Chapter 1260: Will Take Care Of It (Part 5)

Kim Yang Baek, with a vacant expression, stared at the unfolding scene before his eyes.

'Th-this... Myriad Man Manor...'

It was one-sided. The Myriad Man Manor, more feared than the reapers of Death themselves in Guangdong, were literally being toyed with.

'How could this happen...'

The last time he had personally witnessed Chung Myung's skill was just a few years ago at the martial arts competition.

Of course, he knew Chung Myung would have become stronger. It would be unnatural if someone with such talent didn't grow stronger over time. However, he never expected it to be to this extent. Chung Myung's skills, as seen with his own eyes a little while ago, were ridiculously far beyond what he had expected.

Regardless of what anyone said, Southern Island Sect was the sect that best knew just how fearsome the Myriad Man Manor was. Yet, Kim Yang Baek swore that he had never seen Myriad Man Manor being ruthlessly dominated like this before.

There were no enemies.

"Sect Leader."

What martial arts did Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword learn to be so strong...

"Sect Leader!"

Startled by the intense voice calling him, Kim Yang Baek turned to see an elder urgently shaking his arm.

"Please give the order, Sect Leader!"


"Don't you see over there!"

Only then did Kim Yang Baek fully grasp the situation. The Heavenly Comrade Alliance's members were overwhelming the Spirit Unit at an astonishing speed.

"We have to go too!"

"Y-yes! But the signal..."

Just then, Baek Cheon, who had been charging forward, thrust his sword into the air towards the sky. The red energy emitted from the tip of the sword exploded like fireworks, scattering cherry blossoms across Southern Island's sky.

Seeing this scene, Kim Yang Baek, who had been lowering his posture, suddenly stood up.

The signal! Where in the world could there be a more definite signal than this!

"Attack! Quickly! We must capture that ship!"


The Mount Hua disciples, who had been in hiding, rose at Kim Yang Baek's resounding shout. But before they could take a step, Guo Hansuo and his martial brothers, who had been hiding on the other side, were already rushing out.

"Run faster! We'll crush them in one breath!"

"Yes, Sahyung! Ahhhhh!"

Kim Yang Baek shouted as he pounded the ground.

"What are you doing! Are you going to be slower than your disciples!"

At his yell, the elders also gritted their teeth and increased their speed.

The Southern Island Sect disciples present here numbered more than two hundred. But if it were a situation like a while ago, even if they overwhelmed the opponent in numbers, they wouldn't be able to recklessly charge towards the Spirit Unit like they were doing now.

The fear of Myriad Man Manor would still be lingering in their hearts.

But now, there was no fear of Myriad Man Manor anymore. From the moment they confirmed who the person at the forefront was and understood, Myriad Man Manor ceased to be a fearsome entity that couldn't be confronted.

Even while running, it was clear in their eyes. The sight of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance members attacking the Spirit Unit ahead.


Along with the endless roar of a Buddhist chant, a golden light covered the coast.


Parts of the coast exploded, and white sand scattered in all directions. The person struck directly by the blaze couldn't even scream and turned into a bloody mess, flying out into the vast sea.


Immediately, a huge water column sprayed like a cannon.

"No, is it proper to act so recklessly, monk?"

The first to start the attack was Hye Yeon, but naturally, Jo Gol was the one who engaged with the most enemies.

"I'm so glad it brings tears to my eyes! You bastards!"

Leading the charge, Jo Gol swiftly unsheathed his sword.


The rapidly splitting sword shadows fiercely poured toward the still-dazed Spirit Unit members.


"This guy!"

A swift and unrestrained sword that one couldn't even follow with their eyes!

But from that exhilarating sword, an extreme forward momentum immediately invited a counterattack.

"Not even understanding the basics!"

The Spirit Unit members rushed forward, furiously swung their swords towards Jo Gol's upper body.

"For heaven's sake!"


However, before they could even reach Jo Gol, all those strikes were all deflected by the gracefully flowing sword that sprang from behind.

"Think about the consequences before moving!"

"Ah, Sahyung will block them!"


Taking a breath, Yoon Jong flicked away another sword coming towards Jo Gol's face. The crazy disciple didn't even consider blocking with his face when a sword was flying towards him, and just kept stabbing forward.

"Haha! I am Jo Gol of Mount Hua!"


The Spirit Unit member who had his chest pierced by the sword screamed and collapsed on the spot.

"Damn it! Charge! Cover them! Up...!"

The person who was speaking suddenly raised his head. It was because he felt a shadow quietly and rapidly approaching from the airspace he was trying to occupy.

'When did...'

A slender figure, partially obscuring the sun, was seen falling.

And that was the last sight he saw alive.


Falling, Yoo Iseol cleanly severed the neck of a Spirit Unit member.


Rotating her body without hesitation before touching the ground, her spinning sword swept the ankles of the surrounding Spirit Unit members without mercy.



Attack the lowest point after falling from above. Simple yet simultaneously the most effective sword. Moreover, in the current melee battle, it was an especially efficient and effective swordplay.


"You damned bitch!"

As the Spirit Unit members, in their attempt to swing their swords towards the lowered Yoo Iseol, were about to unleash their wrath, soft yet eerie slicing sounds reached their ears.


Intuitively sensing something approaching, those individuals recoiled in horror, quickly dodging their bodies. However, even at that moment, those who had their attention drawn away from Yoo Iseol were unable to avoid Tang Soso's plum blossom sword energy raining down.



Following a short and bold battle cry, Tang Soso's plum blossom petals poured down from the sky like rain. The fantastically blooming plum blossom sword energy mercilessly swept away the Spirit Unit members who couldn't escape in time.

Seok seok seok!


The sound of a sword piercing through bodies mixed with desperate screams and rang out.


"Don't retreat!"

The commander of the Spirit Unit, Heo Maeng, shouted until his throat burst.

"You fools! There are only a few of them! Crush them with numbers! Don't give them any openings!"

Heo Maeng knew how nonsensical these words were. The darn petal-like sword energy was especially effective against clustered individuals. It meant that it was far more efficient in group battles than individual fights.

It meant "a sword." [idk]

But for now, Heo Maeng had no choice but to say this.

This was because he had seen the figures of the Southern Island Sect members rushing towards them from behind.

If they couldn't reduce the number of these damned bastards by the time reinforcements reached this place, wasn't it as obvious what would happen next?

"Charge, you bastards! Bite and cling to them!"

Filled with venom, those under his command leaped towards Tang Soso.


But at that moment, small needles flew over their heads one after another. And soon, they exploded with a bang.

"What, what is this!"

"It's poison! Fuck it, retreat!"

The pink smoke that spewed out from the needles engulfed the approaching Spirit Unit members.

"Hey. If our little brother gets hurt, Father will kill me."

The Tang Pae casually stuck his tongue out and put his hand back into his sleeve. If they jumped around like this in the front, it would be much easier for him to attack from the back. In that sense, finding individuals who matched so well in this regard would be hard to come by anywhere in the world.

"This martial art is delicate by nature..."


At that moment, Namgung Dowi, who had leaped forward, unleashed a strike from his sword, emitting a white glow. Sword energy as wide as a house swept away the Spirit Unit members in front of him.


With an ear-piercing explosion, bodies shattered like glass.

"...Well, it doesn't matter. Oh, well."

Tang Pae let out a slightly dejected sigh, then lowered his tail.

Honestly, wasn't that close to cheating? This was why, even though the Tang Family was so fierce, they were never able to defeat those ignorant bastards.

At this rate, it seemed unlikely that the Tang family would surpass the Namgung family in his generation. Even if he can snoop on the family members, how could he defeat that monster?


At that moment, Baek Cheon jumped forward. A storm of red petals swirled from the tip of his sword. Clear and beautiful petals fantastically swept away the opponents.

Though his pursuit of martial arts was not as extreme as Namgung Dowi's, his moves were more flashy and accurate.

"Push them!"

Watching the back of Baek Cheon encouraging everyone with a roar, Tang Pae shook his head disappointedly.

"Whether it's him or that guy..."

For talentless humans, life was miserable.


He immediately threw the poisonous dagger he held in his hand towards the front.

Beom Chung's face contorted horribly.


It was the only thing he could say now.

"Why are you here? Why!"

Uncontrollable anger burst out.

Even if the entire Southern Island Sect had ambushed them, they wouldn't have crumbled so easily.

However, the opponents they were currently facing were too immense and formidable for the Spirit Unit to handle alone.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung, The Five Swords of Mount Hua, the Sogajus of the Namgung and Tang Family, and Hye Yeon, the genius of the Shaolin Sect.

Each of them a formidable master representing their sect. Joining forces with Southern Island, what chance did the Myriad Man Manor have?


When Beom Chung shouted once again in boiling anger, Chung Myung chuckled.

"Why should I tell a scum like you even that much?"


"Stop talking nonsense and do something, alright? I'm tired of waiting any longer."

Chung Myung's sword pointed at Beom Chung. Beom Chung bit his lip tightly. It was crystal clear what he needed to do now.

Beom Chung pulled a long tube from his chest, swiftly pulling the attached string.


Flames shot high into the air from the tip of the long tube. Having detonated the signal flare, the main camp must now be aware that the enemy had infiltrated. No, they might have already noticed with the sword energy released by Baek Cheon, but this made it even more certain.

"Don't... mock me, kid."

Beom Chung glared at Chung Myung with a venomous voice.

"I don't know what scheme you're up to, but now that you've come this far, you will all die! No matter what you do, you won't be able to reach the Yangtze River alive! You, and all of you, will regret stepping foot here...!"


At that moment, Beom Chung grabbed his face and staggered backward.


Crimson blood poured from his face, which was slashed diagonally.

Chung Myung casually waved his sword.

"Ah, sorry."


"Listening to Evil Sect scum like you makes me nauseous. Especially those bastards from Myriad Man Manor or whatever."

"This... "

"Are those all of your last words?"


At that moment, Chung Myung's sword flew towards Beom Chung like an illusion.

Reflexively, Beom Chung raised his sword to block Chung Myung's attack.


However, Chung Myung's Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword penetrated Beom Chung's sword in one go and dug itself into his neck.


A sinister sound echoed as the sharp blade cleaved through flesh.


Blood gushed out from Beom Chung's slashed neck.

Before Beom Chung had time to tremble at imminent death, a chilling voice came from behind.

"Nevertheless, since I am a true Taoist, I will wish you peace. Farewell, you wretched scum."

Those were the last words Beom Chung heard alive.