Chapter 1071: Who Made a Mistake? (Part 1)


Yoo Iseol's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

The second she blocked one attack, another sword swiftly flew in, pressing down on her blade. Before she could react, yet another sword came flying in.


The preemptive strike quickly clashed, restricting the movement of her sword. The successive heavy strikes seemed to overwhelm her, leaving her with no room to counter.

Within this sequence, it was impossible to unfold the flamboyant swordplay characteristic of the Mount Hua style.

If the difference in numbers was only two or three times, there might've been a chance for a counterattack, but a difference of over ten times made overcoming it impossible. Moreover, weren't they skilled in exploiting numerical disadvantages?




Her sword was pulled back like a flash. Leaving a long trail in the air, Yoo Iseol drew her sword faster than it was pulled back.

The elite of the Black Ghost Castle, witnessing the sword flying like lightning, widened their eyes. But before a scream could escape their leader's mouth, Yoo Iseol's sword pierced through his throat mercilessly.


Yoo Iseol instinctively pushed down on the sword stuck in his neck and tried to lift her body by recoil, but stopped.

They just want her to jump in there.

She was not alone in danger. The moment she was surrounded by enemies, her brothers would rush in to save her, without any regard for their own lives.

The burden of her momentary misjudgment surged through her mind. The elites of the Black Ghost Castle ignored their fallen comrade and once again swung their swords toward Yoo Iseol's exposed side.


Spotting the swords aimed at her side, she swiftly retrieved the sword plunged into the enemy's throat. Then, she swung it widely from side to side.

'No need to panic.'


The flying sword collided with hers and rapidly bounced away.

The Mount Hua swordsmanship undoubtedly revolves around illusion and change. It induces unpredictable transformations, skillfully blending reality and illusion to confuse the opponent.

However, that's not all there is to Mount Hua's swordsmanship.


Yoo Iseol's sword, rapidly extending again, pierced through the shoulder of the opponent whose sword had retreated.


Certainly, their strategy was quite splendid. It was the first time disciples of Mount Hua, including Yoo Iseol, had encountered opponents deflecting their swords.

Feeling bewildered was a fact, and momentarily shrinking back was also a fact. Unable to utilize the long-reaching kicks, and unable to wield the Plum Blossom Swordplay freely, it was a precarious situation that couldn't be expressed simply with the word "disadvantageous."

However, Yoo Iseol's gaze showed no hesitation, as usual.


Stepping firmly in place, she swung the sword through the air like a streak of light. It was an extremely efficient swordplay, devoid of any excess, allowing no room for wastefulness.

'Already, my body knows.'

Certainly, this was their first encounter with opponents adept at countering Mount Hua's swordsmanship. Yes, the opponents were indeed new.

But the disciples of Mount Hua had already fought someone who effortlessly thwarted their swordsmanship countless times, engaging in endless battles where they broke and shattered, only to rise again and fight.

Therefore, when facing such opponents, how to deal with them was not a matter of thought but something engraved directly into their bodies.


Originally, Mount Hua's sword was overwhelmingly powerful in group confrontations on the battlefield. Still, in the chaotic melee battle of swords entangling swords, it failed to exhibit its full power.

But these disciples were different.

Beyond stubbornness, emphasizing attachment persistently. And a continuous series of practical sparring sessions, something that would never be ordered by conventional prestigious sects.

All of it resided completely within their bodies.

Like pounding steel to make it harder, the tirelessly trained physique moved ahead of the mind, assassinating the opponent.


The flying sword, upon colliding with the thin blade, bounced away inexplicably easily.

'It's not just about strength, but about timing.'

She knew it in her head. Strength doesn't simply come out when applied. What matters is applying strong force accurately when it's needed. If one can discern the right moment, the same strength can create multiple times the impact.

And that appropriate moment was already memorized by her body.


She cleanly severed the carotid artery of the bewildered opponent stepping back. With a calm gaze, she stared at another approaching enemy without a hint of wavering.

'Look at this?'

Im Sobyeong's eyes widened slightly.

The difference in numbers was evident, and the difference in power was also clear. That's why he had prepared various moves. To overcome this power gap, it was almost a fluke.

'But getting stronger here?'

That didn't make sense. They were already trained as much as they could be. Even beginners knew that experiencing real battles wouldn't dramatically improve their skills.

This wasn't about getting stronger; it was about adapting, or rather, it was closer to transformation. Depending on the opponent, they adjusted everything from stances to sword techniques and even breathing.

It was truly a shocking sight.

Martial arts are frameworks. It's about standardization. Therefore, those who first learn the sword usually start by accurately drawing the basic sword form, don't they?

Endless repetitive training solidifies one's own framework. The longer someone has trained in martial arts, the more robust their framework becomes. That's why changing a framework once it's established is practically impossible.

But right now, they were achieving the impossible. The seemingly unyielding frameworks of these individuals were smoothly warping and changing into forms suitable for the enemy.

'Has anyone ever seen anything like this?'

The presence of the Demonic Sect and the power of the bishop were huge shocks, but this scene was also shockingly meaningful. Those who understand the meaning behind this change will be even more astonished.

'I knew they had gotten stronger over the past three years.'

Naturally, one should become stronger after being trained by a monster like Chung Myung. After all, there would be no way for a high-level expert to personally guide these novices one by one in a remote place.

But the display these individuals were showing went beyond Im Sobyeong's common sense.

'What on earth did you create, Dojang...?'

Goosebumps ran down his spine. A sword that could adapt to any battlefield or situation. Didn't that mean it was a sword without weaknesses?

Of course, not having weaknesses doesn't imply perfection, but...

'At least I won't embarrass myself and die inexplicably without being able to demonstrate my skills.'

Im Sobyeong, watching the scene in front of him, eventually chuckled.

"...What a relentless person."

You could feel it in that sword. What the person who passed on the sword to them truly desired.

If they had simply focused on refining the Sword of Mount Hua, the moment someone first encountered it, undoubtedly, someone would have died or suffered greatly.

Having mastered a sword that could adapt to any situation, they could block and withstand attacks. While their inclination was focused on overwhelming and toppling opponents, the sword itself was specialized in protecting their own lives.

It's easier said than done. The level of determination required for such a sword to be mastered is felt to be immense to the point of inducing fear.

Both the teacher who imparts the knowledge and the learner who assimilates it must have crossed countless thresholds. The direction that determination was aiming for was all too clear in the eyes of Im Sobyeong standing behind.

'Aren't you too greedy...?'

Im Sobyeong shook his head as if to say it was ridiculous, and looked at the scene again. In any case, from his perspective, the number of winning cards in his hand had increased as well.

'Let's see.'

Centered around Chung Myung in the middle, the Five Swords, including Baek Cheon, surrounded them from all directions. Between Chung Myung and the Five Swords, Un Geom, Hye Yeon, Tang Soso, Namgung Dowi, and Im Sobyeong were positioned, guarding the front.

The formation of those on the inside may be irregular, but it doesn't matter. Right now, they are holding an impregnable shield.

"Shall we press a little harder?"


He lightly swung the fan. The emitted aura pushed back the attackers rushing from the front for a moment.

"Let's widen the gap and create a space to fight!"

As his words fell, the Five Swords advanced a step forward.

Thanks to that, the number of enemies they had to deal with at once increased, but their movements also became a bit more flexible.


Jo Gol unleashed his storm-like flurry towards the elite soldiers of the Black Ghost Castle rushing menacingly. Dozens of sword qi emitted in an instant pierced through the approaching enemies in succession.

For a moment, the front space emptied, but instead of charging forward as usual, Jo Gol looked around.


And without hesitation, he swung his sword towards the approaching enemies targeting Yoon Jong.

Surprised by the suddenly incoming sword from the side, the elite of the Black Ghost Castle quickly moved, turning his head. However, Jo Gol's sword was faster than his reaction.



The sword that had dug into the neck emerged on the opposite side, and the elite of the Black Ghost Castle collapsed on the spot, foaming at the mouth.

"No need for thanks."

"Just do your thing, you idiot!"

"...Even helping you feels like a curse."

The momentary gap created was not used to ambush the enemies but to assist others. Uncharacteristic of Jo Gol.

Im Sobyeong's gaze became sharper.

Perhaps Plum Blossom Island was too narrow a battlefield for them to showcase their skills. After all, what challenges could opponents like mere pirates pose to their abilities?

"You've created monsters."

Im Sobyeong's eyes scanned the battlefield. The situation was still far from ideal. Even if some had died, it was nothing more than a drop of blood to the ant-like enemies.

Im Sobyeong's gaze shifted beyond to the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

'You've created a hell where you'll die if you get nervous and rush into it?'

Im Sobyeong tightened his grip on the fan.

"Isn't it the same for you over there?"

Whoever moves first loses. In his opinion, this was more of a battle of guts than a battle of strategy. Im Sobyeong glanced over his shoulder.

And there it was.


Chung Myung had his eyes closed. At a glance, it might seem like a calm posture unsuitable for the battlefield. But in reality, it wasn't just a break; it was an opportunity for internal cultivation.

Maintaining the flow of energy while in a meditative stance, trying to quickly restore the minimum physical condition to return to battle as soon as possible.

Doing energy cultivation in a battlefield filled with flying swords and pouring qi? It was an impossible task in a sane mind.

Without the absolute assurance that the people around him would definitely block any attacks coming his way, it would be an impossible feat.

"Crazy bastard."

Im Sobyeong chuckled. His gaze, once again, turned towards the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

He probably saw this spectacle as well. Just the fact that Chung Myung was cultivating energy created an incomprehensible psychological pressure.

"Well, then let's see who has more guts."

Im Sobyeong, with a composed smile, observed the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold with an easygoing expression.