Chapter 1289: It's A Sight You'll Get Sick of Seeing (Part 3)

War was a familiar sight for them—fighting for their life was a routine that they had become accustomed to.

Their confidence in themselves was not misplaced nor incorrect. It was an era of peace. For nearly a century after the war with the Demonic Sect, Kangho had enjoyed tranquility.

Only Gangna, particularly the southern part of Gangnam where the Myriad Man Manor resided, found itself engulfed in the flames of war. Therefore, likely no one in the current Kangho had experienced as much war or seen as much bloodshed as those of this region.

In that sense, the confidence they held had a clear foundation.

However, what they overlooked was significant.

The wars they had faced and the wars Chung Myung had faced were fundamentally different.

Not knowing this fact made it impossible for them to comprehend the existence of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.


A desperate scream echoed continuously.

Someone, driven by malice, let out a howl. The exact words were not clear, but the meaning was unmistakable.

Avoid him.

Run away immediately. Turn your back to the approaching beast, use all your strength to flee.

However, the Snake Gate's (蛇形門) Jo Namcheon (趙南天), couldn't take a single step from where he stood. It wasn't that he couldn't move; it was that he couldn't move voluntarily.

Although his head fervently commanded his legs to turn and run immediately, his feet remained glued to the ground as if glued by some invisible force.

A mouse that sees a snake up close freezes on the spot. Facing a predator unseen until now, Jo Namcheon's body, in defiance of his commands, refused to move and solidified on the spot.

If there was a difference, it was that a snake leisurely swallows a frozen mouse, while the demon before him was closing in ravenously. That was the difference.



A blood-stained sword swiftly severed Jo Namcheon's neck. As if there was no time to wait for his body to fall, Chung Myung trampled over his chest with relentless steps, blood spraying from Jo Namcheon's neck as he surged forward.

Like a predator targeting prey. No, like a snake swiftly striking through the bushes.

He was coated in the blood of countless Evil Sect members, an appearance as if he were made of blood. Amidst the all-encompassing red, only his black pupils emitted a chilling coldness. It was a gaze so icy that even onlookers felt their hearts freeze involuntarily.

"Stop him!"

"Run away!"


Unorganized and haphazard reactions erupted everywhere. It was pure chaos.

This was a natural reaction.

The Heavenly Net Formation (天羅之罔). It was grand in name but was essentially a meticulously laid-out siege strategy deployed to capture or completely annihilate a small number of individuals resisting desperately. Gangnam's Evil Sect members had used the Heavenly Net Formation several times. And each time, their experiences were nearly identical.

It involved leisurely watching those attempting to hide and escape, or observing the resistance of those using every ounce of strength until the end. And laughing at the foolish ones who dared to resist against Myriad Man Manor. That was all it had been.

This time, those who had comfortably assumed that there would be nothing different found themselves suddenly ensnared in fundamental doubts.


Someone shouted in a fit of frenzy.

"W-why is that bastard here! Whyyyyy!"


At that moment, someone's upper body was torn apart entirely and thrown backward. Blood sprayed like a fountain and pieces of flesh scattered in all directions. Those who witnessed the gruesome scene shared the same question as the dying person had shouted.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

The one who annihilated the enemy forces of Myriad Man Manor targeting Mount Hua and fought toe-to-toe with the Evil Tyrant Alliance's leader Jang Ilso on the Yangtze River.

The world-famous budding genius of the prestigious Mount Hua, the archenemy of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and someone who stood in opposition to Jang Ilso. Depending on one's position, perceptions may differ. Chung Myung—his name symbolized heroism among the righteous circles. However, from the perspective of the Evil Sect, the mere mention of his name instilled a chilling fear.

But why was he, who should've been facing Jang Ilso on the Yangtze River, suddenly here brandishing a sword? Why did those present here have to deal with that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?

"Run away!"


It wasn't a situation to discuss battle intentions. [?] Imagine surrounding what you thought was a foxhole, and suddenly, a tiger leaps out. Even the most experienced hunter would likely be overwhelmed.

However, these were not seasoned hunters, and Chung Myung was a beast too vicious to be compared to a tiger. In the midst of this, who would dare to block his path?


Collapse was inevitable.

The inexperienced hunters turned their backs to flee the charging beast.

While seemingly a wise decision, they were unaware of something. The reason a hunter doesn't show their back to a beast is not necessarily due to bravery.

People may let go of those who show their backs, but a beast will inevitably bite and kill those who show their backs. Not leaving an enemy alive who might target you again is the way of survival in the wild.

Chung Myung had forged himself in the hell called the battleground. His mindset was no different from that of a wild beast.

While he might preach Taoist teachings with his mouth and ponder on justice and righteousness in his head, his sword tore into those who showed their backs sharper than the fangs of any animal.


The sword pierced diagonally through the shoulder blades, lodging into the heart. Before the victim could feel pain, the sword twisted, dismantling the internal organs in an instant. Then, with a fierce momentum, it burst upward, slicing through the shoulder.



As if time were too precious to waste, Chung Myung trampled on the fallen one, tossing them aside. With a beast-like glint in his eyes, he rushed forward again.

He was unstoppable. Impossible from the beginning.

Even the title of 'the world's strongest one day' that once referred to Chung Myung had now become dead words (死語).

Even if everyone here gathered together to resist, there was no assurance they could stop the swordsman named Chung Myung. There was that wide of a gap between an absolute master competing for world dominance and the skills of the small sects of southern Gangnam.

However, this siege was not created to block someone like Chung Myung.

To ensure that the traces of those attempting to flee wouldn't be overlooked, the siege was in a scattered arrangement, but that was completely insufficient to bind Chung Myung's movements.

Chung Myung precisely targeted this aspect.

Whether he understood intellectually or grasped it instinctively, his current offensive was more than enough to tear apart this clumsy net in a single stroke.

He effortlessly ripped apart the net with his sword, as if tearing it open with claws or teeth.


As Chung Myung rushed forward, one martial artist who had seen him approached covered his head and sat down in place. [ and cover] At this moment, all he could hope for was a swift death without pain.

But even though his eyes had been tightly shut for a while, he felt no pain. When he opened his eyes slightly, Chung Myung had already passed him, running forward and scattering his sword energy.

"I... I survived..."

Infinite relief surged in his chest. But then it happened.


A sound like brushing grass pierced his ears. Instinctively turning around, the figure of a woman, who had silently approached until just behind him, came into view.

Her pale face revealed no emotion or expression.

Moreover, her gaze was unexpectedly calm, not at all fitting for the battlefield.


At that moment, the plum blossom pattern engraved on the woman's black robe and the sword in her hand became visible. Blood was dripping from the tip of the sword. At that moment, the man sensed his fate.


A faint sound, like the fluttering of silk, echoed in the air. Simultaneously, a sharp pain began to spread in the man's neck.


The indifferent woman ignored him completely and rushed forward like the wind, her black robe fluttering.

His body slowly crumbled. Soon, a group dressed in blue robes, reminiscent of the color of the sea, rushed fiercely.


In the midst of the blue group, Baek Cheon's shout erupted like thunder. When Chung Myung pierced through, the Five Swords would widen the opening, and the Southern Island Sect would charge in.

Although the term "protection" seemed too extreme and crude to describe it, no one could deny that this method was incredibly effective.

"Block him!"

Chung Myung, who passed through like a thorn, left the terrified ones in fear. Only when they saw the charging Southern Island Sect did they regain their senses.

However, before they could move properly, spear-like sword energy shot towards them.


Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

A sword sliced through five bodies instantly. A practical combat-oriented sword closer to the Evil Sect than the Evil Sect itself. Jo Gol's signature sword charged forward.


Yoon Jong followed behind, instantly filling Jo Gol's empty flank. Even if an enemy who had not yet lost consciousness targeted his side, he could deal with it at any moment.

Both of them had long been covered in blood.

"Yoon Jong, leave Jo Gol alone and help the rear! They'll be coming from behind now!"

"Yes, Sasuk!"

"Iseol, adjust your position to the rear! You're too fast!"


Yu Iseol slightly slowed down her speed, which had been terrifyingly fast.

"Keep running like that!"

Under Baek Cheon's swift orders, they corrected their disrupted formation and increased their speed even more.

At this moment, Guo Hansuo, desperately, literally with every ounce of strength, clung to Chung Myung. Baek Cheon confirmed this and nodded firmly.

"We'll break through like this. Crush them all!"


The disciples of the Southern Island Sect weren't even aware of it.

Maybe it was because they were just running and running without being able to think, they were unable to process the fact that they, too, were responding vigorously to Baek Cheon's powerful voice.

Those who gathered around Chung Myung as the cutting edge and Baek Cheon as the center were piercing through the land of Gangnam like a wedge.