Chapter 1279: I Wasn't Wrong (Part 4)

Depending on how you interpret it, it might sound like a good thing.

However, Im Sobyeong wasn't someone who laid out his true feelings, and Chung Myung wasn't someone who accepted things as they were.

"It looks like we're spinning." [idk]

"Oh? Did you notice that? Well, as expected!"

Chung Myung silently stuck out his head and gazed at the pale, misty sea.

"What are you looking at?"

"Just thinking about how deep you would sink if I tied your arms and legs and threw you down here."


"For a chatty Evil Sect brat, that would be too dignified a death..."

Im Sobyeong slowly stepped back. Chung Myung glared at him and spoke.

"So, even if you speak the truth, people won't swallow it. But you're stuck with me because I'm the kind of the person that, even if I spout bullshit, other people find it plausible and believe in me?" 

"Oh. That's a very blunt expression."

Im Sobyeong chuckled and opened his mouth.

"Honestly, that's one of the reasons. Living, I've come to know one of the truths of the world."

Im Sobyeong shrugged and said.

"Who speaks the right words."


"I used to think the important thing in this sentence was 'right words.' But in reality, people focus more on 'who' than 'right words.'"

"Isn't that just because you're a dirty Evil Sect bastard?"


"It'd be weirder to hear that an Evil Sect brat is saying the right thing. Isn't it normal to think they're scamming you?"

"Hm, well anyway!"

Im Sobyeong cleared his throat loudly and continued.

"So, for someone like me to speak the right words, I need someone people will listen to. So, attaching to guys like Wonsool or Dongtak [?] who have followers. It's more realistic to persuade one person who won't listen than convincing each and every person who doesn't care about my words."

"Oh, really?"

Chung Myung smirked and said.

"It sounds a bit strange now that I hear it."

"What do you mean?"

"As you say, you're supposed to persuade me now, right?"

"That's right."

"But you already know I won't buy it."

"That's right."

"So, it doesn't make sense, right?"

"Indeed, it doesn't."

Im Sobyeong nodded his head. It seemed like Chung Myung's point was not wrong. A hint of suspicion flashed in Chung Myung's eyes, as if wondering if something was wrong with him.

"...Don't look at me like that. There's a reason for that too."


"Looking at history, it's a pretty common thing. Unparalleled clever schemers following the absurd decisions of a foolish ruler at a crucial moment."

"Is that so?"

"It's quite common."

Im Sobyeong shrugged and added.

"So, in such cases, historians interpret that the superiors pressed down their strategists with power. I used to think that was obvious."

"But? Is it different now?"

"Yes. After my hair got a bit thicker [?], I investigated on my own. It's not always like that. Even strategists who were famous throughout the world sometimes acted according to the ruler's judgment rather than their own in critical moments. Even if it didn't match their principles."


Im Sobyeong, who had been muttering as if drunk on something, suddenly shut his mouth and stared at Chung Myung. His gaze was so heavy that Chung Myung unknowingly fell silent.

"Why do you think?"


"To be honest, I didn't understand it well before. But at some point, I came to understand."


"Strategists are also human."


Im Sobyeong said with a stern face.

"A strategist should always be the most rational, able to objectively see the surroundings in any situation. They shouldn't be swayed by emotions and shouldn't harbor any expectations. Yes, that's what makes an excellent strategist. But, you see, even such strategists are ultimately human beings."


"Holding emotions, being swayed by them, and harboring expectations. In other words..."

Im Sobyeong's gaze turned towards Chung Myung.

"It means that even a strategist can be tempted by the words of a deceptive scoundrel."

Im Sobyeong chuckled and asked.

"Do you know when a strategist feels most like hell?"


"The moment when their carefully laid plans go awry. So, when does a strategist feel most delighted?"


"The moment their carefully laid plans go awry."

Chung Myung's face twisted in confusion. What kind of nonsense was this?

Seeing Chung Myung's expression, Im Sobyeong nodded as if understanding.

"Of course, it might be hard to understand."

"You're talking nonsense, aren't you?"

"But it's true. Strategists feel an indescribable pleasure when their plans align perfectly, but at the same time, when something beyond the scope of their calculations happens in reality, they want to see it endlessly."


"So sometimes they start hoping. It might be absurd nonsense, but if that nonsense can really turn the situation upside down, they start hoping for it."

"...I can't understand at all."

"Dojang might not understand. Since you've never seen it happen."

A peculiar light appeared in Im Sobyeong's eyes.

"Strategists don't necessarily feel this way from the beginning. But when someone pushes ahead a plan they opposed, and creates something that goes beyond what they could have predicted, it's an indescribable feeling."


"So sometimes they start hoping. It might be absurd nonsense, but they start hoping that the nonsense might really turn the situation upside down."

Chung Myung looked at Im Sobyeong. In response, Im Sobyeong shrugged.

"Of course, most of the time, it just ends up being wishful thinking and nothing more."


"That's why I'm not stopping you. I don't know if this choice will lead me to a dog's death, but in the current situation, even if I avoid a dog's death, the only thing I face is a rational death."

Chung Myung nodded as if understanding.

The term "rational death" wasn't entirely incorrect. With the current power of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, they couldn't handle both the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Demonic Sect.

Thinking logically, and acting logically, the only thing they could face would be a just and deserved death.

"Although it sounds plausible, in the end, it's still a gamble. Isn't that what you're saying?"

"I won't deny that."

Im Sobyeong nodded.

"Strategists think along the lines of reason. In other words, situations beyond the realm of reason are difficult to calculate. Honestly, I don't know how the Heavenly Comrade Alliance plans to deal with both the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Demonic Sect simultaneously in this situation. I don't even think that's possible."

It was a cold statement. However, as a strategist who needed to accurately perceive the balance between forces, it was an entirely reasonable statement.

"I need someone to make it possible."


"Even if they propose completely irrational and incomprehensible methods."

Im Sobyeong remained silent for a moment before laughing.

"What can I do? If that's the only path, I have to do my best within it."

Listening quietly, Chung Myung smirked. The strategist in front of him didn't seem to understand how contradictory his words were. No, maybe he knew but chose to ignore it.

"It seems like there's a misunderstanding..."


"I'm not that kind of person."

Chung Myung gazed into the distant sea and spoke.

"I understand the expectations you have of me, but I am not that kind of person. I am not someone who receives expectations; rather, I am someone who gives expectations. So, I must be a sword."

Chung Myung's gaze briefly turned towards the deck. Not towards the disciples of the Southern Island Sect sitting around, but towards the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect emerging on the deck.

"There are others who should lead."


Im Sobyeong smirked with an amused expression, tilting his head.

"Well, how long do you think that will last?"


"People who misconstrue their roles are quite amusing. They limit their own roles, defining and regulating them alone."

Chung Myung turned his expressionless face back towards the sea.

"If I explained, you probably wouldn't understand."

"No, I understand."


Im Sobyeong replied casually.

"How harsh you are on yourself."

Chung Myung's eyes darkened slightly.

"I don't know what's in your past. I only know that you've experienced something unimaginable. And the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect over there probably have an idea, even though they won't say it out loud. They just keep it to themselves."

"...What on earth are you trying to say?"

"It's contradictory."



Im Sobyeong grinned slyly.

"Isn't your conclusion that a person who leads cannot lead born out of your experiences? I can't guess what happened, but you know it, right?"


"And when you say the others can lead, even if it's not right now, isn't it because you believe they can grow?"

"That's right."

Chung Myung nodded obediently. Im Sobyeong looked at Chung Myung with a meaningful expression.

"That's the contradiction."


"Of course, I'm not denying it. They are growing rapidly. Eventually, they will become the ones leading Kangho."


"But instead of waiting for that to happen, wouldn't it be more reasonable for you to take the lead now?"


For a moment, Chung myung looked as if he had been struck.

"Rather than waiting for these novices to grow until they can lead Kangho, wouldn't it be much more reasonable for you, who is already ahead, to take the lead?"


"That's why it's interesting."

Im Sobyeong's gaze subsided.

"You pull out all the potential in others while evaluating yourself so harshly. It's as if you see yourself as a corpse long cooled down, unable to grow or move forward." [...fuck..]


"Of course, how you evaluate yourself is your personal freedom. There's no reason we have to accept that evaluation as it is."

Im Sobyeong's voice penetrated Chung Myung's ears.

"However, consider one thing carefully. Is your self-evaluation eating away at the future of the Mount Hua Sect and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? And what others expect from you?"

Chung Myung remained silent.

Seeing his expression, Im Sobyeong didn't continue the conversation. He wasn't a person who refrained from speaking, but he knew how to distinguish between what should and shouldn't be said.

There was no one who didn't know that this topic was like a forbidden zone (禁域) for Chung myung."

"There's more I want to say, but..."

Im Sobyeong turned his head and looked at the person approaching this way.

"Now that a professional nagger has appeared, I'll take my leave."

At those words, Chung Myung also slightly turned his gaze.

Baek Cheon was approaching.

As Im Sobyeong smiled and stepped back, Baek Cheon stood silently in the place where Im Sobyeong had been. Then, he quietly gazed at the sea.

For a while, both Chung Myung and Baek Cheon remained silent, just staring at the endless sea.