Chapter 1286: Who Came to Gangnam? (Part 6)


Jang Cheon-gi (長泉琦), the leader of the Yachabang (夜叉房), one of the small evil sects in Guangdong, asked with a puzzled expression.

"Who came to Gangnam?"

"The Southern Island Sect, perhaps?"

"The Southern Island Sect? The Southern Island Sect entered Gangnam's territory?"

"Yes! It's chaos right now."


Jang Cheon-gi muttered with a dazed expression.

"Did those Southern Island Sect guys suddenly go crazy with the sea breeze, or did they really come to Gangnam of their own will?"

"Where did you get the idea that they came of their own will? When the Myriad Man Manor attacked the Southern Island Sect, they abandoned their base and fled to Gangnam."

"Does that make sense?"

Even if one is illiterate in the art of war, isn't there a certain common sense among people?

Fleeing naturally means getting away from the enemy. Who in their right mind would flee to the enemy's stronghold? Gangnam is supposed to be under the control of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and the Southern Island Sect surely knows that.

"Anyway, we need to move right now. Ho Gakmyung has given the order."


"They've already landed on the coast and are advancing north. An order has been issued to all the sects to block every exit. It's a mobilization order under the name of the Myriad Man Manor."

"The Myriad Man Manor? Not the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"

"...It was written as the Myriad Man Manor."

"Why? Well... whatever, that's not important."

Jang Cheon-gi shook his head excitedly.

"Seems like those Southern Island Sect guys really came to Gangnam. In my lifetime..."

"Leader, we don't have time for this. It's a direct order from the ruthless Ho Gakmyung. If we fail to uphold it, you know what kind of situation we'll be in..."

Upon hearing the term "ruthless Ho Gakmyung," Jang Cheon-gi flinched.

Among the civilians of Guangdong, Paegun Jang Ilso may be the most feared by everyone, but for a small sect leader like Jang Cheon-gi, it was a different story. Jang Ilso wouldn't even treat them like passing flies, but Ho Gakmyung watched over each of those flies.

If Jang Cheon-gi falls out of Ho Gakmyung's favor, a small sect like the Yachabang might disappear overnight.

"Well, well! This is not the time for that! Bring me my spear! And summon everyone else! Do you remember where we were assigned?"

"They'll let you know when you join."

"Alright. That'll do! What are you waiting for? Hurry!"

"Yes, yes."

Watching the urgent official rushing outside, Jang Cheon-gi let out a bitter laugh.

"It's not like the Southern Island Sect's sect leader is senile."

Certainly, practicing martial arts doesn't mean one could completely avoid diseases, but no matter how tight-knit the righteous sects are, they should have the common sense to avoid listening to the ramblings of a senile old man and jump on their own feet, right?

"You fools."

Jang Cheon-gi shook his head as if expressing disdain, lips curling slightly.

"No matter how steeped in despair they are, it would have been better for them to die where they lived, considering they're going to die anyway."

It was clear that they didn't know what kind of place Gangnam was. If they had even the slightest inkling that the Gangnam now was completely different from the Gangnam three years ago, they wouldn't have undertaken such a reckless act.

Gangnam was no longer a place where people could breathe freely.

Everyone was under the watchful eyes and hands of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. At least now, one couldn't take a sip of water without going through the Evil Tyrant Alliance in this Gangnam land.

"A fish that crawls up to the desert by itself can only dry up and die. Especially when the hunter coming after is the ruthless Ho Gakmyung..."

Jang Cheon-gi, who let out a deep sneer, quickly left the room.

* * *

"So what?"

Ho Gakmyung, who had disembarked from a ship that had touched the shore, raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. His gaze was fixed on the corpses of the Hao Sect members strewn pitifully along the coast. From their darkened faces, it was evident they had met their demise through poison.

"Are you saying you searched an empty ship without thinking and ended up all poisoned?"


"As a result, you completely lost track of their whereabouts?"

Yeopwi's face, still pallid from the aftermath of poisoning, turned redder with a mixture of embarrassment.

"I never thought they would use such a tactic..."

"You never thought?"

Ho Gakmyung stared at Yeopwi without saying a word. Yeopwi quietly lowered his head.

"I have no words. If it's punishment, I'll accept it gladly."

Ho Gakmyung, silently staring at him, raised his head.


It was an unexpected reaction. Yeopwi cautiously glanced at Ho Gakmyung's expression. Surprisingly, there was no trace of any emotion on Ho Gakmyung's face.

"If there was a mistake, it was mine for assigning tasks unsuitable for those lacking the ability. I should have considered that."


At that indifferent voice, Yeopwi gritted his teeth.

It wasn't an unfair statement. Blame must be endured for the mistakes he committed. They weren't told to kill; they were given a simple order to follow a fleeing enemy. Even if someone incapable of carrying out the command had a hundred mouths, what could they say?

Yet the reason for his boiling anger was that Yeopwi and the Hao Sect were the ones who suffered due to this incident. He lost all the subordinates he had nurtured with care, but Ho Gakmyung and the Myriad Man Manor didn't suffer any losses, did they?

In such a situation, hearing the sarcastic reprimand was enough to make his blood boil.

"If we're going to talk about right and wrong, it's the fault of the Myriad Man Manor that let them hijack the ship and set foot elegantly on Gangnam's land!"


"If it weren't for that, there wouldn't be all these people needlessly dying!"

He stared at Ho Gakmyung with bloodshot eyes.

"Am I wrong?"

As if daring him to kill if he dared, he roared defiantly. However, Ho Gakmyung, the recipient of that defiance, unexpectedly nodded calmly.

"That's right."

"What... did you say?"

"It's not a wrong statement. It's my mistake. No, it's my fault."

For a moment, Yeopwi looked at Ho Gakmyung with a bewildered face.

"It would have been better if we could handle them in Southern Island. But we couldn't. Do you need further explanation?"


"Then it's settled. However... there's one thing we need to address."


"It won't be 'you were wrong.'"

For a moment, Yeopwi twitched, meeting Ho Gakmyung's gaze. The emotionless look from Ho Gakmyung pressured Yeopwi.

"Or are you still living in the past?"

Yeopwi bit his lip hard. After mumbling for a while, he opened his mouth with a cracked voice.

"... I apologize. I was impolite."

"Knowing it is enough. Fortunately."

As if indicating he wouldn't press any further, Ho Gakmyung turned the topic.

"We should have a network of contacts with other branches. No matter what means you use, investigate their actions and secure their location."

"Yes. I will give orders to track them down."

"Make sure to understand my words properly. What I ordered is to investigate their actions."


"They are not individuals that can be stopped by the power of a single branch."


"Anyway, the Hao Sect is the main force. It's different from scattered scraps. There's no need to increase meaningless sacrifices. Just accurately pinpoint their location without unnecessary approaches. We'll take care of the rest. Just do what you're instructed properly."

Yeopwi nodded heavily.

"I will keep that in mind."



As Yeopwi turned away and quickly distanced himself, Ho Gakmyung's gaze turned cold. At that moment, a mocking voice reached his ears.

"You can be merciful too."

Goyang openly sneered.

"It seems like the Commander is fair. Maybe you're more suited for the Imperial Palace than the Evil Sect. If it were me, I would have torn out their tongues."  [ngl...I agree...]


But Ho Gakmyung remained indifferent.

"Even if I speak ill, it's just venting. There's no benefit. A meager ability is still better than none. We need that ability now."

"But he insulted the Manor."

"He insulted me, not the Manor."

Ho Gakmyung spoke calmly.

"It's not a big deal for me to be insulted. It's always been like this. So, there's no need to worry about the useless things."

"Are you sure?"

Goyang clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

Of course, Goyang also didn't harbor any friendly feelings toward Ho Gakmyung. However, he certainly acknowledged this. While righteous sects often invited trouble upon themselves because of vain prestige, the Evil Sects tended to deviate from their goals due to vain pride.

"But I don't understand."


Goyang chuckled.

"They say desperate times call for desperate measures, but can their abilities be even close to that of a cat's? It might be more realistic to wish for Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword to slip and fall off a cliff than for him to be caught by such guys."

"It's not a wrong statement. But, though he might have eyes to see abilities, he still lacks eyes to see people."


"I didn't instruct them to find him. I told them to secure his location. It was just a warning not to let him slip through."

"Is there a difference?"

"If it's the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword I know…"

Ho Gakmyung's eyes sank ominously.

"No. There's no point in saying it. You'll find out soon."

Goyang's face twisted slightly.

"You're quite something."

"We don't have time to chat pointlessly. Move."

"Yes, Commander."

As Goyang turned without hesitation, Ho Gakmyung gave a brief order to the waiting subordinate. After receiving the order, the subordinate glanced around for a moment before speaking.

"By the way, Commander. How should we deal with those who came on the ship?"

Ho Gakmyung shifted his gaze slightly and looked toward the back. Ex-disciples of the Southern Island Sect stood awkwardly on the coast. Ho Gakmyung gave a cold reproach.

"Hold hostage those who can't keep up, and for those with martial skills, mobilize them."


Yugong closed his eyes as if resigned. Ho Gakmyung's eyes momentarily gleamed significantly.

Goyang might have complained about the unnecessary act, but Ho Gakmyung had a different perspective.

"If there's one variable Mount Hua didn't expect, it's probably them."

And in his view, this variable would likely have a more devastating effect on them than they could imagine. By the time they realized it, it would already be like a venomous dagger stabbing into their stomach.

"Set out."


As Ho Gakmyung's command fell with a frightening force, the military forces of the Myriad Man Manor began to advance northward.

The sole goal was the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

And the neck of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.