maximizes the use of illusionary sword principles that are rarely used in orthodox sects. Therefore, those encountering Mount Hua's sword energy for the first time often feel a great sense of confusion.

But at this moment, Mount Hua's disciples understood it clearly.

In Kangho, Mount Hua was no longer an unfamiliar and mysterious sect. Rather, it was a sect that everyone was wary of and paid attention to.

Every member affiliated with Mount Hua had collectively put in efforts to elevate their position dramatically. And just as in all things in the world, with a higher position, naturally, greater risks followed. Now, the sects guarding against Mount Hua actively started analyzing their swordsmanship and finding ways to counter it.

It was a sign that Mount Hua had been recognized as a 'strong force' within Kangho and hinted that the challenges they would face in the future would be even more perilous.


The elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle, who had pierced through the forest of sword energy, charged toward Mount Hua's disciples with bloodshot eyes. Despite being cut and bleeding everywhere, their momentum did not diminish in the slightest.



Despite their high momentum, the attacks they swung were swift rather than powerful.



Leading the charge, Baek Cheon swiftly raised his sword to block the flying strike.


It wasn't to crush with strength. First, it was a swift counter-attack to keep up the defense and seize the opponent. The strike clearly showed a calculated move to not give any opportunity for the flashy changes in Mount Hua's swordsmanship to threaten them.

In each of their attacks, it was evident that they had thoroughly researched Mount Hua.

Baek Cheon bit his lips while withstanding the force of the heavy strikes coming down.

'I was complacent.'

Mount Hua was the Evil Tyrant Alliance's archenemy.

Baek Cheon was well aware of this fact and sometimes took pride in it. However, he never thought that this clear-cut fact would turn into such an incident at a time like this.

But now that he knew, it was done.


Baek Cheon forcefully swung his sword, deflecting the attack. At the same time, a mighty punch filled with martial energy brushed past his ear.


Hye Yeon's fist penetrated the chest of an enemy whose upper body was exposed. Baek Cheon, who was about to step forward to pursue the falling enemy, momentarily stopped. Then, he executed a powerful side step right in his place.


What they needed to do now was not to completely finish off the enemies as usual. Even if there was a chance to leave the enemies unharmed, their task was to withstand.


Consecutive attacks came: the first wave, the third wave, and so on.

In their rushing movements, rather than the joy of pushing the enemy, there was a sense of urgency not to give any distance. It showed their determination to not give Mount Hua's swordsmen the opportunity to properly unleash their sword energy.

The sword fiercely descended towards Baek Cheon's head. At the same time, a blade, released from somewhere, flew towards his legs.

Simultaneously, the meaning of this attack was clear. It wasn't about tearing Baek Cheon into pieces in an instant. It was about accumulating small wounds on Baek Cheon's lower body, even if their bodies suffered damage, and gradually wearing him down. It was a tactic that closely resembled how Mount Hua's disciples would rush at an absolute master.

Facing this threat, Baek Cheon quickly swung his sword, consecutively striking three swords at the approaching enemies.


Before the sword released from their head could reach, and before the sword energy extending from their legs could spread, Baek Cheon's swift sword energy pierced through the approaching enemies.


However, at that moment, the blade that hadn't completely lost its strength passed by Baek Cheon's cheek, leaving a long cut. Experiencing a momentary, searing pain, Baek Cheon shouted.

"Get yourself together! The opponents are different from those we've faced so far!"

The other disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, too, seemed to keenly feel this fact, responding with tense replies.

It was the first time they found themselves in a position, not being challenged as the weak but rather being challenged as the strong. Facing the charging figures of those with greater numbers and stronger forces, not to suppress them, but to confront them as they charged like a storm.

Contrary to expectations, as the battle unfolded in a way different from their thoughts, Mount Hua's disciples gradually began to fall back.

"Mount Hua..."

A low murmur escaped from the lips of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who observed the situation with cold eyes.

'Indeed, those guys are too dangerous.'

They were completely different from any righteous sect he knew.

Young and inexperienced warriors, seeming far too young to have such high martial prowess and showing no fear of actual combat.

Even now, they displayed such characteristics.

The elite warriors of Black Ghost Castle attacked based on information analyzed from their past actions and the recent performance in Plum Blossom Island, considering Mount Hua's martial art tactics.

Originally, the plan was conceived to surround the entire Mount Hua sect with a larger force, but it proved effective even against a smaller number.

To the onlookers, it might appear that his strategy perfectly undermined Mount Hua, but in reality, the disciples of Mount Hua were more agile in their response than he had anticipated.

In a moment, they understood their tactics and adjusted their own accordingly. Those young ones.

'It's something that other righteous sects, like plants that grow in sunlit greenhouses and wilt when a cold breeze passes by, can't even dream of.'

This was just the personal perspective and opinion of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, and there was no need to belittle the assessment. Mount Hua had already proven itself countless times. Just the performance of these fellows in Plum Blossom Island alone was enough explanation. If they were allowed to grow unhindered?

'No one in the world would be able to stop the Mount Hua sect.'

Hence, they must be killed. This moment was not only an opportunity to remove the blade called Jang Ilso, currently poised at his throat, but also a moment to break the arrow named Mount Hua, which would eventually pierce his heart.

'But... I just can't understand it, no matter how much I look at it.'

How on earth did such people appear?

Mastery in sophisticated swordsmanship and practical combat experience were, in fact, incompatible.

To accumulate as much experience as possible, one must face life-and-death battles from an early age, but such people die in the process before developing their skills. Yet, avoiding real combat until martial arts are fully matured results in becoming a martial artist who is strong only in theory, ignorant of what real combat is.

Kangho has always provided two choices. The Evil Sect raises those who survive in real combat, while the Righteous Sect avoids real combat, waiting for the sword to mature. Consequently, the Righteous Sect has long been thick with seasoned practitioners of martial arts, while the Evil Sect, ironically, has lower-ranked, expendable, warriors who are stronger than those in the Righteous Sect.

However, those Mount Hua fellows are neither of the two. They simultaneously possess the precision of the Righteous Sect's prestigious swords and the practical combat skills wielded by the warriors of the Evil Sect.

The term "between right and wrong" originally referred to those who didn't affiliate with either the Righteous or the Evil Sect, but watching these guys, it seemed like one would need to redefine the meaning of that term.

'How on earth did Mount Hua create such people?'

It was as if an absolute martial arts expert, well-versed in both righteousness and evil, fostered the disciples in a way that had never existed before.

However, even if there was such an absolute being in the world, they would not be found in a collapsed Mount Hua.

'No, there's no need to think about it.'

They were going to die here today anyways.

The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold looked at Jang Ilso, surrounded by Hongyeon, with cold eyes.

'One doesn't raise a tiger, Jang Ilso.'

This would be another defeat for Jang Ilso. He believed he could handle what others couldn't. Like those foolish people who, even after seeing others killed by the tiger they raised, think they are different and pick up a tiger cub.

"Don't rush, take it slow. The bigger the damage, the better. But make sure not a single one is left alive."


The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold frowned slightly and slowly approached the battlefield.

He briefly raised the unfamiliar left hand to the hilt of the sword hanging on his right side. However, he soon lowered that hand back down.