Chapter 1213: That's How It Is (Part 3)

"Well, now the question is, how do we get to Southern Island..."

Among the group, the Tang Pae, who was considered to have some common sense, subtly turned his head to look at Namgung Dowi.

Quite subtle indeed.

If you just look at the names, those who joined the journey to Southern Island were individuals who could literally turn an entire city upside down. 

Namgung Family's Sogaju, Tang Family's Sogaju, the ruler of Ice Palace and the Nokrim King . Not to mention the Five Swords of Mount Hua, considered among the most formidable martial artists in the world. Wasn't there even Hye Yeon, who was thought to someday take over as the leader of Shaolin unless he personally tore his robes and left the sect?

Whether evaluated by reputation or skill, the group was undeniably impressive. However...

'Why is there no one I can talk to?'

The moment the thought of discussing plans with someone crossed his mind, his chest tightened, and cold sweat started to bead on his forehead.

In the end, Tang Pae could only turn to Namgung Dowi, who seemed the most human among them.

"What are your thoughts?"

"Well, why ask me about that..."

Of course, Namgung Dowi was clueless and bewildered by the Tang Pae's sudden and awkward question.

"Think about it. Going to Southern Island is an extremely important matter. Yet, until the day of departure, we haven't even discussed how we're going to get there at all. Isn't that absurd?"

"Well, why would you ask me about that..."

Tang Pae sighed deeply. Ultimately, his gaze turned to the one responsible for this incident.

"... Baek Cheon Dojang."

"I was actually planning to talk about that."

At Baek Cheon's response, a glimmer of hope appeared in the Tang Pae's eyes. It implied that Baek Cheon had his own plans and intentions.

"In terms of that part, there was someone who guided us. If you listen to that person's words, it should be fine. However..."


"That... well, that..."

Baek Cheon glanced sideways with a troubled expression.

"Say it again, you bastard! What? The succession ceremony at Mount Hua Sect has no meaning?"

Slap! Slap!

"What kind of nonsense is this? Huh? Nonsense? Huh?"

Slap! Slap!

Suddenly, looking at the swollen face of Im Sobyeong, Baek Cheon sighed.

"Let's wait until he calms down a bit."


Before he gets hit again. This guy...

"That... "

Im Sobyeong rubbed his mouth, hesitant to speak, then glanced furtively as if bracing for a scolding.

Of course, while was true all the words came out of his mouth, and that it was hard to assert that there was no sin in using one's mouth so recklessly...

Nevertheless, wouldn't it be embarrassing to stare at a person of Nokrim King's stature being caught like a rat and shedding tears?

 No, leaving aside everything, wasn't that against human decency?

"What did you do to deserve crying like this?"

Of course, not everyone here could be considered human...

Im Sobyeong, with a swollen nose, tried to say something but ended up contorting his face. His cracked lips looked painful.

"Well... the reason I suggested not discussing the plan before departure is probably because there's a risk of leaking information."

"...Don't you trust people too little?"

Im Sobyeong glared at the Tang Pae with venomous eyes.

"What kind of naive talk is that? Do you think this is Sichuan? Do you know how many people come and go from the manor! All those people are so loyal to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance that they wouldn't reveal plans even if a knife were held to their throats!"

"Well, that's not entirely..."

"Won't everything fall apart if you're talking so naively? Do you know how harsh Kangho is? That's why those raised in the greenhouse are like this!"

As the Tang Pae noticeably darkened, Baek Cheon came to his defense with a bitter smile.

"Trusting people isn't necessarily a bad thing."

"No! Baek Cheon..."

"Go on. Let's see how many punches are left."

When Chung Myung growled slightly, Im Sobyeong closed his mouth somewhat uncomfortably. No matter how ruthless Kangho was, it wasn't as ruthless as that man's punches.

Baek Cheon said.

"But it's true that we need to be careful. The probability of information leaking to the Evil Sect is not high, but we still have to be more guarded toward the Righteous Sect, especially the Ten Great Sects."

"Do we really need to go that far?"

"Oh. This guy! He really doesn't understand a thing!"

This time, Chung Myung glared at the Tang Pae.

"Right now, our Deputy Sect Leader is saying that the Great King Bald Head might pass our information on to the Evil Tyrant Alliance!"

"Well, he wouldn't go that far..."

"What the hell are you talking about! In the first place, he was a guy who didn't care about what he did when we were on the same righteous side. Now that we're no longer even on the same side, what can't he do!"

"Isn't he still a Buddhist monk?"

"Buddhist? Buddhiiiiiiiiiiiiiist? If that baldy is a Buddhist, then I'm the Buddha! When have there been Buddhists in Shaolin! Those bastards gave up being Buddhists ever since they started stabbing people with their knives!" [tl not accurate here haha]

"Chung Myung... Stop it. Hye Yeon is crying."

Yoon Jong gently patted Hye Yeon's slumped shoulders.

"It's okay, it's okay. You've already left the sect."

"I didn't!"

"Didn't you?"


In the awkward atmosphere, Im Sobyeong cleared his throat and spoke.

"Anyway, that's why we couldn't discuss separately inside, and since we need to depart, let's share the plan now."


Im Sobyeong took out a small map from his sleeve and spread it on the floor.

"...How many types of maps do you have, anyway?"

"I have them prepared in various sizes! There's even a small one. Should I give you one?"

"...No, it's okay."

At this point, it seemed more like a hobby than preparation.

"There's a point we need to agree on first."


"The most crucial aspect in choosing the path to Southern Island is whether we have a place to rely on in that area."

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded.

Im Sobyeong carefully explained the situation.

"As you know, it's better to move with the minimum number of people in situations like this. However, convincing Southern Island with only the minimum number is impossible. So, more than ten people had to head to Southern Island... The more people, the higher the chance of being exposed."


Everyone nodded.

"So, it's best for us to move to areas where we have allies who can hide our actions until the very last moment. Considering this, we have three options. The first is the sea route."

"The sea route?"


Im Sobyeong pointed to one side of the map.

"We ride a boat along the Yangtze River towards the Zhejiang Province and then take a boat to Southern Island. There are still many of the Namgung Family's forces in Anhwi and Zhejiang, so it would be helpful to conceal our movements. We can hide the fact that we'll take a boat to head to Southern Island."

"That makes sense..."

Namgung Dowi also nodded as if agreeing that it was feasible.

"The best thing about this route is that it can most effectively conceal our actions, and above all, we can use the sea route. No place in Gangnam is safe from the reach of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, but the sea route is different. There won't be any of their hands in the sea. They won't come out to the sea to catch fish that they're selling, after all." [idk]

Everyone nodded at that statement. Certainly, even if it was the Evil Tyrant Alliance, they wouldn't be able to control the sea route to Southern Island.

"So, if we can secure a proper ship and make ample preparations for departure, it would be the safest way to reach Southern Island. The downside is..."

"It will take a long time."

"Tsk. That's correct."

Im Sobyeong immediately nodded at Baek Cheon's words. It was already a long journey, and having to take a detour would make that worse. In addition, it was difficult to increase the speed of the ship with manpower.

"That won't work."

"We're not in a situation to be leisurely."

"There's also the problem that if there's an issue with the ship, we could be isolated in the middle of Gangnam's coast."

At first glance, it seemed like a good option, but upon closer inspection, there were many issues.

"Alright, we understand the sea route. What about another path?"


Im Sobyeong's finger drew another line on the map.

"It's a way to bypass the land route. Once we enter Sichuan, head to Yunnan, and finally arrive in Imeup, where we can take a boat to Southern Island. I mentioned this before."


"This route isn't bad either. The problem is... there are a lot of eyes on the road to Sichuan and Yunnan."


In response, Baek Cheon nodded vigorously. Although the Tang Family was called the Emperors of Sichuan, it was just a formality. The Tang Family's influence was strong in northern Sichuan, including Chengdu, while the Ten Great Sect's influence was stronger in southern Sichuan, where the Emei and Qingcheng sects were located. And Yunnan also housed not only Namman Wild Beast Palace but also the Diancang Sect. It would be challenging to completely conceal their movements.

"Even if we manage all that smoothly, it won't be easy to find a ship to go from Imeup to Southern Island, where the Southern Sun Palace might come out. It could potentially create unnecessary turmoil."

Up to this point, it was a story that had been discussed before. However, thinking about it again, there were pros and cons to each option, making it difficult to easily conclude which was right. It was because arriving was not the only thing that mattered.

"Nokrim King."

Baek Cheon looked directly at Im Sobyeong and spoke.

"You said there are three routes?"


"Then what is the third method you are considering, Nokrim King?"

Baek Cheon looked at Im Sobyeong with meaningful eyes. Considering his experience with Im Sobyeong so far, the route he hadn't mentioned yet was likely the best one in his opinion. In response to that gaze, Im Sobyeong smiled slyly.

"Yes, I'll answer. The third path I'm considering is..."

Im Sobyeong's fingertip pressed firmly on one side of the map. It was the location they were currently in, Gugang.


The finger that had pressed on Gugang forcefully pulled as if to tear the map apart. Everyone opened their eyes wide at the line created by the tip of the finger.

"... Are you insane?"

"Are you in your right mind?"

"I knew this bastard would eventually reveal his true colors! How much did Jang Ilso pay you, you bastard!"

"... Don't cross the line."

Amidst the explosive reactions, Im Sobyeong chuckled.

"Why are you all like this? Surely these distinguished figures aren't scared, are they?"

In response to his playful question, Baek Cheon's face distorted.

Everyone had no choice but to react this way. No, it would be more strange if they didn't. Because the last line drawn by Im Sobyeong connected Gugang and Southern Island in a straight line.

The shortest distance, cutting through the land of Gangnam, controlled by the Evil Tyrant Alliance. That was the last path presented by Im Sobyeong.

"The sea route seems good."

"No, I think the route towards Yunnan is more realistic."

"Let's just go anywhere, as long as it's not the third one!"

As they instinctively tried to reach a consensus, a chilling voice echoed in their ears.


A voice that sent shivers down their spines.

"Well, that's quite..."



"Tempting, isn't it?"

Everyone turned their heads. Soon, an indescribable sense of despair darkened their faces.

Chung Myung...was smiling.