Chapter 1121: If A Friend Calls, Of Course You Should Come (Part 1)

"What, what was that sound?"

"Didn't it sound like a tiger roaring?"

"No... it sounded like a cow mooing?"

"Cow or tiger, why all of a sudden?"

The Nokrim members and the Namgung Family's martial artists did not understand the situation at all and blinked their eyes.

But the Tang Family and Mount Hua, for some reason, seemed to have a clue, and with an 'Ah!' they exclaimed and turned their heads with excitement.

"Could it be?"

Without anyone saying anything, the Tang Family and Mount Hua disciples rushed towards the door. Seeing this, the Namgung Family and the Nokrim members also became excited and started running.

As Baek Cheon forcefully threw open the door, he saw as expected... no, the sight was even more spectacular than they had anticipated.

It was a parade. A parade that extended along the river. The problem was that the parade was not only made up of people.


"This is amazing."

"Is that a tiger?"

"That one is a snake, right?"

"...Then what on earth is that?"

It was a scene that perfectly matched the expression 'a riot of colors.' Literally, a tiger the size of a house, leopards that looked fierce at first glance, a giant snake that seemed capable of swallowing a person whole...


Even an unidentified giant animal raised its long nose like a snake and let out a cry.

"What, what is that?"

"Is it a monster?"

"You fools. That's an elephant."

"An elephant?"

"Yes! An elephant!"

"Wow? I've never seen one in real life. So that's what an elephant looks like?"

Just seeing a giant beast for the first time was shocking enough, but the fact that these beasts were walking alongside strong-looking generals, who did not seem frightening at all, made the shock even more profound.

In the face of such a rare sight, everyone naturally widened their eyes. Where else would you see such a spectacle?

Especially Namgung Dowi, who was seeing this for the first time, couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

"What, what is this...?"

The Tang Family smiled bitterly, assisting the perplexed Namgung Dowi.

"The warriors of the Namman Beast Palace have arrived."


Namgung Dowi nodded as if understanding just now. He, too, was aware that the martial artists of Namman Beast Palace dealt with wild beasts. However, there was a significant difference between what he knew in his head and what he actually saw with his own eyes.

"So, they're allies."

"Yes. They are also members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

Tang Pae smiled slightly.

"The Beast Palace is a sect that started with the Heavenly Comrade, earlier than Namgung or Nokrim."

Except for Mount Hua, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the Tang Family was on the friendliest terms with the Beast Palace. This was mainly due to their frequent interactions during the Yunnan tea trade. Therefore, their evaluation of the Beast Palace was inevitably favorable.



"...Do they usually go around with big animals like that?"


"Considering they must have met many other people on their way here... It's a bit unusual to walk around like this in broad daylight..."


Tang Pae awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Adapting to such a sight for the first time would indeed not be easy.

"Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't... Recently, they haven't been bringing them along much. But this time, they brought quite a lot."

Namgung Dowi blinked his eyes, looking at the animals approaching alongside the people. Each one of them was extraordinary. Although Namgung Dowi didn't have a deep knowledge of animals, he felt a different aura from these creatures compared to ordinary beasts.

'Are they all spirit creatures?'

Well, no matter how different Yunnan was from the Central Plains, there shouldn't be tigers the size of houses like that lying around everywhere. How on earth would people live in a place like that?

Even in Yunnan, these animals were undoubtedly special beings.

Sure enough, at the forefront of the group, a tiger walked with dignity, looking at Namgung Dowi and his sect as if waiting for them. With a fearsome display of teeth, it growled.


As the distinctive low growl of the tiger was heard, shivers ran down the spines of those who heard it. That roar stimulated people's instinctual fear.

Namgung Dowi swallowed hard. Those standing by his side trembled slightly and took a step back.


Seeing that, the tiger, even more energized, slightly contracted its neck. Then, as if it would swallow and crush their intestines whole, it roared fiercely.


A powerful aura that shook the air. It was such a tremendous roar that not only the Namgung Family, but even those familiar with the Beast Palace, instinctively tightened their grip on the hilt of their swords.


With golden eyes, the tiger glared at everyone, preparing to roar again.

Do do do do do do.

With cute-sounding footsteps, something swiftly sprang out among Mount Hua's disciples.


Namgung Dowi's eyes wavered.

What emerged was an animal he was already familiar with. A white marten wearing Mount Hua's attire, seen several times before.

The marten, rushing forward, arrived right in front of the large tiger. It then stood on its hind legs, straightening its back.


Momentarily taken aback, Namgung Dowi unconsciously reached out his hand. Of course, he knew that the marten was a spiritual creature, but even so, the size difference between the marten and the tiger was too extreme. The marten was at best the size of a human neck, but the tiger standing in front of it was much larger than an ordinary cow.

How could one not feel flustered when a small marten stood in front of a large tiger?


With a menacing display of teeth, the tiger glared at the marten blocking its path. He looked ready to bite the little martel and snap it in half at any moment.

With eyes full of unmistakable enmity, the tiger, lowering its body as if starting a hunt, crouched down. Its stiff fur stood on end like a demonic creature rather than a tiger.


As the tiger finally released a colossal roar that shook one's internal organs, Baek-ah, who had been showing discomfort with its tail hitting the ground, soared into the air. Then, with a swift turn of its hind legs, Baek-a struck the tiger's lower jaw in one clean sweep.


Struck by Baek-ah's hind legs, the tiger was sent flying, bouncing off the ground like a water deer.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Namgung Dowi's eyes popped forward.

"Oh my god..."

Having blown away the tiger in a single strike, Baek-ah spat on the ground and pounded the floor with its hind legs.


I've seen that back somewhere. That...

No, wait. Before that... do martens even spit? Was it really appropriate to call that a marten? Could it be called that?

The tiger, which had been thrust into the ground, struggled to get up.


At the moment when a tearing cry erupted from Baek-ah's mouth, the tiger screamed so loudly that even a human could understand. The tiger that had rushed like lightning quickly prostrated itself in front of Baek-ah.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Baek-ah, making very tiny sounds, lifted its tiny front paw, cute and small compared to the tiger, and lightly tapped the tiger's cheek.

Somehow, it felt like a voice was saying, 'Get a grip on yourself.'

It wasn't just Namgung Dowi who heard the hidden voice, but the tiger, the size of a house, also bowed its head openly with a sulky expression. It was a spectacle that even a three-year-old could understand who was stronger.

Baek-ah, who had quickly subdued the tiger, looked around at the other beasts behind it, flicking its eyes.

Suddenly, the beasts that were fearless just a moment ago, all tail-tucked, avoided eye contact and moved away.


At that moment, a hearty laughter burst out. After a while, a man, appearing twice as large as an average fighter, stepped forward.

"Baek Cheon, that guy has become more ferocious lately. I thought he might have improved his temper since I sent him to the Taoists."

Looking at the man, Namgung Dowi flinched for a moment. It was the first time in his life that he had seen someone whose appearance alone made him feel so intimidated.

"Palace Lord!"

On the other hand, the disciples of Mount Hua and the Tang Family were delighted at the sight of Beast Palace's Lord Meng So.

'Palace Lord? That person?'

Namgung Dowi's eyes showed tension. Indeed, the Lord of the Beast Palace. The intimidation was no joke.

At that moment, a nonchalant voice came from behind.

"No, why did you bring all these things?"

Seeing Chung Myung raise an arrogant eyebrow and walk towards him, Meng So burst into laughter.

"Please understand. You told me to bring everyone useful, didn't you?"

"Are these guys useful?"

"No. The useful ones are different. After all, they're just animals, right? Even if they're spiritual creatures, in the end, aren't they just beasts? If we bring those who can fight, there's no one to control them. If we don't want problems, we have no choice but to bring them along, right?"


"Don't look at them like that. I didn't bring all of them. I only picked out those who were a bit more vicious and bad-termpered and brought them here."

"…Vicious and bad-tempered?"


"Are you talking about them?"

As Chung Myung grinned and gestured with his chin, Meng So turned his gaze toward the direction he pointed to.


When Baek-ah raised its small front paw and pointed to one side, the beasts of the Beast Palace despondently trudged in that direction. It was clearly a frightening sight.

"...Because they have a natural enemy."

Even Meng So seemed surprised at this sight and couldn't help but laugh awkwardly.

"It didn't seem like this a while ago. Did you do something to that guy? It looks like it's several times stronger than when I saw it last."

He didn't bother saying that his personality also seemed to have become several times more vicious.

Chung Myung said indifferently.

"I didn't do anything special. I just made it understand that if it just plays around and eats like a beast, it will become an expensive scarf."

"...You've been through a lot."


"No, that guy."


Meng So shook his head. Who would have imagined that there was someone who could handle spirit creatures better than the Beast Palace disciples?

Baek-ah, with a single gesture, herded all the house-sized beasts into the warehouse. It then approached Chung Myung, tapping the ground with its hind legs, and quickly landed right in front of him. It then placed its hands on its waist and extended its belly forward.


Tang! Tang!

Baek-a smacked the ground with its tail, and Chung Myung chuckled as if to say that it was quite similar.

"Alright, alright. You did well."


Baek-ah, bobbing its head, swiftly climbed up on Chung Myung, stepping on one of his shoulders. After doing so, Chung Myung playfully poked Baek-ha's black nose with his index finger.

"In return."


"If these bastards cause any trouble in the future, you're screwed."


"Let's do well."

Baek-ah, looking sullen, weakly slumped onto Chung Myung's shoulder.

Everyone witnessing this absurd situation shook their heads in bewilderment.

'Is it that humans are amazing, or is it that beasts are amazing?'

'Anyway, there's nothing logical or sensible happening here.'

'Don't think about it. Just accept it, and it'll be easier.'

Chung Myung smiled as he looked at Meng So.

"Leading these beasts here couldn't have been easy, but you arrived earlier than expected. You must have had a hard time coming from such a distance."

"You're saying all kinds of things."

Meng So grinned broadly. It was a warm and gentle smile, unimaginable from his intimidating appearance.

"If a friend calls, of course you should come."

At his words, Chung Myung laughed.

"Since we've met as friends, we should have a drink after a long time."

"Euhahaha! I knew you'd say that, so I brought all the Peach Orchard Fragrance (桃原香)."

"Oh? An amazing drink! Hehe! It's been a while since I enjoyed myself!"

The large Meng So and Chung Myung, who was slightly smaller than an average person, managed to put their arms around each other's shoulders and walked inside, giggling.

Namgung Dowi, who was standing there blankly, asked with a bewildered expression.

"Were those two really that close?"

"...Strangely enough, it was like that."


Namgung Dowi thought once again. Having such a bad personality yet being so good at making friends was truly something amazing.