Chapter 1323: If That's A Human, That Is (Part 3)

Ordinary people cannot comprehend Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

That man's behavior was both profoundly human and incredibly beast-like.

Unmatched rationality and an absurd level of wildness coexisted.

Therefore, it could not be interpreted or predicted.

Perhaps the ordinary folks cannot even guess what that man is thinking.

What appeared on the surface may be roughly guessed, but no one could approach the hidden truth within.

So, was Ho Gakmyung different?

Could he access the hidden truth, unlike ordinary folks?

Absolutely not.

In Ho Gakmyung's view, he was no different from an ordinary person.

There was a time when he thought his talents and intelligence were exceptionally outstanding.

However, that futile pride has long been discarded.

That man was unpredictable. Incomprehensible. Unfathomable.

But he could guess.

How the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would move, respond, and perform.

It wasn't because Ho Gakmyung was special; it was just because he had seen it countless times.

How beings that surpassed common sense thought, acted, and lived.

'I don't want to admit it, but....'

Yes, they were similar.

He denied it for a long time, but after encountering Chung Myung on Southern Island, he had to admit it eventually.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was strikingly similar to Jang Ilso.

If so, there was no need to hesitate.

If Jang Ilso, accompanied by those he must protect at all costs, faced a situation similar to Chung Myung, how would he act?

The answer was already clear.

People often make mistakes.

It's often said that Jang Ilso is an absolute existence, playing with the world in the palm of his hands.

Creating Myriad Man Manor, creating the Evil Tyrant Alliance, even dominating Gangnam are nothing more than entertainment for him.

But Ho Gakmyung, who had been observed Jang Ilso for a long time, knows these sayings are bullshit.

Jang Ilso is a person desperate for everything.

He puts thought into every action, every gesture, every spoken word.

He hides under the guise of evil, uses hypocrisy, deceives everyone, even sacrificing himself.

And, he is the one who finally obtains the bloody result called 'purpose'.

The reason Jang Ilso could become an absolute being was one.

'Because he never shows weakness to anyone.'

Even when he was completely out of breath, even when he was so exhausted that lifting a finger would lead him to collapse, even when his throat was on the verge of being sliced, Jang Ilso never stopped being the mighty person he was.

There were numerous crises.

Even in moments of despair where there seemed to be no way out, Jang Ilso did not lose confidence in himself, and as a result, he had come this far.

Beyond creating legends and myths, he was now aiming for the realm of faith.

That was Jang Ilso. Then...

Was Chung Myung, who resembled Jang Ilso, not the same?

That unyielding firmness that seems like it will never collapse, that unshakable strength that does not show the slightest deviation even when pushed hard, casually slashing through enemies like a messenger of death....

Perhaps it was a desperate act of evil?

Perhaps it was a form that he wanted to present to his allies and enemies alike?

Just as Jang Ilso endlessly shaped himself, wasn't Chung Myung doing the same?

'He can't help but get tired.'

He fought the most people.

He expended the most internal energy.

He shed the most blood and bore the greatest burden.

From Southern Island to here, Chung Myung carried and endured all these things.

There was no way he wouldn't collapse.

A human made of flesh and blood cannot endlessly endure.

Even if he were to collapse, it should have already happened.

But at some point, didn't everyone start believing it?

The Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, that guy Chung Myung, would never collapse.

Even comrades, even Goyang, who tried to hunt him down, and even Ho Gakmyung, who had planned all of this, was skeptical until the last moment.

It was a phenomenon similar to faith.

Absolute certainty that both allies and enemies do not doubt.

This was a brilliant image that Chung Myung painstakingly carved into this region for several years.

But now, Ho Gakmyung had clearly confirmed it.

That monstrous guy was still human after all.

A fragile human made of flesh and blood.

Ho Gakmyung asserted confidently.

"He has already reached his limit."

Goyang, looking puzzled, asked.


"His steps are dragging."

"Is that the only reason?"

"It's more than enough. Excessive, in fact."

Ho Gakmyung's eyes shone with a cold light.

"Wild beasts don't show signs of pain until just before they die. Because instinctively, they know that the weak will die."


"He may not be a beast, but in the end, he's no different. He must be strong. He must not fall. He must always endure calmly and firmly. But he couldn't do that."

Ho Gakmyung asserted.

"That means he is already collapsing."

There was a slight hint of confusion in Goyang's gaze.

He carefully observed Chung Myung again.

Even after watching for a while, it was not readily convincing.

Chung Myung still looked as merciless and monstrous as when he first saw him.

Moreover, the scenes he created were no different from the beginning. T

he Myriad Man Manor disciples were falling one by one as they rushed in.


'If you think about it, he's not entirely wrong.'

Was there even time for him to catch a breath?

There would have been no time to sleep, let alone properly cultivate one's energy.

Even in the midst of that, how many people had already died by that sword?

Repeatedly performing the easy task of cutting down unmoving wheat with a well-sharpened sickle becomes hard labor when done all day long.

Yet, he continued to repeatedly cut down people without a break for days.

The conclusion was already apparent. It was decisively impossible. With a little thought, it was understandable.

He had fought, fought, and fought again, against the Myriad Man Manor while moving through hostile terrain and protecting those following behind.

Yet, Goyang believed that Chung Myung had not tired at all until he heard Ho Gakmyung's words.

"…Feels like being possessed by a ghost."

"No need to blame yourself. It's not because you're stupid; it's because he's extraordinary."

Goyang pressed his dry lips with his tongue out of tension.

Honestly, he still wasn't sure. There was a significant disparity between what he understood in his head and what he saw and felt with his eyes.

'Words of the Commander.'

But those were the words of none other than the Ho Gakmyung. If that was the case, wasn't it worth a try?

"Why hesitate?"


"We should settle the bill."

Goyang burst into laughter at Ho Gakmyung's words.

Frankly, this was far from his taste.

Goyang originally preferred a more leisurely hunt.

It was better to enjoy watching the prey covered in wounds, unable to resist any longer, gasping for breath, and leisurely ending their lives when they could no longer fight back.


If he had to choose, he didn't particularly dislike the tremor when stabbing the heart of a still-powerful prey.

"If it's an order, gladly."

And anyway, there was no intention of letting him go gracefully in this canyon. The only difference was whether it was a fight to end his life or a fight to inflict wounds.


When Goyang's sword was drawn, the Blood Sword members waiting behind him approached as if they were waiting for him.

"Before that, let me ask one thing."

Ho Gakmyung gave a fleeting glance with an uncomfortable expression in response to Goyang's words.

His clear intention not to waste time on useless talk was evident.

But despite knowing this, Goyang asked again.

"The goal?"


Ho Gakmyung's gaze was fixed on Chung Myung.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. If you can handle that guy alone, I don't care about the others."


Goyang, with a hearty smile, stepped toward the canyon.

"Let's get it done."

As his foot struck the ground, he moved forward like a meteor, stepping on the shoulders of those standing tightly in front of him as if waiting.

To be honest, this terrain wasn't his preference.

It was burdensome to have a follower on the narrow path.

Chasing after someone is burdensome because the one being chased can clearly understand the position of the pursuer.

In a place like this, losses are certainly greater than gains.

Moreover, in such terrain surrounded by solid rocks, the Blood Sword's long-term strategy, utilizing attacks outside the norm, cannot be used.

So what remains is just a head-on clash with strength. But precisely because of that...

'It'll become clear.'

Goyang's body tore through the air as he moved forward. The shape of the narrow canyon visible on both sides blurred as if distorted on its own.

In this twisted world, only the figure of Chung Myung in front was clear and distinct.


Chung Myung's cold eyes, cutting through the body of the Myriad Man Manor members, met Goyang's fiery eyes directly in the air.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword!"


Goyang's sword, which was cutting through the waiting Myriad Man Manor members, charged towards Chung Myung.

The speed of the attack and the tremendous power imbued in the sword were something to be reckoned with.

Chung Myung frowned and stomped on the ground. Then, he forcefully struck Goyang's incoming sword.


The sound of metal colliding erupted like an explosion. Red and blue sword energy radiated in all directions from the two swords, resembling fireworks.


An indescribable heat emanated from Goyang's eyes.

A vivid sensation in the wrist, indicating that the prey he aimed for was still robust.

However, Goyang didn't hesitate at all and continued with consecutive sword strikes.


Sharp and keen sword strikes, like a swarm of poisonous snakes, targeted Chung Myung, seemingly tearing apart his entire body as if it were still alive.

In response, Chung Myung's sword emitted dozens of sword shadows.

In the brief moments of their clash, the dancing and twisting blades of Goyang and the swift and straight blade of Chung Myung collided dozens of times in the air, creating a tumultuous noise reminiscent of hundreds of iron balls striking steel plates.

Each sword strike carried a determined will and murderous intent, vowing to kill the opponent with each blow.


When their sword energies entangled, Goyang's charging body was pushed backward.

The force contained in the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword was too much for his blade to handle.


Chung Myung's sword flew over Goyang, leaving a long cut from below his eyes to the earlobe.

Blood dripped profusely.

However, at that moment, Goyang's swordsmanship changed abruptly.

He momentarily gathered immense internal force and struck downward from top to bottom.

Chung Myung, unable to avoid it, met the descending sword.


The collision of internal forces created shockwaves that spread in all directions. Those caught in the sudden storm were thrown backward.

But in the midst of the intense impact, the two stood without stepping back, pressing against each other firmly and pushing their swords.

Gaak! Gagakgagakgakgaak!

The sound of blades scraping against each other echoed.


What was more evident to their ears was the sound of hands gripping the swords, twisting and turning with force.

Without any retreat, the two exchanged fierce gazes over the blades locked between them.


Goyang's intense gaze seemed to press down on Chung Myung but suddenly dropped, precisely toward Chung Myung's leg.

To be exact, towards the leg of Chung Myung's robe that continued to soak with blood.

"It seems that leg..."

A glint of triumph shone in Goyang's eyes.

"...hasn't healed yet?"


"Huh? Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword!"


Goyang forcefully swung his sword toward Chung Myung's injured leg.

At that moment, Chung Myung's body swayed, and he was pushed backward.

With a face half-stained with blood, Goyang burst into laughter, rushing forward.

Like a predator that had found wounded prey.