Chapter 1122: If A Friend Calls, Of Course You Should Come (Part 2)

"Oh, did you bring the purple wood grass?"

At Chung Myung's question, Meng So smiled bitterly.

"Oh, the spirit grass? I brought it. But there seems to be a problem."

"Hmm? What's the problem?"

"It seems supplying the spirit grass might be difficult for a while."

At those words, Chung Myung furrowed his brows slightly. Meng So sighed.

"Don't make that expression. It's not because we're lazy or have other conditions. We've searched all over Yunnan, but the spirit grass is nowhere to be found. The spirit grass we planted by the sacred pond last time still needs some time to grow, and..."

Meng So scratched his head awkwardly, indicating the difficulty.

"The spirit grass doesn't seem to be fully grown, so I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Having finished speaking, Meng So sneakily gauged Chung Myung's reaction. He knew how precious the purple wood grass was to him. After all, didn't he run all the way to distant Yunnan just to obtain it? Since he had already said that he couldn't give him any more...

"Well, there's nothing we can do."


Surprisingly, Chung Myung shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"It's not like it's just any weed that grows anywhere, right? It has to grow as much as needed. It's something we have to endure."

"Hmm... is that so?"

"Don't worry about it. If you leave the grass alone, it'll grow again."

"Even if it takes another ten years to harvest?"

"Whether it's ten years or a hundred, if we can get it at that time, it's fortunate. If we can't get it even then, well, that's also something we can't help, right?"

Chung Myung casually said, then glanced at Meng So with a smirk.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it as if it's something remarkable?"

"Me? Hahaha."

Now that the tension had eased, Meng So burst into laughter.

In fact, he had thought that the reason Chung Myung treated Yunnan so well was probably because it was essential for obtaining the purple wood grass and making money through the tea trade.

If one of those things didn't go smoothly, the treatment of Yunnan might change from what it used to be.

Even though Chung Myung was different, he was still a person from the Central Plains.

But Chung Myung's attitude was no different from before hearing the news. It was as if he was mocking someone who was worried about not bringing a gift.

"Hearing you say that, I feel like a moth."

"In truth, there were aspects that didn't quite match your stature."

"Haha. It's the first time I've heard such a thing while living."

"Then the people you've met so far don't know the Palace Lord very well."

Meng So chuckled. It seemed that Chung Myung's words were not so wrong.

"Anyway, you're quite an amazing person."

"Huh? Are you complimenting me?"

"You can't just stand there and take it." 

Meng So smiled. Although he treated it like a joke, the phrase 'amazing person' reflected his true feelings without any concealment.

Whether Chung Myung had guessed Meng So's inner thoughts and intended to ease his mind or whether it was a straightforward statement from the heart, it was unclear. However, regardless of the intention, that one casual remark put Meng So at ease.

He knew that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was not simply based on relationships bound by profit. Similar to Plum Blossom Sword Saint, who saved Yunnan without any apparent gain, Mount Hua was a place where they could extend their hand for no apparent reason.

Yet, even knowing this fact, the worry lingered because the deeply rooted sense of discrimination between the Central Plains and outsiders was so ingrained.

"Oh, come to think of it, you haven't seen this side yet, right?"


"Hey, Namgung."


Chung Myung gestured, and Namgung Dowi approached with a slightly awkward and hesitant step. Chung Myung introduced him appropriately.

"He's the lord of Namgung Family. Um... currently the vice lord, but soon to be the lord of Namgung Family."

"Oh, really?"

Meng So looked at Namgung Dowi with slightly narrowed eyes.


Would there be anyone in the world who didn't know the reputation of the Namgung Family?

A prestigious family among prestigious families. Even among the numerous families in the Central Plains, the Namgung Family was considered top-tier. Perhaps because he was the vice lord of such a place, or maybe it was due to something else, but his aura was different.

"Nice to meet you. I am Meng So, the lord of Namman Beast Palace."

"Ah, I am..."

At that moment, Chung Myung smirked and restrained Meng So.

"You don't have to treat him so formally. Think of it the other way around; he's not even the head of the family yet. He's still a child, so please watch over him and help him appropriately."

"... What does that mean? Sogaju of the Namgung Family...?"

Just as Meng So was about to refute with a bewildered expression, Namgung Dowi hurriedly spoke.

"No, my lord."


Namgung Dowi politely responded to the somewhat disconcerted Meng So.

"Chung Myung Dojang's words are correct. Since there is still much lacking, I humbly request your guidance and teachings."

Meng So blinked his large eyes. Despite usually being as imposing as a giant lion, his bewildered face made him seem more like a docile cow.

"Do you... know me well?"

"I don't know much."

"But what's this about guidance and teachings?"

In response, Namgung Dowi smiled slyly.

"I may not know much about the palace lord, but I think I have a fair understanding of the Chung Myung Dojang now."


"He always speaks as if he's half-joking. However, within that, there is undoubtedly a meaning that shouldn't be overlooked. I believe Chung Myung Dojang meant that I have many things to learn from you, my lord."

Meng So gazed at Namgung Dowi for a moment before turning his head slightly to give a glance to Chung Myung. Chung Myung shrugged, as if to say he didn't know about this.

"So, naturally, shouldn't I listen to your guidance?"

"Look here... I am an outsider. A newcomer who has nothing to offer to Namgung's prestigious family, the symbol of the Central Plains."

"What does that matter?"

"...What does that matter?"


Namgung Dowi glanced briefly at someone, then frowned.

"At least, I'm now eating with those Evil Sect bastards."

"Wow, it seems like you're not very good at managing your expression, huh? Won't it hurt if you keep twitching like that? You don't feel any pain?"

As Im Sobyeong teased, Namgung Dowi's face contorted even more.

"...Do you see that?"


"Now I even share meals with those Evil Sect bastards. Making a big deal out of being an outsider at a time like this is absurd."

Namgung Dowi chuckled. He didn't expect himself to say such things.

"At least within the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, such distinctions have no meaning."

"...But aren't you the person who will lead the prestigious Namgung Family?"

"I've since long thrown away such pretenses."

"Thrown away?"

Namgung Dowi nodded.

"Yes. There's nothing particularly impressive or different about the Namgung Family. Please consider me as a disciple and teach me a lot."

Meng So chuckled.

Of course, he wasn't a person without pride in Beast Palace. However, wasn't having self-pride and gaining recognition from the world completely different matters?

There was a huge gap that couldn't be narrowed between the prestigious family symbolizing the Central Plains and an outsider like him. Yet, in the eyes of this young man, it seemed like that gap was hardly visible.

"I ask for your guidance."

Namgung Dowi once again bowed towards Meng So deeply.

Meng So looked at Namgung Dowi, or more precisely, looked at the people behind him. Even though their Sogaju was bowing directly, those people didn't seem to think much of it.

'Do they not feel that something is strange?'

Just a decade ago, they would have thought that it would be impossible for the direct descendants of the Namgung family to bow their heads to a barbarian from outside the Central Plains, even if the sky were split. Now, they were just staring at this scene without any particular reaction.

The people involved might not feel it, but to Meng So, who had joined from outside, this massive change felt vivid and real.

"Wow, the kid's neck is going to fall off."


As Chung Myung discreetly signaled, Meng So, as if he had no choice, nodded his head.

"If I can be of help, I'll do my best."

"Thank you!"

Namgung Dowi brightly smiled. It was a smile that didn't feel the least bit artificial.

Watching that face, Meng So couldn't help but feel that all of this wasn't just a facade.

Meng So, who felt the situation becoming awkward, turned his head and looked at Chung Myung.



"What on earth are you making?"

"What do you mean by that?"


Meng So laughed as if he found the situation absurd.

It wasn't that difficult for one or two people to have something like goodwill towards outsiders. Even when the relationship between the Central Plains and the outsiders became extreme, there were still those who showed kindness to the outsiders.

However, in a gathering with so many people, the fact that no one showed any particular hostility towards outsiders was certainly rare, if not unprecedented. Even those who had never seen the Beast Palace members before, like those present today.

Their unfamiliar attire and the act of carrying wild animals would surely be frowned upon from the perspective of these people....

"But why are those gentlemen walking around topless?"

"They came from a hot place."

"Ah, I didn't think of that."

"What's the problem with walking around topless? We're hanging out with people who skin humans alive."

"...Should I skin your stomach for you?"

"Then is that neck of yours safe?"

Watching those who quickly lost interest in the Beast Palace and began chatting as if nothing happened, Meng So sighed and shook his head. Experiencing being pushed away from the center of attention like this was a first for Meng So.

'...Heavenly Comrade Alliance.'

He thought it was a dream-like story. Meng So joined the Heavenly Comrade Alliance simply because it was beneficial for the Beast Palace, not because he expected it to change something significant.

The reality that outsiders feel and the reality that Central Plains people feel are too different. There was no reason for Central Plains people to step forward and change that reality.

But now, in this place, Meng So was feeling the change firsthand. Perhaps... one day, those within the fence of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance might look at each other with unbiased eyes.

Meng So chuckled bitterly. He knew that expectation was overflowing in his heart. Big expectations only bring big disappointments. Meng So decided to be satisfied with this level.

However, even if he gave up on expectations, the feelings with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance could not be the same as before. Because wanted to see it. If the day came when they lead the world, how would the world change?

"...What on earth did you do?"

"What are you talking about?"

"There's no animosity between everyone. Regardless of status, they talk to each other."

"Well, that's natural."


Chung Myung answered vaguely.

"Whether it's Namgung or Nokrim, they're all useless kids anyway, so who's better or worse among them? We must punish them without discrimination."


That...It was a little strange... but....

Conscience and confusion overwhelmed him simultaneously. It was when Meng So thought that perhaps this might be better than an empty ideal that could never be realized.

"Oh? They're coming too."


Meng So turned his head at Chung Myung's words. When he looked to where Chung Myung pointed, laughter burst out.

"They seem to have arrived promptly. That aside, aren't they hot? Coming all the way here in those thick fur clothes."

"Well, you also walk around topless in the Beast Palace."

"...Can't argue with that."

The two laughed side by side. Meanwhile, those dressed in snow-white clothes were rapidly approaching.

From a place even farther than Yunnan, setting off and traversing the world, so came the arrival of the Northern Sea Ice Palace.