Chapter 1212: That's How It Is (Part 2)

The appointment ceremony ended simply.

Perhaps now, for the appointment of a new Sect Leader of Mount Hua, representing the Shaanxi region, Hyun Jong's ceremony seemed somewhat modest.

Typically, the change of Sect Leader for Mount Hua was a significant event that would stir the entire region.

However, those disciples of Mount Hua participating in the appointment ceremony, as well as those observing from a distance, did not feel any dissatisfaction with its small scale.

On the contrary, some even thought that this appointment ceremony might be the most fitting for the Mount Hua Sect.

Un Am, who had received the Great Virtuous Sword, gazed at the sword with renewed eyes. To be honest, Un Am was a person who had never placed great significance on the sword. 

Despite that, the reason he couldn't easily handle the sword was due to the profound meaning embedded in it. He never thought that this sword would ever be wielded in his hands.

Un Am took a deep breath and slowly drew out the Great Virtuous Sword. As he confirmed the lower blade with his eyes, just before fully unsheathing it, he paused and slowly sheathed the sword back into its scabbard with a deliberate motion.


There was a momentary impulse. The impulse to fully draw the sword and swing it once. Regardless of what the sword symbolized, any swordsman holding a sword would feel that impulse.

However, the reason he didn't draw the sword until the end was very simple.

Because the sword in his hand held meaning when it was not drawn.

Nothing had changed significantly.

Un Am's brief interruption during the process of transferring the Great Virtuous Sword from Hyun Jong to Baek Cheon was inconsequential. The outcome remained unchanged. However, the short 'process' leading to the unchanged result might have changed numerous things.

The world was filled with countless swords. Some swords would kill people on the battlefield, while others would save a life. Some swords would be wielded for profit, and others would be swung for oppression. Whether their purpose is righteous or not, each of those swords held their own meaning.

So then...

Although it was made as a sword, it had never once cut or threatened anyone. Wouldn't even a sword that had never been drawn from its scabbard have its own significance?

Un Am smiled with a subtle grin.

'That should be enough.'

Anything more would be overly extravagant.

Un Am subtly turned his head to look at Hyun Jong. It seemed as if he was suggesting that it was time to conclude this ceremony. However, Hyun Jong just looked at Un Am with a light, smiling face.

Only then did Un Am realize his mistake. He cleared his throat lowly and, with a slightly unfamiliar and serious expression, spoke.

"Those disciples heading to Southern Island, step forward!"


Before his words had even finished, the disciples of Mount Hua rushed forward and lined up behind Baek Cheon. Un Am opened his mouth again.

"Deputy Sect Leader."

When Un Am turned his head and called Baek Cheon, Baek Cheon politely bowed.

"Yes, Sect Leader."

Un Am closed his eyes briefly at the title of Sect Leader. However, before he could truly feel any emotion, Un Am opened his eyes again with a determined gaze.

"It's not me who will convey Mount Hua's intentions to Southern Island, but Deputy Sect Leader."

Baek Cheon responded without words, meeting Un Am's gaze with shining eyes.

"Even if Sect Leader could not go directly, this sword will prove that Deputy Sect Leader's intentions are Mount Hua's intentions."

As Un Am extended the Great Virtuous Sword, Baek Cheon, in the best way he could, expressed the highest respect and accepted the sword.

As Baek Cheon secured the sword at his side, Un Am spoke again.

"Deputy Sect Leader."


"Lead Mount Hua's disciples, prove Mount Hua's will, and come back."


Un Am could see it. Baek Cheon's voice in response was profoundly solemn, yet within it, there was an undeniable liveliness.

'This guy...'

A person could not be without desires. Yet, looking at his Sajil genuinely pleased with his rise to the position of Sect Leader, a strange emotion swelled up in Un Am.

It wasn't just Baek Cheon.

Behind Baek Cheon, in the eyes of the disciples watching him, there was a consistent joy.

In the overwhelming emotion, as Un Am's lips slightly quivered with a smile, Baek Cheon's voice was heard.

"This disciple Baek Cheon!"

Un Am's gaze turned towards Baek Cheon.

"Under the command of the Sect Leader, I will clearly convey Mount Hua's intentions to Southern Island and return!"

As Un Am nodded slowly, Baek Cheon rose. Watching his devotional figure, a smile naturally formed on Un Am's lips.

With the Great Virtuous Sword at his side, Baek Cheon stepped toward the main gate. Behind him, the Five Swords followed like a guard.

It was a sight that Un Am had seen many times before. Yet, now, as Un Am looked at it, it was both the same and different from before.

In Un Am's ears, Hyun Jong's voice could be heard.

"How are you feeling?"


"It's not exactly comforting, is it?"

At that voice, Un Am let out a short sigh.

"I thought it was a decision made for my sake... but now, it seems you had plans to give me a hard time."

"Haha. That might be true."

No, it was just that his heart was heavy.

No matter how everyone collectively decided on something, approving that decision was the responsibility unique to the Sect Leader. Becoming the Sect Leader meant taking responsibility for all those decisions.

If even one of those kids were to return with injuries, could Un Am bear that pain?

"Have you always sent kids away with such feelings?"

"Haven't you guessed?"

"I suspected. But I didn't know that the suspicion and reality would differ so much."

Un Am nodded his head.

Only now did he seem to understand the reason Hyun Jong had changed his mind at the last moment.

Even those watching must have realized how challenging it was, but if the one going to Southern Island had to bear that responsibility, how enormous would the burden be placed on Baek Cheon's shoulders?

This decision was for Un Am's sake, but at the same time, it was also Hyun Jong's consideration for Baek Cheon.

"It's only until that kid comes back."

"For now, that's enough."

Un Am nodded.

It was when he was about to step forward, letting out a sigh.

"Where are you going?"


"You've become the Sect Leader now, and it seems you want to fully enjoy the feeling by going to the kids... Unfortunately, you don't have time for that."


"Anyway, as Baek Cheon leaves for Southern Island, there's a ton of piled-up matters waiting to be resolved. We're about to start handing it over now, so come to my place."


"Oh my. I feel refreshing. If Baek Cheon had become the Sect Leader, I would have ended up taking on tasks even as the Great Sect Leader."


Un Am looked at Hyun Jong. Hyun Jong had a truly refreshed look on his face. It was a moment when Un Am's face naturally softened at the playful expression of his teacher, which seemed like the first time he'd seen it in his life.

Jo Gol, heading toward the main gate of the manor, chuckled and opened his mouth.

"Oh, Deputy Sect Leader-nim."

As soon as Baek Cheon heard that voice, a vein popped up on his forehead.

"I thought you'd advance swiftly, but you got pushed around. Oh, I can't help but feel sorry for this pitiful situation! How hurt Deputy Sect Leader must be!"


"But don't worry! This Sajil's loyalty will remain unchanged! Even if Deputy Sect Leader takes a slightly longer path, this one will consistently guard Deputy Sect Leader's side, becoming an indispensable companion..."

"Jo Dong-ari! Jo Dong-ari!"  [idk lol "조동아리"]

Yoon Jong grabbed Jo Gol's collar, slapping his mouth repeatedly. Yoon Jong squeezed Jo Geol a few more times as he let out agonizing screams, then smiled and turned to Baek Cheon.

"It was a bit sudden, wasn't it? Did you know?"

"No, I didn't. Really."

A smile appeared on Baek Cheon's lips.

"But it's probably the right direction. Thanks to this, I feel a bit relieved myself."

Yoon Jong chuckled.

"Didn't you say you take on responsibilities to grow? It's a bit dishonest to feel relieved because those responsibilities have lessened, isn't it?"

"It's different from that."

Baek Cheon shook his head.

"Originally, the Sect Leader's position should have rightfully returned to Sasuk. I also wanted that, but Sasuk was firm, so there was nothing I could do."

"That's true."

"Even though Sasuk became the Sect Leader, it doesn't lessen the responsibilities I bear. I find relief not because the responsibilities lessened but because the burden of having obtained something that wasn't originally mine has lessened."

Baek Cheon shrugged.

"In truth, skipping the distribution and getting the Sect Leader's position..."

"That's a reasonable thing to say!"

At that moment, in Baek Cheon's ear, an old-fashioned scolding from someone who seemed to have lived a hundred years resounded.

"Where! Where? In the Grand Mount Hua Sect where norms and laws are alive! Doing things backward like crawling as a thief!"


"I won't stand to see that until I get dirt in my eyes! Ah, well! Of course!"


"Yes, Sasuk!"

"Go and bring some dirt...."

"...Have you decided who to shove it in?"

"Let's all try to figure it out together. How about that?"


"This is how things should work! This!"

"Ah, gee."

From the perspective of the Five Swords, Chung Myung might be just been acting like Chung Myung, but for him, it was an important issue.

Wasn't Chung Myung the living embodiment of a rogue who had thrown away his life's achievements, sacrificing it all to be as faithful as possible to his duties as a third-class disciple of Mount Hua?

From Chung Myung's point of view, there was no way he could tolerate the way the distribution was being reversed right before his eyes. Even if he had to bully the children who would've previously played on his lap over a single word like "distribution." 

"After all, it's a sect!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

"If we keep listening to him, another day will pass. Please, let's go! To Southern Island!"

"Give me some cotton. Plug your ears and let's go."

The disciples of Mount Hua bowed their heads and headed towards the main gate, leaving Chung Myung behind. Waiting for them were those who had already prepared – Namgung Dowi, Tang Pae, Seol So Baek, and even the eccentric Im Sobyeong.

Baek Cheon, as their representative, greeted them.

"Thank you for waiting."

"It's a matter of course. Congratulations on officially becoming Deputy Sect Leader, Baek Cheon."

"Thank you."

"First, the Namgung Family…"


At that moment, Im So Byeong shouted.

"Are you trying to make us fall asleep? Ah, let's go! Why change the Sect Leader on the day of departure and make everyone wait! Doing such a grandiose thing with no meaning... Kwueeeek!"

Almost soaring into the heavens, Im Sobyeong's face was kicked by the sole of Chung Myung's foot. Then, like a wolf, Chung Myung pounced on Im Sobyeong, who was squealing like a pig.

"Is it meaningless? This baseless Evil Sect brat dares to question the significance of the succession ceremony of the great Mount Hua Sect!"

"Ah, ack!"

"Aaah! Evil! Aaaah!"

"We're already heading to Gangnam, but before that, let's clear out one more corpse of an Evil Sect bastard before we go! Die! Die, you Evil Sect bastard!"

"Aaaah! Please save me! Aaah!"

As everyone watched Chung Myung beat Im Sobyeong like swatting flies, they all sighed at once.

"Shall we leave?"


It seemed that the journey to Southern Island wouldn't be easy at all.