Chapter 1280: I Wasn't Wrong (Part 5)

"He got caught."

"He's going to be trouble."

The disciples of Mount Hua clicked their tongues as they watched Chung Myung standing alongside Baek Cheon from a distance.

"Sasuk seems quite angry, doesn't he?"

"You wouldn't be calm, would you?"

"With Sasuk's personality, just the fact that he didn't lose his temper is fortunate." 

"If he loses, he'll probably get scolded, right?"

"But still, Sasuk is the type to fight first and then scold later, isn't he?"

Yoon Jong nodded in agreement with Tang Soso's words.

"That's true."

Baek Cheon was the only one from Mount Hua who could hold back Chung Myung.

Namgung Dowi, who was listening to the conversation, tilted his head.

"But does Deputy Sect Leader have a reason to be angry? Chung Myung blocking them was part of the plan from the beginning, wasn't it?"

Jo Gol sneered.

"It was part of the plan."

"But why..."

"What do you say to someone who, when you ask them to pull out some weeds in the yard, ends up turning the whole yard upside down?"


"If he had just stopped reasonably, he wouldn't have gotten hurt, but he turned around and charged forward, so it's only right to scold him."


"He'll probably get a good scolding this time."

"He deserves it!"

"I hope he gets a proper beating this time."

Namgung Dowi looked at Chung Myung's back with a bitter smile.

Chung Myung, who stood alone against Myriad Man Manor, appeared as a heroic figure in Namgung Dowi's eyes, but to these disciples, it seemed quite different.

Perhaps it was due to the difference in perspective and position regarding Chung Myung. To Namgung Dowi, Chung Myung was an object of admiration. However, to the disciples of Mount Hua, he was both a martial brother and family.

No matter how righteous the cause, no one would willingly put their family in danger. So, their reaction was natural and expected.


Namgung Dowi suddenly turned his gaze towards Baek Cheon.

"How does Deputy Sect Leader think about this?"

In reality, those by his side only needed to worry about the safety of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword as a martial brother. But Baek Cheon was different. As the Deputy Sect Leader of the Mount Hua Sect and a representative of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, he can no longer act the simple role of Chung Myung's Sasuk.

Namgung Dowi, who had taken on the position of the nominal head of the Namgung Family, knew this well. That's why he was curious. What would Baek Cheon say to Chung Myung now?

Unfortunately, at this distance, the small conversation between them was not easy to hear. Eavesdropping would be impolite, even if it were possible, so Namgung Dowi's gaze was fixed on the backs of the two standing side by side. From afar, it seemed like they were engaged in an indecipherable conversation.

Baek Cheon, who had been silently gazing at the sea, spoke first.

"How's your body?"


Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders, speaking as if it were no big deal.

"By tomorrow morning, the wounds will be gone, and I'll be fine. The kids from Myriad Man Manor weren't much."

Baek Cheon's gaze subtly shifted towards Chung Myung's legs.

"Soso says differently."

Chung Myung, without any intention of hiding his injured leg, brazenly replied.

"Medics are always like that. Making a fuss about nothing. If you pay attention to what they say, you'll end up lying in bed doing nothing."

Baek Cheon chuckled.

"Soso would turn things upside down if she heard that."

"So I made sure she couldn't hear it."

Chung Myung also laughed heartily.

Although he said that, Chung Myung was the person who knew best how crucial the role Tang Soso was playing in Mount Hua. Few knew better than Chung Myung how important medical practitioners were on the battlefield. Moreover, Tang Soso could even fight at the same time.

Baek Cheon stopped his laughter and looked intently at Chung Myung as if he had something to say. Chung Myung subtly avoided that gaze.

But that didn't last long. As Baek Cheon continued to stare, Chung Myung, sweating nervously, eventually burst out.

"Oh, really! If you're going to nag, just do it. Listen quickly and get it over with."

"I won't."

"Okay, fine. I... huh? What did you say?"

"I said I won't."

Baek Cheon's gaze fixed on the sea looked somewhat disheartened.

Chung Myung blinked his blank eyes. After waiting this long and seeing no sign of him nagging, it seemed like it wasn't a lie.

Chung Myung pushed up his head and observed Baek Cheon's expression.



"Did you eat something wrong?"


"I thought you would at least say something to stick in my ears."

Then Baek Cheon stared straight at Chung Myung.

"Was it a situation where you couldn't overdo it?"


"In your opinion?"

Chung Myung lowered his head.


"Okay. That's enough."

Baek Cheon didn't want to criticize Chung Myung unnecessarily. No, to be precise, it's not that he didn't want to criticize but that he couldn't criticize.

How could he not know? After experiencing and watching for so long.

Chung Myung was someone who seized the advantage at the first moment possible. He believed in showing a dominance that would prevent the opponent from demonstrating their true abilities afterward.

For Chung Myung, what was important was not the victory itself but how to achieve it.

The Baek Cheon of the past couldn't understand such a Chung Myung. But now he understood. If it was a brief battle, Chung Myung's attitude would be excessive. But it was different in the case of war. Because war continues.

The Myriad Man Manor would undoubtedly track them down. So they would have to engage in battles throughout Gangnam. Therefore it was better, whenever possible, to leave a definite impression.

If those who faced Chung Myung next time were naturally intimidated, the subsequent battles would be much easier.

In that case, it might have been possible to minimize the damage a bit more, perhaps save one more person's life. At the cost of a few wounds Chung Myung may have received.

A few wounds and a few lives.

There was no need to compare which was more important. That was how Chung Myung thought.

Therefore, Baek Cheon, who had been watching him for a long time, knew.

If anyone was at fault, it wasn't Chung Myung. Chung Myung was naturally like this. Back when he didn't know that, he would get angry at Chung Myung, but now that he knew, all the blame lied with Baek Cheon.

Because he had deliberately pushed Chung Myung into a situation where the outcome was clear.

At that moment, Chung Myung opened his mouth with a heavy sigh.

"You're overthinking again, aren't you?"

Baek Cheon raised an eyebrow in confusion. Chung Myung chuckled.

"Don't think unnecessary thoughts. Sasuk is doing well."

"...He's thinking about cat and rat." [?]

Chung Myung laughed softly. Baek Cheon retorted sharply.

"And don't delude yourself."


"I'm not regretting or blaming myself."


"From the beginning, when we headed towards Gangnam, I expected this much. No, I even thought something worse might happen."

His calm voice continued.

"I said with my mouth that I would take the risks, so I have no intention of pretending to be sorry or feeling sorrow. Even if the same situation arises next time, I will not hesitate to tell you to step forward, even if others curse me and spit on me. And..."

Baek Cheon stared at Chung Myung with a stern expression.

"Even if it becomes even more dangerous for you."

Chung Myung's lips slowly curled upward. With a satisfied tone, he spoke.

"That's right."

That's how it should be.

Even if he suffered from the consequences of his choices, there should be no hesitation. That was the path Cheon Mun had chosen, and the reason Chung Myung still respected Cheon Mun. Even though they had occasional fights due to differences of opinion.

Cheon Mun cared for Chung Myung more than anyone else in the world.

But at the same time, Cheon Mun was the one who could unhesitatingly push Chung Myung into danger. On days when Chung Myung returned with wounds, Cheon Mun wouldn't be able to hide the painful feelings on his face, but the next day, he would give Chung Myung unreasonable orders once again.

Because they were in a war. That was the cruelty that the leader of a sect needed to possess during a campaign.

A sect leader that cherishes and loves their disciples can be a good sect leader, but they cannot become a great sect leader. Such a sect leader, afraid of the blood his disciples will shed, seeks only less dangerous paths, and ends up being pushed into a more dangerous situation.

A leader of a martial sect must not be swayed by personal emotions. They must be willing to push even their most cherished disciple into danger if necessary.

Especially in the upcoming turbulent times.

'I told you, Nokrim King.'

Chung Myung chuckled to himself.

How could he not have expectations in this situation? Even without having to explain anything, Baek Cheon understood exactly what he needed to do and what role he had to play.

"Does Sasuk remember what he said to Sect Leader?"

"I remember."

Baek Cheon nodded.

"I said that I was the one who would wield the sword named you."

"I know well."

Chung Myung stared at Baek Cheon with slightly calmer eyes.

"That the one who worries about the sword getting hurt while wielding it is not qualified to be a sword master. There is only one thing you should think about."

"How efficiently you can wield it."


Chung Myung nodded slowly.

Those who hesitate to wield a sword would inevitably get hurt. And the costs of a sect leader hesitating would be inflicted onto their disciples.

Baek Cheon knew that.

"Don't worry. I didn't start this without thinking at all. I am fully prepared to take responsibility for everything."

Just as Chung Myung was about to nod, Baek Cheon spoke.

"But there's one thing you should keep in mind."


"For you, the most important thing is protecting the Mount Hua Sect and the disciples of Moun Hua."


"To do that, you need to be prepared for anything."


Chung Myung's eyes darkened slightly.

Baek Cheon seemed to want to say something but hesitated, then slowly raised his head.

"No. There's no use saying it now. You'll find out soon enough." 



Baek Cheon lightly patted Chung Myung's shoulder.

"When we arrive, we'll have to move again. Rest until then."

"But what were you trying to say?"

"You'll find out."

"This guy is so frustrating... Hey. Sasuk! Hey, where are you going! Tell me before you leave!"

Baek Cheon moved forward without looking back at Chung Myung. Though Chung Myung's curses rang in his ears, he paid no attention.

As mentioned earlier, Chung Myung would find out soon enough.

As he headed toward the cabin, he saw other Mount Hua disciples looking at him with eyes full of dissatisfaction.

For a moment, a light laugh burst out of Baek Cheon. Jo Gol gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Sasuk. Did you scold him?"

"What... moderately?"

"WIth that?"

"Are you kidding? Do you think that guy will come to his senses with just that?"

"Do you want me to show you what scolding is? Huh?"

"Come on...Deputy Sect Leader."

"Since you're the Deputy Sect Leader, you should scold him even more... Argh! Why did you hit me!"

Baek Cheon smiled bitterly as he looked at the noisy disciples.

Yeah. Chung Myung would find out soon enough.

For Chung Myung, the Mount Hua Sect was these disciples, but for these disciples, the Mount Hua Sect was Chung Myung himself.

And...they were prepared to do whatever it took to protect the Mount Hua Sect.

Just like Chung Myung.