Chapter 1281: Who Came to Gangnam? (Part 1)


Pushing forward against the rough currents, the boat moved steadily onward. Whenever Yugong rode the waves like this, he would feel a strange sense of pleasure. Perhaps it was because the blood of the Southern Sea flowed through his veins.

However, at this moment, Yugong was not enjoying himself while steering the boat through the waves. No, it was far from enjoyable; he was miserable. The reason being that the boat he was driving housed the villains of Myriad Man Manor who had relentlessly tormented Southern Island for so long.

"Are you steering properly?"

Those with swords at their waists asked coldly, eyeing him with suspicion. Yugong bit down on the inside of his cheek and nodded.

"Of course."

"Better not make any mistakes."

"...I am not that foolish."

"You seem like it though."

The members of Myriad Man Manor chuckled among themselves.

But even with their open mockery, Yugong couldn't respond. From the moment he stepped onto this boat, his life was as good as pledged to them. No, perhaps even before he boarded this boat.

"Remember this. Erasing a village is no big deal. If you cause trouble, the people of your village will die the most painful deaths in the world. Or, it might be better if they die."

"...I understand."

"Ha ha ha."

Yugong knew.

They were not threatening him because they were genuinely anxious. They were simply playing with Yugong as a convenient amusement during the tedious journey.

They knew he couldn't rebel.

"I live a very luxurious life. Never have I thought I'd end up on a boat driven by a Southern Island Sect bastard."

"Since they've left the sect, they're no longer Southern Island Sect disciples, right?"

"Well, that's a rare experience too. Ex-disciples from the Southern Island Sect are rarer than Southern Island Sect disciples."

"That's true."

The one who threw the word "rare" openly mocked Yugong.

"The righteous sects are really merciful. How can an ex-disciple walk around completely fine? If someone was discussing leaving the Manor, they would've had their throats slowly slit with a saw."

"No one would dare think such thoughts."

"True, but still, they let him go without a scratch. The guy called Southern Island's Sect Leader is truly stupid."

"That's right. In the end, the guy who left is biting him in the heel. If I were Southern Island's Sect Leader, I would've torn out my hair."

"Hahaha, probably."

Yugong bit his lips until they turned white. Each word they carelessly uttered pierced him deeply. What made it even more agonizing was the fact that there was nothing he could counter in their words. At this moment, he was like a hunting dog relentlessly chasing after a master who had granted him mercy.

Moreover, someone was pursuing him more thoroughly than anyone else...

Yugong's gaze flickered towards the back. On the deck, the figure of Ho Gakmyung sending off a red hawk came into view. Yugong's face involuntarily stiffened.

'Damn it.'

Those hawks had hunted down all the messenger pigeons Southern Island had sent to the mainland. Now, the hawks would be informing the villains in Gangnam that the Southern Island Sect was heading south. If only it weren't for those hawks...


At that moment, Yugong's face turned sideways, blood trickling from his lips.

"What does this bastard think he's doing, bothering the commander!"

"Stop it. The commander warned us not to touch him!"


One of the Myriad Man Manor members glared at Yugong, seemingly displeased. Yugong wiped the blood from his lips with his sleeve.

'Damn it.'

He bowed his head deeply. In his chest, an indescribably heavy darkness loomed.

Flap, flap.

The hawk that left Ho Gakmyung's fingertips soared into the sky like an arrow. Then, immediately changing direction, it flew towards the mainland.

Watching quietly, Goyang spoke up.

"Where are you sending it? You've already sent it to where it needs to go, haven't you?"

"The Hao Sect."

"The Hao Sect?"

Goyang asked with a puzzled expression. Ho Gakmyung nodded slowly.

"For a perfect siege, you need many watchful eyes. It's risky without the Hao Sect's cooperation."


Goyang looked at Ho Gakmyung as if finding him interesting.

As far as he knew, Ho Gakmyung didn't particularly like the Hao Sect. Yet now, Ho Gakmyung was seeking cooperation with the Hao Sect under his own name. This demonstrated how seriously Ho Gakmyung took this matter.

"And the main base?"

Ho Gakmyung remained silent. Goyang's lips twisted.

"You wouldn't possibly be keeping this information from Ryeonju?" [skipping the honorifics]

"..." [Thank god he's stupid at least when it comes to Jang Ilso]

"This could turn into treason. You know that, right, commander?"

"Of course."

Ho Gakmyung, who answered without hesitation, added.

"Of course, if Ryeonju finds out about this and comes forward, dealing with those guys won't be much trouble."


"...However, Ryeonju has a bad habit. Instead of taking easy gains when they come, he distorts things to make bigger profits."


"But in the process, small gains might slip away. I want to prevent that."

"Ho ho. A mere commander dares to judge the Lord of the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"


Ho Gakmyung, who chuckled briefly, stared at Goyang. Goyang responded with a meaningful smile.

"Believing that Ryeonju will continue to favor you is arrogant."

"I've never thought such a thing. I'm just proving my worth."

"Well, no matter how much you prove your value, do you think Ryeonju likes those who move without consulting him?"

Ho Gakmyung couldn't refute that statement.

Ho Gakmyung also knew. Having intentions to deceive or exclude Jang Iso. This was the one action Jang Ilso detested the most. If someone other than Ho Gakmyung did it, they would be torn apart limb by limb, and even if it were Ho Gakmyung, he wouldn't be able to avoid punishment.

Moreover, Jang Ilso had warned Ho Gakmyung about this before. Ignoring it would come at a significant cost.

However, Ho Gakmyung proceeded with determination. Even now, his resolve showed no sign of wavering.

"Sometimes there are things that must be done."


"...That guy is dangerous."

"Are you talking about the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?"

Ho Gakmyung nodded quietly. Goyang furrowed his brow.

"I don't understand."

"...Of course, he's a monster. From the perspective of small men like us, he's nothing less than a walking disaster."

Goyang referred to himself as a small man.

He was the leader of Myriad Man Manor. His pride must be significant. However, he felt no hesitation in calling himself a small man. If the opponent was Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, there was no room for hesitation.

"But that's from our perspective."


"For Ryeonju..."


"...Yes, for Ryeonju. If we compare him to Ryeonju, no matter how high he flies or crawls, he's just a toy placed in the palm of Ryeonju's hand. You know that, right?"


"But why are you making such a fuss? Do you really think that the venomous fangs of that guy could reach Ryeonju? To Paegun?"

Ho Gakmyung remained silence. A rare expression of surprise flickered in Goyang's eyes.




Ho Gakmyung tightened his face. The reason couldn't persuade Jang Ilso was because he himself couldn't find the answer to the question.

So this time too, he had no choice but to answer like this.

"It's a feeling."

"A feeling?"

"Yeah. Or maybe it's better to say anxiety."

Goyang looked at Ho Gakmyung expressionlessly.

"Did I mishear from the renowned Ho Gakmyung? Anxiety? It doesn't seem like my ears are mistaken."

"If you want to mock me, go ahead."

"I'm not mocking you. It's just incomprehensible. The commander I know would be the farthest from such things."

Instead of an answer, a sigh escaped from Ho Gakmyung's lips.

Goyang's words were correct. Ho Gakmyung was originally someone who despised baseless arguments. However, at this moment, he was making one of the most crucial decisions in his life solely based on his instincts.

Even he found it difficult to understand.

"It's hard to explain."


"But the reason is simple. Whatever the identity of that anxiety, if there's something that could harm Ryeonju even a little, it must be eliminated as soon as possible."

Ho Gakmyung spoke as if he were spitting out his words.

"Even if it means defying Ryeonju's orders in the process."


"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword must be killed. Ideally, before reaching Ryeonju's ears, and definitely before they reach the Yangtze River basin!"

Goyang raised his head slightly with a somewhat annoyed expression.

It was the first time he had seen Ho Gakmyung so emotionally involved. Looking at him now, no one would think that this person was the most respected and feared cold-blooded Ho Gakmyung of the Myriad Man Manor.

"In any case, it stems from loyalty to Ryeonju."

"Will you stop me?"


Goyang laughed as if he couldn't believe it.

"If what you say is true, then the moment his actions are known to Ryeonju, the probability of Ryeonju letting him go is high."


"In that case, I'll act like I know nothing."

As Ho Gakmyung glanced away, Goyang twisted the corner of his mouth, revealing his teeth.

"While I don't have the courage to rebel against Ryeonju, it's still disheartening to see the prey I've marked escape my territory. And I'm curious. What expression will he have when he dies?"

He licked his lips with his tongue, his eyes gleaming. Ho Gakmyung's face wrinkled slightly.

Among the Evil Sect, there might be those who shunned murder, but Goyang was particularly extreme in his enjoyment of murder itself. It was beyond the benefits he could gain from it.

To be precise, he was addicted to the thrill felt in the process of hunting a strong opponent and the pleasure when finally bringing down the powerful.

But now, Ho Gakmyung needed him the most. That fact could not be denied.

Goyang asked.

"So, the siege?"

"It's already somewhat prepared. It should be complete in a few days. So, make sure to kill him, even if you have to stake everything."

"No need to worry about unnecessary concerns. It's my specialty."

Ho Gakmyung chuckled softly as he looked at Goyang, who was brimming with murderous intent. Soon, Ho Gakmyung's gaze shifted to the land of Gangnam. The land that would become a battlefield for Chung Myung.

'You wouldn't be able to understand it even if I explained it.'

What could he say?

No matter how much he was the cold-blooded Ho Gakmyung, the commander of the Evil Sect, and a subordinate of Jang Ilso, an unspeakable thought kept lingering in his mind.

'He smells like him.'

Perhaps no one else in the world would think so. But Ho Gakmyung, who had been with Jang Ilso for a long time, could tell. That those two resembled each other.

Extremely different, yet extremely similar. So...

'If, the one in a thousand, one in ten thousand, chance that the day comes when Paegun falls into that bastard's hands... that...'

For a moment, Ho Gakmyung became lost in his thoughts, then shook his head.

'No. That can't happen.'

But every commander must prepare for even a one-in-a-thousand chance. Even if it was just a baseless feeling, Ho Gakmyung would do what he could.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, Chung Myung.'

Ho Gakmyung's eyes sank into darkness.

'If you're really like Ryeonju, I won't be able to catch you. But you're not Ryeonju.'

That difference would strangle Chung Myung's neck.

'But I'm curious.'

If Jang Ilso heard that Chung Myung died at the hands of Ho Gakmyung, how would he react?

Would he be furious? Or would he nonchalantly let it pass, saying, 'It couldn't be helped'? What kind of existence was Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword for him?

'That's a presumptuous question.'

Ho Gakmyung shook off the thoughts in his head.

He might resist orders. But he must not dare to cut down Ryeonju. If he couldn't stay within that line, Ho Gakmyung would no longer be Ho Gakmyung.

'It's all for Ryeonju.'

Ho Gakmyung's gaze deepened endlessly.