Chapter 1290: It's A Sight You'll Get Sick of Seeing (Part 4)

In the face of sudden events, people are inevitably taken aback. No matter how composed a person is, it's difficult to make perfect judgments in a state of confusion.

"Th-they're breaking through!"

"We can't stop him, Leader!"

"Damn it!"

Those who encountered Chung Myung were in such a situation. Even though they knew he was coming, there was no way to prevent the feeling of blanking out when faced with him.

This wasn't a problem that could be solved with effort and will. No matter how calmly a mouse tries, can it cut off the breath of a tiger?


And Chung Myung wasn't the type of tiger that would be merciful just because the opponent was a mouse. When it came to enemies, he was a tiger that bit first and asked questions later.

Most of the enemies pressed by the force of that evil tiger were bewildered, floundering, and lost their reason.

However, as in everything in the world, there is nothing eternal.

As the one-sided massacre continued, among those who formed the siege, there were those who began to make different judgments.

"Huuk! Huuk! Huuk!"

Yang Po (楊布), a disciple of the Southern Island Sect, ran with all his might.

'God, I feel like I'm going to die.'

He was out of breath and his head was dizzy. His vision blurred several times.

It was strange.

No matter how much he ran with his current strength, he was a disciple of the prestigious Southern Island. It didn't make sense that running this far would be so difficult. He hadn't exhausted his stamina by wielding a sword.

Yet Yang Po's stamina was rapidly running out.

'Is this normal?'

Everything here seemed to devour his stamina.

The horrifying death throes uttered by those dying, the vacant eyes of those who fell with their bodies horribly cut, the nauseating smell of blood that would never seem familiar, and the curses filled with venom from somewhere...

And above all, the pressure and fear that if he lowered his vigilance for even a moment, he would end up in the same situation as those who fell over there!

Running while enduring all this, Yang Po's stamina quickly ran out, as if proving that physical strength was not simply dependent on the state of the body.

'Am I the only one like this?'

Yang Po turned his gaze to the side.

Then he saw the figures of those running beside him, gritting their teeth and desperately running. They all seemed in danger of passing out or dying at any moment. It seemed that they too were in a situation similar to his own.

Yang Po bit his lip until it bled.

He couldn't cry. This was a battlefield. If he dropped out, it might not end with him dying alone. Weren't others also enduring for dear life?


He wiped the sweat pouring down his face with his hand. Suddenly, he looked down, and there he saw the corpse of an enemy on the ground.


At the sight of the blood-stained figure on the verge of death, Yang Po tightly closed his eyes. Then, he leaped over the corpse. Normally, jumping over the body of a dead person was something that a human being should not do. However, there was no time for such courtesy now.

But at that moment.

The corpse that had fallen with its mouth open suddenly opened its eyes. He stabbed his sword into Yang Po's lower body like a ghost aiming for it.



Yang Po's body, running, collapsed to the ground.

"Yang Po!"

"This son of a bitch!"

The disciples of the Southern Island Sect who were running after Yang Po, infuriated, stabbed their spears into the body of the one who had pierced Yang Po's body, as if avenging the fallen.


In an instant, the one who had become a hedgehog in a shovel moment met his demise on the spot. Those who had pulled out the spears rushed towards Yang Po.

"Yang Po!"

"Are you okay?"


"The wound is deep!"

Blood was pouring from the thigh that had been completely penetrated. As their Sahyung suffered a major injury, the disciples were at a loss, wandering around.

At that moment, Tang Soso rushed forward like an arrow and pushed aside those standing around.


She quickly applied pressure to Yang Po's thigh to stop the bleeding.

"Ar-are you a doctor...?!"

During the moment when everyone felt relieved, she grabbed Yang Po's collar like lightning, forcefully lifted him up, and everyone was greatly taken aback.

"No, Doctor! What are you doing...?"

"We need to bandage it!"

But Tang Soso ignored the reactions and protests around her and pushed Yang Po forward forcefully.


Yang Po looked back at her in surprise. However, Tang Soso's face was chillingly indifferent.

"Run or die."

"Doctor! Didn't he get injured in the lower body? How can he run..."

At that moment, Tang Soso's face twisted into a sinister expression.

"Then will you stay here and guard, waiting to die together?"

Everyone fell silent.

Only then did everyone realize anew. Where they were, what situation they were thrust into.

Looking back, those who had originally followed them had already passed them and were running ahead.

"Run! If you don't want to die!"

With a cold glare, Tang Soso rushed forward, leaving them behind.

"Damn it!"

Some of them bit their lips and rushed, placing Yang Po's arm over their shoulders.

"Everyone run! There's no time to stay like this!"


"Yang Po! I know it's tough, but you have to muster strength now."

"Ah, understood, Sahyung!"

But this was just the beginning.

Just because they were called Evil Sect didn't mean their heads were empty scarecrows or rag dolls. No, in fact, when it came to protecting their lives and targeting the enemy, they were even more cunning than the righteous sects.

If they retreated and escaped, they would die in Ho Gakmyung's hands. If anyone who saw them running away survived, it would undoubtedly reach Ho Gakmyung's ears.

But if they valiantly blocked the way, they would die under Chung Myung's sword.

Unable to choose either option, the path they chose was very simple. They actively targeted those they could deal with, rather than those they couldn't. Naturally, the target became the Southern Island Sect.




Lee Ziyang's face twisted miserably.

'These bastards!'

The clashes of swords became more frequent. Those bastards ignored Chung Myung at the forefront and relentlessly attacked the Southern Island Sect.

It was easy. They could easily distinguish their affiliation through their uniforms.

'How do they see us...!'

Lee Ziyang bit his lips tightly in frustration.

The deep blue uniform, representing the sea of the Southern Island Sect. It was the symbol of the Southern Island Sect and its long-standing pride.

However, on this battlefield, that uniform had become a symbol of 'weakness.' This fact was infuriating to the extreme.

"These bastards!"

At the moment when the agitated Lee Ziyang was about to swing his sword, three swords suddenly flew towards him. As he showed signs of agitation and became distracted, the enemies exploited his opening like ghosts.

Sensing the danger, Lee Ziyang widened his eyes!

Swish! Swaeeeek!

However, at that moment, more than ten sword energies flew from somewhere, piercing through the attacking Evil Sect disciples heading for Lee Ziyang like skewers.

Surprised, when Lee Ziyang turned his head, Jo Gol's figure flashed past him, rushing forward.


"Ziyang! Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, Sahyung!"

Lee Ziyang hurriedly replied to Guo Hansuo and immediately bit his lips.

'Could I have survived?'

No, he probably would have died. With his skill, he couldn't have blocked the three flying swords simultaneously. Even if he hadn't died, he would have inevitably given up a part of his body, and in that case, he would have turned into a burden with a fatal injury.

However, that man nullified all those sinister attacks with just a single flick of his sword. No, he even cut off the throats of those who attacked.

As if it was nothing.

'Jo Gol, was it?'

He felt a profound gap. However, the one who showed him this gap wasn't Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung, Mount Hua's Righteous Sword Baek Cheon, or even Namgung Dowi of the Namgung Family. It was Jo Gol, one of Mount Hua's third-class disciples.

Lee Ziyang was a first-class disciple of the Southern Island Sect.

Of course, the disciples of the Southern Island Sect were young overall, but still, there would be at least a fifteen-year age difference between Jo Gol and him.

Nevertheless, this young disciple of Mount Hua was showing unparalleled martial arts that Lee Ziyang couldn't dare to follow.

Still, Lee Ziyang was considered skilled in the Southern Island Sect....

'Wait a moment?'

He was relatively skilled in the Southern Island Sect. However, even he experienced a moment of imminent danger.

Moreover, Chung was Myung leading at the front and the disciples of Mount Hua were lined up on his left and right. They formed a spearhead penetrating the enemy's defense line. It was supposed to be a position more dangerous than any other. However, paradoxically, this place had become the safest spot within this group.

Then, what about the back where those less skilled than them gathered? What was happening in the back where Evil Sect guys, who couldn't dare to aim for the leading position, were rushing like demons?

Lee Ziyang urgently turned back.


At that moment, the situation poured into his ears faster than his eyes. It was the desperate scream of a familiar voice.

"Jin Gwan!"

A scream burst from Lee Ziyang's mouth.

The sight of Jin Gwan, with a long sword extending from his side to his chest, falling down was visible.

Even though he their martial brother, more deeply connected than blood brothers, no one reached out to help him as he fell.

Everyone was pouring all their energy into stopping those rushing at them, so no one could even turn their heads when someone fell.


At that moment, Kim Yang Baek, the sect leader of the Southern Island Sect, roared and rushed to Jin Gwan. In on blow, he lopped off the head of the Evil Sect disciple.

Kim Yang Baek crumbled to the ground.


Kim Yang Baek grabbed Jin Gwan's body.

"Gwan-ah! Are you okay?"

It was a meaningless question. Jin Gwan's blue uniform was already entirely dyed red with the blood flowing from his body. When a person was pouring out blood in such urgency, how could he be okay?

But what else could someone expressing concern say?

"Cough, cough!"

With a violent cough, Jin Gwan's mouth spewed out blood forcefully. It seemed his internal organs were completely damaged, judging by the way the blood poured out while his side was cut.

"Doctor! Are there any doctors?"

"Uh, the Mount Hua Sect over there...!"

"Hurry and bring someone! Right now!"

"Well, Sect Leader...."

At that moment, a faint voice from below caught Kim Yang Baek's attention.

"It's okay! Gwan-ah, hold on a little longer! The doctor will be here soon...."


"Gwan-ah! Gwan-ah!"

Jin Gwan's head drooped to the side.

Kim Yang Baek's hands, embracing Jin Gwan, was shaking. It felt like Jin Gwan's body was growing colder, whether it was because of his mood or the reality.

"Jin Gwan!"

"Uaaaaah! You bastards!"

After the invasion of the Evil Sect, this wasn't the first time someone had died. However, witnessing the scene of a disciple, a fellow brother, dying before his eyes was an indescribable shock.

Blood vessels began to swell in Kim Yang Baek's eyes. At the moment when he was about to scream in anger.


Screams rang out in succession. Kim Yang Baek's head quickly turned.