Chapter 1259: Will Take Care Of It (Part 4)

"Watch out!"

The person who saw the red sword energy flying towards him could only react in one of two ways—either retreat or try to block it.

'Too late...'

One of the Spirit Unit members, who judged that dodging was already hopeless, gathered all his inner strength, pushed it into his sword, and swung it towards the descending sword energy.


The sword energy infused with inner strength collided with the sword. A fierce sound, as if grinding metal, pierced through his ears.


A powerful shock reverberated through his entire body at the impact. The phenomenon demonstrated that the inner strength contained in this strike was not to be underestimated. Realizing the power, the Spirit Unit member not only didn't panic but rather felt a strong sense of triumph.

'Not as much as I thought...'

It was indeed impressive that a sword energy thrown from such a thin and light sword could be this heavy, but considering the reputation of "Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword," it was rather expected. If it were weaker than this, it would have been strange.

The crucial point was not that it was difficult to block, but the fact that it could be blocked somehow. If the sword energy could be blocked, it meant that dealing with the opponent was also possible!

"Is that all..."

Empowered by newfound confidence, the Spirit Unit member raised his head to let out a triumphant cry. At that moment, what entered his eyes was a white flash suddenly piercing towards his opened mouth.


The sword, flying like a venomous snake, penetrated the opening. Its sharp edge scraped, split the tongue, and touched the neck.

'Ah, no...'


A gruesome sound echoed, followed by a brief silence. The lifeless body, devoid of strength in an instant, slumped down.

Without even having a chance to escape or charge, the gazes of those standing still were now focused on the neck of their fallen comrade, where the tip of the sword protruded.


A drop of blood flowed down the white blade and fell onto the sandy ground.

Indeed, it was a strange occurrence.

They had witnessed countless deaths until now. Whether it was the death of an enemy or the death of a comrade, death had never been a particularly special event for those present here.

However, the death they were witnessing now was somehow different from all the deaths they had seen before. Describing that 'difference' might be too difficult, but the chilling sensation that crept through their hearts, like adding cold water to something hot, was undoubtedly a warning. Something was definitely different this time.

Chung Myung, who swiftly pulled out the sword stuck in the enemy's mouth, dashed forward across the sandy beach.

"Block him!"

"Kill him!"

A feeling of terror, as if their hearts were about to burst, overwhelmed the Spirit Unit. But they were the Myriad Man Manor. Fleeing in front of the enemy was an absolute impossibility.

Driven by malice, the Spirit Unit rushed towards Chung Myung. From the swords and blades they drew, a blue aura gushed out.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, about ten sword energies and blades rained down on Chung Myung's head.

At that moment, Chung Myung lowered his posture almost to the ground. He lowered his body and rushed forward with the dexterity of a snake slithering through the bushes.

Quaaang! Quaaaang!

Blades narrowly missed Chung Myung's feet, one after another, piercing into the ground. Taking advantage of the storm exploding behind him, Chung Myung accelerated further by kicking the ground.

One of the Spirit Unit members did not miss that opportunity and leaped towards Chung Myung, who was speeding up. It was a calculated move to close the distance in an instant.

Experiencing countless battles, they instinctively knew something. Sometimes, charging forward was the way to survive, rather than retreating. It was a fact that retreating, once pushed back, could lead to irreversible consequences.


It was an extremely fast and concise swordplay.

Without excessive greed and without resorting to excessive tricks, it was a purely practical combat style that, even if it couldn't kill the opponent in one go, would never reveal a large gap.

Swords that contained only pure killing intent unfolded towards Chung Myung's head, who had not yet risen to his feet.


This could be considered an approach that was close to the correct answer. Unfortunately, however, the one they were facing was none other than Chung Myung.


Chung Myung suddenly thrust his sword into the sandy beach.

Then, as if his incredible acceleration was all a lie, Chung Myung's body stopped abruptly in place.


The sword that should have gruesomely split Chung Myung's head swung through the empty air and planted into the sandy beach. In the eyes of the person who had thrust out the sword, Chung Myung's toothy smile was so bright it almost hurt..


In an instant, the gracefully curved Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, like a bowstring, explosively shot through the abdomen of the Spirit Unit member.


Cold metal dug into his abdomen. But before he could even tremble at the sensation, the blade, like a fish in water, fluttered and completely sliced up the inside of his stomach.


An unbearable scream burst out in response to the pain of the internal organs being torn apart. It wasn't just the pain of the flesh being torn. The chilling inner strength that dug into his body seemed to scratch at his nerves one by one. A pain that felt like all the nerves in his body were being severed by him.

And at that moment, Chung Myung blinked his eyes and swiftly withdrew his body backward without delay.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

One after another, blades that had pierced the body of the Spirit Unit member who had been screaming came out. The blades stopped dangerously close to Chung Myung's face.

The blood splattered on the blades' edges splashed onto Chung Myung's nose and mouth.

A scorching heat and a dense stench rushed in.

The Spirit Unit member, impaled on his comrade's blades like a skewer, fell to the ground with his mouth wide open, trembling.

However, in Chung Myung's eyes watching him, there was no hint of sympathy. The one pierced through now was undoubtedly an evildoer who, in the same situation, would not have hesitated to thrust his sword into the back of his comrade.


Chung Myung kicked the chest of the Spirit Unit member.

The sharp blades embedded in his body instantly tore apart the Spirit Unit member's body. The shattered torso and the pouring blood covered those behind him.


Even with his flesh pierced, the Spirit Unit members didn't blink an eye. Rather, they rushed more fiercely towards Chung Myung, cursing.

Chung Myung tightened his grip on the sword, grinning.


Dozens of sword images that blossomed like illusions swiftly sliced through the bodies of the charging Spirit Unit members in unison.


Before the painful groans could cease, Chung Myung rushed forward like a demon, stabbing his sword towards the man in the front.

At that moment, a venomous glint appeared in the eyes of the Spirit Unit member standing in front of Chung Myung. Disregarding defense, he thrust his sword towards Chung Myung's throat.


One sword pierced through a chest, and another sword grazed past a pale neck.


The Spirit Unit member, stabbed in the chest, radiated murderous intent with both eyes and swung his sword sideways, slicing Chung Myung's neck. No, he tried to slice it.

At that moment, Chung Myung swiftly flicked his elbow and struck away the Spirit Unit member's arm that was grasping onto the sword. He plunged his sword into the Spirit Unit member's chest.

"Now's the time!"

"Attack him!"

A frenzied scream burst from the mouths of those who witnessed the scene. Although it was an incredibly gruesome sight, looking closely, it was a surefire opportunity. There was bound to be a time waste when pulling a sword stuck in a person's body. If they aimed for that gap, it was not impossible to thrust a sword into the body of that monstrous creature.

"This, this..."

And the one impaled through his body seemed to know exactly what his role was. As if discarding all attachment to life, he even let go of his sword, instead tightly clenching Chung Myung's sword embedded in his chest with both hands.

Even in death, it seemed like he was determined to drag down Chung Myung as a companion to hell.

The Spirit Unit members did not miss this opportunity. They exerted all their strength and rushed forward.

However, at that moment, a strange scene began to unfold before their eyes.

The back of the Spirit Unit member impaled on the sword and approaching them began to swell momentarily. No, it wasn't the back that swelled, but the clothing covering the back. However, to them, it looked as if the back itself was swelling, not just the clothing.


The eyebrows of Jung Tak (丁卓), one of those who rushed toward Chung Myung, twitched for a moment. He noticed the subtle movement of Chung Myung's sword, which was stuck in the chest of the Spirit Unit member. He shouted with a pale face.

"Get, Get ou...!"

Before Jung Tak's words could finish, the clothing of the Spirit Unit member burst open, and a burst of crimson energy exploded.

Dozens, hundreds of small petals.

Like blooming plum blossoms, the sharp energy rushed forward like a storm, engulfing them.



From those engulfed by the energy, desperate screams erupted. Though small like flower petals, the incredibly sharp energy tore through their bodies dozens of times in the blink of an eye.



All that remained were the rough breathing sounds of those brutally chopped to pieces.

The Spirit Unit leader Beom Chung stared blankly at the unfolding scene.

It was just one step.

All this happened because he took just one step back.

Due to that single mistake, nearly dozens of elite members were horribly killed.


Beom Chung, who looked down at the once sandy white beach now stained dark red with blood, looked at Chung Myung. Rather than Chung Myung... more precisely, he saw the Spirit Unit member, whose hair was grabbed by Chung Myung, looking at Beom Chung with a desperate gaze.


Kneeling with his head held, the Spirit Unit member trembled like an aspen in the wind as a sword pressed against his neck.

"Pl-please, spare me..."

Each and every Spirit Unit member had been personally trained by him.

Even if faced with a demon from hell, they wouldn't tremble or be afraid. However, now, the man caught by Chung Myung was shivering in fear.

What on earth was he afraid of? Death? Or...


At that moment, Chung Myung, who was clutching the hair of the Spirit Unit member, opened his mouth and laughed. His pure white teeth looked more eerie than ever.

"This is more fitting for my temperament."


Chung Myung's sword decisively cut through the neck of the Spirit Unit member.


Fresh red blood gushed out like a fountain from the cleanly severed neck. Blood that poured down like red rain. Watching Chung Myung, who laughed strangely amidst the flowing blood, Beom Chung gritted his teeth.

"This… this dog-like bastard…"

"No, no."


Chung Myung grinned.

"They're not dog-like bastards...They're bastard-like dogs, to be more precise."

At that moment, Beom Chung's face turned pale as he redirected his gaze.

Dozens of black lines, as many as a dozen, were surging towards the Spirit Unit at an incredible speed, whose formation Chung Myung had disrupted.

"Be careful, they're more vicious than me."

Chung Myung, who gave out the quiet warning, burst into laughter. Beom Chung's blood ran cold.