Chapter 1287: It's A Sight You'll Get Sick of Seeing (Part 1)


Trained legs pounded the ground.

The disciples of the Southern Island Sect sprinted with all their might. The distance to their target, the Dam River, was about 400 li. For an ordinary person, it would take three days even if they walked tirelessly without sleep. However, for disciples of a prestigious sect like the Southern Island Sect, they could cover it in just a few hours.

The challenge lay not in speed but in stamina.

By the time one reached the level of a martial artist in the Ten Great Sects like the Southern Island Sect's disciples, maintaining the speed of a person exerting full effort all day long was entirely possible. In extreme cases, it was even possible to run continuously for three days without rest or sleep.

Therefore, the speed of martial artists was incomparable to that of ordinary people or even horses.

However, their extreme speed was now turning against them, tightening around the necks of the Southern Island Sect disciples.

At first, they didn't feel it. Just run with all their might, as ordered. But as the time passed with everyone running without a word, they all began to realize.

Now, they were running toward their own deaths.

There was a high probability that the Evil Tyrant Alliance had set up a siege around the Dam River, their current target. Right now, they were rushing toward that siege with all their might.

"Lee Ziyang!"

"Why... cough! What?"

Lee Ziyang, who seemed exhausted, replied with a strained expression. If it were him on a normal day, he wouldn't have been this tired even after running for three hours at this speed. It seemed that the pressure of running in Gangnam, not in Southern Island, was quickly draining his stamina.

"About how far do you think we've come?"


"Right now!"

Lee Ziyang looked up and calculated.

"Well... since we've been running at this speed, I think we should be getting close to our destination soon."

"Then, aren't we about to encounter the enemies soon?"

Lee Ziyang's face noticeably hardened.


"Then, shouldn't we start slowing down a bit now?"

"I think so too, but..."

Guo Hansuo looked at the Heavenly Comrade Alliance disciples running at the forefront. Lee Ziyang was a smart person. If his thoughts aligned with Guo Hansuo's, then it must be common sense. However...

'What is he thinking?'

Until now, they passed through places where there shouldn't be any enemies, so they ran without considering the situation. But from now on, wasn't the situation different? Logically, they should start slowing down and move discreetly to avoid catching anyone's attention.

If over two hundred people are running like this, wouldn't anyone, even those not from the Evil Tyrant Alliance, notice?

'Deputy Sect Leader!'

Guo Hansuo's gaze focused on Baek Cheon's back. Even if Guo Hansuo knew nothing about war, he wasn't an idiot without common sense. This was Gangnam. From the moment they were discovered by the enemy and combat began, they would have to engage in ceaseless battles without a break.

In that case, shouldn't they somehow delay the timing of the first encounter? After being discovered, they would have to fight incessantly anyway. But why weren't they slowing down yet?

This time, Guo Hansuo's gaze turned to Kim Yang Baek. He was silently following behind the Heavenly Comrade Alliance disciples.

"Why isn't Sect Leader saying anything?"

"Maybe it's not easy for him to say?"


"Probably because he's the Sect Leader... Discussing right and wrong with the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua and a representative of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance might be a burden for him, don't you think?"

That statement held various complex meanings. Of course, Guo Hansuo didn't understand all the nuances of the statement, but at least he clearly understood one thing.

"So I should go ahead."


Lee Ziyang's response was firm, indicating that it was the correct answer. Guo Hansuo injected energy into his legs and ran forward.

"Deputy Sect Leader! Chung Myung Dojang!"

The running Chung Myung and Baek Cheon turned to look at Guo Hansuo.

"Haven't we almost reached the place where the enemies are! Now, even at this moment, we should slow down and move discreetly."

"Guo Sohyeop [honorific]. That's..."

Baek Cheon was about to say something.

"Come here."


Chung Myung stretched out his hand, grabbed Guo Hansuo's collar, and pulled him forward abruptly. Guo Hansuo was dragged along, wearing a bewildered expression.

At that moment, Baek Cheon spoke.

"This way?"

"Rather than the Sect Leader, this way is better. The Sect Leader should lead Southern Island."


Guo Hansuo couldn't understand the conversation at all. Without further explanation, Baek Cheon slipped away to the side and headed towards Kim Yang Baek.

As Guo Hansuo was about to look around, a chilling voice pierced his ears.

"Don't turn your head."

Guo Hansuo flinched and fixed his gaze forward. The situation was unknown, but it seemed necessary to do so upon hearing Chung Myung's voice.

"What should I do?"

"Look closely."


"No. More precisely, watch and understand."

"What does that mean..."

"I don't have time to explain and teach. No matter how much I explain, you won't understand, and no matter how much I teach, you won't know. You can only feel and realize this with your skin and senses."

What on earth is he talking about?

"Remember one thing clearly instead."


"If you don't learn, all of you will die."

Guo Hansuo's face stiffened noticeably.

"It's not a threat. If things continue like this, none of you will survive in Gangnam. So, look closely. See how we fight and move. Feel it first, and somehow convey that to them."


"Don't turn your head."

Despite being told not to turn his head, Guo Hansuo eventually looked at Chung Myung. At that moment, he was met with Chung Myung's face, which was coldly rigid, unlike usual.

Guo Hansuo silently stared at Chung Myung for a moment and then turned his gaze to others. Chung Myung wasn't someone he could understand. So, he tried to seek answers from those who might be similar to him.

But at that moment, he realized. Not only the disciples of Mount Hua, but also Hye Yeon, Namgung Dowi, Tang Pae, and even Im Sobyeong and Seol So Baek, all had similar expressions to Chung Myung.

They were clearly sharing something now. The only one unable to share that emotion was Guo Hansuo.

'What is this...'

If Chung Myung was right, after witnessing and experiencing what happened here, even he would eventually understand the identity of this expression.

And that moment came faster and more abruptly than Guo Hansuo's thoughts.

"Dojang! Front!"

"I understand."

Chung Myung coldly replied and turned his gaze backward. Baek Cheon, who had fallen behind, was now back by his side. Responding to Chung Myung's gesture, Baek Cheon quickly shouted.

"Jo Gol! Yoon Jong!"


"Left! Iseol, Soso! Right!"


As Baek Cheon's orders ended, the four disciples of Mount Hua flew backward.

'Why backward?'

Before Guo Hansuo's question could fully emerge, Baek Cheon's instructions continued.

"Nokrim King! Kim Sect Leader will take care of the rear. Please observe the overall situation from the front! Monk Hye Yeon, Namgung Sogaju, and Tang Sogaju, please support the dangerous areas in the center!"



"Chung Myung!"


Baek Cheon's voice lowered slightly.


Hearing those words, Chung Myung raised one corner of his mouth and chuckled coldly.

"No need to say it...."


"It was about time."

At that moment, like an arrow shot forward, Chung Myung's body left the formation.


In Guo Hansuo's still bewildered eyes, only Chung Myung's back, running like a lone arrow, was visible. Shortly after, within that line of sight, a sword aura soared like a phantom, and crimson blood spurted out.


The body that had lost its head due to Chung Myung's sword gushed out blood.

Chung Myung, who had claimed two lives with a single stroke, didn't hesitate and rushed forward.

Guo Hansuo seemed to be halfway out of his senses. He didn't feel anything, but how did they know there were enemies hidden there?

'No, rather, is it really okay to confront the enemy like this...?'

"Guo Sohyeop!"

At that moment, Baek Cheon's thunderous shout swept away Guo Hansuo's wandering thoughts.

"Yes! Yes, Deputy Sect Leader!"

"Don't lose sight of him [Chung Myung] and follow him quickly!"

"Behind, behind..."

"Absolutely don't lose him. From now on, that's all Guo Sohyeop has to do. Just keep it in mind."

Baek Cheon stared straight at Guo Hansuo and said.

"If you lose him, everyone following us will die."


"Even if you die, don't lose him. Don't worry about the rest."

"Ah, understood."


Baek Cheon forcefully pushed Guo Hansuo's back.

Due to that push, Guo Hansuo moved forward, gritting his teeth and rushed toward Chung Myung.

'What is he saying?'

It was an incomprehensible command. Was it such a great feat not to lose the person in front of you? 

Though he may not be as skilled as them, he was still the top disciple of the Southern Island Sect. Surely, he could handle at least this much?

And above all...

'Why do they keep talking about dying? What is this all about?'

You die if you don't learn. You die if you lose. It wasn't like they were scaring an immature kid, so what on earth were those words?

Anxiety and frustration surged within him simultaneously. As Guo Hansuo tried to breathe to relieve the tension, Chung Myung suddenly increased his speed, shooting forward like an arrow leaving the bowstring.

"What the...!"

Surprised, Guo Hansuo forcefully stomped the ground with all his might. Running past the corpse slashed by the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, he saw Chung Myung, ahead, quickly swinging his sword, cutting down the enemies lying in ambush.


The people hiding in ambush were mowed down, and screams filled the air. Faces, soaked in red, falling in agony, vividly appeared in Guo Hansuo's eyes.

The bodies of the two collapsed like a rotting straw pile, and another person knelt down, shivering. However, Chung Myung left the one shivering alone and rushed forward again.

Guo Hansuo's eyes widened slightly.

He's still alive. That person is still...


The one convulsing, upon seeing Guo Hansuo approaching, weakly raised his sword. At that moment, an indescribable conflict emerged in Guo Hansuo's mind.

Should he kill him?

But even if he left him alone, he would die soon. He had no ability to resist already. Was it right to crush someone like him?

Then should he just pass by? But if he doesn't die until the next person arrives, someone might get hurt by the sword wielded by the dying person.

How should he...

Before his contemplation could finish, Guo Hansuo reached the person collapsing in front of him. The hand holding the sword trembled involuntarily.

'Should... should I swing...'


At that moment, the dying person's eyes glowed with hostility. Rising abruptly, he swung his sword toward Guo Hansuo. It was so powerful that it was hard to believe it was the swing of a dying person.

Puzzled, Guo Hansuo widened his eyes.


In the instant he thought it was too late to react, something hot splattered over his face as he tried to close his eyes tightly.


Guo Hansuo's body trembled. Something long and warm was sticking out from the forehead of the dying person. It was a sword.

Guo Hansuo unconsciously touched his wet face. The slippery and warm sensation. Flipping it over, it was blood.

The sword that protruded through the forehead of the person wielding it, and...


Chung Myung's fist slammed into Guo Hansuo's face.


Guo Hansuo collapsed on the ground pitifully. Only then did he regain his senses and looked up. Chung Myung, who had rushed like a whirlwind, forcibly grabbed Guo Hansuo by the collar and lifted him up.

"Get up, you bastard."

"Do, Dojang..."

Before he could say anything, Chung Myung pulled Guo Hansuo's face closer. Frozen, Guo Hansuo just stood there.

"In the battlefield, the one who hesitates dies first. If you hesitate to swing the sword one more time, I'll kill you. Die alone if you're going to die! Got it?"

"Ah, I unders..."

Without waiting for an answer, Chung Myung tossed Guo Hansuo aside. Grasping his sword, Chung Myung shot another fierce glance and quickly turned around.

"Get used to it."

That low voice pierced Guo Hansuo's ears as if penetrating them.

"It's a sight you'll get sick of seeing."

Guo Hansuo's body shivered with convulsions.